Dragon Vein Martial God

C277 Tracked

C277 Tracked

Behind this woman followed ten guards. When Jiang Ting's gaze landed on these guards, he couldn't help but frown. He recognized this set of clothes.    


His gaze returned to this woman, but he did not recognize her. When he was young, he had visited the Zhang Family quite a few times, but he had really not seen this woman before.    


Jiang Ting subconsciously used his own consciousness to check her cultivation. After looking, Jiang Ting was even more shocked, because this woman's cultivation was actually at the third level of Bone Refining Stage!    


It's impossible for someone with such cultivation in Zhang Family!    


It was also because Jiang Ting was too shocked, and his spirit sense was retracted a little too slowly, which was immediately detected by the woman.    


His cold face immediately turned, looking straight at Jiang Ting, his gaze sharp like a blade!    


Jiang Ting only looked at the girl for two breaths of time before he lowered his gaze and continued to drink.    




Suddenly, the plates on the table that Jiang Ting was eating on started to shake, following that, it was filled with a furious question.    


"Where did you get this brat? Don't think that just because you're wearing a mask that I don't know what you're looking at and what you're looking at!"    


Only then did Jiang Ting raise his head, and his gaze once again fell on the girl.    


"If you don't want anyone to see it, don't come out." Jiang Ting said indifferently, and even casually drank the remaining half of the wine in the cup in one gulp.    


"You dare contradict me?! Do you know who I am?! " The woman's anger had risen.    


However, it was as if Jiang Ting could not see through this anger, he shook his head and said: "I don't know!"    


"Brat, do you want to die? Don't you know that this is our Zhang Family's First Miss, Zhang Xinlee?!" It was unknown when, but at the entrance of the restaurant, another beautiful woman walked in.    


Jiang Ting actually recognized this woman. She was actually the Zhang Xinyan whose Zhang Family had been broken off from the marriage!    


Beside Zhang Xinyan, there was another man whose head was covered in oil and face was covered in makeup. His large hands rested on Zhang Xinyan's shoulders, and his gaze landed on Zhang Xinyan's chest with a wretched look.    


Jiang Ting did not recognize this man!    


The first person Jiang Ting recognized after arriving at the Coiled Dragon City was actually Zhang Xinyan!    


"Big sister, don't bother with such a bored person, the young miss of Yao Family is about to arrive. Let's go to the private room, it's not suitable for big sister to stay here." Zhang Xinyan walked in front of this domineering woman. Even though she was calling her Big Sister, her tone was full of faint caution.    


Jiang Ting was even more baffled, Zhang Xinyan grew up with him from a young age, and did not have a big sister. Where did this Zhang Xinlee come from?!    


When Zhang Xinlee saw Zhang Xinyan, she fiercely glared at him, and then said: "Where is Yao Jingyu?!"    


"We've already entered the city. In less than an incense's time, we'll reach the restaurant's entrance." Zhang Xinyan answered in great detail.    


"Today, I'll forgive you. Don't tell me to meet you again!" Zhang Xinlee said fiercely towards Jiang Ting.    


"Hehe, if we meet again, if you're still as rude as before, then I won't be as polite as before." Jiang Ting replied unhurriedly as he calmly leaned back in his chair.    


This made Zhang Xinyan widen her eyes. She looked at Jiang Ting in curiosity, her name Zhang Xinlee was known to everyone in Coiled Dragon City, she was the ice beauty in the eyes of all male Martial Cultivator, no one dared to provoke her, how dare this man speak like that?!    


"Fine, you have guts. I hope you don't regret it!" Zhang Xinlee did not continue interacting with Jiang Ting and turned to leave.    


Bringing Zhang Xinyan into the private room, before the private room's door could be closed, Jiang Ting saw Zhang Xinyan being embraced by the man and the door was immediately closed. However, she did not need to think to know what would happen next.    


Jiang Ting became even more suspicious, could it be that Zhang Xinyan was not married to Jiang Tianloong either? What exactly happened with the Coiled Dragon Island?    


Only, Jiang Ting did not take this matter to heart. He continued to drink and listen to the discussions of the others.    


Zhang Xinlee brought Zhang Xinyan and entered a room, but the hall on the first floor was still completely silent, because everyone was secretly looking at Jiang Ting, not daring to talk about what had just happened.    


The silence was broken by the sound of footsteps.    


Once again, a group of people appeared at the door, flocking together. In the middle, there was a very beautiful woman.    


Jiang Ting recognized the clothing of the guards. It was the largest family out of all the Jiuhua City s, the uniform of the Yao Family guards!    


"Could this be the Yao Jingyu that Zhang Xinlee spoke of just now?!" Jiang Ting could not help but ask Uncle Jiang.    


"Do you still dare to look at this girl's cultivation? "Seems like it's not low either!" Jiang Qianqiu also felt that something was amiss with the sudden appearance of so many experts in the Coiled Dragon City.    


