Unparalleled Divine Power

C3337 That Year It Opened!

C3337 That Year It Opened!

The space here is very strange, very strange.    


Unlike any other space, it was a novelty that he had never seen before.    


The surroundings of the three Power Original Crystals seemed to have been isolated by the broken band of space.    


No matter what, they were unable to reach the front of the three Power Original Crystals.    


Qin Xiao had tried many methods, but all of them had failed. There was no way he could succeed.    


Regardless of whether it was trying all kinds of methods, or trying to use brute force to approach the other side, it all ended in failure.    


It was impossible for the spatial zone to be completely isolated, and no one could get close to it. This was something that couldn't be explained by logic and reason.    


Therefore, Qin Xiao felt that the biggest possibility was that every point on the other side corresponded to thousands of paths.    


Countless points represented countless paths and countless possibilities.    


However, there was no way to differentiate these possibilities. There was no way to make them clear, so he could only rely on luck.    


Even if there were countless possibilities, if one wanted to try them out one by one, it would probably take an endless amount of time to succeed.    


Furthermore, if one was completely unable to understand it, then trying to do something like this was simply an impossible task.    


Unless it's said that luck is heaven defying.    


But to have such luck, it's still not very practical.    


Therefore, Qin Xiao still wanted to study the situation here before making a targeted attack.    


Only in this way would he be able to succeed.    


Three Power Original Crystals were placed there. It was a huge temptation.    


However, an extremely great opportunity was accompanied by an extremely great danger or test.    


There was no danger in front of him, but this test was very big.    


Just relying on luck... Obviously, it would not work. Qin Xiao had already tried many times before, but in the end, it proved that he couldn't get through to it.    


Normal thoughts wouldn't work.    


It seemed like he had to use a different way of thinking.    


Qin Xiao was not in a hurry to try again. Instead, he studied there while thinking about how impossible everything was.    


The more impossible the idea was, the more he had to think about it.    


His mind was completely empty. His heart was like a clear mirror, as calm as still water.    


With the experience of devouring the power of Chaotic Space, Qin Xiao could now easily enter the state of absolute Heart Like Still Water.    


After entering this state, Qin Xiao could wholeheartedly devote himself to studying the state of mind of this strange spatial zone.    


His mind was completely empty. Gradually, Qin Xiao felt as if he had entered an empty grassland.    


The endless grassland made him feel relaxed and relaxed.    


Qin Xiao walked slowly on this endless grassland. His heart was unprecedentedly calm and peaceful.    


This kind of feeling was too wonderful. His entire body and mind were relaxed and at ease. He was filled with joy and happiness. All of them were wonderful.    


He was like a carefree child. He didn't need to think about all his worries.    


Or it could be said that to him, there were no worries at all, because in his heart, there was no such thing as worry.    


After walking for an unknown amount of time on this boundless grassland, Qin Xiao was tired from walking, so he stopped and laid down on the grass.    


He bathed in the sunlight and had a happy smile on his face.    


He didn't know how long it had been since Qin Xiao felt this relaxed and comfortable.    


At this moment, he just wanted to lie there and do nothing. He just wanted to lie there quietly.    


He threw away everything in his heart, cleared everything, and completely relaxed.    


Suddenly, Qin Xiao's eyes shifted, and he saw a familiar figure appearing in his field of vision.    


This made Qin Xiao quickly get up. He looked over, and sure enough, in the distance, he saw a figure walking on the grassland.    


From here, he could only see the background.    


But that background was too familiar to Qin Xiao. Who could it be if not Gu Lingyue?    


What was going on?    


In his own realm, how could he see Gu Lingyue? And this feeling was actually so real. Wasn't this too strange?    


In fact, Qin Xiao was still very clear-headed. He knew that he was in his realm right now. Everything was not real.    


This was a world of consciousness, a fictional world.    


He didn't think about Gu Lingyue, but what was going on? Why would Gu Lingyue appear in his realm of consciousness?    


This completely unreasonable thing made Qin Xiao puzzled. He frowned deeply.    


Since he didn't understand, he should think of a way to get to the bottom of it.    


Qin Xiao walked towards that direction, but no matter how far he went, he was still very far away. He would never be able to get close to it.    


How could this be?    


Was his world of consciousness somewhat out of his control?    


Qin Xiao really did not understand.    


But he quickly understood one thing. The Gu Lingyue in front of him was not real. It was just a thought.    


No matter if it was his own thought or not, it was just a thought.    


It appeared in his own world of thought. Logically speaking, it should be his own will.    


Could it be that he had subconsciously thought of Gu Lingyue?    


Otherwise, this wouldn't have happened.    


But why didn't he feel anything?    


Could it be that this subconscious state was hidden very deeply?    


Qin Xiao shook his head. He didn't understand. He really didn't understand what was going on.    


Forget it. He did not want to understand these things.    


It wasn't a bad thing either.    


Seeing Gu Lingyue, an indescribable feeling surged out of Qin Xiao's heart. It was a joyful feeling, a wonderful feeling.    


