Farming Boy With A Magic Ring

C38 The Branch Secretary of the New Village

C38 The Branch Secretary of the New Village

"Bro, this beauty is..."    


"Hello, my name is Ling Nan. I am here to be the Branch Secretary of Paleo-immortal Village." Ling Nan took the initiative to extend her fair and tender hand to Yang Hsingchen.    


"Welcome, welcome!" Yang Hsingchen stretched out his hand and shook it, then immediately let go.    


This point immediately made Ling Nan think highly of him. Of course, she knew that she was a genuine beauty. When many stinky men shook hands with her, it was not that they were unwilling to let go for a long time, but they were secretly making some small movements. However, not only did the boy in front of her loosen his grip, there was not even a trace of green light in his eyes. He was very calm. It was not up to her to look down on such a boy.    


"Hello, I am Su Yinxue, the village director. Welcome Branch Secretary Ling. From now on, we will be partners. I have only been the village director for more than a month. If there are any shortcomings in my work in the future, Branch Secretary Ling, please point it out in time." Su Yinxue also extended her hand towards Ling Nan.    


"There, Director Su is too polite. Let's learn from each other and improve ourselves. We should develop our Paleo-immortal Village to become rich as soon as possible."    


"Older brother, Branch Secretary Ling, why don't the two of you have a meal together?" Yang Hsingchen asked politely.    


"Sure, I came to your house to eat rich people. You are the richest man in our village!" Ling Nan said with a smile.    


"Okay. You can go to the living room to talk about work. I will be there soon."    


The three of them did not stand on ceremony and directly walked to the living room.    


Yang Hsingchen waited for them to leave and immediately increased the speed of cooking. He used his mind to command the space's fruit knife that cut through iron like mud to kill the chicken. Then he placed the boiling water in the space and used his mind to command the boiling water to boil the fur. Then, he used his mind to pluck the fur to remove the internal organs. As for himself, he was stir-frying other dishes.    


In less than an hour, a beef stewed potato, a white cut chicken, a sauce stewed eggplant, mushrooms, vegetables, and tomato egg hot were all done.    


"Wow! So fragrant? Yang Hsingchen, you're not a chef, are you?" Ling Nan was really surprised. She had eaten so many restaurants, big and small, but this was the first time she had smelled such a delicious dish.    


Not only her, even Su Yinxue and Yang Zhongcheng were stunned. Especially Yang Zhongcheng, who swallowed his saliva and pointed at Yang Hsingchen, joking. "You are really dishonest, kid. The food you gave us yesterday was not the same as today. Did you put your heart into cooking because Branch Secretary Ling is a beauty? "    


"I was wronged. I packed the food yesterday from the restaurant. Hehe, what did the two beauties drink?"    


"No need, let's just eat." Su Yinxue and Ling Nan said at the same time.    


Yang Hsingchen packed the food for the two of them and took out a bottle of white wine and shook it at Yang Zhongcheng. "Older brother, you still have to work in the afternoon so don't drink. I don't need you to accompany me."    


"Bullshit! Fill it up for me! Branch Secretary Ling had already said earlier that she would not observe anymore. She would immediately start working in the afternoon. Me, I'm free from this moment on."    


Yang Zhongcheng was so happy that his beard stood up straight. Before coming, Ling Nan only said that she wanted to observe and observe, but did not express her stance on the spot. When she heard that the girl had changed her tone just now, she said that she did not need to observe anymore, and that she could go to work now.    


However, the old secretary was so happy that he almost hugged Yang Hsingchen and kissed him. He wasn't stupid. The beautiful girl changed her attitude after seeing Yang Hsingchen. She must have stayed for Yang Hsingchen.    


As for the girl from the Su family, Yang Zhongcheng couldn't care less. You two go and fight for it yourself. Whoever has the fortune, follow this kid. En, it would be best if the two of you follow him. Anyway, this kid is going to build a big house. Be good at living!    


"Oh my God, is this a dish made by humans? It's simply a dish made by deities. I won't stand on ceremony!" Ling Nan did not treat herself as an outsider at all. In fact, her character did not even have the word 'reserved' in it. Now that she met such delicious food, she did not care who the owner was. She threw up her chopsticks and kept picking up the dishes. She had not finished chewing on them. She had already picked up the chopsticks on the other side.    


In comparison, Su Yinxue was much more show-off. Although she shouted in her heart that it was delicious, she tried her best to control herself and elegantly went in to eat.    


"Aiya, Little Aunt, slow down and eat. Don't choke. Here, drink some hot water." Yang Hsingchen was really afraid that Ling Nan would choke. It was not easy to invite a secretary over. He did not want to choke to death from eating. He quickly filled a bowl with hot water for her.    


He did not know whether it was intentional or not, but after helping Ling Nan to prepare the soup, he casually filled another bowl for Su Yinxue. A certain beauty's oval face that was about to rain immediately smiled like a flower again.    


When Old Zhi Shu saw Su Yinxue's expression, he almost laughed out loud. He secretly thought that there would be a good show to watch in the future.    


Suddenly, he thought, Oh no, I forcefully pulled a love rival for the Su family's girl over. That old man Su knows about it, but he still hasn't finished with me! Oh no, I'm so worried! I'm so worried! Who cares? Let's drink to ease my worries first. Such a good wine, if I don't drink it, I'll really be an idiot!    


"Hey, Hsingchen, your watch is not bad. Did you buy it recently? It's so pretty, I'm afraid it will cost a few thousand, right?" Although the dishes were very delicious, he had never eaten something so delicious before. But Yang Zhongcheng was still in his sixties. Of course, he couldn't lose a portion in front of these two girls.    


While he was chewing slowly, he occasionally saw the new watch on Yang Hsingchen's left wrist. He asked casually. For him, a few thousand dollars was already very high.    


"Oh, old Secretary, you have good taste! That's Patek Philippe, a platinum diamond. It costs two to three million, okay?" Ling Nan was chewing on her chicken wings as she rolled her eyes at the old Secretary.    


"What is this? How much do you think it is for such a small thing? Twenty to three million? Ling, Branch Secretary Ling, you didn't even drink here. Why are you talking about wine?" The old secretary obviously didn't believe it. If you said it was tens of thousands, he would still believe it. A few million, he won't believe it even if you beat him to death.    


Not only him, even Su Yinxue's face was filled with surprise when she heard that the watch was worth twenty to three million.    


"Haha, elder brother, don't you not believe it. Branch Secretary Ling really has good taste. This watch is worth 2.9 million, just a little more!"    


"Is it really that expensive?"    


Seeing Yang Hsingchen nod his head affirmatively once again, the old secretary became anxious. "You are a loser. Even if you have money, you can't spend it like this! Can't you buy a dress that costs a few hundred dollars? What do you want me to say? Oh, this is a car and a watch, the sack of money I was afraid of was all spent, right? By the way, how much is this car at your door? "    


" Guess! " Yang Hsingchen said with a smile.    


"Guess? Although you had a sack of money yesterday, since you bought such an expensive watch, then this car would at most be worth a hundred thousand yuan. Is that right, Branch Secretary Ling? I didn't guess wrong this time, right?"    


"Hahaha..." Ling Nan couldn't help but laugh. "Old Secretary, when you were talking just now, I used my phone to check online. This car is a new model of Land Rover SUV, currently not available in Asia. It's only sold in Europe, so the price should be around 5 million."    


"Oh my god! Such a small car costs 5 million? How much does it cost to buy a big truck? " Yang Zhongcheng was completely stunned.    


Puff! This time, not only Ling Nan laughed, even Su Yinxue couldn't help but laugh as well.    


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