The Sovereign Descends

C151 Xing Jianguo's past

C151 Xing Jianguo's past

Chen Yi had two thoughts in mind when he accepted this villa.    


First, when Old Master Shen refused to enter Shen Yueran's house and said, "Unless you live on the golden beach," Chen Yi couldn't take this lying down for Shen Yueran.    


Secondly, the original house was indeed a little small, so changing it was also a good thing. Maybe he could take this opportunity to live separately from Hann Mei and avoid getting scolded for no reason every day.    


In the happy atmosphere, the three finished their lunch. The moment they walked out of the restaurant, a servant who was in charge of recording Chen Yi's meals happily ran to the kitchen and told a young chef the number of times Chen Yi ate.    


After coming out of Su Family, Chen Yi accompanied Su Yun'er to the villa in front of Lee Family. By the time they had arrived, the workers in charge of the decorations had already finished decorating the outer walls.    


Chen Yi looked up and saw a big grass character embedded on the villa's exterior wall. It gave off a very domineering feeling!    


Inside the villa, the tens of workers who were working on the refurbishment were doing their jobs. Not a single one of them was negligent in the slightest!    


What made Chen Yi most satisfied was that even with Chen Yi's superhuman sense of smell, he did not smell anything unusual during the whole process!    


This meant that Su Yukong used the top grade environmental protection materials. Even if he had just finished renovating it, he would still be able to live inside!    


Chen Yi smiled, turned around and walked out.    


He wasn't someone who didn't repay kindness with kindness. On the contrary, in Chen Yi's view of the world, anyone who sold their life should be paid!    


As the saying goes, 'pay for work, pay for work, pay for work.' He had protected Su Family's granddaughter amidst the rain of bullets, so he should have received his Su Family in return!    


"Chen Yi, in two or three days, the villa will be renovated. Don't forget to invite me to dinner, I want to have a taste of your wife's cooking skills!" Su Yun'er chuckled and patted Chen Yi's shoulders.    


"She would cook instant noodles for you." Chen Yi smiled. He didn't seem to mind that Shen Yueran didn't know how to cook!    


When Su Yun'er heard that, a glint flashed past her eyes!    


This Shen Yueran can't even cook, she lost to me!    


"It's alright, I'll let you guys have a taste of my cooking skills when the time comes!" Su Yun'er smiled tenderly!    


"We'll talk about it later …" Chen Yi casually waved his hand, lit up a cigarette, and turned around to leave the Golden Sea.    


Su Yun'er looked at Chen Yi's back and smiled. She hopped back to her villa.    


It had to be known that Su Yun'er was a talented young girl. Whether it was in terms of learning, scientific research, cooking, or housework, there was nothing she couldn't do. The moment she heard that Shen Yueran didn't even know how to cook, she immediately picked up Chen Yi's confidence and snatched him away!    


As soon as he came out of the golden beach, Guo Zirui called and said that he was going to send someone to get the copy of "The Imitation of the Mountains and Rivers" by Zhu Lu. His family had a high-end auction in Shanghai and Hai City this afternoon, so he could easily sell it.    


Chen Yi pondered for a bit, then decided to just leave it in his hands. He didn't hesitate and went straight back to his home and drew it for the Guo Family's staff.    


In the afternoon, Chen Yi sat in the office and ate chicken. He ate so much that he nearly fainted. Finally, he successfully killed an enemy in a battle with Voldemort!    


This was Chen Yi's first time killing someone in the game. He was so excited that tears almost flowed out of his eyes.    


However, Chen Yi, with his formidable talent, seized the opportunity to 'kill someone' when he fired the shot. The more he fought, the easier it became for him to accomplish the achievement of 'killing one person in ten steps'!    


"F * ck, I'm going to eat chicken today!" Chen Yi was squatting on the chair with a cigarette in his mouth. His hair was disheveled, and he looked like an internet addict!    


Very soon, the sky darkened and many of the white collar employees of the smaller companies in the office building left the building. It wasn't until around 9 PM that the door to Chen Yi's office was slowly pushed open!    


