The Sovereign Descends

C363 I Said I'll Kill One of You If I Don't Tell You I'll Kill Your Entire Family!

C363 I Said I'll Kill One of You If I Don't Tell You I'll Kill Your Entire Family!

Fierce-looking Guy escaped from the bar and rushed out onto the street almost without any hesitation. He knew that the only person who could save him at this moment was Hei Ta!    


"I know where Shen Yueran is. Help …" "I know where Shen Yueran is. Help …"    


Fierce-looking Guy shouted as he ran. He had almost used all of his strength to shout!    


At that moment, a golden van parked by the side of the road!    


"What did that bastard say!?" Xiao Long grabbed the subordinate beside him and asked with his eyes wide open!    


"Brother Long, he said he knows where President Shen is!" The lackey did not hesitate to reply!    


"Back the car!" Xiaolong slapped the driver on the shoulder and his eyes turned red!    


If Fierce-looking Guy was hacked to death by those people behind him, then all the clues that he finally got would be gone!    


The little brother who was driving the car was also a smart person. After hanging up the throttle with two kicks, after a burst of smoke from the wheels, he quickly retreated!    


"Hack them to death!"    


Xiaolong jumped out of the car and gave the order. A bunch of lackeys, armed with machetes and steel tubes, charged straight at the black suit behind Fierce-looking Guy.    


More than a dozen of his lackeys rushed forward without caring about their lives. The driver of the Golden Cup van was also a ruthless person. Once the steering wheel hit, he crashed into the other side!    


If it was just a group of hooligans, they wouldn't care at all. At most, they would just spend some effort to settle the matter, but that van that stepped on the gas pedal was made of iron. If they were hit by him, they would at least break a few bones!    


Without any hesitation, the men in black suits turned around and ran!    


"F * ck!" Xiao Long cursed in a low voice and grabbed Fierce-looking Guy who fell to the ground, "Tell me, where is President Shen!?"    


"Take, take me to the hospital …"    


"F * ck you!" Xiao Long slapped him on the face, "If you dare to talk nonsense with me again, I'll fucking kill you!"    


Xiaolong recognized him from the moment he first saw him. This Fierce-looking Guy was the one who kidnapped Shen Yueran and Su Xiaomeng from the camera. If he didn't know where Shen Yueran was, he would have chopped off his head long ago!    


Fierce-looking Guy looked at Xiaolong and tears came out of his eyes, "Bro, Bro Long …" "Take me to the hospital, take me to the doctor …"    


Before he finished his sentence, Fierce-looking Guy had already fainted with his eyes closed!    


He had been stabbed several times, but only because of his good physique. If it were anyone else, they would have long since gone cold!    


"Scolded next door!" Xiaolong cursed loudly and shouted at the group of lackeys, "Quick, let him carry the car to the hospital!"    


A bunch of people carried Fierce-looking Guy into the car, and the van charged towards the nearby hospital as if it was crazy!    


"Mr Yi, we found the bastard that kidnapped President Shen. She was stabbed several times and fainted. Right now, we are on our way to the 4th hospital …"    


Xiao Long did not care about the blood on his hand. He took out his phone and called Chen Yi!    


Chen Yi, who was sitting in Hei Ta's office, jumped up the moment he heard the news. He took Hei Ta, Zhou Tianpeng, and the others to the Fourth Hospital without any hesitation!    


A line of more than a dozen Mercedes-Benz cars followed behind a large overland patrol car, causing the entire parking lot of the four hospitals to almost instantly be filled!    


"Oh my god, why are there so many luxury cars this late at night!?" A nurse was staring at the S Class Mercedes-Benz with dazed eyes, as if she was looking for something!    


"Don't talk nonsense, take a look at the people who got off the carriage …" Beside her, an older nurse quickly gave her a hand and carefully hid in the corridor!    


Nurse Hua Chi was not convinced. She stuck out her head to look, but the moment she saw it, she was immediately scared and shrunk back!    


He saw dozens of men in black suits get out of the car and stand beside Inspector Lu at the same time. He saw Chen Yi suddenly open the car door and run towards the hospital gate!    


"May I ask where is the emergency room!?" Chen Yi's perception was very strong, so he naturally knew that there were two nurses hiding in the corridor!    


