Immortals Dump Waste In My Home

C1942 Withering Rain

C1942 Withering Rain

"Master, what should we do now?" Yue Shuang's calm face could not help but reveal a few ripples after Xu Fann told her about the scheme of the Spirit Demon Dao.    


At this moment, the Spirit Demon had laid down such a big plan, and it was heading straight for the city lord. If he could come up with a proper plan, he would be able to heavily injure the Spirit Demon Dao.    


Logically speaking, a demonic technique like this, which could directly control people, would cause a great deal of damage to the caster if he were to directly kill his puppet.    


This time, he was going to heavily injure that demonic cultivator.    


Before long, Xu Fann thought of a countermeasure and said to Yue Shuang, "We can try this …" Let's go and explain this situation to the City Lord. Next, we should prepare to fight with the Spirit Demon Dao. "    


Several days had passed since Xu Fann discovered the trick of the Spirit Demon Dao. These few days, Xu Jing had been abnormal within the Yulin City. It was unknown whether it was because the Spirit Demon Daoist knew that his plan had been discovered or because he was still preparing to retreat.    


A storm was brewing.    


That night, the oppressive atmosphere made people feel like something was going to happen.    


The black clouds in the dark sky were gloomy, covering the moon and stars. The heavy atmosphere couldn't help but make people feel irritated, and the Black Armored Army stationed outside the City Lord's Mansion was also affected by the hot weather.    




Suddenly, there was a muffled sound in the sky, followed by a crackling sound as the lightning in the distance tore through the sky, lighting up the night sky until it became deathly pale.    


With the start of this prelude, in the pitch-black sky, countless droplets of rain fell in droplets, hitting the floor and creating ripples.    


The heavy rain came roaring down, accompanied by a gust of night wind. However, these Black Armored Army soldiers couldn't leave yet. They could only stand in the rain, guarding their positions.    


Suddenly, a thin line of icy blue appeared on the ground. Like a tiny silver snake, it continuously swam towards the Black Armored Army soldiers.    


Lightning flashed continuously in the sky. The Black Armored Army didn't notice this insignificant thread. In a short while, this icy-blue line had drifted to the back of a Black Armored Army soldier.    


Under this sultry weather, the Black Armored Army actually felt a chill on their backs. He couldn't help but turn around and see a pool of rain on the ground condensing into a block of ice. The Black Armored Army couldn't help but be shocked!    


A sharp ice spike flew out from the block of ice and directly flew towards the Black Armored Army's head, killing the Black Armored Army soldier.    


The Black Armored Army soldier fell to the ground, splashing a puddle of rainwater. One of his companions, who was standing beside him, couldn't help but be shocked and curiously rushed to the place where he fell.    




Another ice spike flew out. That Black Armored Army soldier's fate was the same as his companion's, but they too died under this ice spike.    


After the defense here was lifted, they saw Jiang Ao's figure slowly walking out from the darkness. He couldn't help but reveal a sinister smile. Immediately after that, he waved his hand and a pair of Qi Refiner rushed out from behind him.    


In the darkness, he could see many black shadows jumping around in the torrential rain, approaching the depths of the City Lord's Mansion.    


They were very strong, and under the leadership of Qi Refiner, Wang Mang and Jiang Ao with their high cultivation, the defense of the Mayor's Mansion's outer perimeter was nothing but an illusion to them.    


Before long, they would be able to break through the last line of defense of the City Lord's Mansion, and at that time, if they captured the City Lord, they would obtain the final victory.    


Not long after, these Qi Refiner had broken through the defense of the City Lord's Mansion and arrived at the deeper level of the City Lord's Mansion. And the defense here was dozens of times stronger than before.    


It would be impossible for them to sneak into the inner layer without making any noise.    


At the same time, if they were to forcefully attack, they would be captured by the Black Armored Army one by one.    


However, facing the challenge of defense, the group of Qi Refiner did not reveal the slightest bit of displeasure. Clearly, the Spirit Demon Dao had already considered these issues and made preparations.    


They saw that the people they had gathered together had spread out with great tacit understanding, taking advantage of the night and the cover of the thunderstorm to disperse in all directions.    


Through the will manipulation of the demonic path, they were able to move without the slightest delay. Not long after, they had already hidden in various places and completely disappeared into the darkness.    


Did they want to infiltrate the inner layer of the City Lord's Mansion one by one?    


This was even more impossible. Under the patrolling of so many Black Armored Army soldiers, the defense could be described as airtight. Even if a fly flew in, it was impossible. How could it be possible for so many Qi Refiner?    


All of a sudden, the City Lord's Mansion's periphery started to burn with flames and explosions. Groups after groups of Black Man rushed towards the City Lord's Mansion. They were not afraid of the enemies they faced and used their entire life's worth of Spiritual Energy to fight against the Black Armored Army.    


Xu Fann did not guess wrong. In order to capture the Mayor, the Spirit Demon Dao had not only arranged for this small amount of people. At this moment, from the looks of the people on the outside, there were probably thousands of people.    


Soon, the Black Armored Army who were stationed outside the mansion could no longer resist. The battle outside the Mayor's mansion was very intense, and not only the guards inside the mansion were aware of it, even the Yulin Army inside the city was aware of the commotion.    


In the midst of the thunderstorm, many torches lit up from various parts of the Yulin City, and the sound of horse hooves galloping rang out, faintly covering the sound of rain. Those torches began to rush towards the City Lord's Mansion.    


However, the distance between the Yulin Army and the City Lord's Mansion was still quite far. Most likely, by the time the reinforcements arrived, the City Lord's Mansion would have already been breached.    


At this moment, the Black Armored Army on the outer perimeter could no longer hold on. Many Black Armored Army soldiers were rushing towards the inner region, notifying those responsible for defending the inner region of the situation on the outer perimeter.    


Even though they were afraid that the enemy would sneak in while the defense was weak, they had no other choice but to send out half of their Black Armored Army to assist the outside.    


That Path of Yao's move was really ruthless. The several thousand Qi Refiner were directly treated as pawns. Under the siege of the Black Armored Army and the Jade Forest Army, there was almost no chance of them escaping unscathed.    


Thousands of Qi Refiner's lives were for these dozens of elites to infiltrate the inner layer of the City Lord's Mansion.    


Many Black Armored Army soldiers majestically rushed outside. Their hurried footsteps caused the rain on the ground to splash out countless splashes of water. When the Black Armored Army soldiers got far away, Qi Refiner, who had long been hidden in the darkness, revealed his head one by one.    


The defense of the inner layer had been reduced by half. For Qi Refiner, who was an elite, it was not a problem for him to sneak in.    


In the pouring rain, one figure after another emerged from the darkness and rushed towards the inner city of the City Lord's Mansion. Their figures were extremely fast, and with the cover of the night rain, they quickly touched the walls of the inner city.    


As a result, they were getting closer and closer to their targets. Wang Mang and the rest couldn't help but smile savagely …    


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