The Sovereign Descends

C176 Crazy in front of the French Window

C176 Crazy in front of the French Window

After bidding farewell to Guo Zirui, Chen Yi took Su Xiaomeng with him and sped off in the direction of the Golden Sea!    


Today was the first day that Su Xiaomeng had just arrived. Shen Yueran had purposely gone home early to personally cook for Su Xiaomeng!    


Very quickly, Spent entered Golden Sea's gate. Shen Yueran was already standing at the door waiting for them.    


Su Xiaomeng looked at Shen Yueran's tall and sexy body and enviously said, "Ms Yueran, your legs are longer now!"    


Shen Yueran smiled. Before she could say anything, Su Xiaomeng puffed out her chest with incomparable arrogance, "Ai, I can't even compare to you. Your breasts have become so big and so heavy. You can't even dress so nicely like you, it's too cumbersome!"    


Chen Yi almost fell to the ground when he heard Su Xiaomeng's words!    


Was he complaining about his' troubles'?    


Su Xiaomeng looked at Chen Yi, who was in pain, and rolled her eyes at him. Then she lowered her voice and said to Shen Yueran, "Ms Yueran, Brother-in-law peeked at my chest a few times today. He must be up to no good. I don't care, I want to sleep with you tonight!"    


Shen Yueran smiled slightly when she heard that. She knew Su Xiaomeng's character and knew that Chen Yi wasn't that kind of person, so she couldn't be bothered to deal with him.    


On the other hand, Chen Yi was different. Even though Su Xiaomeng's voice couldn't be any softer, it still couldn't escape his superior hearing!    


After that, he gave a bitter look to Shen Yueran with his eyes, implying, "I didn't see her."    


Shen Yueran smiled and held Chen Yi's hand, leading the two of them into the villa.    


"Hey, brother-in-law, you're quite capable. You actually let me, Ms Yueran, live in a villa!"    


Upon entering, Su Xiaomeng looked around excitedly.    


She knew Shen Yueran's family's situation. Even if she inherited Shen Group, she still wouldn't be able to afford such a villa. If she insisted that she bought it, then it would be Chen Yi's money!    


Shen Yueran rarely cooked, but that didn't mean she didn't know how to cook. Soon, all the dishes were served.    


After dinner, the three went upstairs separately. Just as Su Xiaomeng had said, she successfully chased Chen Yi out of Shen Yueran's room and climbed onto Shen Yueran's bed!    


Chen Yi didn't have any other choice, so he could only get into the room to the side, hoping to be closer to them so that they could take care of whatever they needed to do.    


However, just as Chen Yi finished showering and laid on the bed, he received a message on WeChat from Diana!    


"All four spirits have entered the Jiang City realm. Loong Ling, the tiger spirit and the Beast Spirit have appeared, and the most mysterious Phoenix Spirit has yet to appear!"    


Looking at the message from Diana, Chen Yi smiled bitterly. This Diana really did do everything for him …    


After Chen Yi read the message, he was ready to delete his sleep. However, just when he touched the pillow, his phone vibrated again!    


"Boss, I'm right below your villa, why didn't you invite me up to take a seat!?"    


When Chen Yi saw it, he was stunned on the spot. He thought Diana was joking, but when he went to the French window to take a look, he actually saw Diana's enchanting figure!    


Diana waved at Chen Yi and then dodged to the side. She exerted her strong jumping power to the extreme. Then, she jumped onto the balcony on the second floor with the help of the wall!    


Chen Yi was shocked. He quickly opened the French windows and let Diana into the room!    


"Why are you here!?" Chen Yi lowered his voice, afraid that he would be heard by the people next door!    


Diana looked at Chen Yi. She grabbed his hand and put it on her slim waist. "I haven't seen you for a few days. I missed you!"    


With that, Diana pulled Chen Yi's hand down and placed it on her butt!    


Chen Yi hadn't done these things for several days. As soon as they touched, his body had a violent reaction and started to heat up unknowingly while sticking close to Diana's body!    


Chen Yi would never have thought that Diana would be so bold. Even though she knew Shen Yueran was next door, she still dared to sneak in to have a date with him!    


"Boss, give it to me!"    


After saying that, Shen Yueran turned around and placed her hands on the window to support herself. With a flick of her skirt, her perky butt was exposed!    


Chen Yi looked down and his breathing became rapid!    


