Farming Boy With A Magic Ring

C60 Equal Treatment

C60 Equal Treatment

"Hsingchen, this tiger won't hurt anyone, right?" Su Yinxue asked what everyone in the village was thinking.    


"Don't worry. As long as it is an animal I brought back, it will never hurt anyone. Not only will it not hurt anyone, it will also understand people's words like the Hei Tan." After Yang Hsingchen finished speaking, he shouted at the big tiger. All of you, come here.    


When they saw that this strange group of people had obediently walked over, some of the villagers who were timid quickly took a step back. Some of the bolder ones had no hands, but they still held onto their hands tightly as they watched nervously.    


"Haha, everyone, don't be nervous. Didn't we, Branch Secretary Ling, say that we would build our village into an international resort? In the words of Director Su, our village doesn't have any special characteristics. Why would they come? "    


" So I wanted to train these fierce beasts to be as docile as kittens and puppies. Live with us villagers. Become a good friend of us humans, and let all the tourists come into contact with these beasts at zero distance. Isn't this a big feature?"    


Ling Nan heard Yang Hsingchen say this and was instantly moved from the bottom of her heart once again. She suddenly had the courage to meet the tiger with big steps.    


When the tiger saw her coming over, it kissed the huge tiger head and rubbed it on her body. It even stuck out its tongue like a kitten. It licked her small hands. This time Ling Nan was completely relieved. She giggled and played with the tiger.    


"Dad, dad, the baby also wants to play with the big cat." Little Sichen did not want to do it and hurriedly called out.    


Yang Hsingchen smiled and carried her on the back of the tiger. The little girl was very happy. She hugged the tiger's head and giggled non-stop.    


When the other villagers saw that she really did not bite, they all surrounded her. He pinched the tiger's nose and touched the tiger's tail. On the contrary, no one touched the two wild boars. The two wild boars looked wronged. We husband and wife are also very cute, okay?    


After the villagers played for a while, Ling Nan returned to her strong female appearance. She shouted loudly, "Okay, okay, it's late. Don't play anymore. Anyway, there will be plenty of time in the future. Everyone should go back. We have to be busy farming tomorrow! "    


Everyone happily agreed and walked back around this strange group of people.    


"Uncle Chen, you caught the tiger, the wild boar, and the little wolf on the mountain, but this horse is not a wild horse, is it? It seems to be the horse of the other group. "A villager asked curiously.    


"Hehe, those three officials thought I didn't know how to shoot. They bet with me on shooting, but in the end, they lost to me. I won three horses and came back. Out of the three horses, Yinxue, Ling Nan and I happened to have one each. In the future, the two of them don't even need to go to work anymore and directly rode over. How fun!"    


"Wow, really? That's great!" Ling Nan clapped her hands happily, but in the next moment, she frowned. "But this horse is too tall. If it doesn't listen, it won't be fun to kick it."    


Yang Wei smiled confidently." How is that possible? When disobedient animals come into my hands. I will make it listen to me in minutes. Even tigers and wild boars are so obedient, let alone horses. Speak, you've taken a fancy to that horse, I'll let it carry you right now."    


Ling Nan held Ling Aichen who was sticking to her in her arms and pointed at the fiery red horse," I like this one. "    


"Okay." Yang Hsingchen stopped and touched the red horse's head.    


He pointed at Ling Nan and instructed, "Hongyun, from now on, Ling Nan will be your master. No matter what the situation is, you must ensure her safety. Listen to her. Do you hear me?"    


"Hiss!" The red horse raised its head and let out a long cry. It walked to Ling Nan's side and used its large head to intimately rub against Ling Nan's body. Then it laid on the ground and raised its head to call out to Ling Nan.    


"Oh my god, Hsingchen, is it asking me to ride it?" Ling Nan asked excitedly.    


"Yes, it is. It was afraid that you would not be able to climb up, so it laid down to carry you."    


"Wow, it's so cute. Big Sister loves you to death." Ling Nan fiercely kissed Hongyun's face. She did not care that her mouth still had two red strands of hair sticking onto it as she excitedly sat on the horse's back.    


"Sss!" After the red horse looked after her, it slowly stood up.    


"Wow, this horse is too intelligent!" Everyone was shocked.    


"Yinxue, you pick one too." Yang Hsingchen smiled and said when he saw Su Yinxue's envious face.    


"Then, I want this big white horse." Su Yinxue's oval face was flushed red.    


"Okay, White Snow, this is your big sister Su Yinxue..." Yang Hsingchen reminded the white horse again. The white horse was like the red horse just now, lying down and carrying Su Yinxue on its back.    


Su Yinxue's parents saw that Yang Hsingchen did not treat her daughter any worse than Ling Nan and treated her equally. The old couple looked at each other and smiled happily.    


"Hsingchen, is the name of this horse given by the army? It sounds really nice. Red Cloud White Snow. Aiya, it even has the same word as my name. Right, what's the name of this grey horse?" Sitting on the large horse, Su Yinxue asked with a face full of happiness.    


"This was not started by the army. I helped them ride on the road. This grey horse of mine is called Teng Wu."    


"White Snow, Red Cloud, Teng Wu. En, these three names are good, they are much better sounding than the Hei Tan." Ling Nan said with a smile from the side.    


"Awoo..." The Hei Tan let out a low growl. No one knew whether it agreed with Ling Nan's words or opposed her words.    


"Come, everyone, stop for a moment. I still have some cigarettes and sugar here. Everyone can have some." Of course, Yang Hsingchen could not let the villagers worry about him for nothing.    


He opened the bag and distributed them one by one. Every child and woman had a large amount of sugar, and every man had a pack of Chunghwa cigarettes. Everyone was so happy that they kept thanking him.    


"Mom, Grandpa Chen is really amazing. Even the army can't beat him. When I grow up, I have to be like Grandpa Chen!" A little boy in his teens said enviously as he ate his sugar.    


"That's right. Why don't you take a look at who your Grandpa Chen is? Mom can tell you that on the night your great-grandmother gave birth to your Grandpa Chen, she slept well. Suddenly, she dreamt that a dazzling star flew into her stomach from the sky. She was shocked. When she woke up, she gave birth to your Grandpa Chen. Think about it, your Grandpa Chen is extraordinary under the stars in the sky. Can he be a coward!?"    


Yang Hsingchen broke out in cold sweat when he heard this. Damn, since when did he have such a terrible background? Ling Nan and Su Yinxue, who were at the side, also covered their small mouths and laughed continuously.    


When they reached the village entrance, everyone smiled and greeted Yang Hsingchen. They went home separately. The little girl was reluctant to get off the tiger, so Yang Hsingchen coaxed her. She promised to let the tiger play alone in the future, and only then did she let go of the tiger's neck.    


Yang Hsingchen carried the little girl from the tiger to the white horse. Su Yinxue sat on the white horse and hugged Little Sichen. She waved at Yang Hsingchen happily and followed her parents to their house.    


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