Unparalleled Divine Power

C3308 The Prophesied Person

C3308 The Prophesied Person

Qin Xiao looked at the old man and wanted to know what kind of place this was.    


The old man said, "Lords, this is a prophetic space left behind by our ancestors."    


"According to our ancestors' teachings, there will be fated people coming here. Whoever can break our ancestor's prophecy will be the fated person our ancestor is waiting for."    




A fated person came here?    


The Xianbei Clan's prophecy had already been calculated?    


As expected of the Xianbei Clan. It was indeed ancient, mysterious, and powerful.    


Qin Xiao asked curiously, "Patriarch Senior, how did you determine the fate of the future generations?"    


"Throughout the endless years, have there been any other fated people who came here?"    


The old man nodded and said, "Before you all, There was one more person who came here. However, he can only be considered half a fated person "    


Oh? Half a fated person? What does this mean?    


The fated person was the fated person. Why was there still half a saying?    


This made Qin Xiao and Mr. Chunjie very puzzled. They looked at the old man with a puzzled expression.    


The old man explained. "It's like this. The person who came in earlier could be considered to have a deep connection with the Xianbei Clan. Therefore, he can only be considered half a fated person. "    


"To be more precise, the previous fated person is a descendant of the Xianbei Clan, that's why this is the case."    


Qin Xiao nodded his head in relief. So this was what he meant.    


It made sense for him to say half of the sentence. It really made sense.    


Qin Xiao asked again, "Patriarch Senior, may I know who the fated person is? Is he still alive? "    


"Since he came in with half a fated person, he must have received some kind of prophecy or something like that."    


The old man nodded and said: "Yes. That fated person is still alive in this world. Not only is he still alive in this world, he is also considered to be the most successful one among the descendants of our Xianbei Clan."    


"I suppose all of you know about that person's existence. He is the current king of Mofu."    




Mofu Country Lord?    


Qin Xiao and Mr. Chunjie were also shocked when they heard this.    


However, after thinking about it carefully, they immediately understood.    


If it was Mofu Country Lord, then many things could be explained.    


Otherwise, how could there be a Xianbei City? How could there be a territory of Xianbei Clan?    


In fact, Qin Xiao and Mr. Chunjie were very confused about the current situation. Why would Mofu Country Lord create a Xianbei City? Why did he create the Xianbei Clan? Why did he personally rule the Xianbei City?    


These series of actions were very unusual.    


He never thought that there would be such a mysterious existence in this place. It was easy to explain.    


Mofu Country Lord was a descendant of the Xianbei Clan. That was why the Xianbei City was created. It was a sign of revival.    


However, the interesting thing was that Mofu Country Lord had turned the land of the Xianbei Clan into a tourist attraction. It was indeed an interesting thing to show the Xianbei Clan to his descendants in such a way.    


However, if one thought about it carefully, one would be able to understand Mofu Country Lord's intention.    


After all, the ancient and mysterious Xianbei Clan had already been destroyed in the long river of history. They had been immersed in it for a long time and no longer existed.    


In the future, not many people knew about the existence of the Xianbei Clan. Only those who stood at the peak of the world knew about its existence.    


The other ordinary people simply didn't know about the existence of the Xianbei Clan.    


Therefore, Mofu Country Lord used this method to let the future generations remember the existence of Xianbei Clan and let them know about its existence.    


However, the clever thing was that he had created the Xianbei Clan into a 'concept', a concept of traveling, and a legendary concept.    


In this way, he would not let too many people interpret the Xianbei Clan and dig deeper into the Xianbei Clan. He would only treat it as a tourist attraction and use another way to pay tribute to the Xianbei Clan.    


Such a method was indeed ingenious.    


"So, you are indeed the descendants of the Xianbei Clan?" Qin Xiao asked again.    


In fact, they had already guessed this situation. Basically, they had already concluded that there was indeed a descendant of the Xianbei Clan.    


The father and son must be a descendant of the Xianbei Clan as well.    


The old man nodded and said: "Yes, lord Heavenly Sovereigns. We are indeed the descendants of the Xianbei Clan. However, only our core bloodline knows this secret. Only our core bloodline has been guarding this prophetic space, waiting for the arrival of the fated one."    


"Moreover, in the core branch, only the clan head has the right to know of this secret. The other clan members actually don't know of this secret either."    


"This secret was passed down from generation to generation by the clan head. This was used to ensure that it wouldn't be leaked out and that the other clan members wouldn't know about it."    


"There are also other branches that aren't aware of it. They are only related to us to ensure the inheritance of the Xianbei Clan's bloodline."    


"However, their ancestors have always called themselves the servants of the Xianbei Clan. They wouldn't say that they are the descendants of the Xianbei Clan."    


"So... Actually, I am the only one who knows that we are actually the descendants of the Xianbei Clan. I'm the only one guarding this prophetic space. I'm the only one who can open it."    


"As for the others, I have to hide it from them. I can't tell them about it."    


"So, you saw it just now. My family doesn't know about the Xianbei Clan. They have never heard of the Xianbei Clan. No one will tell them this."    


"What they know is that Ancestor Chai Shan is our ancestor. But what they don't know is that Ancestor Chai Shan is a member of the Xianbei Clan. We are all descendants of the Xianbei Clan. The bloodline of the Xianbei Clan flows in our bodies."    


