Unparalleled Divine Power

C3331 He Ravaged the Fire God

C3331 He Ravaged the Fire God

Fire God's facial expression turned extremely ugly. He stared at Qin Xiao with a gloomy expression, and his body was trembling.    


To him, this was something that he couldn't accept. It was a great humiliation.    


He was just spouting nonsense just now, but he didn't expect that he would be slapped in the face when he turned around.    


He, he actually couldn't defeat Qin Xiao?    


He had stepped on Qin Xiao under his feet twice before, and had humiliated him severely.    


Now, how could it be like this?    


He couldn't accept it. Fire God absolutely couldn't accept such a thing.    


Qin Xiao looked at Fire God with a cold smile and said with a mocking tone. "Fire God, you didn't let me go on purpose, did you?"    


"Aren't you very strong?"    


"Didn't you just say that you wanted to pinch me? Fire God asked. You want to humiliate me? You want to pin me on the pillar of shame forever? "    


"Now it seems that you, Fire God, have overstated your words. Your boasting is a bit too much."    


"As a person, you still have to look forward. Don't always immerse yourself in the past."    


"Some people will grow, while some people will remain in the same place. However, they are still not self-centered. They are self-righteous and blindly arrogant."    


"Of course, I still believe in your strength. You must have been careless just now and didn't use your full strength, right?"    


"Actually, you really shouldn't let me go. Don't be so polite to me. I came today to seek revenge. I came for you. I just wanted to step on you."    


"I've already provoked you so directly. Why are you being so polite?"    


"Come, show me all of your strength and fight me."    


Hearing Qin Xiao's words, Fire God almost had internal injuries.    


These words were too humiliating and sarcastic.    


How could he not know that Qin Xiao had said it on purpose?    


But what could he do?    


If his skills were inferior, then he could only be short of breath.    


Therefore, Fire God could only stand there with an even uglier expression.    


Seeing Fire God's furious but extremely uncomfortable expression, Qin Xiao still enjoyed it very much.    


He had been severely humiliated by Fire God the previous two times.    


This time, he would get all of them back.    


Qin Xiao continued to speak in a mocking tone. "Yo, what's the matter?"    


"Fire God, you're not telling me that you did your best just now, are you?"    


"Why do I not believe it? I haven't even used my full strength yet. You, Fire God, have no reason to use your full strength."    


"I still believe in your strength. You shouldn't be so weak. If you are so weak, it would be a very funny thing. "    


Er -    


Fire God wanted to vomit blood. There was no need to be so sarcastic.    


Of course, he was not weak. It's just that you, Qin Xiao, are too strong.    


Such humiliation had seriously wounded his pride, making him incomparably furious.    


The fury in his chest had long been suppressed, and was about to burst out.    


However, in the face of Qin Xiao's words, he couldn't refute anything.    


If he was weak, his voice would naturally be weak.    


When the irony was almost over, Qin Xiao also went into battle with his heavy sword.    


"Hmph hmph, if that's the case, then Fire God's strength is indeed only so-so."    


"Looks like I overestimated you, Fire God."    


"I thought that you, Fire God, have some ability and potential."    


"Now, it seems like it is really normal. I haven't even used my full strength yet, but you, Fire God, are no longer a match for me."    


"If I use my full strength... Doesn't that mean that I can make you fall to the ground with just one strike?"    


"With your strength, I wonder where you got the courage to speak so arrogantly in front of me? Are you still awake from your dream? "    


Qin Xiao naturally wouldn't be polite to Fire God. He would say all kinds of unpleasant words.    


This was how it should be when dealing with an enemy.    


Every word was like a blade or a sword, fiercely stabbing into the depths of Fire God's heart, causing him to feel extremely uncomfortable.    


He almost wanted to vomit blood.    


Fire God hated Qin Xiao to the core, and it wasn't an exaggeration to say that.    


Now, he had been humiliated by Qin Xiao, and his dignity had been trampled on. How could he tolerate this?    


Fire God's body trembled, and he gritted his teeth in anger.    


He couldn't tolerate this anymore.    


Fire God looked at Gu Lingyue and said, "Regarding this matter, are you going to stand idly by or join in the peace?"    


"There are three Power Original Crystals here. If we don't defeat Qin Xiao, none of us will be able to get it."    


"How about this? We will work together and get the Power Original Crystals. Two of them will be yours. I only want one. What do you think?"    


Gu Lingyue looked at Fire God coldly and said, "Why not all three of them will be mine?"    


Uh -    


Fire God felt awkward and stiff.    


This was a Power Original Crystals, not an ordinary item. It was also a precious treasure to him. How could he easily step back?    


Letting two of them out was already a huge concession to Fire God.    


But Gu Lingyue's words really made him choke, making him speechless for a moment.    


Gu Lingyue continued, "With your current situation, I'm afraid that you have basically already bid farewell to the competition for the Power Original Crystals."    


"Furthermore, it should not be as simple as saying goodbye to the competition for the Power Original Crystals, right? You might even be ruthlessly humiliated and ravaged by others."    


"You want to join forces with me? I'm already helping you, and you still want to get the Power Original Crystals? Aren't you being overly ambitious? "    


"I'm willing to join forces with you, that's a huge favor. What other terms do you think you can negotiate with me about?"    


"I'm not interested in your matter for the time being, and I don't have the responsibility to care about anything."    


“……” Fire God choked heavily again.    


But Gu Lingyue was right. They had not officially married yet.    