Jiang Tingze smiled slightly and said: "I have already seen it, it's the same as Zhang Xinlee's cultivation, it's just that, I don't know if this Yao Jingyu is not as despotic, or if her reactions are slower, and not as intense as Zhang Xinlee's."    


However, in the next breath, Jiang Ting saw that Yao Jingyu's eyes were already on him.    


"Hehe, kid, you sure know how to cause trouble!" Jiang Qianqiu ridiculed.    


Jiang Ting merely looked at the woman with a very calm gaze. After that, he continued to pour his own wine, not caring about the fact that the woman's eyes were still staring straight at him.    


"Jing Yu!"    


Just as Yao Jingyu was clenching her fists tightly and about to erupt, a woman's voice came from upstairs. Hearing this name, it was very familiar.    


Yao Jingyu raised her head, her face revealing a smile, she waved to the lady upstairs and said: "Sister Zhang, so you were here a long time ago, I was too late." As she spoke, she had already gone upstairs and entered the private room.    


In an instant, the hall on the first floor started to discuss, all of them discussing about the two women's beauty and cultivation, he was simply an extremely perfect woman, Jiang Ting could no longer hear anything that he wanted to know.    


Jiang Ting put down a silver ingot and left Qian Restaurant.    


Walking in the watery night, Jiang Ting really wanted to go take a look at the Jiang Family Cemetery, so he casually walked out of the Coiled Dragon City. He did not plan to walk into the cemetery, he just wanted to watch from afar, once Coiling Dragon Mansion knew of his whereabouts, people from Coiling Dragon Mansion would definitely look at him carefully, and right now, he did not want to reveal his identity!    


However, on the main street, Jiang Ting turned around and walked toward the Qian's Medicine Shop. Inside the medicine store, it was brightly lit, but Jiang Ting did not recognize any of the shop assistants or the shopkeepers.    


"Lad, do you have any Nine-star Demon Beast s?"    


"No, no. This thing is priceless right now."    


"Back then, your Qian's Medicine Shop even sold Blood Refining Essence. What's going on now? It's just some low-level pill. Don't tell me there really aren't any more alchemists? "    


"Boss Wang, it's not that I don't want to sell you, but I really don't have anything else to make. It's just an awkward situation!"    


"Sigh, I'll come back in a few days!"    


Hearing these two lines of conversation, Jiang Ting's gaze fell on the counter. He could not help but frown, were these trash placed on the counter? Qian's Medicine Shop was a rhythm that he did not want to play anymore!    


However, what surprised him was that even then, there were still an endless stream of people who came to the Qian's Medicine Shop to buy pill!    


Jiang Ting quietly walked a circle around the Qian's Medicine Shop. There were pitifully few pill and all of them were ninth stage pill. As for the others, he didn't find anything abnormal so he left.    


Looking at the signboard of the Qian's Medicine Shop, Jiang Ting unnoticeably let out a sigh. It seemed that the current Coiled Dragon Island was not the Coiled Dragon Island from before. Although it was still Jiang Family, Zhang Family, and Yao Family, but they were all probably all being controlled.    


Thinking about the Shadow Assassin Pavilion he heard just now, Jiang Ting casually left a signal in the corner. If it was someone with real Shadow Assassin Pavilion, they would recognize this signal.    


Jiang Ting actually didn't know whether someone was willing to look for him or not!    


After walking a few more steps, Jiang Ting had already left the Coiled Dragon City.    


However, not long after walking away, Jiang Ting already felt that someone was following behind him, and it was not just one person!    


Had someone discovered his identity? If only someone from the Coiling Dragon Mansion knew that he had secretly returned to the Coiled Dragon City, then things would not be so simple. Saving Liu Munan would also be extremely difficult!    


Thinking about it here, Jiang Ting decided that he had to finish off these few people tonight!    


Without leaving any trace, Jiang Ting slowly slowed down his pace.    


When Jiang Ting sensed that the people behind him were getting closer and closer to him, he almost swore. There were actually ten people, why were there so many people? Who was the one looking for trouble with him?    


Jiang Ting suddenly quickened his pace, and headed towards an even more desolate place, yet, he kept his distance from the Jiang Family Cemetery, because he did not want to cause any loss to the Jiang Family Cemetery.    


"Kid, are you confident?" Jiang Qianqiu also experienced Jiang Ting's nervous mood.    


"It shouldn't be a problem, they are all at the ninth level of the Power Refining Stage, and only one of them is at the First Level of Bone Refining Stage." Jiang Ting had already seen through the situation of the ten people behind him.    


"Do not leave anyone alive, or else there will be endless troubles in the future."    


"Uncle Jiang, I understand."    


Amongst the ten people, there was a leader. When he saw Jiang Ting suddenly increase his pace, he could not help but frown and muttered to the people behind him: "Quick, chase him! That brat might have noticed us and wanted to throw us off. Tonight, if we don't cripple that brat, there's no way to explain it to Miss when we go back! "    


"Yes sir!"    




They all quickened their pace.    


The distance between Jiang Ting and the 10 of them shortened, but suddenly, Jiang Ting turned around and welcomed them. They met face to face in a small col!    


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