Farming Boy With A Magic Ring

C147 Loyal Fans

C147 Loyal Fans

"My God, this, this is amazing, isn't it? I've also beaten a person into a pig's head before, but beating a pig's head into a human's head, I don't think anyone here can do it, right? Who exactly is this little brother? "    


" Tch, you don't even recognize him? He's really three thousand years behind! Comrade, open your scary goldfish eyes and take a good look. This is the famous invisible big boss of Paleo-immortal Village, Yang Hsingchen!"    


" Ah? It's him? That's not strange. He was able to train all the animals to have the same IQ as a human. It's not strange for him to have that pig head turned into a human head."    


" Yang Xingcheng? You are Yang Hsingchen?" When Yu Hai heard that the person who hit him was Yang Hsingchen, his face turned even paler.    


"Yes, how is it? What else can you do to drag me into jail?"    


"No, no, Mr Yang, you just smiled and said that. I dare. I won't hide it from Mr Yang. Actually, I am a very kind coach. There is a reason why I treat Teacher Dan like this."    


" Hehe, I know. Didn't you always hate that she didn't give you a gift and didn't make you beg for it? "    


"No, no. Mr Yang, you really misunderstood me. The reason why I treated her like this... I totally wanted to see you. Really, I have always been a fan of your Zhongcheng. You are my brother, and you are my idol in my heart. I have always been proud of you. I have always wanted to see you in person! Mr Yang, please consider me as your loyal fan. Later, tell the traffic police comrades to let me go."    


Pffft... Hahaha...    


Everyone burst into laughter.    


"Oh my, I've seen shameless people before, but I've never seen someone so shameless. Fans? And he did this just to meet him? F * ck you, do you dare to make a lightning strike?" Someone laughed loudly as he took pictures.    


"F * ck, no wonder there are road killers. I guess it was taught by this kind of greedy and perverted coach! Where is the owner of this driving school? Where did he go? How did he recruit such a great coach?" Someone shouted.    


"Coming, coming. Hello, Boss Yang. I am the person in charge of Sheng Peng. I'm really sorry. I have a huge responsibility for producing such a scum. In this way, in order to compensate for our mental loss to Teacher Dan, not only will we refund all of her tuition fees, we will also guarantee that we will teach her for free. Can we, Boss Yang? "    


As the saying goes, never hit a smiling person. Yang Hsingchen shook his head. He said lightly," There is no need to return the money. We do not lack that bit of money. I only have one request. Send the best coach to me, Teacher Dan. Ensure that she learns happily. This shouldn't be difficult, right? "    


"Not difficult, not difficult! Coach Yan, come here and give you a task. From today onwards, you will teach Teacher Dan one-on-one. Let me tell you, as long as you teach Teacher Dan, all of her tuition fees will be yours. If you can't teach her, you can also pack up and leave."    


" Okay, just watch! " A female coach in her forties happily agreed.    


She politely and timidly nodded at Yang Hsingchen, then reached out her hand to Dan Ya with a smile on her face. "Hello, Teacher Dan. We will learn together in the future. I believe it won't take long. You will be able to drive well. "    


"Thank you, Coach Yan. Sorry to trouble you." Dan Ya also extended her hand politely and shook Coach Yan's hand.    


"You guys watch this type of loser and teach them to the police later. That Boss Yang, since he has come to my place, let me be the landlord. Can you invite me to my office for a cup of tea? To tell you the truth, I'm also your loyal fan. "    


The driver looked at Yang Hsingchen with a longing expression.    


Concoct! The audience burst into laughter again.    


"Cough cough, no need, I still have something to do." Yang Hsingchen's face was covered in cold sweat. What kind of person was this?    


He turned to Dan Ya and said, "Okay, Teacher Dan, since you have no classes this afternoon, you can stay here and learn from Coach Yan. I will leave first."    


"Okay, okay. Thank you, Mr Yang."    


"What are you thanking me for? You're being polite with me, seriously. If you want to thank me, then thank Coach Yan. When you're done learning, remember to invite Coach Yan to our village as a guest. "    


"Ah? That's great. I won't hide it from you, Boss Yang. My child has been making a fuss about going to your village to play. But the tickets to your village are already so expensive, let alone the food and accommodation inside. I heard that our monthly salary is not even enough for a trip."    


" Haha, it's just a matter of words if you want to go and play. It just so happens that it's the summer vacation in two days. When the time comes, you can bring your family over. Mm, call me at the entrance of the village. Not only will I be exempted from the tickets, but I will also be exempted from paying. You can also buy food and accommodation for free. You can have fun for three days. " After saying that, Yang Hsingchen took out a business card with only his name and phone number and handed it over.    


Teacher Yan received it excitedly with both hands and thanked him repeatedly. The surrounding people all revealed envious expressions.    


One had to know that the tickets to Paleo-immortal Village alone was worth five hundred per ticket. Not to mention, the things here were all very expensive. The family had been here for three days, even if they lived in the cheapest house here. Come in. The cheapest restaurant would cost at least five thousand yuan. Of course, everyone was envious of the fact that they were able to get rid of it all in one go.    


"I think Boss Yang must be interested in Teacher Dan. Otherwise, how could a big boss care about an elementary school teacher?" Seeing Yang Hsingchen drive away, those who were excited were still talking about him enthusiastically.    


"No way. I heard that Boss Yang's family has two beautiful girls. It seems that one of them is the secretary of the village, and the other one is the village director. I heard that he is very beautiful, like a fairy in the sky. With two beautiful fairies like these, how could he still be fickle? " An old man shook his head in disagreement.    


"Haha, Sir, you're wrong. That ancient emperor, not only is he a queen, but he also has three palaces, six courtyards, and 72 concubines! If I had Boss Yang's amazing ability, it would be weird if I didn't have eight or ten wives! That's why I bet that Boss Yang must be interested in Teacher Dan. It's just that Boss Yang wanted to play a little flirting, so he didn't express it directly."    


Dan Ya, who was beside him, immediately blushed when she heard that.    


"Playing and joking. Teacher Dan, don't listen to these guys talk nonsense. Let's go and learn how to drive." Coach Yan acted like he was treating his own daughter. He pulled Dan Ya and walked towards his car.    


After solving Dan Ya's problem, Yang Hsingchen was in a good mood as he drove back. As soon as the car turned on the road leading to the village, his phone rang.    


Although the road was very wide, Yang Hsingchen still parked the car. He took out his phone and looked. It was Zi Ye calling.    


"Hello, Zi Ye, what's up?"    


"What are you talking about? Can't I call you if there's nothing else? I'll be able to stay with you for a long time in a few days. "    


" Long time together? " Yang Hsingchen was stunned for a moment. "Oh, I remember now. Your dad is an upright person who built a warehouse in West Left Village. Are you here to take care of the work here?"    


"Tsk, I don't want to be involved in your medicine business. I just hired a beautiful fitness coach. When she can take over my work here, I will have time to go to your place to play."    


Oh, so that's the case. Yang Hsingchen felt a headache when he heard that this girl who liked to stay in a nightclub was coming and would be pestering him for a long time.    


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