Therefore, the relationship between the two of them had not reached that stage yet. Gu Lingyue indeed had no obligation to help Fire God.    


Fire God gritted his teeth and straightened his mind. He also felt that Gu Lingyue being willing to work with him was the happiest thing.    


As for the Power Original Crystals, the moment he lost to Qin Xiao, there was no need to think about it anymore. It was indeed not fated with him.    


Hence, when he thought of this, Fire God said to Gu Lingyue, "Alright, I don't have any ideas about the Power Original Crystals. I just need you to join hands with me."    


"What's the reason?" Gu Lingyue asked coolly and looked at Fire God.    


Since he had no obligation, why did he attack?    


Fire God gritted his teeth and said, "First of all, we are both from the Heavenly Law Dao Palace. We are from the same branch and are from the same sect. From this point of view, you shouldn't just stand idly by."    


"The humiliation I received was also the damage to the dignity of the Heavenly Law Dao Palace."    


"Secondly, I feel that there are some people who are hostile towards you. Don't you think that this is the perfect opportunity to use this opportunity to establish your prestige as Gu Lingyue?"    




Gu Lingyue snorted coldly. She glared at Fire God unhappily and said, "You are still so boring. You are snatching the heart of a gentleman with a petty heart."    


"Then I will tell you one last time. I don't need to find anyone unrelated to establish my authority. I also don't care if anyone is hostile to me."    


"You use this as a word, your mind is dirty and despicable"    


"You are the dignified Young Palace Master of the Fire Palace, the Fire God of the first generation. You are really living a life worse and worse."    


"If you say that we are from the same sect, it is reasonable for me to lend you a helping hand."    


"If you're talking about something else, then I won't bother with you anymore. You can deal with this yourself."    


The muscles on Fire God's face twitched, and his expression turned ugly.    


But he still gritted his teeth and said, "Alright Gu Lingyue, I apologize to you. I should not have said that."    


"I will take back the second part of my words. I will only say the first part. For this matter, I hope that your Miss Gu Lingyue can lend me a hand."    


Gu Lingyue gave Fire God a cold glance before saying one word, "Okay."    


Seeing that Gu Lingyue still agreed, Fire God's mood became a little better.    


His face also revealed a few traces of a cold smile.    


His eyes were fixed on Qin Xiao like a mad beast, wanting to vent all the anger in his heart.    


Qin Xiao had been standing there listening to the conversation between Fire God and Gu Lingyue.    


In fact, he really hoped to hear Gu Lingyue reject Fire God, but the result still made him very disappointed.    


Gu Lingyue did not reject Fire God, but agreed to work with him to deal with him.    


Was she really going to use it for Fire God and herself?    


Could it be that she had completely forgotten about her past relationship?    


Was she really that heartless?    


Qin Xiao really didn't want to believe it, he didn't want to believe it. He kept feeling that it wasn't true. It shouldn't be like this.    


This was not the Gu Lingyue she knew. It was a strange feeling.    


The Gu Lingyue she knew was incomparably kind in her heart. She was very loyal and deeply loved her. She was willing to sacrifice everything for herself and was willing to sacrifice her own woman.    


However, all of this seemed to have disappeared from Gu Lingyue's body.    


This was not true.    


Qin Xiao felt incomparably painful in his heart. He shook his head, his mind was in chaos.    


He was no longer willing to believe that this was true, but it was also true.    


For a moment, Qin Xiao felt as if his heart was being twisted by a knife. It was very uncomfortable.    


He even felt like he had lost all hope.    


At this moment, he felt as if the entire world was dark. It had lost all color.    


Life seemed to have lost all meaning.    


However, in the depths of his heart, another voice was reminding Qin Xiao that he couldn't continue to be depressed and dispirited like this.    


He had to be strong and pull himself together.    


Besides Gu Lingyue's matter, he had many other things to do.    


"Mr. Qin, don't be sad. Perhaps... Older sister Gu Lingyue has her own difficulties."    


"I think she is not a stone-hearted person. She is not a cold-blooded person."    


"The way she looks at you, although it's cold, there's a hint of tenderness hidden in the depths of that coldness."    


"This means that Older Sister Gu Lingyue should still care about you. However, she wants to hide all of this and does not want to show it."    


"Perhaps, she had no choice but to do so."    


"I know a little about the situation in Heavenly Law Dao Palace. From Gu Lingyue's perspective, it was understandable. "    


"So, Mr. Qin, don't be sad. It shouldn't be like this." Yuanyuan walked over and comforted Qin Xiao.    


Qin Xiao looked at Yuanyuan and smiled bitterly.    


Was it really as Yuanyuan said?    


Actually, how could he not wish for it to be like this?    


However, was all hope useful?    


He could not blindly hope either. Sometimes, he still had to be clear about some facts.    


Was Gu Lingyue really like that?    


He didn't know. He really wasn't sure. He felt that it was too strange.    


It was also possible that Yuanyuan was just trying to comfort him.    




Yuanyuan said again: "It's true, Mr. Qin. I didn't mean to console you. That's why I said that."    


"Based on my woman's intuition, I really think that's the case."    


"Women know women the best. I really didn't say anything wrong. It's really like that. You have to believe in my intuition."    


Qin Xiao smiled. He knew Yuanyuan was kind, so he didn't say anything.    


Believe or not didn't depend on a few words to say.    


It also didn't rely on feelings.    


This thing, it was hard to say.    


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