World Controlling God

C86 Mystic Valley Shock

C86 Mystic Valley Shock

After eating the leopard meat, the Ling Xiao said to Cold snake and Wei Dai, "Brother Leng, sister, are you really going to give up the Secret realm?    


The two of them looked at the Ling Xiao in confusion. They had already made it very clear that they did not intend to look for the Secret realm anymore. As long as they could leave the Illusion Valley, it would be fine. However, they did not know why the Ling Xiao mentioned it again.    


"Mr. Xiao, could it be that you plan to..." Cold snake guessed.    


The Ling Xiao nodded and said. "That's right. I'm a very curious person. Since I'm already here, I want to find out what's going on. Also, the mist in Illusion Valley might disappear in the next two days.    


The mist in Illusion Valley would dissipate in a day or two. At that time, the Ling Xiao would be able to recognize the path to Secret realm. Of course, Ling Xiao didn't want to miss the opportunity to see the Secret realm. Therefore, he asked Cold snake and Wei Dai again. If they still insisted on going out, he would send them out first. It would be convenient for him to go alone. If they were still interested in exploring the secret realm, it would be fine to bring them along. Cold snake and Wei Dai were not weak anyway, so they could take care of them if anything happened.    


"The mist in Illusion Valley has dissipated? That's impossible. The Illusion Valley has been formed for hundreds of years, but I've never heard of the mist dissipating. Mr. Xiao, I think you should stop thinking about the Secret realm. I heard that the Secret realm has the protection of Third step Spirit Beasts. I'm afraid even Spiritualist warriors would find it difficult to deal with it." Cold snake shook his head and tried to persuade him with a bitter smile.    


Wei Dai, who was standing at the side, also nodded. She thought that the words of the Ling Xiao could not be trusted.    


It was said that Illusion Valley had existed for hundreds of years, or even thousands of years. How could it disappear just like that? This was simply unheard of.    


The Ling Xiao smiled and didn't say anything. In any case, they wouldn't listen to his explanation. Then let them wait and see.    


In the blink of an eye, two days passed.    


Cold snake and Wei Dai sat separately on the Golden Wolf King and Blue Flame Wolf until they arrived at the outer region of Illusion Valley.    


"That's great! We finally left this damn place!" Just as they left Illusion Valley, Wei Dai could not help but exclaim.    


"Yeah, it's really dangerous this time. If Mr. Xiao didn't show up in time, we would have died in the valley." Cold snake sighed with emotion.    


After Wei Dai got off the Golden Wolf King, she turned around and looked at the misty valley in front of her. Her beautiful eyes were full of gentleness. "That's right. Although that guy is a bit shameless, he is not weak. He can even subdue the Golden Wolf King. I hope he can really find Secret realm smoothly."    


"I hope everything goes smoothly for him. Let's go. Let's go out." Cold snake also looked at Illusion Valley, patted Wei Dai's shoulder and said.    


At this time, the Golden Wolf Kings and Blue Flame Wolfs once again entered the fog. They wanted to return to the Ling Xiao.    


Just as Cold snake and Wei Dai were about to leave, the Illusion Valley finally began to undergo a great change.    


Cold snake and Wei Dai both looked at everything in front of them with expressions of disbelief. Their mouths were wide open, as if they really did not dare to believe that this was the truth.    


The mist above the Illusion Valley suddenly surged. Layers of mist quickly rushed into the depths of the Illusion Valley. It was as if there was a giant whirlpool in the depths of the Illusion Valley, devouring the mist.    


For a moment, all the birds and beasts in the Illusion Valley started to panic. They all fled for their lives.    


All the mercenaries and adventurers near the Illusion Valley saw this shocking phenomenon.    


"Look, the fog in Illusion Valley is gradually disappearing!"    


"What is going on? Could it be that some spiritual object has been born in Illusion Valley?"    


"The heaven and earth have changed. It's possible that some spiritual object has been born! Unfortunately, that place is very close to the depths of the mountain range, and there are many Second Ranks above the Second Rank realm. If we go there, we will only die. "    


"I heard that the Blue Wolf Group is heading towards the Illusion Valley. Could it be that they are the ones who caused this commotion?"    


"Could it be that the Blue Wolf Group has obtained something?"    


"It's really... it's really gone!" Wei Dai looked at the fog gradually becoming thinner and said in surprise.    


"Yes, I really don't know how he did it." Cold snake sighed with emotion.    


"Yang, do you think he did it?" Wei Dai was shocked.    


"If he did not do it, who else do you think? Since he has already determined that the fog will disperse in two days, then he must know something. It is just that he did not tell us." Cold snake said indifferently.    


Wei Dai's body shook when she heard Cold snake's words. Her beautiful eyes looked into the depths of the valley and revealed an indescribable feeling.    


"If you have feelings, cherish them. He might be a good choice." Cold snake looked at the absent-minded Wei Dai and said.    


"He's just a kid. I don't like him." Wei Dai's face was slightly red. After saying that, she turned around and ran away.    


On the other side of the valley, s flew towards Illusion Valley from afar.    


Upon a closer look, there were two men and a woman sitting on these three Green Wind Cranes.    


If someone saw this scene, they would probably be shocked. Just who was this person that had the ability to ride on a Second Rank Spirit Beast? I'm afraid none of the three great families in Meteor Rock City had such ability and strength!    


