The Sovereign Descends

C451 Manipulative Fit

C451 Manipulative Fit

Although he didn't know what type of Fit Aura the old man was, the one that was surging on his body was definitely above Chen Yi and the others!    


"Boss, what do we do!?" As Diana drove, she would occasionally glance at the old man in the long robe behind her.    


"Continue accelerating. If we can get rid of him, there's no need for us to fight with him anymore!" Chen Yi said indifferently.    


Fighting for a fight was meaningless!    


Especially since Huang Tiansheng didn't follow along, he lost his basic reason for fighting with this old man!    


According to Chen Yi's order, Diana stepped on the accelerator even more deeply!    


The speed of the Land Rover increased once again. However, due to the addition of the war class armor and the fact that there was an extraordinarily heavy tank sitting at the back, the Land Rover that could run more than 200 yards could only run 180 now!    


As the old man in the long gown saw the continuous increase in the speed of Lu Xun, his face turned slightly ugly!    


"Do you really think I can't catch up to you!?"    


The old man in the long gown had a face of a vulture, he obviously thought that Chen Yi and the others had underestimated him!    


"Then catch up if you have the ability!" Chen Yi said calmly from his seat without even turning his head!    


He knew that since he could hear the other party's voice, the other party would definitely be able to hear his voice as well!    




When the old man heard Chen Yi's words, he immediately let out a cold snort. In just an instant, his aura had become solid!    




Like a gale that swept past, the old man's aura instantly enveloped a circumference of several hundred meters. It was as if even the sky had become slightly dimmer!    


A powerhouse's dignity could not be provoked. Once a challenger appeared, they would have to welcome the baptism of fire and blood!    


When the four people sitting in the car sensed this aura, their faces all became serious, especially Diana's. Her hands, which were holding the steering wheel, became even paler!    


"Boss, it seems like this old guy is going to play with the truth!" Overlord looked through the back window, his eyes surprisingly solemn!    


Chen Yi did not say anything and just snorted. However, at this moment, the car slightly shook and a pulling force came over. The car's speed also slowly slowed down!    


"This old fellow used the perfect combination!" Diana looked at the speedometer's pointer as it dropped from 180 to 170, then from 170 to 160. She reported to Chen Yi with a serious expression!    


The most heavyweight tank felt its speed drop the most. Hearing Diana's words, it cursed in a muffled voice, "Damn it, what the hell is this old thing trying to do?!" It can even affect the speed of the car!? "    


Chen Yi, who was sitting in the front passenger seat, sneered, "I'm afraid it has something to do with gravity or manipulation!"    


By combining and controlling, it was impossible for a third possibility to appear for anything that controlled the aura to move, either by gravity or control!    


"Boss, there's a wasteland up ahead …"    


Diana pointed at a rocky beach about 1 km away and reminded Chen Yi!    


Chen Yi glanced at the front, "Let's go there!"    


It was wide enough to unleash Diana's maximum speed, and there was a large amount of rubble for Overlord to hide in. It could be said to be one of the best options so far!    


Without hesitation, Diana turned the steering wheel and charged towards the rocky beach. The formidable power of Lu Xun was proven right at this moment. Even the uneven ground was pushed forward smoothly!    


However, the old man's teamwork still continued to affect Patrol Officer Lu. After a few minutes, the car that weighed several tons finally came to a full stop!    


"Creak —    


The sound of the wheels grinding together could be heard and the car finally came to a halt under the powerful pulling force!    


"Let's see where you can run to this time!"    


The long-robed old man landed on the ground with a plop. His face was filled with malevolence!    


This place was out of the scope of Red Moon's influence. No one could care about killing someone here!    


The four people in the car seemed to have frozen over. Only the killing intent in their eyes could be seen.    


After brewing for a short period of time, the entire patrol squad was enveloped in the murderous intent of the four people!    




Chen Yi growled. In an instant, the four doors of Inspector Lu opened!    




A loud sound rang out as the tank sitting cross-legged in the trunk suddenly grabbed the back door of the car.    




With a furious roar, the tank raised its hand and threw the huge metal door at the old man!    




The old man in the long gown looked at the huge shadow flying towards him, and the corner of his mouth hooked into a cold, disdainful smile!    


If it was an ordinary person, this attack that contained a strong power was enough to smash a person into a meat patty!    


However, their current opponent was a Huang Family expert who was even stronger than them. With a flick of his finger, the old man flew towards the back door of the car that was flying towards them!    




A loud sound was heard as the door of the car shattered a dozen boulders!    




Just as the car door flew out, a shadow followed the trajectory of the car door and charged at the old man!    


Relying on his concealed teamwork, he was actually the Overlord who was hiding behind the door!    


Like a phantom, Overlord's figure became illusory as the dagger in his hand suddenly slashed at the old man's neck!    




The old man was slightly startled, as if he didn't expect someone to be hiding behind the door and fly over. Leaping backwards, the old man curled his finger again and the stone on the ground immediately flew up, perfectly blocking Kampa's blade.    




A crisp sound rang out, and Kampa's pupils constricted. He immediately followed the shadow on the ground and hid among the surrounding boulders!    


If his attack missed, he would immediately leave!    


This was the role of an assassin!    


"Old thing, where are you looking!?"    


Almost at the same time, a massive figure appeared at the side of the old man in the long robe. The tank raised its hands high into the air and smashed down at the old man from above!    


An unparalleled strength, even the air itself seemed to congeal under his pressure!    




A loud sound rang out as the tank's hands were suddenly stuck in mid-air!    


"What!?" The tank was stunned, as if he could not believe the scene unfolding in front of him!    


He saw the old man standing straight and raising his hand into the air. A piece of hard rock surrounded him like a yurt. The tank's strike had hit the top of the yurt!    


"You're too slow!" The old man raised his head to look at the tank, his face full of contempt!    


"Is that so!?"    


Suddenly, a piercing female voice came from the back of the old man in the robe. Diana raised her hand and stabbed the blade into the old man's back!    


The old man jumped in fright as his aura enveloped the entire rocky beach. When he was blocking the tank attack just now, Diana was still several dozen meters away. Who would have thought that she would reach him in the blink of an eye!    


The thin blade pierced forward with an unparalleled speed. If this sword struck, his heart would instantly explode!    


As the thin blade moved forward, Diana could almost see the scene of her opponent being stabbed to death!    


"Haha …"    


But at that moment, a strange laughter came from the old man's mouth!    


When Diana saw this, her pupils immediately constricted. She could only feel the thin blade in her hand abruptly shake and actually grazed past the other party's shoulder. It struck the wall of the 'yurt' precisely, neither slanted nor slanted!    


With a ding sound, Diana also retreated.    


In the blink of an eye, everyone returned to the side of the car and faced off against the old man!    


"The combination of speed and concealment …" The old man pointed at Diana and Overlord, who was hiding in the shadows. His face was full of a smile that seemed to control everything as he looked back at the tank. "You …" Was it a fusion of strength or defense!? "Hehe, that's not important. With how slow you are, you are the one who is least qualified to participate in this battle!"    


Soon after, the old man's gaze fell on Chen Yi, "Naturally, you're compatible with him, are you still not going to make your move?"    


At the auction house, he had already known about Chen Yi's compatibility. At this time, Chen Yi did not make a move, which was within his expectations. After all, it was natural that Chen Yi would be able to match his combat ability, even if he was able to pinpoint the trajectory of the attack, he might not be able to dodge it!    


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