"Yes, to the left of the third floor …"    


The two nurses trembled in fear as they quickly pointed in the direction of the third floor!    


"Thank you!"    


After saying that, Chen Yi walked up the stairs without any hesitation. Hei Ta and those black suits also followed quickly!    


"Oh my god, he's so young, yet he's actually made it this far. He's so handsome …" Nurse Hua Chi did not know which side was wrong. While she was scared, she actually exclaimed about Chen Yi's identity!    


"Don't be silly. A person like him might …"    


Halfway through, the other nurse dared not to continue, afraid that the black suit would find trouble with her!    


In the eyes of ordinary people, these were ghosts and gods that they could not afford to offend!    


Along the way, in less than half a minute, Chen Yi arrived at the door of the rescue room. Xiao Long and a few brothers were waiting there for Chen Yi!    


"How is the situation!?" Chen Yi frowned.    


"I've been stabbed seven times, four of them were just superficial wounds, it's no big deal. The other three were the crucial ones, one of them stabbed the lung, two of them into the intestines …" Xiaolong truthfully reported Fierce-looking Guy's situation!    


"Will he die!?" Chen Yi's face was dark and his entire body was emitting a cold aura!    


"It's hard to say!" Long Hao Chen's face was covered in cold sweat, he was obviously almost unable to withstand Chen Yi's breath, "But I already stuffed the doctor with red packets, even if I can't save him, the hemp medicine can stop the pain and then force the blood transfusion, at the same time, I can guarantee that he will be awake for 10 minutes!"    


"Enough!" After saying that, Chen Yi closed his eyes and sat on the chair beside him!    


He didn't care about Fierce-looking Guy's life and death, he only cared about Shen Yueran's safety. Even if he succeeded in rescuing her, if he dared to touch her, he would die!    


Time passed minute by minute. At around 10 PM, the lights in the operation room suddenly went out!    


Not long after, a doctor wearing a white gown walked out. He took off his mask and let out a long breath. "Fortunately, the patient's life was saved. We'll push him to the ward in ten minutes …"    


"Five minutes!" Suddenly, Chen Yi, who was sitting beside him with his eyes closed, interrupted the doctor, "I want to see him in five minutes!"    


"Who are you? The patient has just been rescued, and you still need to …"    


"What do you need!?"    


Seeing that this doctor dared to contradict Chen Yi, Hei Ta immediately took a step forward. His huge body blocked the entire door of the operation room!    


At this moment, the doctor finally saw the situation clearly. Dozens of men in black suits were standing there, emanating killing intent. In the entire corridor, only this young man had the qualifications to sit!    


He was so frightened that he trembled. Finally, the doctor knew the identity of the young man sitting beside him!    


"No …." "It's nothing, within five minutes, I'll get someone to push him into the ward …"    


Before he could finish his words, the doctor had already returned to the operation room as though he was escaping!    


"Wait in the ward!"    


With Chen Yi's words, everyone stood on both sides of the corridor, allowing Chen Yi to be the first one to walk through!    


In less than five minutes, an operation bed was pushed in from outside. Fierce-looking Guy was lying on the bed with a pale face. No one knew whether it was due to excessive blood loss or because he was scared by Chen Yi and the others!    


"Tell me, where is Yue Ran!?" Chen Yi stood beside the operating room with a cold look in his eyes.    


Fierce-looking Guy looked at Chen Yi and then looked at Hei Ta and Xiaolong standing behind him. His eyes were filled with despair!    


"You … "You must promise me that you won't hurt me …"    




A loud sound came from Fierce-looking Guy's face. Hei Ta stood to the side and slapped Fierce-looking Guy's face with a palm the size of a palm-leaf fan!    


"Whatever Mr Yi asks you, just say it. If you dare to talk any more nonsense, I'll cripple you!" Hei Ta looked at him with murderous intent in his eyes.    


Fierce-looking Guy's head swelled up from the slap. The nurse beside him, who was pushing the sick cart, screamed!    


"You all … "Even if you cripple me now, I won't say it, unless … unless you promise not to hurt me …"    


Fierce-looking Guy was ready to throw caution to the wind. In today's situation, if he told the truth about Shen Yueran's whereabouts, it would be hard for him to escape death. The only way to survive would be to obtain this young man's promise and spare his life!    


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