This woman had actually come out of a vacuum!    


Diana looked at Chen Yi, whose eyes were gradually turning red. She smiled and started to lick her lips. Her body also started to twist slowly!    


Seeing this, Chen Yi couldn't hold back anymore.    


For Diana, doing these things, especially secretly, was an incomparable pleasure. Not long after, she let out a mew like a kitten!    


After about half an hour, Chen Yi finally landed on Diana's back with a growl!    


After cleaning up the battlefield, Diana laid beside Chen Yi and obediently lit a cigarette for him.    


Chen Yi looked at Diana who was lying on his chest and felt his heart soften a little. He said, "Don't go tonight, you will leave tomorrow morning before they get up."    


To a woman, the cruelest thing was no different from a man's heartlessness. After finishing that intimate act just now, turning around and letting someone else go was undoubtedly a cruel thing to Diana.    


Diana laid on Chen Yi's chest and smiled, "Sure."    


Chen Yi locked the door and fell asleep while hugging Diana.    


At this time, in Yihai International's security room, eight retired soldiers were standing in a row. Hsing Jianguo stood in front of them and looked extremely serious!    


The eighty veterans were divided into eight squads by Hsing Jianguo. Each squad was led by an experienced and highly capable fighter, and these eight people were the carefully chosen captains by Hsing Jianguo!    


"Tonight's mission is very simple!" Hsing Jianguo looked at the crowd, "Enter Tianloong Martial Arts Centre's underground arena, take turns to go up on stage, other people will bet on the outside, remember, whoever goes on stage must kill their opponent with lightning speed, those who are on the outside, must be loud enough so that the higher ups of the arena will notice our existence, and let them know, we are here to ruin their chance!"    


The more Hsing Jianguo said, the more imposing he became. Tonight's operation originated from Yann Jinloong sending people to deal with Chen Yi. No matter what, they had to let Yann Jinloong know that they were here to ruin Chen Yi's anger!    


"Yes, instructor!" The eight of them let out a low growl, and all of them had excited expressions on their faces!    


"Let's go!"    


Hsing Jianguo waved his hand, leading the group out of the office building. He drove two minivans straight to Tianloong Martial Arts Centre!    


The group of nine was filled with killing intent. According to the way Wang Meng told them, they soon entered the underground boxing arena!    


Perhaps it was because his aura was too sharp, but in the end, he ended up being targeted by a punching bag!    


"Second Brother, it seems like these people came with ill intentions!"    


At this moment, in the underground boxing arena's monitoring room, a man wearing glasses asked the man he called Second Brother behind him!    


Second Brother smiled. A huge scar ran from his left eyebrow to the right corner of his mouth. He looked extremely hideous!    


"We've seen a lot of people crossing the river. They left just like that if they wanted to buy a ticket. Let them cause a ruckus. If they didn't have this kind of person, how could the business of the arena be good!?" Second Brother smiled sinisterly. It was obvious that he was very confident in his boxing style!    


The bespectacled man nodded and told his subordinates to keep a close eye on them on the walkie-talkie.    


Not long after, the glasses man turned around and looked at Second Brother, "Second Brother, they indeed signed up for the fight. Someone else bet on the periphery!"    


"How much!?" Second Brother slightly smiled, he didn't seem to mind at all!    


"One million six hundred thousand!" The bespectacled man said calmly.    


"Tch, it's only a million and six hundred thousand. I thought it was some amazing person." Second Brother exclaimed in disdain. Every night, the flow of water in the underground boxing ring was over a billion Chinese dollars. A million or so wasn't even a fart, "Arrange a decent opponent for them and teach them how to behave!"    


"Yes, Second Brother!"    


Saying that, the bespectacled man ordered the arena to arrange the opponents for the veterans!    


Hsing Jianguo led the eight people and leaned on the side of the stands with a sneer on his face.    


As a commando soldier, the alertness of tracking and counter tracking was extremely sensitive. They had long noticed those hooligans staring at them, but they were too lazy to care about them.    


"Cao Jun, you go first. Under normal circumstances, the first opponent that we will fight will not be that strong. You have to finish this quickly!" Hsing Jianguo instructed.    


"Yes sir!" Cao Jun immediately answered!    


Cao Jun, the captain of the eighth squad in the veteran squad. He was also the weakest of the eight, so Hsing Jianguo had arranged for him to be the first one to go on stage!    


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