My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

C848 He Deserved It

C848 He Deserved It

Yang Chen heard these words and his heart skipped a beat, but he was already here, being a deserter was not a big deal, so he forced a smile and said, "Living under the same roof, we can't see each other again. Previously, this kind of thing happened a lot, I can't just hide forever, you go and busy yourself, I'll go in first.    


Seeing that she couldn't persuade him anymore, Zhao Hongyan could only give Yang Chen an encouraging look before heading downstairs with her documents in her arms.    


Yang Chen walked to the door of the office, hesitated for a moment, then knocked on the door.    


"Please come in." Lin Ruoxi's voice sounded unperturbed.    


Yang Chen carefully opened the door and tried to make his smile look normal. He said with admiration: "Aiya, no matter how many times I see you, a woman sitting in the office will always look breathtakingly beautiful … "Oh, Ruoxi, why don't you endorse Yu Lei's cosmetics brands? You don't even need makeup to instantly kill those manmade models …"    


Women would always like someone to say that she was beautiful, regardless of whether she was beautiful or not.    


However, Yang Chen noticed that his boot-licking skills didn't seem to be that good, because the woman didn't give him any special reactions at all.    


Lin Ruoxi was looking at something from her seat. Hearing Yang Chen's voice, she started the conversation without even raising her eyebrows.    


"Is there something you need?" Lin Ruoxi asked calmly.    


Yang Chen was happy, at least she would care about him.    


Therefore, he hurriedly said, "Oh, haven't you been exercising in the morning recently? Today, I went to the shopping mall to buy some sports equipment for you. They are all quite interesting and I want to give them to you for a try."    


Lin Ruoxi slowly raised her head. Her clear and cold eyes were like two sharp knives. "Chief Director Yang, if you have no business at work, please leave."    


Just as Yang Chen opened the bag, he stopped and nodded awkwardly, "Oh, then I won't mention this. Ruoxi, I know you must be angry with me, but I really had a reason last night. Life and death are at stake, so I had no choice but to do it first. "    


"You are going to be your great hero, or a living Bodhisattva who saved lives by saving hardships, or a man who answered every woman's wish. I have nothing to do with it, so you don't need to explain to me." Lin Ruoxi said coldly, "Besides, why do you need to explain to me that to such a man who left so casually? Don't you think that once you explain it, that cool image will be ruined and fall to the ground?    


Yang Chen's mouth was half open, and he didn't know what to say. After being at a loss for words, he forced a smile and said, "Don't say it like that, I know I did it a little hastily and roughly, but I hope you can understand me a little …"    


Mingyu's little brother ran away from home and that silly woman was afraid to affect us working together. She dragged it on until the evening when she couldn't hold it in any longer and finally said it out loud. Of course I was angry and anxious. Oh, right, the one I'm going to save is Liu Minghao. You know the guy who chased after our family's Zhen Xiu, right? "    


The more Yang Chen said, the more he realized that Lin Ruoxi was extremely cold.    


"Speak, explain, I'm listening." Lin Ruoxi said indifferently.    


Yang Chen stuttered for a while, "I'm done. Hur Hur, just like that."    


"Since you're done, please leave. Before I say 'get lost'," Lin Ruoxi said through gritted teeth, her eyes like cold stars.    


Yang Chen sighed and nodded helplessly.    


Before leaving, she turned around, picked up a large plastic bag, and asked with a smile, "Ruoxi, the things I chose for you …"    






Yang Chen was completely out of confidence. It seemed like the woman was really angry. Although he felt bad inside, he didn't dare to go against the wind anymore.    


It was also because Yang Chen didn't see Lin Ruoxi's situation with his own eyes last night.    


After all, Yang Chen and Lin Ruoxi appeared as husband and wife yesterday, but at the main part of the ball, Yang Chen left Lin Ruoxi at the door and walked away in front of everyone. Also, Yang Chen's voice was heard by people who were paying attention, so it was obvious that he was talking to another woman.    


With this, Lin Ruoxi's situation became even more awkward. Many people started to secretly accuse CEO Lin's husband of cheating.    


Even though such matters were common in the upper echelons of society, and even though Lin Ruoxi knew that this was a genuine fraud, it was still a common occurrence.    


