Peerless Conceited Cultivator

C162 Lu Fengxian

C162 Lu Fengxian

Because Yang Pann was really too strong!    


She thought that she had already overestimated Yang Pann's strength, and only now did she realize that she had still severely underestimated Yang Pann's strength!    


Even Profound Rank Expert Chen Xuansheng was instantly killed by him. For Yang Pann to have such a heaven opposing and terrifying cultivation, forget about Beacon-fire Association, he could even destroy the Lu Family behind Beacon-fire Association with a flick of a finger!    


He thought that she would be able to control Yang Pann and even kill him this time to wash away his shame, and also help Beacon-fire Association to take over some territory.    


They had all lost!    


His life was gone!    


If there was a medicine for regret in this world, she wouldn't hesitate to spend 10 billion to buy a bottle to rectify the current situation! However, there was no medicine for regret in this world!    


"Kneel!" Yang Pann shouted.    


Lee Yaorao struggled to get up, and then, he kneeled down obediently towards the surface of the sea.    


Looking at the turbulent sea surface, she couldn't help but feel sorrowful. Her entire body and mind were gripped by fear, and her delicate body couldn't help but tremble.    


Could it be that this ice-cold sea water was his final resting place? Could it be that he would never be able to see his cute daughter again? Away from this beautiful world forever?    


Tears of remorse streamed down her face. However, this would not change anything because she had already heard the crisp sound of a bullet being loaded!    


Yang Pann's eyes did not have any fluctuation, and were extremely cold and detached.    


He never planned to let Lee Yaorao go!    


In terms of Cultivation Continent, he was decisive in killing. After coming to this world, he had already restrained himself quite a bit! But now, this evil woman dared to kill his aunt. Why would he have to show mercy to her?    


Right at this moment, his phone suddenly rang. Yang Pann was extremely annoyed, he took out the phone and saw that it was actually Ye Zhentian calling. Helpless, he still picked up the phone, and laughed: "Uncle Ye, you were looking for me?"    


"Yang Pann, what are you doing?" Ye Zhentian asked with a smile on his face.    


"Hehe, it's me — I'm playing a game! "Killing monsters and killing monsters is really refreshing!" Yang Pann laughed, he had a bad premonition, Ye Zhentian might say something like that.    


"You're killing someone!"    


Ye Zhentian laughed bitterly. Yang Pann actually treated his battle with his Beacon-fire Association as if he was fighting monsters in a game. Wasn't this guy's mentality just too overpowered?    


"It looks like you already know about it! Uncle Ye, you can meddle in other matters, but don't bother about me for this matter! "    


Yang Pann became solemn in an instant, and said with hatred: "The Lu Family is actually going to make a move on my aunt. I can't tolerate this, everyone in the Lu Family is going to die!"    


Suddenly, the phone became Lu Fengmian's voice, "Yang Pann, do you plan to kill this rotten old man as well?"    


"Haha, Grandpa Lu …" It's you, I was just playing! " Yang Pann laughed bitterly.    


He understood that in a large clan like Lu Family, everyone had their own thoughts, and it was difficult to control them. Lee Yaorao's attitude could not represent the attitude of the Lu Family, and even more so, could not represent Lu Fengmian's attitude.    


Lu Fengmian had been good to him, and had even gifted him with medicinal pellets today. Furthermore, Lee Yaorao's actions against Gu Hongxiu should have been hidden from the old man. So when it came to Lu Fengmian, he could not say any harsh words.    


Lu Fengmian said sincerely: "Yang Pann, I'm on my way to the mangrove pier, I'll be there shortly. "Give me some face, I'll wait for a few minutes. If you still insist on killing me after we've met and we've chatted, I won't stop you!"    


"Alright, I'll wait for you!" Yang Pann helplessly kept his handgun.    


He knew that Lee Yaorao would probably not be able to kill him today. Old Master Lu had personally come out, and even brought along Ye Zhentian, who had shown him kindness, this lineup was definitely not ordinary.    


"Drive faster!" Faster! Why do you care about red lights? Charge through! " On the other side, Lu Qiji could not help but urge the driver, he was dying of anxiety.    


In fact, when Lee Yaorao did this, not only did he hide it from Lu Fengmian, he also hid it from him!    


After Yang Pann left, Lu Fengmian called Lu Qiji over for a chat and told him how powerful his observation was, causing Lu Qiji's heart to palpitate!    


Firstly, he wanted to learn more about Yang Pann's experiences in the past few days. Secondly, he wanted to use Ye Zhentian's good offices to show good will towards Yang Pann.    


But after dinner, Lu Qiji received a call from a higher ups from the Beacon-fire Association, saying that Lee Yaorao had pulled along Lee Yuvjun and Chen Xuansheng and a large group of people, wanting to take action against Yang Pann and Gu Hongxiu.    


Lu Qiji was not angered by Lee Yaorao at all, how could this bitch be so daring, she actually dared to not listen to her father's words, and now it was all over, how was she supposed to settle this!    


He was practically having one head and two heads, praying silently in his heart that nothing would happen to Yang Pann, because he was Yang Pann's son-in-law with the Ye Family right now, and that nothing would happen to Lee Yaorao and the others too!    


"Chi Ji, this matter is not right for Lee Yaorao, if Yang Pann wants to kill her, we can't stop her ah …"    


Lu Fengmian looked at the blurry night scene outside of the carriage, his gaze becoming deeper and deeper, and said slowly: "We cannot be enemies with Yang Pann, but regardless of how Lee Yaorao wants to be killed as our Lu Family's daughter-in-law, the Lu Family is truly shameful! You said... "What should we do?"    


