World Controlling God

C81 Good Brother You Are Shameless

C81 Good Brother You Are Shameless

He looked like he was in great pain. He really wanted to scream, but his mouth was stuffed by the Ivy. He couldn't even scream.    


The more Fire Wolf struggled, the tighter the Ivy wrapped around him.    


That Illusion Demon seemed to be very happy, jumping and clapping its hands on the Ivy.    


Not long after, Fire Wolf's body stopped swaying. He seemed to have been strangled to death by the Ivy or killed by the illusion created by the Illusion Demon.    


Fire Wolf's death was not scary. What was scary was that the Illusion Demon actually did something disgusting that they would never forget for the rest of their lives.    


The Illusion Demon patted the Giant Trees on the Ivys. The Ivys seemed to have received some kind of instruction. In an instant, more than half of the Fire Wolfs on Fire Wolf's body retreated. Only a few Ivys still wrapped around him, preventing him from falling.    


Everyone saw Fire Wolf's miserable state. Before he died, his face was filled with terror, fear, and despair. It was as if he had seen something horrifying before he died.    


Then, a scene that everyone would never forget for the rest of their lives happened!    


The Illusion Demon actually opened its big mouth and directly bit Fire Wolf's head.    


The big head was bitten through, and it revealed a look of joy. Its big mouth increased the suction force.    


In the next moment, everyone knew what it was doing!    


It was actually sucking Fire Wolf's brain matter!    


According to the records, medicinal Illusion Demons liked to eat human brain matter. So this was actually true.    


When the people hanging saw this scene, they immediately felt a wave of nausea. Their stomachs instantly felt like vomiting.    


Including the medicinal Ling Xiaos, everyone continuously felt nauseous. Unfortunately, the medicinal Ivys were tightly bound, making them unable to vomit even if they wanted to.    


"Mother! This little monster is really disgusting." The Ling Xiao's entire body was covered in cold sweat. It wasn't hard for him to imagine what would happen if it was his turn. He was afraid that he would die the same way as Fire Wolf.    


"Master, I'm hungry." At this time, the Golden Wolf King transmitted the message to the Ling Xiao. The medicinal Golden Wolf King was a medicinal Spirit Beast. It did not feel anything about what the medicinal Illusion Demon was doing. Instead, because of the actions of the medicinal Illusion Demon, it also wanted to eat something.    


"If you keep shouting, I'll make you turn into a vegetarian and starve you to death." The medicinal Ling Xiao could not help but curse. His stomach was extremely upset. This fellow actually still wanted to eat something. If he did not curse, he would not be able to vent his anger.    


In a short while, the Illusion Demon seemed to have finished absorbing. It stood up straight and revealed a satisfied smile. The row of sharp teeth between its big mouth made people look extremely terrified.    


It looked around at everyone and then started walking again.    


Everyone began to struggle in panic. Everyone was afraid that the next one would be theirs.    


The medicinal Illusion Demon chose the closest medicinal Human cocoon.    


No one knew who this Human cocoon was, because it was wrapped around by the Ivy and couldn't be seen clearly.    


In any case, the Ling Xiao knew that the person wasn't him, because he was still perfectly fine.    


Just as the medicinal Illusion Demon was about to use an illusionary technique, the medicinal Ling Xiao could not help but cry out.    


He shockingly recognized who that medicinal Human cocoon was, because he saw a piece of cloth, a red gauze between the cracks of the medicinal Ivy. Among these few people, only Wei Dai wore red martial clothes. The medicinal Ling Xiao was 100% sure that she wore red martial clothes. He was sure that the Human cocoon was the trapped Wei Dai.    


Although he called Wei Dai intimately, his feelings for her were not that deep. At most, he was only interested in her. But he was originally a person who cherished flowers. How could he bear to watch Wei Dai be tortured to death by Illusion Demon like this?    


Forget it. In any case, I should have been a dead person. To be able to let me live for a few more months is a gain. Perhaps my character is good. After I die, I will be able to transmigrate again.    


As the Ling Xiao thought in its heart, it kept struggling, hoping to attract the Illusion Demon's attention. Let's find him first.    


Of course, he did not wholeheartedly seek death, because he thought of a way to survive in death.    


The struggle of the Ling Xiao really attracted the attention of the Illusion Demon. The Illusion Demon hesitated for a moment, then gave up on using an illusion technique on Wei Dai and walked towards the direction of the Ling Xiao.    


The Illusion Demon arrived in front of the Ling Xiao. Its green eyes flashed again, and the illusory Green Light attacked the Ling Xiao in the Ivy.    


The Ling Xiao's head seemed to have been invaded by something, and its expression froze. Then, an unbelievable expression appeared on its face.    


This was because a person had appeared in front of its eyes, an old man that it would never be able to forget for the rest of its life.    


This old man was not tall. He wore a blue robe that wrapped around his body. His silver white hair was sparkling. His long eyebrows reached his chin, and there was a gentle smile on his face. He looked like an immortal immortal, and also like master of the Lin Family. It made people want to get close to him.    


This was the Old Ghost Master of the Ling Xiao's previous life!    


"Old undying, is that you?" Ling Xiao asked that person in surprise and surprise.    


The old man's smile suddenly disappeared. His eyes turned into Ling Lis as he shouted, "Unfilial disciple, how dare you disrespect me? I will cripple your martial arts and expel you from the sect."    


"Old fool, are you joking with me? If you chase me out of the sect, who will go down the mountain to buy wine for you? Seriously." The Ling Xiao said with a disapproving smile.    


The old man did not say anything else. Instead, he flashed towards the Ling Xiao. He raised his palm and stamped it on the Ling Xiao's chest.    