Perhaps, this was the relationship between him and Gu Lingyue.    


He could see it. But there was only one background. He could only see a relatively small part of it.    


He wanted to get closer, but found that no matter what, he couldn't get closer.    


It looked like it was right in front of him.    


However, when he really wanted to get closer, it was as if he was far away in the horizon.    


This feeling of being close and far away, but being away at the same time, gave people an indescribable feeling.    


This caused Qin Xiao's thoughts to surge once again.    


Gu Lingyue was the current grief that he felt when he wiped away injustice.    


A segment of memory also surged out involuntarily.    


The beautiful moments from before were now blooming in his heart like peach blossoms.    


Scenes, scenes, and thoughts were all beautiful memories.    


The background, the grassland, the distance that he could not cross.    


That year, flowers bloomed!    


All for the sake of waiting for your arrival!    


That background gradually disappeared. However, Qin Xiao's face suddenly revealed a smile, and the smile gradually became thicker.    




Qin Xiao laughed. The grassland suddenly bloomed all over the place.    


Flowers quickly emerged from the ground and blossomed, quickly turning the boundless grassland into a sea of flowers.    


The endless fragrance made the world become even more beautiful and endless.    


In this fragrant sea of flowers, Qin Xiao's heart completely sank and entered another realm.    


The scene in front of him changed, and what appeared in front of him was an incomparably complicated world.    


It was like an incomparably huge and incomparably complex maze.    


Dense lines. Dense paths, dense interfaces.    


It was incomparably complicated. Just a glance at it would cause one to be dazzled, making it impossible to distinguish clearly.    


Qin Xiao's heart skipped a beat when he saw this, and he was pleasantly surprised.    


Could it be that this was the structure of that spatial zone?    


If that was really the case, he would be able to observe the entire situation and find a way to solve this problem.    


The detailed structure of the entire space was presented in front of his eyes. It was naturally not difficult to find a way out. At most, it would only take a little time.    


Qin Xiao didn't hesitate and immediately started studying it.    


With such a detailed structure placed in front of him, Qin Xiao naturally had some understanding of it very quickly.    


He quickly found a way out.    


It turned out that this space was strange and strange at the same time.    


It just said that you couldn't figure it out.    


However, once you understood it and became familiar with it, you would realize that it was nothing more than that. It wasn't as complicated as you imagined.    


The outside and the inside are indeed two different worlds.    


Qin Xiao suddenly opened his eyes and returned to reality.    


Everything that happened just now was done in the world of his consciousness.    


However, Qin Xiao believed that this should be possible.    


Therefore, Qin Xiao did not hesitate at all and immediately began to try it out.    


This time, to Qin Xiao, it was as if he had a plan in mind.    


He had already understood the structure of the entire spatial zone.    


Furthermore, he had already figured out the path.    


What he needed to do now was to try to take a look at the path he had come up with. Whether it was correct or not.    


Qin Xiao once again took a step forward and walked towards the three Power Original Crystals.    


However, this time, he was going to walk in a targeted manner.    


His steps were very strange. He moved forward, then suddenly left, then right, and then up and down.    


After taking a few steps forward, he would sometimes take a few steps back.    


After taking a few steps to the left, sometimes he would take a few steps forward.    


It seemed like there was no pattern to his movements at all. It was really hard to understand.    


It was as if a drunk person was walking around randomly.    


However, this time, he did not let down his expectations. There were no more unexpected situations.    


After walking for a while, Qin Xiao actually approached the three Power Original Crystals.    


The three Power Original Crystals were right in front of him, and he could easily take them with his hand.    


"Haha, it's a success!"    


Qin Xiao was instantly overjoyed, and he let out a loud laugh.    


It was really a success!    


This situation had really surprised Qin Xiao.    


He had never thought that he would be able to solve this problem in the world of his consciousness.    


In the realm of consciousness, he saw Gu Lingyue's background. It was actually able to give him such a huge shock, allowing him to research it in one go.    


Just thinking about it made him feel that it was very magical. There was an indescribable feeling of mysteriousness.    


What was the relationship between the two?    


He could not explain it clearly, and he could not understand it.    


Qin Xiao didn't know either, he really didn't know.    


However, what was worth rejoicing about was that he had succeeded. He had done it. He had finally figured out the law of this spatial zone.    


In the past six million years in Chaotic Space, this was the first time Qin Xiao had found out the law of Chaotic Space. This was a huge harvest.    


"That year, I spent all of it just to wait for your return!"    


"Sometimes, love is also a kind of magical power."    


"Subconsciously, my thoughts allowed me to obtain such a huge harvest."    


"It seems that Gu Lingyue has long gone deep into the depths of my heart, but I have never noticed it."    


Qin Xiao smiled and thought for a while.    


After calming his emotions, Qin Xiao extended his hand and took the three Power Original Crystals.    


Good stuff.    


He had dug up a huge treasure.    


He had obtained three Power Original Crystals! This was a great opportunity!    


Qin Xiao quickly withdrew the three Power Original Crystals, then quickly retreated.    


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