Peerless Conceited Cultivator

C150 Li Man Niu

C150 Li Man Niu

"Hmm? Really? You are the boss of Motorcycle Gang right now, so if you want to speak your words, they will have to come true. Speaking of which, it must be done! " Li Mann'niu said seriously.    


"Of course! Anyone who does not keep their word will be the son of a turtle, the bastard! " Yang Pann said.    


Not only is he a son of a tortoise, he's also a scumbag and a bastard. He's also shameless, despicable, shameless, vulgar, stupid!" Li Mann'niu had always loved to speak quickly, so he was a bit more ruthless than Yang Pann.    


"Sure!" Yang Pann laughed: "I will count down to three, begin the battle immediately, 3! "2!"    


"Come on, boss, let's beat him!" At the same time, Ouyang Zhantian, Fat Dragon and the rest had retreated to the back, giving the two people a fighting chance, cheering for Yang Pann.    


"Ox Bro, kill him!"    


"Brother Niu, beat up this treacherous brat. Only by doing this would you be worthy of being able to coax the god to be brave and mighty, unrivalled in the universe!"    


"Brother Niu, he purposely bullied you!" Li Mann'niu's subordinates also started to cheer for him, they were already not used to Yang Pann's crafty look.    


"Brothers, just wait and see!"    


In the midst of the thunderous shout, Li Mann'niu's large eyes released a crazy fighting intent. He quickly rushed towards Yang Pann like a black bulldozer.    


He exerted great force and with every step he took, an explosive sound rang out. The concrete ground immediately caved in and cracked inch by inch. Terrifying cracks spread out like a spiderweb.    


In the blink of an eye, he had already reached a distance of three meters away from Yang Pann. Just as he was about to smash his fist down with incomparable ferocity, he suddenly heard Yang Pann unhurriedly shout: "1.8! 1.7 points! "1.6 points!"    


"Damn, there's still a decimal point!"    


Li Mann'niu was shocked, he stopped moving, the soles of his shoes clashed with the ground intensely, letting out a strange sound, he retracted his fist force, his center of gravity became unstable, his body staggered, and he fell down.    


"Damn, boss is too evil!"    


"I feel the same way. Bullying someone because their IQ is low is not good!"    


Hearing how Yang Pann was counting, Ouyang Fat Dragon and the rest couldn't help but feel a black line over their heads. Seeing that Li Mann'niu had actually stopped moving, they couldn't help but feel some affection for this honest and straightforward guy.    


"Shameless!" Chen Chaoge said disdainfully with his hands behind his back and a cold expression.    


"One!" Taking advantage of his unstable center of gravity, his right leg whipped out with a wind force that was as sharp as knives, heavily slapping Li Mann'niu's neck. Puchi!    




Li Mann'niu felt a wave of unstoppable force coming at him, he couldn't help but to kneel down, his knees actually smashed into the concrete ground and created two deep craters.    


"Yang Pann, you brat! This is shameless to the extreme! "    


Li Mann'niu was so angry that his face was flushed red, veins on his forehead were popping up, his left hand that was like a fan suddenly grabbed onto his ankle, and at the same time that he stood up, his right fist punched out towards Yang Pann's knee.    


"Master, be careful!" Hearing that Li Mann'niu's fist strike actually carried the faint sound of wind and thunder, Ouyang Zhantian was shocked, his entire body tensed up, and shouted out a reminder.    


Li Mann'niu was also an infamous character in the East Ocean Continent. He had metal body skills, invulnerable to weapons, and extremely tyrannical defensive capabilities.    


As a result, with Yang Pann's strength, he whipped his leg and hit the big artery on his neck. Normal people would have been shocked senseless if they didn't die, but Li Mann'niu was actually fine!    


In addition to this defensive martial arts technique, he also practiced the Thirteen Series of Supreme Protectors' Horizontal Fist, which made his punches even more tyrannical and violent. His attack power was astonishing, and one punch from him was enough to split apart a stone.    


Li Mann'niu might be an honest and straightforward person, but in terms of cultivation techniques, he was definitely not sloppy. His joints were the most weak parts of the human body, and Li Mann'niu had attacked Yang Pann's knees.    


However, Yang Pann did not dodge and allowed him to strike down. He was calm to the extreme and even revealed a mocking smile on his face.    


At this moment, Chen Chaoge's eyes couldn't help but flash with a hint of astonishment. If he was in's place, he would have also used a clever movement skill and dodged.    




Li Mann'niu's punch accurately hit Yang Pann's knee, producing an ear-piercing sound of metal colliding with stone. Everyone was shocked.    


"Damn, it hurts!"    


Then, Li Mann'niu raised his right fist and opened his eyes wide as he screamed. The fist seemed as if it had been hammered by a huge hammer, its skin and flesh were cut open, and blood poured down!    


And Yang Pann's knee?    


Safe and sound!    


"Master, you're really powerful …" Ouyang Zhantian let out a long sigh, excitement written all over his face, and his eyes revealed a strong sense of worship.    


He truly understood the importance of cultivation. As long as one's body was strong and filled with qi, they could be immobilized!    


This brat Yang Pann, how many cards in his hand did he have? Chen Chaoge was also slightly shocked in his heart, and his face revealed astonishment.    