What was most amazing was that these two men and one woman were very young, and their strength was extremely formidable.    


The most attractive thing is the young girl sitting on the Green Wind Crane in the middle. A white veil is hanging on her delicate face. Only a pair of beautiful eyes that were clear like autumn water could be seen. Her skin was as smooth as cream. Thousands of willow threads fluttered in the wind, and there was a blue ribbon tied to it. It looked like a butterfly bow, and it was extremely agile and elegant. A light blue defense armor wrapped around her exquisite body. A red belt that was rusted with a phoenix table was shining brightly, and it looked noble and extraordinary.    


When the others looked over, they were captivated by her graceful and elegant demeanor. Even though the veil covered her delicate face, it was not difficult to imagine that her peerless appearance would definitely make people exclaim in admiration.    


On the Green Wind Crane on her right sat a handsome young man. This young man was around 25 years old. He wore a simple black martial robe and crossed his arms in front of his chest. He allowed the wind to blow his clothes, but he remained unmoved. He appeared extremely elegant and elegant. His eyes were focused on the young lady in the middle. He was filled with intense love. From time to time, he would wear a charming smile and say something.    


On the Green Wind Crane on the left side of the young girl was a strong and tall person. He was around 23 years old. His appearance was very simple and honest. He only wore a short vest on his upper body. The veins on his strong and powerful arms were like spirit snakes coiling around his body, and the firm muscles on his chest tightly supported his short vest. A pair of giant axes on his back made one look sideways.    


"Little junior sister, look at the valley in front of you!" The handsome young man pointed at the Illusion Valley in front of him and said to the young girl in the middle in surprise.    


The young girl replied indifferently, "I saw it."    


Her voice was like an oriole singing out of the valley, making people happy. However, there was a cold feeling in her tone.    


At this time, the simple and honest young man said, "Eight senior brother, isn't that Illusion Valley? Last year, we seemed to have passed by here as well."    


The handsome young man replied, "That's right. It's said that this place has been here for hundreds of years. The fog has never disappeared. Now it has disappeared. Moreover, the fog is rushing towards the depths. Could it be that something has happened there?"    


"Master said that if there is an unusual phenomenon in the world, then there must be a spiritual object appearing. Eight senior brother, do you think there might be a spiritual object appearing?" The honest young man scratched the back of his head and said.    


The handsome young man didn't answer him, but asked the young girl in the middle, "Little junior sister, should we go and take a look?"    


The girl frowned slightly and said: "Let's go and take a look. We just happened to pass by here."    


"Okay, let's go!" The Eight senior brother seemed to be accustomed to the young girl's indifference and he did not mind at all.    


Immediately after, the three Green Wind Cranes headed towards the depths of Illusion Valley at full speed.    


In the depths of the Illusion Valley, the medicinal Ling Xiaos were beneath the medicinal Giant Trees. Looking at the breathtaking scene in front of them, one's heart was endlessly shaken.    


Layers of mist covered the tree like rain. If it wasn't for the protection of the light barrier, it would have been able to protect it. I'm afraid he's all wet now.    


"Looks like this trip to the mountain range wasn't in vain!" The Ling Xiao could not help sighing in his heart. If he was still holed up in the back mountain of the family to cultivate now, he probably would not have such a fortuitous encounter.    


"Big Brother Cold snake and Big Sister should have already arrived outside the valley, right? This time, they would definitely be shocked. Haha, they don't believe me. I will take the Secret realm for myself." Ling Xiao smiled and said to himself.    


Half a day later, more than half of the fog around Illusion Valley had dissipated. Visibility could already be seen fifty meters ahead.    


The fog had stopped moving, but the fog was gradually dispersed under the bright sun. It was not as dense as before, and the visibility was blocked. Now, it was as if layers of veils had been removed, gradually revealing the bare valley inside.    


The valley was continuous, but there was no sign of life. Only in the deepest part. There was a towering Giant Tree standing tall.    


At this moment, the tree gradually began to tremble, and clusters of medicinal Green Lights instantly spread out from its surroundings.    


Ling Xiao raised his brows slightly. He said to himself, "Is it about to start?"    


Immediately after, the ground around the Giant Tree began to undergo an astonishing change.    


The originally dried up ground gradually cracked open. A little grass was growing at a speed visible to the naked eye. First, it was the sprout. Soon, a lush green grass grew. The grass grew more than half a meter; not only that, but some unknown wildflowers and trees grew in an instant. Their speed was not any slower than the grass.    


It seemed that in an instant, the bare valley was filled with lush grass and flowers. Trees rose from the ground one after another. Dense Spiritual energys instantly filled the entire valley, making people feel good.    


From afar, the original Illusion Valley had changed. It had changed from a dense fog to a fresh and fresh green landscape. It was as if a beautiful painting had suddenly appeared, making people feel refreshed and relaxed.    


As the valley changed, the towering Giant Tree in the depths of the valley also changed. The trunk of the tree that could not be held by more than ten people had shrunk by a few times, and the leaves that were inserted into the clouds instantly withered. After a while, the towering Giant Tree became the size of an ordinary tree.    


Right at this time, the tree changed once again, turning from a tree into a bent green old man. The old man looked extremely exhausted. His bent body was like a candle in the wind, ready to disappear at any moment.    


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