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C1776 Martial Arts Practice Field

C1776 Martial Arts Practice Field

In the Martial Arts Practice Field, a tall and sturdy man in white clothes was facing a slightly thin man in black silk clothes. The man in black silk clothes on stage should also be from the Martial Arts School, because Xu Fann saw that the man who brought them in had a dancing dragon on the back of his black shirt.    


Seems like the men on the stage are even more qualified than those in the Martial Arts School. At least Xu Fann could sense that the men in black on the stage could beat four or five men who could bring them in.    


The audience was completely silent, because not only could Xu Fann see it, the people in the audience could also clearly feel that the man in black was not a match for the man in white. After the man in white had tried to test him a few times, the man in black seemed to be unable to withstand the force, Xu Fann could tell that the difference in strength was too great. If the man in white could reach five thousand, then the man in black would only be three thousand.    


Although the white-clothed man was tall and sturdy, his face was not bad. His eyebrows were like stars and his mouth was like cherry blossoms. However, the sewer nose on his face made him appear extremely malevolent and gloomy.    


Humph, Loong Lee, you are not my match at all. If you kneel down and beg me for mercy, perhaps I will consider sparing your life. Otherwise, I might accidentally kill you on your own martial stage. The white clothed man's face revealed a sinister light as he spoke.    


When the crowd in the audience heard the white-clothed man's words, they all shouted in dissatisfaction, "Young master, beat him to death." "Hmph, where did this brat come from that he doesn't know how high the sky is and how dare he act so arrogantly in front of my Shang Wu Manor. Young master, don't give him any face, beat him to death."    


Although there was a lot of shouting from below the stage, only Loong Lee knew clearly in his heart that his opponent was not bragging. He was indeed not his match.    


Hehe, my Shang Wu Manor has been established for a hundred years, and my fighting spirit has never waned, not to mention that on this stage, we have killed too many small fries, and have also been beaten to death by others as well. We have laughed, we have cried, but, heng heng, we have never surrendered, I do not know who you are, but I know that there has never been a person who has not paid the price for challenging Shang Wu Manor, I do not know who you are, but since you have come, you will definitely pay the price. He had already made the preparations to splash three feet of blood on the ground. For the Shang Wu Manor, for the martial spirit.    


Xu Fann heard Loong Lee's words on stage, and could not help but have a good impression of this young lad on stage, hmph, not bad, although his martial arts is not good, but at least his spirit is not bad, but unfortunately, you know, when you have strength, it doesn't matter what you say, but strength is not enough, haha, it's just seeking death, if others really beat you to death, what do you have left, you might as soon as possible admit your weakness and save your life, wait until tomorrow when your strength is strong enough, then you can say revenge later.    


As expected, when the white-clothed man on the stage heard Loong Lee's words, his face turned gentle. Xu Fann knew that for a person like this, it would be better to have a murderous look in his eyes.    


Remember, the person who will take your life today is me. Murong Jiesha, hehe, do you know the word 'ban'? I learn martial arts at the age of two, I kill the enemy at the age of three, and there are hundreds of people who die at the age of ten under my command. My real name is Murong Heng, and when I was ten, Master was afraid that I would kill everyone under the heavens, so he changed his name to Murong Jiesha.    


After saying that, Murong Jiesha took out his finger from his pocket and pointed it at Loong Lee, "Loong Lee, now you kneel down and beg for mercy, I won't spare your life. Do you still have any last words to say? If you don't say it today, I'm afraid you won't have another chance."    


Although his father was at the back of the hall, his father would not interfere in a fight between peers. Even if Loong Lee was really beaten to death on the stage, his father would probably not intervene since he was born in a family of martial artists. Loong Lee knew that this was the rule; this was the rule of martial artists.    


"Hehe, Murong Jiesha? "What's the use of you being fierce. Come, let me see what qualifications you have to dare spout such nonsense." With that, Loong Lee rushed towards Murong Jiesha.    


When Loong Lee was about to collide with him, Murong Jiesha quickly moved his feet and dodged Loong Lee's ace attack. Murong Jiesha looked at Loong Lee who was charging towards him, he was not in a hurry, and when Loong Lee was about to collide with him, he quickly moved away and dodged Loong Lee's ace attack. Murong Jiesha looked like Loong Lee who was standing next to him with one hand on his shoulder and the other hand still in his pocket.    


"Hehe, with this kind of strength, I can kill you with one hand. Shang Wu Manor, hehe, the word martial arts is probably a joke."    


Loong Lee, who fell to the ground, was completely stunned. He never thought that the difference in strength between himself and his opponent was so huge. With the willpower that he grew up with, Loong Lee stood up shakily.    


"Shang Wu Manor is not something that you can insult."    


Below the stage, Faang Lingmeng and the others were dumbfounded, especially Lu and Yin Chengzhi. The two of them had never seen something like this before.    


Just at this moment, the black clothed man who brought the four of them in said: "The one on the stage is our Villa's little gongzi, he is very loyal to our people and has always been very concerned about us juniors. His kung fu is also top-notch, I didn't expect that … This young master is finished. Don't leave, the four of you stay here, I'm going to tell the head to quickly come and save the young master, otherwise, something bad might happen " Then, without waiting for their reply, he ran towards the backyard.    


"Eh, Brother Lu, something seems to have happened to the Shang Wu Manor. Why don't we leave first, otherwise, if we really kill them later, we won't be able to escape responsibility. Don't let those people on the stage go crazy, they might even attack us."    


Yeah, these people feel like they are not good people, fighting and killing, so they won't hurt me. But, looking at Xu Fann and Faang Lingmeng beside him, he thought, if I leave and they don't leave, what if the contract is negotiated by them? Then what should he do? At this time, Lu was a little regretful. If he didn't bring them with him, then he would have no problem even if he left directly.    


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