King Of Special Troops

C495 The Worries of the Other Countries

C495 The Worries of the Other Countries

At this time, the E Country didn't stop talking about Lin Feng.    


After learning that the Dragon Country had successfully defeated the A Country and that the A Country had been eliminated, the happiest person was naturally the E Country.    


However, after learning that the Dragon Country relied on Lin Feng alone to eliminate all their opponents, the one who had the biggest headache was the E Country.    


Although this Dragon Country who had a very good relationship with him in the world was showing off its might, the strength of this opponent had grown to a point where it made him feel a trace of terror.    


If the powerful Dragon Country could be defeated by a single person, wouldn't the E Country be easily defeated as well?    


Under such circumstances, the E Country actually felt panicked and worried.    


In the meeting room of the E Country, Vodka was nervously looking at the general in front of him.    


The military discipline in the E Country was very strict, especially the division of ranks.    


Just like the serious Vodka, he behaved like a little sheep in front of this general, without the usual arrogant and domineering attitude.    


At this time, the meeting in E Country was very quiet. Everyone was thinking about their own thoughts.    


The most important target was naturally Lin Feng, who came from Dragon Country.    


In the meeting room, after half an hour of silence, the most powerful general in front of them finally spoke.    


"I have heard of Lin Feng's name a long time ago. I have also seen how powerful he is in the Military Skills Competition."    


"To be honest, this is indeed a very terrifying monster. If this person exists in this world, then nothing can last long in his hands."    


"I heard that B Country and A Country had obtained their blood and researched it. But soon, they suffered a bloody revenge."    


Vodka said at this time, "This has been confirmed by us. The spies we planted in their bases have already obtained this confirmed information."    


"BCountry and A Country have conducted cloning research on Lin Feng. However, after Lin Feng found out about it, it was destroyed in an instant."    


"It can be seen from this that Lin Feng will not allow anyone to conduct any research on him."    


Through this information, they could see that Lin Feng was a very conservative person, and he hated this kind of illegal research.    


And from this very terrifying revenge, it could be seen that he was very disgusted with these things.    


If someone really carried out this research, the first thing they would get would be Lin Feng's ruthless revenge.    


After hearing the words of these two men, the people below were stirred. They also knew Lin Feng very well.    


In fact, Lin Feng was the key target of imagination in every country because Lin Feng's strength was too terrifying. Every country's military department had to defend him.    


Through this time, they got the latest news. Lin Feng's level had been raised to the highest level once again.    


In fact, Lin Feng had already reached the highest level, but after they found Lin Feng's latest ability, they decided to upgrade him to a higher level.    


At this time, a general stood up and said, "Judging from the current situation, Lin Feng's strength is too terrifying. Even if he belongs to the Dragon Country, which has a very good relationship with us, we can't let our guard down because of this."    


"But in this aspect, we should also build a good relationship with the Dragon Country. After all, our relationship with the Dragon Country is still very good on the surface."    


To the soldiers, their words were very direct. The meaning of this person was actually very simple.    


Basically, although Lin Feng's current strength was very terrifying, they still had to build a good relationship with Dragon Country. Moreover, they had to always be on guard against Lin Feng.    


This was something that couldn't be helped. The relationship between a country and a country was very complicated, and it wasn't easy to completely trust the other party.    


Even though these two countries seemed to have a very good relationship, they had always been on guard against each other.    


Simply put, it was impossible to have the intention to harm others, but it was also impossible to not have the intention to guard against others.    


Vodka said at this time, "I have been in contact with Lin Feng before, so I have some understanding of this person."    


"Lin Feng has a good temper. As long as he doesn't know that I have provoked him, he will treat anyone with a good temper."    


"But this person's bottom line is very clear. We must never hurt his friends, family, and friends, especially the special forces."    


When they heard this, the others felt that Lin Feng was purer, because these things were very simple.    


For an army, what they liked the most was a pure person. Only a pure talent could be the best in the army.    


Most of the time, an army did not particularly want a very smart thorn, because this thorn would bring a lot of trouble to the army most of the time.    


It was also at this time that they suddenly received the latest news. Dragon Country had chosen to stop the battle at this time, which was to give up and continue the war.    


When everyone present heard this news, they were shocked for the first time. But soon, they felt that it was reasonable.    


The dragon bone itself was a country that opposed war.    


At this time, if they chose to continue fighting, it would instead have a very bad effect on them.    


And at this time, they chose to give up on fighting and hand the victory over to other countries, creating a win-win situation. This was the most correct choice.    


After this military exercise, the most likely country to lose would be A Country.    


However, it was actually not a complete defeat, because A Country had also displayed the strength of the biological technology in their country through this battle.    


It was afraid that other than not provoking the Dragon Country, the A Country could be easily ravaged by other countries.    


At this time, the global military exercise had finally come to an end.    


The closing ceremony in the A Country was about to begin.    


Actually, after A Country used their powerful biological technology, they were already preparing for the closing ceremony.    


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