Lu Fengmian's words were extremely obscure, but Lu Qiji still understood them. He could not help but tremble, and his face revealed a sorrowful look, he pondered for a long time, then said with his head hung low, "Father, I understand! "I will immediately issue a divorce statement to sever all ties with her …"    


A day passed, and had accompanied Lu Qiji for dozens of years. In these few decades, the two of them went through many hardships and dangers together, and their relationship was extremely deep!    


Of course, Lu Qiji didn't want to divorce him, but he had no other choice now!    


Only then would he be able to preserve a bit of face for his Lu Family! Otherwise, what could he do with his Lu Family? Take revenge for Lee Yaorao, start a war with Yang Pann, and start a war with the Ye Family behind Yang Pann's back?    


"You may be very dissatisfied and humiliated! However, you have to learn from this. You have to remember, those who disgrace others must be disgraced! When you had humiliated Yang Pann back then, you should have expected this day to come! " Lu Fengmian spoke sincerely and sincerely.    


Ye Zhentian sighed in his heart, he actually did not expect Yang Pann to be able to cause such a huge blow to his Lu Family, to such a terrible extent, this brat's strength, was truly extraordinary!    


However, Ye Zhentian understood that Lu Fengmian had helped him a lot back then, so his role was to resolve this conflict, not to intensify it.    


Then, he smiled and comforted: "Old Master Lu, don't worry, I will persuade Yang Pann! In fact, Yang Pann is very clear, I think he will also be rational towards this matter! "    


"The crux of the matter is that Lee Yaorao has gone too far! If you and I stand in Yang Pann's position, what will we do? You definitely won't be lenient! "    


Old Master Lu was angered to the point that he dropped his cane, and said hatefully: "The Yin is burning and the Yang is waning, Witch Si Chen, this stinking woman Lee Yaorao doesn't listen to opportunistic words, and doesn't even put me in her eyes, truly a misfortune for her family! "Ahhh!"    


"Father, I know I was wrong!"    


Hearing that heavy sigh, Lu Qiji's face was also filled with shame. If it wasn't for him usually being too arrogant, he probably wouldn't have suffered as much as he did today …    


After waiting for less than fifteen minutes, a long Lincoln appeared on the road next to the pier. After that, Lu Qiji used a wheelchair to push Lu Fengmian and Ye Zhentian accompanied him as they arrived at the pier.    


Seeing the bloody scene around him, especially seeing Chen Xuansheng who had a bloody hole, Lu Fengmian's face could not help but change, his eyes flashing with a strange light.    


Although he knew that Yang Pann's cultivation was heaven defying and his fighting strength was extraordinary, Yang Pann was still deeply shocked that he was able to beat up Chen Xuansheng to such a miserable state! Too awesome!    


Lu Fengmian's gaze landed on Li Mann'niu again, and he immediately stopped. Lu Fengmian smiled and asked: "This heroic and extraordinary brother, I seem to think that he is familiar, you are …"    


Upon hearing the words "heroic and extraordinary", Li Mann'niu immediately felt honored. He puffed his chest out and said proudly: "Old man, you have eyes, I love seeing flowers and flowers, the world's most powerful and peerless sword Qi like the Rainbow Mighty Heavenly Sword Qi, the Jade Mask Mastermind Master Li Mann'niu, the full-time expert of breaking the heavens, the great warrior Li Mann'niu!"    


"Idiot!" Chen Chaoge put her hands behind her back and rolled her eyes at him, then raised her head and looked at the sky.    


Lu Fengmian asked with interest: "Haha, so it's you! I remember now, but weren't you originally from the Northmont Alliance? "Why are we here …"    


"Aha, I am now a little brother of Expert Yang Yang Pann, his relatives have been kidnapped, I naturally have to help him fight, I can't just ignore that right!" Li Mann'niu said.    


Lu Qiji was one of the four great experts of Northmont Alliance, but he was still taken in as a lackey by Yang Pann. This brat, how could he have so many arms? And what kind of personality did he have to be able to control and drive Li Mann'niu?    


"Kid, who are you?" Lu Fengmian's gaze landed on Chen Chaoge's body again.    


"Chen Chaoge!" Even in the face of such a powerful being like Lu Fengmian, Chen Chaoge still stood with his hands behind his back, speaking without hesitation. His eyes were high up in the sky, and his arrogance was at its peak.    


"Oh, so it's that ancient martial genius called Chen Family! It is said that you are already at the level of your Peak of Late Yellow Rank, and looking at you today, you are indeed extraordinary! " Lu Fengmian was also somewhat shocked.    


Furthermore, his Chen Family and Yang Pann were originally at odds with each other, but Yang Pann was actually able to make him abandon his sense of place in the sect, and actually came to help him deal with Lee Yaorao and the others. It could be seen how charming Yang Pann was, and it could also be seen how broad-minded he was! The younger generation of Eastsea City was truly filled with talented individuals!    


"Grandpa Lu, I was just passing by to play soy sauce, hehe …" Without waiting for him to ask, Shen Ling'er stuck out her tongue and hid behind Li Mann'niu.    


This girl had a completely restrained aura. Her cultivation was either high and profound, or her cultivation was heaven-defying! His background should be quite big!    


Lu Fengmian's heart was moved, but seeing that she was dodging, he smiled and nodded. Without asking further, he signaled Lu Qiji to push him to Yang Pann's side.    


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