" As for this secret, I can only tell it to those who are fated to meet me in the future. Therefore, with the addition of the two Heavenly Sovereigns, there are a total of four people who know the secret of the Xianbei Clan."    


Qin Xiao nodded. It seemed like the ancient Xianbei Clan had put in a lot of effort and effort to preserve the bloodline.    


However, it was normal when he thought about it. Under such circumstances, the ancient and powerful Xianbei Clan had been annihilated. Therefore, he had to be careful. He was afraid that he wouldn't be able to leave behind even a tiny bit of his bloodline inheritance.    


Qin Xiao had thought of a problem before this. Since the Xianbei Clan's Divination Art could predict the future events of millions of worlds in Universe Era, why couldn't they predict the tribulation of Xianbei Clan?    


This question was obviously somewhat contradictory.    


Therefore, it seemed like the Xianbei Clan had already predicted this.    


However, the predictions of the Xianbei Clan were generally irreversible.    


Something that was predicted would definitely happen. Therefore, even if the prophecies foretold the destruction of the Xianbei Clan... It would definitely happen. That was irreversible, and there was no way to stop it.    


Although there was no way to stop the destruction of the Xianbei Clan, there should be some ways for the Xianbei Clan to preserve some of their bloodlines.    


And these descendants of the Xianbei Clan were the handiwork of the Xianbei Clan.    


It was understandable in such a way. It was not bad at all.    


"Patriarch Senior, how many descendants of the Xianbei Clan do you have now?" Qin Xiao asked again.    


Judging from the current situation, it seemed like the Xianbei Clan's descendants were in a very bad situation.    


The old man said, "The situation in our Xianbei Clan is really bad. Originally, not many people were able to survive."    


"In fact, all of us are descendants of the Xianbei Clan. We have been separated from the Xianbei Clan since a long time ago. That's why we are able to preserve our descendants. That's why we are able to conceal our identities and inherit our bloodline."    


"However, we can't go overboard with our previous preparations. That's why the remaining strength of the Xianbei Clan isn't much."    


"Besides us, the main branch, there aren't many of us left. There are still ten more branches."    


"However, the situation of the ten branches is extremely bad. Nine of them are already incomparably withered, and they will most likely soon face extinction."    


"There's still one more thing, Mofu Country Lord's branch. It's still not bad. However, this branch isn't pure anymore. It has already been incorporated into the other bloodlines."    


"Therefore, apart from Mofu Country Lord himself, the other bloodlines in this bloodline can't be considered as the bloodline of Xianbei Clan."    


"To be precise, except for our main bloodline, basically all the other branches of our Xianbei Clan are heading towards extinction."    


"Sigh, such a decline is something that can't be helped."    


Qin Xiao nodded. He nodded his head. Such a thing sounded really miserable and sad.    


However, this was something that couldn't be helped. The descendants of the Xianbei Clan could only live on and on, they didn't dare to show their true colors.    


This branch had always been hiding in the deep mountains and forests. It was impossible for them to have any contact with the outside world, and they wouldn't be able to obtain any cultivation resources.    


In order to protect this bloodline, it could only become wilder and wilder, to the point of falling more and more.    


The ancient and powerful Xianbei Clan only had such a tiny bit of strength left. It made people's heart ache when they saw it.    


The Xianbei Clan was considered to have contributed a lot to the entire world. It was a family clan.    


However, it was a pity that the Xianbei Clan had been destroyed a long time ago.    


"Patriarch, how can you be sure that we are the fated ones you are waiting for?"    


"Although the Chaishan Ancient Village is very secretive and hard to find, it is still very difficult to find them. But it's not impossible to find it, is it?"    


"We have spent some effort to find your Chaishan Ancient Village, but I believe that there are still many people who can find your Chaishan Ancient Village over the years, right?"    


Qin Xiao asked again. This question was purely out of curiosity.    


Regarding everything, Qin Xiao wanted to get to the bottom of everything, and only then would he feel more at ease.    


This was also a way to get to know more about the Xianbei Clan.    


The old man looked at Qin Xiao and said with a serious expression." That's right, what this Saint Sovereign said is true."    


"In the past countless years, there have been people visiting our Chaishan Ancient Village from time to time, but the number of people is actually very small."    


"Basically, it's rare to find one in the Universe Era. Furthermore, those who can come in are basically all Ancient Saint Stage warriors."    


"Our Chaishan Ancient Village is just an insignificant village. The villagers are all humble and weak. In the eyes of those Ancient Saint Stage warriors, they are just a bunch of ants."    


"Therefore, those who come in won't do anything to us. They will leave after just a glance. They won't be interested in a lowly village like ours."    


"I am sure that you are fated people because of the legacy left behind by our ancestors."    


"There are a few words in the teachings left behind by our ancestors, that is what they say."    


"A young man with white hair and a crown on his head. He is looking for the prophecy, and he knows about the Xianbei Clan. A humble gentleman, a matter of not being able to become a strong man - -"    


" For both of you, in fact, both of you are more in line with the words left behind by our ancestors. That is why I concluded that the two of you should be fated people. "    


"In the past countless years, although there have been many people who have entered our Chaishan Ancient Village, only three of them have been able to fulfill the teachings left behind by our ancestors."    


"The first one I mentioned just now is Mofu Country Lord. The two of you are the two of you."    


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