Immortals Dump Waste In My Home

C1050 A Passive Evildoer

C1050 A Passive Evildoer

Early in the morning on the next day, Xu Fann arrived at Extreme North Airport from Harbour Island Airport. Arriving at the airport, Xu Fann did not stop and took a taxi to Aurora Town, which was ten kilometers away from the ice mountain.    


Aurora Town was the town closest to the ice mountain. At the same time, it was also a publicly recognized gathering place for the people who were heading to the ice mountain.    


All those who had come to the Aurora Town were not only those who wanted to rest, but also those who wanted to purchase tools for climbing. The most important thing was still to find out more information.    


One had to know that in a situation like this … A cultivator might only encounter this once in their lifetime.    


Therefore, any cultivator who came to this small town would not be a regular customer.    


Thinking about this, Xu Fann stopped walking and looked at the nameplate in the room beside him.    


On the nameplate, there was a row of English letters. Below the letter was a parenthesis, within which were written the words "Old Nine of the Year of Chen".    


Seeing these words, Xu Fann smiled faintly. He knew that he had come to the right place.    


"Seems like you're right." After a simple survey of his surroundings, he muttered to himself and prepared to enter the bar.    


He stepped into the bar, but before he could do so … Xu Fann was stopped by two people dressed in black.    


After stopping Xu Fann, the two Black Man didn't say anything. Instead, he took out a stone from his pocket and handed it over to Xu Fann.    


Xu Fann was not surprised by this. After entering the Aurora Town, he had inquired about it.    


He had known for a long time that there were six bars in the town. However, there was only one bar, and that was a place that ordinary people could not enter no matter how much money they spent.    


If he wanted to enter this bar, there was no other way. He could only crush the stone that Black Man handed to him.    


He also heard that the stone that Black Man handed to him was extremely hard. Even if one was a martial artist all year round, it would still be impossible to crush it.    


The gathering of these rumours was this old and old Nine, a bar that only cultivators could enter.    


Thinking of this, Xu Fann injected some inner qi into the stone in his hand. Just as his inner force was released, a wave of resisting energy was released from the rock.    


This energy immediately made him understand the villagers' rumors. One had to know that a stone with the support of a cultivator's inner force was not something an ordinary person could crush.    


Thinking this way, Xu Fann circulated his inner force to clear the weak energy in the stone.    


He squeezed gently. 'Pa! 'A light sound was heard. The stone in his hand turned into a pile of powder.    


Seeing Xu Fann crush the stone into powder, Black Man, who was blocking the way, knew Xu Fann's identity. He moved to their respective sides, opening up a path for Xu Fann.    


Seeing this, Xu Fann shook his head. He sighed with emotion as he thought about how the owner of the bar would filter out ordinary people. Only after letting the trainer enter the bar.    


He took a step and passed through the two roads that Black Man had opened up and entered the bar.    


Compared to a normal bar, this bar that was specially provided for cultivators was clearly different.    


He didn't have any explosive music, nor did he have the tonal of the atmosphere, nor did he have a corrosive atmosphere.    


As for the people among them, all of them were emitting some energy, indicating that they were not ordinary people.    


However, this was a bar after all, and good wine was naturally indispensable.    


However, compared to ordinary wine, the wine here clearly had other flavorings.    


With the appearance of these seasonings, the originally ordinary wine was actually able to emit a bit of energy.    


The cheaper wines naturally had less energy. Naturally, the energy emitted by the expensive fine wine was much greater.    


The energy emitted by some especially expensive wine made even Xu Fann, who was in the middle stage Heaven Stage, extremely envious.    


At the same time, it also made Xu Fann curious. This was not the sort of situation that would occur when ordinary people drank wine.    


"If you can get that young man who just got into the bar out of there, I'll be with you tonight." At this moment, a girl shouted from behind him, "Because I only want to be with the strong. If I don't have the strength of a powerful warrior, why should I be with you?"    


The voice made Xu Fann frown. He was the only one who entered the bar, and no one else entered after him.    


Obviously, the current him was unable to stay out of this matter. This voice was obviously aimed at him.    


Thinking about this, Xu Fann frowned and looked back.    


What entered his eyes were six young men. A young and beautiful girl was surrounded by these six youngsters.    


Obviously, the voice from before came from this girl.    


Xu Fann looked the girl up and down, then observed the situation around her and immediately understood what had happened to her.    


He understood that there was a high chance that the other party was forced into a desperate situation.    


Even so, she was still using him. Xu Fann was extremely dissatisfied with the way they were buying him time.    


As such, he only glanced at them, not caring about the few young men who were sizing him up, before turning back to look at himself.    


Xu Fann's actions were noticed by the six youths.    


Originally, when they saw Xu Fann was young, they thought that he wasn't that strong. When he saw Xu Fann retract his gaze, he thought Xu Fann was scared.    


After determining that Xu Fann was weak, he didn't dare to oppose them. They retracted their gazes and looked at each other.    


Soon after, one of the six young men walked out. While walking towards Xu Fann, he said to Xu Fann, "Bro, if you want to get out of here, why don't you give me Gou Yu some face, go out and sit in a cool breeze, then come back in later."    


This seemingly polite voice was used by Gou Yu as a name. Instantly, the surrounding people turned their gazes over.    


The situation on the scene was simple. After a simple observation from the surrounding people, they understood that Xu Fann had gotten himself into trouble due to the girl.    


All of a sudden, numerous gazes of pity and schadenfreude fell on Xu Fann.    


They, who had entered the bar ahead of time, already knew the identities of Gou Yu's group and knew of the backers that Gou Yu had within the Aurora Town.    


Xu Fann frowned in the face of everyone's gaze. Although he did not want to cause trouble, he would not allow others to bully him either.    


However, he could tell from the looks of the crowd that Gou Yu's identity was extraordinary. What's more, he had been taken advantage of by that girl, and he had yet to find out what he was searching for.    


Therefore, he did not immediately explode in anger, but rather swallowed his anger. Ignoring the young man who was giving him orders from behind, he continued to walk towards the bar.    


Xu Fann's disregard caused everyone to turn their gazes towards Gou Yu.    


Under normal circumstances, Xu Fann's behavior was nothing. But under the gazes of so many people, he was really not giving Gou Yu any face at all.    


While everyone was thinking this, Gou Yu was also thinking the same thing.    


Upon realizing that he had lost face, his face immediately darkened.    


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