Immortals Dump Waste In My Home

C1745 Bluesilver Grass

C1745 Bluesilver Grass

Xu Fann shook his head bitterly. He used to be considered wealthy in the mortal world, but his total assets were not even 10 billion yuan. Of course, this was because Xu Fann Zhi was not a part of it.    


But Jinyun Group alone was already estimated to be worth several hundred billion, so the first group in the entire Jiang-Nan province, including the assets of all the different parts of the country and all over the world, had an even larger number. Thus, a business value of ten billion was not really that much, because this was the valiant strength of Jinyun Group.    


However, no matter how one looked at it, 10 billion was not a small number. Lin Haiyao still wanted to win the championship despite the huge gap between them. This girl was insane.    


"Uh, Xu Fann, you don't have to have such a huge reaction, do you?" Lin Haiyao said weakly.    


Xu Fann was speechless.    


He cleared his throat and then said seriously, "Director Lin, do you know why I was left at the end?"    


Lin Haiyao was stunned for a moment. She didn't understand why Xu Fann was asking this.    


With doubts, she opened her mouth and said, "Of course it's because Sister Qin and I are good sisters. Leave the best of you to me." "Why do you ask?"    


Xu Fann said seriously: "To tell you the truth, none of the three executives took a fancy to me and left me there."    


"Huh?" Lin Haiyao's beautiful eyes widened in disbelief. "You were chosen by them?"    


"Yes!" Xu Fann nodded solemnly and continued, "So don't have too much hope in me."    


Lin Haiyao was stunned for a moment. Suddenly, she giggled. Lin Haiyao's smile made Xu Fann feel as if she was a beauty that could topple nations. Xu Fann felt as if his soul was being pulled.    


For a moment, even Xu Fann couldn't help but become slightly absent-minded.    


"That's because they don't know what's good for them. Leave the good ones to me." Lin Haiyao wasn't disappointed after learning the truth. On the contrary, she was rather proud of it.    


Xu Fann was a bit speechless. Why was this girl so confident in him?    


"I don't understand why you value me so much." He could not help but ask curiously.    


Lin Haiyao mysteriously smiled and walked forward. Her swan like neck stretched out and whispered into Xu Fann's ear.    


Xu Fann could not help but feel the fragrance of a woman.    


"My grandfather has already told me your secret." Lin Haiyao said softly as she exhaled heavily like an orchid.    


Xu Fann paused for a moment: "Your grandpa said something about my secret, he..."    


At this point, he suddenly came to a realization.    


Wasn't her grandfather the weird old man in ancient clothes in the cave yesterday, a master at the peak of the Inner Qi realm?    


It turned out that the old fellow had told Lin Haiyao his secret.    


That old fellow told Lin Haiyao, if this kind of person was willing, let alone tens of billions, it wouldn't be difficult for them to create another Jinyun Group with their own hands.    


Thus, within half a year, he would be able to earn tens of billions of dollars in sales. No, it could even be tens of billions.    


For the next half year, in order to win the annual championship, they would probably put in more effort, and their sales would naturally skyrocket, increasing the distance between them and the team. At that time, the difference would be more than 10 billion, maybe even 20 billion.    


With such a huge number, Xu Fann could only sigh in his heart: I just want to hang around for nine to five hours, there are still a lot of things I have to do.    


Lin Haiyao didn't care if he could do it or not, she continued, "When we met at the restaurant, I was surprised that you could fight so many bullies by yourself. Now I understand that you and my grandfather were actually the same type of people. People like you can already be said to not be mortals, what's a mere tens of billions? "    


"Ugh …" Xu Fann's forehead was covered in cold sweat.    


Look at how easily she spoke. It was only tens of billions of dollars, did they really think that martial artists were ATM machines?    


"Hai." Xu Fann sighed helplessly and said with a wry smile, "Chief, I think we should take things step by step. First of all, our goal should be to surpass the group in front of us and try our best to get third place in sales this year."    


