The Strongest Skill System

C1139 Research

C1139 Research

But even if Nine-snake Empress was the king's Seven Martial Sea, she could not casually shield criminals.    


Especially since she hid Straw Hat Boy and Fire Fist Ace on the island, she was even more daring.    


If this news were to accidentally leak out, she would be in big trouble.    


If the Navy Headquarters or even Black Beard's pirate Group were to make a move, then Amazon Lily would be in a crisis.    


Fortunately, he had returned and Amazon Lily was safe.    


Ye Mo was absolutely confident that he could protect Amazon Lily well.    


Over the next few days, Ye Mo found Nine-snake Empress and wanted to study the Demon Fruit.    


The fruit of each ability user was their own secret, and their hidden trump card could not be known.    


However, without any hesitation, Nine-snake Empress showed her ability to Ye Mo, including a few killing moves.    


Her sweet fruit belongs to the Superman category.    


Devil Fruit Superman, the largest in quantity and the most complex in variety.    


It could be said that with the superhuman ability of a demon fruit, there was no lack of weak or useless abilities.    


However, the upper limit for Superman demon fruits was also very high, such as diamond fruits, poisonous fruits, surgical fruits, and shockwave fruits.    


Sweet fruits were considered very strong among the Superman system.    


As long as a man was tempted, the sweet fruit could petrify a man who was tempted.    


Generally, if a woman lacked charm, she wouldn't be able to use her sweet fruit ability.    


Unfortunately, Nine-snake Empress and Hancock were the top beauties amongst all the beauties.    


Her beauty and seductive figure were not only extremely attractive to men, but also to women.    


In other words, if a woman was tempted by her, she would be petrified by the sweet fruit as well.    


Many people believed that if they didn't have feelings for Nine-snake Empress, they wouldn't be petrified by her ability.    


There was almost no one who would not be tempted by Nine-snake Empress, unless there was a serious problem with their sexual orientation.    


Even if Nine-snake Empress wasn't tempted, she still had two deadly moves. One was to flutter her feet in the air, and the other was an arrow thrown by a captive.    


Of the two killing moves, one was for close range while the other was for long range. Regardless of whether the enemy was careful or not, as long as the opponent was injured, they would be petrified.    


As for the time and degree of petrification, it would still depend on the enemy's ability.    


Just like at Top Battle, Nine-snake Empress mistook Ye Mo for an enemy and petrified him with her ability.    


However, Ye Mo was very powerful, he managed to break through the power of petrification in just a few seconds.    


Those who were not as strong as Nine-snake Empress were petrified. They either waited for Nine-snake Empress to release the stone statue, or acted as stone statues for dozens of days.    


Time was the enemy of everything. As time passed, the power of the Petrification Curse would weaken until it completely disappeared.    


"Bea, look what this is."    


Ye Mo took out the Thunder Fruit from the System Space.    


Nine-snake Empressbo's brows slightly creased. "This, this is a natural-type devil fruit?"    


"But as to the specific abilities, chenqie is unable to see through them."    


From the looks of the Devil Fruit, she deduced that this should be a natural Devil Fruit. However, she was unable to say what was left.    


Ye Mo smiled: "This is a natural Thunder Fruit."    


"Thunder Fruit?"    


"Could it be Enel?" Nine-snake Empressbo and Hancock suddenly remembered.    


She had never been to the Empty Island or the moon, nor had she ever seen Enel.    


However, she heard Enel's name from Lu Xiaofei a few days ago.    


"That's right."    


Ye Mo was a little surprised, it seemed like Boya knew something.    


He smiled faintly, "During those few days when I was leaving, I went to visit the Empty Island and the moon."    


"Enel did all sorts of evil deeds, so I killed him."    


"My luck is not bad. After killing him, I obtained this Thunder Fruit."    


"The Thunder Fruit is a natural nearly invincible devil fruit."    


"However." Ye Mo changed the topic of the conversation: "I walk the path of body techniques. I don't need to eat demon fruits to become as powerful."    


"To me, this Thunder Fruit is not of much use."    


With that, Ye Mo put the Thunder Fruit beside Boya.    


Lili, Boya, and Hancock were startled. "Big brother Ye Mo, what does this mean?"    


"Very simple, I'll give you this Devil Fruit."    


Hancock's face changed in an instant?    


"For me?"    




"No, this won't do."    


"What's wrong?"    


Nine-snake Empressbo, Hancock, handed the Thunder Fruit over to Ye Mo.    


"Big brother Ye Mo, chenqie absolutely cannot have this demon fruit."    


"Enel lives on the moon and in the Empty Island, which is why no one has ever seen a Thunder Fruit before."    


"Once the news of the Thunder Fruit in chenqie's hands spreads, countless people will definitely drool over it."    


"The naturally powerful Fiend fruits, such as magma fruits, frozen fruits, Flash fruits, and more have all been eaten by experts."    


"This concubine is unable to imagine what kind of turmoil a perfectly fine Thunder Fruit would cause."    


"At that time, there will definitely be countless experts fighting over the Thunder Fruit. Chenqie will simply be unable to stop them. At that time, Amazon Lili will become hell on earth!"    


"This, this, I really didn't think of that."    


Ye Mo scratched his head in embarrassment.    


He had almost forgotten the principle that a man's wealth was his own sin, and underestimated how attractive a Thunder Fruit was to those strong warriors.    


At that time, forget about the Seven Martial Sea and the Four Great Imperial Forces, they would probably attack.    


In the worst case scenario, Navy Headquarters or even World Organization would send someone to kill him.    


With so many experts gathering together, even he himself would have to temporarily avoid the danger.    


After all, in the pirate world, there were quite a few people who were stronger than Enel.    


If they all came, it would be a big problem.    


Thinking of this, Ye Mo whispered to her: "Boya, you already ate the sweet fruit, so you can't eat the Thunder Fruit anymore."    


"Then do you have any capable subordinates that allowed her to eat the Thunder Fruit?"    


Nine-snake Empressbo, Hancock, still shook her head, "Chenqie's men are not good people. They don't even train their bodies well enough. They are no match for those strong warriors."    


"They ate the Thunder Fruit, it's simply a waste of their heavenly resources, they can't even bring out the true might of the Thunder Fruit."    


"The times have changed. Those who are not strong enough will be mercilessly exterminated by the strong."    


"Chenqie has already heard some rumors. Black Beard Diqi has become one of the four emperors, dominating the seas of the new world."    


"But even so, he still can't stop. He's hunting down people with special abilities from the demon fruit."    


"For example, the remnants of the pirate group of White Beard, the Moonlight Molia, the subordinate of the Moonlight Molia, Abu Salom, the Spirit Princess Perenna and so on."    


"The Undead Bird Marco is hard to kill, pirate group of Black Beard will temporarily give up."    


"They are chasing after Diamond Qiao. Qiao Zi's ability is Diamond Fruit."    


"Absalom is very weak, but his ability is an Invisible Fruit."    


"Spirit Princess Perenna, your ability is the Ghost Fruit."    


"Chenqie's power is far inferior to Black Beard's."    


"If the subordinate of chenqie were to be targeted by Black Beard Diqi after eating the Thunder Fruit, then he would be in deep trouble."    


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