Earlier, Yang Pann had used "Blade Force" to grip Chen Chaoge tightly, so Chen Chaoge had thought that he was just using an ingenious method, and that he might be lacking in terms of Qi and physique, but now it seems that Yang Pann's physique was also incomparably strong!    


But in truth, Yang Pann admired Li Mann'niu a lot. Li Mann'niu's fist techniques were simple and not considered clever, but his strength was extraordinary and extremely powerful!    


However, Li Mann'niu was fierce, ruthless, and quick enough to react. Ignoring the pain in his fist, he grabbed onto Yang Pann's ankle and stood up, wanting to flip Yang Pann over!    


However, Yang Pann changed his move again, the left foot on the ground twisted, causing the concrete to crack inch by inch, and a majestic force rose from the bottom of his feet. With a twist of his waist, his right leg raised up high, like a leaf on a windmill, he drew a smooth arc, then quickly rotated it, forming a huge centrifugal force!    


Yang Pann chose to slow down his movements and counter attack!    




Li Mann'niu's hands still had not loosened their grip on Yang Pann's ankles, to the point that his over two hundred kilogram tall body was actually lifted off the ground by the swing of Yang Pann's right leg. He almost flew out, following that, Yang Pann's right leg smashed towards the wall thoughtlessly, while Li Mann'niu was also brought along.    


With a loud bang, the bricks flew everywhere, and dust flew everywhere. No one knew who's brick structure, but Li Mann'niu, who had copper skin and bones, turned into a humanoid cannonball, smashing a huge hole in the courtyard wall.    


Li Mann'niu disappeared from the alleyway and rolled into the courtyard.    


"Damn, this is too heaven-defying!"    


"So powerful!"    


"The walls are all broken!"    


"Li Mann'niu is like a cannonball, his skin is really rough and flesh thick!"    


"The key is that the Expert Yang is powerful enough!"    


This scene stunned Fat Dragon and the others even more. Not only did they exclaim at Yang Pann's strength, but this Li Mann'niu was also very strong.    


"Master is really strong …" Ouyang Zhantian sucked in a breath of cold air, his eyes revealing a fanatical admiration. He was once again deeply shocked by Yang Pann.    


Although he had witnessed Yang Pann's battle with others many times, every single time he had felt shaken, his evaluation of Yang Pann's strength had once again been refreshed.    


Chen Chaoge looked at Yang Pann with a few more hints of admiration, but behind the admiration, there was a thick battle intent, and moreover, it was surging even more violently!    


"He seems to be getting stronger and stronger. Every time he fights, he gets stronger and stronger! Could it be that he broke through again? "    


Ever since he knew that Yang Pann had obtained the Ancient Martial Arts Cultivation, Chen Chaoge had been measuring his cultivation level. However, in a short period of time, Yang Pann's fighting strength seemed to have increased!    


Yang Pann withdrew his right foot, bent down and flicked the dust off his school uniform, then shouted towards the hole: "Li Mann'niu, hurry up and come out, we're not done yet!"    


The courtyard was completely silent, and the alley was completely silent. Not a single sound could be heard, everyone could only hear the heavy breathing, and many people looked at each other in dismay. Could it be that Li Mann'niu had been smashed to death with a single kick?    


But right at this moment, Chen Chaoge's expression suddenly changed. That small courtyard was still as quiet as before, without any sound coming from it.    


It was like a ferocious beast that was hibernating!    


Just then, the wall behind Yang Pann suddenly collapsed! Dozens of bricks fell down like rain and splashed into the air. The plastered old plaster within the cracks of the bricks was shaken into fine dust like smoke!    


Li Mann'niu's tall figure flew out of the rain like a giant boulder that had been violently thrown out. Clenching his right fist, he smashed it towards Yang Pann's back at lightning speed. His left hand grabbed towards the back of Yang Pann's neck like a giant steel pincer!    


At this time, Yang Pann was still bending over to peek at the cave entrance, the wall had collapsed, causing countless pieces of debris to shoot out. It was as if he did not expect that Li Mann'niu would actually not come out from the cave entrance or the academy gate, or climb over the wall.    


No one would have thought that Li Mann'niu, who looked too big and strong, would actually be so terrifying even though he should be clumsy! His right fist was like a hot knife through butter; the eagle claw in his left hand was as fast as the wind!    


A heavy fist tore through the air at high speed, but because the speed was too fast, the mournful sound that actually caused the fist to grind against the air was restrained within the force of the fist, making it seem so quiet. In addition to the pitch-black shadow that was created by the fist, it actually made people feel as if this heavy fist did not come from the human world, but from the underworld.    


In that moment, Ouyang Zhantian and the rest all opened their mouths, their eyes were filled with fear, they did not have enough time to remind him, as though his vocal cords were paralyzed, and he was unable to make a sound!    


Chen Chaoge's sword-like eyebrows creased as well, a solemn look surfaced on his face. He thought, if it was him, he would not be able to dodge Li Mann'niu's powerful and quick attack!    


Where's Yang Pann?    


Yang Pann seemed to have eyes on the back of his head, he didn't even seem to move his legs, his knees bent slightly, and his body moved a step to the right smoothly, just right, exactly in the same position.    


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