"No, it must be the sales champion, the champion, the champion. The important thing is to say it three times. " Lin Haiyao said firmly, emphasizing the word "champion".    


Xu Fann was puzzled. "Why is he the champion?"    


"Because if I'm not the champion, I will, I will..." As she spoke to here, Lin Haiyao seemed to want to say something, but hesitated. A trace of red actually appeared on her beautiful face.    


After holding it in for a long time, she finally couldn't give a specific reason. She stomped her foot and said with an even more determined voice, "Anyway, we have to be champions!"    


Xu Fann spread out his hands as if he loved Zheng's help: "Sorry, I can't do it."    


"You …" Lin Haiyao panicked. "Xu Fann, if you can't do it, then I'll … I'll …" She wanted to say something, but she hesitated, as if there was something she couldn't say.    


Her way of saying it yet not saying it made people itch in their hearts, making Xu Fann depressed.    


"But what about it? Say it! " Xu Fann urged, "Maybe if you tell me the reason, I'll consider trying to help you."    


"No, no, I can't say it now." Lin Haiyao bit her moist lips and firmly shook her head.    


Xu Fann sighed and said, "If you don't want to say it, then forget it. I will do my best."    


"No, not to the best of my ability, but to do it." Lin Haiyao stressed again.    


Do you think it's necessary? Xu Fann shook his head and ignored him.    


Seeing Xu Fann not giving him any face, Lin Haiyao suddenly pulled his hand. She didn't care about the issue of pulling and pulling between a man and a woman in front of everyone. She pulled him away and said, "Come with me."    


Xu Fann wanted to know what this woman was up to, so he followed her.    


Along the way, passersby saw Lin Haiyao holding the hand of an unfamiliar young man as they walked towards the dormitory. Their mouths were wide open in shock and their glasses were broken all over the floor.    


Looking at that rustic guy, he looked just like a country bumpkin. All of a sudden, the male animals that had a crush on Lin Haiyao were filled with heartache, holding their wrists and lamenting that the flowers in reality were stuck in cow dung.    


Along the way, Xu Fann felt a bit scared when he felt the weird, yet envious gazes from the passersby, as well as the hate-filled gazes from some men.    


Sometimes, getting too close to a beautiful woman was a very dangerous thing to do.    


"Hey, hey, hey! Where are you pulling me?" Xu Fann couldn't help but ask.    


"You'll know when we get there." While they were talking, the two of them entered the district marked with the North Courtyard apartment.    


This district was entirely an independent apartment building, it was a residential area specially created by Jinyun Group for officers above the supervisor level.    


Lin Haiyao's apartment was a small, fancy, four-story building.    


Up to here, Xu Fann was stunned.    


The corridor to the fourth floor was filled with all sorts of plants and flowers. It was a sea of flowers and plants, and one wouldn't even be able to find a place to rest if they walked.    


Of course, this was not the reason why he was stunned. Instead, he was shocked to smell a trace of faintly discernible spiritual energy.    


Spiritual energy was something that martial artists and cultivators pursued fervently.    


This place actually had spiritual energy, it made Xu Fann both surprised and happy.    


Naturally, there was no such thing as spiritual energy being generated for no reason. It was definitely emitted from some kind of plant within the flowers and grasses.    


Xu Fann quickly put down the luggage in his hand. His sharp eyes swept around and finally found a thin blue grass in a flowerpot.    


"Bluesilver Grass!"    


He almost blurted out the name of the grass as he rushed towards the flower pot, his eyes filled with joy.    


He hadn't thought that he would be able to see Bluesilver Grass here. It was truly a pitiful sight.    


Even if it was Asura Realm, Bluesilver Grass was still a rare spirit grass, and even rarer in the mortal world. This spirit grass had extremely strict requirements for the living environment, making it difficult to survive.    


"Is it called Bluesilver Grass?" Lin Haiyao walked over and asked.    


Xu Fann was curious. He raised his head and asked, "You planted it yourself, yet you don't know about it?"    


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