Chen Yi thought it was Shen Yueran and hurriedly raised his head to look. Unexpectedly, it was the security guard downstairs, Hsing Jianguo!    


"You're such a good boss, you actually hid in a small company upstairs to be a driver!" Hsing Jianguo had a signature smile on his face as he walked in with a disposable plastic bag!    


"What small company? This is my wife Shen Yueran's company!" Chen Yi pulled the trigger and a 98K bullet shot out, accurately hitting the enemy's head. Without even a bubble, the player had directly turned into a box on the ground!    


Hsing Jianguo did not answer, as he already knew that Chen Yi was staying at Shen Yueran's company.    


"Why are you not patrolling downstairs!?" Chen Yi looked at Hsing Jianguo calmly without stopping. A gunshot rang out and another player was killed!    


"Of course I have something to talk to you about."    


Hsing Jianguo sat down on the sofa and took out two bags of peanuts, a few bags of chicken feet and a bottle of fifty-six degrees Niu Fai Shan Erguotou.    


Chen Yi swept a glance at him, and then pressed the cigarette into the ashtray. He didn't eat the chicken and sat directly opposite Hsing Jianguo. "If you need anything, just find me and treat me to this …"    


As Chen Yi said that, he showed a disdainful expression. However, his hand did not delay at all as he picked up the Erguotou and gulped down a mouthful!    


Hsing Jianguo chuckled and didn't say anything else. He just took out two disposable plastic water cups from the plastic bag and placed one in front of Chen Yi. He then placed one in front of himself.    


"I say, with your income, you shouldn't even be able to afford a proper meal!?" Chen Yi clinked a cup with Hsing Jianguo and asked with a slightly puzzled tone.    


Actually, he had wanted to ask since the last time he ate roast lamb at the roadside stall. A rather big lord treating him to a barbecue was not Hsing Jianguo's style at all!    


"Let's drink first!" Hsing Jianguo raised his glass and clinked it with Chen Yi again.    


Chen Yi didn't dawdle and drank all the wine in the cup in one gulp. Hsing Jianguo was about to pour some, but he was stopped by Chen Yi, "You have to tell me first. Otherwise, I'm not going to drink this wine anymore."    


Chen Yi could tell that Hsing Jianguo was in an extremely difficult situation. He also could tell that Hsing Jianguo could not open his mouth and wanted to use the alcohol to talk to him, but Chen Yi could not stand Hsing Jianguo's behavior and wanted to force Hsing Jianguo to say what he wanted to say.    


"You said you can't give me some face!?" Hsing Jianguo chuckled and put down the glass of wine with a wry smile.    


"Hsing Jianguo, the person I know isn't a slut. If you continue to grind, get the hell out of my sight!" Wu Tie lit a cigarette, leaned back on the sofa and said sloppily.    


"Originally, I was an instructor for Huhai Military Region Special Forces Brigade." Hsing Jianguo heard this and sighed. He started to talk about his past, "Seven years ago, I led a group of my underlings to the border of China and Myanmar to carry out an invasion that annihilated international mercenaries …"    


As he spoke, Hsing Jianguo fell into a state of reminiscence.    


It turned out that seven years ago during the mission, Hsing Jianguo received guidance from the headquarters and led the other members of his team into the rainforest. It turned out that seven years ago, Hsing Jianguo received guidance from the headquarters and led the other members of his team into the rainforest.    


Hsing Jianguo made a prompt decision. He brought everyone and left the target location. He ran towards the border, hoping to get some help from the Chinese side.    


However, what made Hsing Jianguo disappointed was that no matter how they ran, they couldn't escape the enemies' pursuit. They even used the tracking bullets on the Mercenary Group hired team!    


Hsing Jianguo's heart turned cold as he looked in disbelief at the tracking bomb that was fired at him!    


There was only one explanation for being able to grasp their position so accurately!    


That is, someone from China's base leaked their location to the other party!    


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