However, to be whispered and secretly laughed at in such a public place was even more painful than stabbing her with a knife!    


What made Lin Ruoxi even more resentful was that this bad guy actually didn't come home all night, not even in the morning. Obviously, he didn't come home for the rest of the night!    


He came to her office just like this in the afternoon, begging for mercy. What he brought wasn't anything nice to look at, but a bunch of boring exercise equipment!    


Lin Ruoxi even thought that if she didn't still have her sense of reason, she would lift up her computer monitor to smash it!    


After leaving Lin Ruoxi's office, Yang Chen was in no mood to go to work. He made a phone call and asked Ban Ruo about it. After making sure nothing happened, he went back home with a bag of stuff.    


When they got home, Guo Xuehua was fiddling with the green beans. On such a hot day, the green beans could grow in a week. Most of the time, they stayed home and had nothing to do. Raising these green foods became a pleasure for the two women.    


Since they didn't go home last night, Guo Xuehua and Nanny Wang only knew from Lin Ruoxi that Yang Chen was out on some urgent business, so they didn't call to ask.    


Seeing Yang Chen come back, Guo Xuehua quickly ran out and asked, "Son, what did you do last night? Why is Ruoxi's face so cold this morning? This child hasn't been like this for a long time, could it be that you've found a new lover? "    


Yang Chen almost fell to the ground, he smiled wryly, "Mom, do you think I am always looking for women on the streets?"    


"Then why is Ruoxi so angry at you?" Guo Xuehua wondered.    


Yang Chen had no choice but to recount what happened last night.    


"You won't be home for one night just because of this?" Guo Xuehua cried out involuntarily.    


Yang Chen scratched his head in embarrassment, "Because it's already past 2 in the morning when we got back to Zhong Hai, I might as well sleep at Mingyu's house. I just went to the company to apologize to Ruoxi and brought her a present, but she seems to still be angry. "    


Guo Xuehua really wanted to scold him, but she didn't know what to say. "You little bastard, your mother will lose at least ten years of her life if I were to be your mother!" Why are there so many things to worry about? A gift? What gift did you buy? A glutinous rice ball? "    


As for the fact that her daughter-in-law liked eating glutinous rice balls, Guo Xuehua's face would turn stiff whenever she thought about it.    


Yang Chen shook his head. "It's much better than glutinous rice balls. Look, these are the most advanced sports equipment. I don't want Ruoxi to exercise. It's a good use …"    


With that, Yang Chen opened the big bag and showed it to Guo Xuehua.    


Guo Xuehua picked up an armband and a matching Apple music player. She stared at them for a long time before saying in grief, "I feel that Ruoxi told you to scram. You deserve it. If I receive these broken things in anger, I'll directly smash your head!"    


Yang Chen felt a chill in his heart. The girl was happy that he bought it for Liu Mingyu. Why couldn't he give it to Lin Ruoxi?    


Guo Xuehua didn't seem to have the strength to say anything more. She put down her stuff and turned around to go back into the kitchen to fiddle with her bean sprout, making Yang Chen speechless again.    


Yang Chen spent the whole afternoon surfing the internet and playing games in his room. At the same time, he also downloaded a lot of songs for Lin Ruoxi's MP3. He planned to let her experience it when she exercised in the morning.    


Of course, most of his thoughts were still on how to calm his wife's anger.    


When it was almost dinner time, Yang Chen went downstairs. He thought Lin Ruoxi would come back, but he didn't expect her to call home early because she wanted to participate in an international economic and trade cooperation conference. As it was organized by the government, it was hard to refuse, so she couldn't come home until late.    


Yang Chen prepared a bellyful of flattery, but it all came to nothing and he started to worry again.    


Just when he sat at the table, Yang Chen realized that even Zhen Xiu had disappeared. No wonder the table was so empty.    


"Ma, Nanny Wang, where did Zhen Xiu go? Why did she appear and disappear in the past few days? She couldn't be helping out at the orphanage at night, could she?" Yang Chen asked.    


Nanny Wang came out with a bowl of noodles and said with a smile, "Young Master, there's no need to wait. Zhen Xiu, that child, has been working at the seaside for the past few days. She says that she has to study hard during the summer and will be returning home by bus at night."    


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