"Really?" The Ling Xiao replied in disbelief. However, just as he was about to dodge, he realized that he could not move no matter what.    


The old man's palm contained all the inner energys in his body, and his palm blasted the Ling Xiao's chest until it caved in.    


The Ling Xiao couldn't help but cry out in pain and shock. It tasted sweet in its mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood.    


"You are a treacherous person. To think that I have raised you for more than twenty years. Now, I will let you suffer all kinds of torture, and then I will cripple all of your martial arts and expel you from the sect." The kind old man became ferocious and terrifying. As he spoke, he struck a palm on the Ling Xiao's body.    


The Ling Xiao's body was like a sandbag. It was beaten until all parts of its body were deformed. It kept letting out miserable screams.    


He never would have thought that his most beloved master would treat him so cruelly. The feeling of being betrayed by the closest person made him feel a heart-wrenching pain. The pain penetrated into his bones, and he would never forget it.    


Forget it, since this martial art was given to him by his master, let him take it back.    


Finally, when the old man raised his palm and was about to strike at the Dantian in his lower abdomen, a refreshing feeling assaulted the heart of the Ling Xiao.    


"No, he isn't an old undying being. He isn't my master. This is an illusion." The Ling Xiao woke up as if it had just woken up from a dream. It realized that what was in front of it was an illusion. It quickly focused its mind and activated the 30% to Yuan Qi.    


Immediately, the old man who was rushing toward the Ling Xiao's abdomen disappeared from its sight.    


Ling Xiao relaxed slightly. He had almost lost his mind and died in the illusion just now. Fortunately, the 30% to Yuan Qi could automatically circulate and protect his head, allowing him to regain his clarity at the last moment.    


However, he knew that this matter wasn't over yet. He immediately struggled a few more times, then held his breath, like a dead man, not moving at all.    


When the medicinal Illusion Demons by the side saw that the medicinal Ling Xiaos no longer struggled, they patted the medicinal Ivys just like before. In an instant, the majority of the medicinal Ivys gradually withdrew. Only a few of them were still hanging from the Ling Xiao's body.    


When the medicinal Illusion Demons saw that the medicinal Ling Xiaos were indeed dead, the medicinal Ling Xiaos stopped breathing. He clapped his hands together in delight.    


Wei Dai, who was not far away, saw the Ling Xiao and tears flowed out of her beautiful eyes.    


He died for her. Her heart felt like it was being cut by a knife, making her feel unbearable pain.    


Seeing that the medicinal Illusion Demon was about to bite the medicinal Ling Xiao's head, the medicinal Golden Wolf King anxiously transmitted a message, "Master, quickly wake up!" If the medicinal Ling Xiao died, it wouldn't be able to live either. How could it not be anxious?    


"What are you arguing about?" The Ling Xiao replied. Its closed eyes struggled free, and its hand forcefully broke free from the Ivy's entanglement.    


The Illusion Demon at the side was shocked. It never thought that this damn human was playing dead. It quickly turned around and tried to escape.    


"If I let you escape, I won't be a Ling Xiao anymore." The Ling Xiao sneered. Its other hand also broke free from the Ivy. Then, it slapped its other hand.    


A cold arrow shot out at an unparalleled speed.    


The Illusion Demon was hit by the arrow, and it let out a miserable cry. Then, it lost its balance and fell off the branch of the Giant Tree.    


The Illusion Demon landed heavily on the ground, and a pool of ink like blood melted.    


The Illusion Demon was finally dead!    


The medicinal Ling Xiaos that entangled the medicinal Ivys did not have the medicinal Illusion Demons' instructions, and indeed did not regrow.    


"I actually managed to preserve my life." The Ling Xiao heaved a heavy sigh of relief. With one hand, he wiped the cold sweat off his forehead and revealed a smile that said he had survived a disaster.    


It was really dangerous just now. Fortunately, the 30% to Yuan Qi he cultivated had saved his life. Moreover, the Cold Sleeve Arrows he obtained from the Coyote had always been hidden in his arm. Otherwise, if the Illusion Demon escaped, he would still die.    


The Ling Xiao tore off the remaining Ivys on his body. After which, it grabbed one of the Ivys that was wrapped around his body. With a sway of its body, it jumped to Wei Dai's side.    


Although the Illusion Demon was already dead, the Illusion Demons still trapped Wei Dai, Cold snake, Zhu Dalin, and the two Cold snakes.    


"Good sister, don't be afraid. I will save you now." The medicinal Ling Xiaos came to Wei Dai's side and comforted her. Then, they began to tear apart the medicinal Wei Dais that trapped Wei Dai with their bare hands.    


Why did he tear the Ivys with his bare hands?    


This was also something that could not be helped. When the Ling Xiao was tied up by the Ivy, both the Blue Crystal Sword and the Silver Ghost Blood Blade fell under the tree. At this moment, he could only use his hand to slowly tear open the Ivy.    


"Master, hurry up and save me!" At this time, the medicinal Golden Wolf Kings transmitted their thoughts to the medicinal Ling Xiaos.    


"What's the rush? Can't you see that I'm busy right now!" The medicinal Ling Xiao replied snappily.    


This time, Ling Xiao had made a huge profit. When he was pulling on the medicinal Ivy, his large hands continuously wandered around Wei Dai's graceful body. This made him cry out for pleasure.    


The Ling Xiao reluctantly rescued Wei Dai with a very worried expression on its face. In his heart, he really wanted to eat Wei Dai on the spot.    


Wei Dai was successfully rescued and jumped onto a tree branch. Looking at the aggrieved look of the Ling Xiao, her face could not help turning red. She spat. "Good brother, you are really shameless."    


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