Unlimited Upgrade System

C18 Attack Resistance and Pain Resistance

C18 Attack Resistance and Pain Resistance

"Son! Who else can I be? Of course, I am the father of whoever is standing there obediently! "    


Chai Le had never thought that Chen Feng would be so obedient. After being provoked by him, Chen Feng refused to dodge. This made Chai Le laugh in his heart!    


Chen Feng's Body Movement Technique was very strange. It was like a slippery loach. Every time, it was as if he was about to catch Chen Feng, but every time, Chen Feng would slip away from his fingers!    


Chai Le could only rely on the indirect flame attack to weaken Chen Feng's speed bit by bit. He was looking forward to the next attack landing on Chen Feng.    


Luckily, Chen Feng stopped under his stimulation. Otherwise, the feeling of his fist hitting empty air would be too unbearable. It made Chai Le want to curse!    


Chai Le said with a ferocious smile. "This time, you won't be able to escape!"    




Both of Chai Le's hands were burning with blazing flames. The dancing flames were violent and brutal. If an ordinary person was hit by this punch, he would be instantly swallowed by the flames and turned into a human-shaped fireball. In the end, this person would turn into ashes and scatter with the wind!    


Chai Le's fire fist heavily smashed onto Chen Feng's body. In an instant, Chen Feng was sent flying, and intense pain swept across his entire body!    


Chen Feng spurted out a mouthful of blood in midair, and it was mixed with fragments of his internal organs!    


With this punch, Chen Feng felt as if he was about to die!    


He detected that many parts of Host's internal organs had been shattered. This automatically activated Skill - Instant Recovery!    


The recovery was complete!    


As soon as the system's voice disappeared, Chen Feng's chest was wrapped by an invisible energy!    


The moment this warm energy appeared, it immediately dispelled the pain in Chen Feng's body. Furthermore, all the negative feelings brought about by the various injuries had disappeared. In just three breaths, Chen Feng had already recovered to his normal state!    


"Instant Recovery, this is really a Divine Skill!"    


At this moment, Chen Feng Ha Cheng sighed. It was just a sudden impulse. He wanted to try the Skill effect of the Instant Recovery, but now that he knew the effect of the Skill, he didn't want to get hurt anymore!    


"It hurts so much! This is the pain of dying!"    


Perhaps it had heard Chen Feng's complaints, the system's voice rang out.    


Congratulations to Host for comprehending the Skill! Pain Resistance!    


Pain Resistance: Raises to the maximum level, able to endure any degree of pain in the body!    


Pain Resistance: Current level: 1 / 10. Would you like to add some points to raise it to the max level?    






Congratulations to Host for comprehending the Skill. Impact Resistance!    


Impact Resistance: Raises to the maximum level, able to resist any attack below the Martial Grandmaster stage!    


Impact Resistance: Current level: 1 / 10. Would you like to add some points to raise it to the maximum level?    






"Too awesome! You are simply my lucky star!"    


Chen Feng looked at Chai Le. All of his anger at the beginning had been swept away. The current Chai Le was the lucky star that allowed him to trigger the Skill!    


Host, you are wrong. This system is your lucky star!    


Please choose yes or no!    


"You System will be jealous?" Chen Feng was stunned and the corner of his mouth was twitching!    




The Pain Resistance had been raised to its maximum level. Current level of Skill Pain Resistance: 10 / 10.    


The Impact Resistance had reached the max level. Current level: 10 / 10.    


Chai Le saw that the Lee Mu did not get up after such a long time. He immediately laughed and said: "You are such a waste of my precious time, unlucky!"    


After cursing, Chai Le pretended to be cold and arrogant. He enjoyed the respectful gazes of Junior Brother and Junior Sister, as well as the respectful gazes of the villagers behind him. He pretended to be cool and said, "I can kill you at any time!"    


"Senior Brother is too handsome!"    


"That's right! Sooner or later, Senior Brother will surpass Qin Shishi and become the number one disciple of Master!"    


"That Kid overestimated himself. He actually went against senior brother Chai Le! Death is his outcome!"    


Regardless of whether they were men, women, old or young, their eyes were filled with pity. They even blamed Chen Feng's "death" on them!    


"We harmed that child!"    


"If it wasn't for us saving him, he wouldn't have stood up for us, and he wouldn't have ended up in a tragic death!"    


"He's still so young!"    


Some of the villagers had already shed tears. They wanted to go and see Chen Feng, but they were afraid of Chai Le and didn't dare to move.    


Only Wu Mei chased after Chen Feng the moment he was sent flying. Her eyes were full of anxiety!    


However, when she came to Chen Feng's side, she found that Chen Feng's eyes were wide open. His face was filled with excitement. He didn't look like he was sent flying while vomiting blood!    


Wu Mei was a little confused. She clearly saw Chen Feng spurting out blood crazily, and in the midst of the blood that Chen Feng spat out. There were also fragments of his internal organs. Such a serious injury! If he wasn't treated in time, she was afraid that he would die in the end!    


But how should she explain this scene in front of her?    


Chen Feng was lying there perfectly fine. Just like the person who flew out earlier wasn't him!    


Could it be that he was pretending?    


Wu Mei was puzzled in her heart. But on second thought, she confirmed that it was impossible. How could a normal person act like that? He even spat out his internal organs the most!    


Could it be. . .    


"Could it be that he has a healing medicine on him?"    


Wu Mei thought in her heart and gradually confirmed her guess!    


Recalling the process of her discovering the Lee Mu, didn't Chen Feng seem to have fainted at the entrance of the Northern Mountain Village after coming out of Flaming Beast Plains?    


Then why did Chen Feng go to the Flaming Beast Plains?    


He must have found something, or perhaps even obtained some inheritance or healing medicine. Perhaps he had found it after discovering the inheritance!    


Otherwise, Chen Feng wouldn't have dared to fight Martial Artist, who was four levels higher than him!    


With this thought, Wu Mei was even more certain of her guess!    


Wu Mei came to Chen Feng's side and squatted down, saying, "Are you alright?"    


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