Immortals Dump Waste In My Home

C1027 Cursing Huang Mu

C1027 Cursing Huang Mu

Xu Fann's heart seemed to be filled with anger because of what Huang Mu had just said.    


When he saw Huang Mu charging towards him in anger, he did not avoid him but went forward to meet him head on.    


Due to the Divine Line Tailsman's assistance, the two of them were only slightly slower than each other, and the distance between the two of them was quickly shortened.    


Before long, the two people that had just separated clashed again.    


As Huang Mu was at the middle stage of Heaven Stage, Xu Fann's strength was inferior to him in the first place. And now, Huang Mu was in a state of rage.    


This collision instantly flipped Xu Fann over.    


Compared to Xu Fann, Huang Mu stood there steadily.    


Seeing Xu Fann fall to the ground, he scolded loudly, "Little bastard, do you realize the difference between you and grandpa now?"    


While cursing, he held the sharp blade in his hand and charged forward once again.    


Seeing Huang Mu rush over, Xu Fann who was lying on the ground immediately picked up his Golden Thunder Sword and put it on top of his head.    


Just as he set up the Golden Thunder Sword, Huang Mu's body appeared in front of Xu Fann.    


With a "ding", the Golden Thunder Sword and Huang Mu's weapon once again collided.    


As the Golden Thunder Sword were too powerful, they had to be defended against. It was a gap in Huang Mu's weapon.    


"It is indeed a good sword." Seeing this, Huang Mu was overjoyed.    


Thinking this, he raised his leg and kicked out Xu Fann, who was lying on the ground.    


Then, he raised the sword that already had a hole in it and jumped towards Xu Fann once again.    


Xu Fann, who was kicked away, felt his stomach rolling. But when he saw Huang Mu rushing towards him, he couldn't care less.    


He raised his left arm and flipped his palm, slamming it onto the ground.    


'Bang! 'a muffled sound was heard. Xu Fann followed the counterforce and stood up.    


Xu Fann, who stood up once again, looked at the other side fiercely. He lifted his Golden Thunder Sword and went up to face the incoming attack once again.    


Instantly, the two people that had just separated once again collided with each other.    


However, it was all thanks to Huang Mu's great strength. The result of this collision was the same as before.    


However, Xu Fann still couldn't accept it. Soon, the next round of collisions began.    


At the beginning, Xu Fann could still resist with his strongest state.    


However, not long after, the palm of his hand that was holding onto the sword was shattered by an enormous force.    


However, he saw that Huang Mu's sharp sword already had many holes. Even though he still had hope, he didn't give up.    


Xu Fann, who was sure that he could defeat Huang Mu with the broken sword, once again charged forward.    


However, the rupture of the tiger's mouth caused Xu Fann's power to hold the sword to be greatly reduced.    


In the instant of this collision, the Golden Thunder Sword in Xu Fann's hand. Because of Xu Fann's great strength, he was sent flying.    


The moment the Golden Thunder Sword was knocked away, Huang Mu's eyes that were constantly attacking suddenly lit up.    


With his fastest speed, he pounced towards the direction of the Golden Thunder Sword.    


Thus, Xu Fann's reaction was not slow, and it had the support of the Divine Line Tailsman.    


In just an instant, he managed to pick up the Golden Thunder Sword that was knocked away once again in front of Huang Mu.    


This accident made him realize. How big of a gap was there between him and Huang Mu?    


At the same time, he realized that Huang Mu was only testing the strength of the Golden Thunder Sword by not moving from his position for so long.    


After realizing this, he reached his hands into his sleeves, took out Invisible Talisman s, and used them.    


Immediately, Xu Fann disappeared on the spot.    


After Xu Fann disappeared, Huang Mu was completely stunned on the spot.    


He really did not understand how a living person could disappear just like that.    


After staring blankly for a moment, he looked around in a circle. After confirming that there was no one around, he turned towards Ye Shi's direction.    


"What's going on? Why did he disappear?" Then he asked Ye Shi.    


Due to the excessive myths of the Ye Family people towards Xu Fann, Ye Shi, who was jealous, had investigated Xu Fann many times.    


Ye Shi, who was extremely knowledgeable about Xu Fann, definitely knew why such a situation had occurred.    


At this moment, Ye Shi, who was at the side, also had surprise in his eyes.    


It was not that he didn't know Xu Fann had this kind of combat ability, but he did believe that there was really a way to make people invisible.    


He believed that Xu Fann could become invisible. It was just their Ye Family that were way too mythical, bragging about their abilities.    


And today's scene had undoubtedly completely destroyed all his original guesses.    


Not long later, he suddenly remembered Huang Mu's question just now. Therefore, he replied lightly, "This is a technique that he used to hide his body. He is still here."    


As he spoke, his heart had already been filled with burning desire.    


"I really didn't expect that a bumpkin would have so many treasures on him." This caused him to mutter to himself after answering Huang Mu, "If I had this concealing technique, my strength would probably increase greatly."    


At this moment, he was determined to get this skill.    


On the other side, Huang Mu who was reminded by Ye Shi also reacted.    


Realizing that this was another battle skill that was as powerful and precious as a Golden Thunder Sword … … His eyes were burning with passion.    


He believed that this skill would greatly increase his strength.    


When he realized this, his eyes were also filled with fiery passion.    


However, the fire in his eyes soon disappeared.    


He looked around and after not finding Xu Fann, he casually chose a direction.    


"Awesome, if I can't beat him, I'll just hide like a turtle. How laughable."    


"The losers from the Ye Family even treat you as a divine existence, as they proclaim to us how powerful and powerful you are. There will be a day when you return to take revenge for them."    


"I really didn't expect you to be this kind of person. You only know how to dodge and you're useless."    


"If you want me to say it, then stop trying to be a hero and just directly become a turtle. I think that you are more suited to become one like this."    


All of a sudden, endless ridicule came out of Huang Mu's mouth.    


However, Huang Mu sounded like he was mocking Ye Zichen. However, his eyes continued to scan the surroundings.    


It was obvious that his gaze was only meant to anger Xu Fann. It forced Xu Fann out of his concealed state.    


However, Xu Fann had not left his concealed state for a long time.    


Just when Huang Mu was about to shut his mouth and give up on this method, forcing Xu Fann out.    


"Old dog, you're courting death." An explosive shout sounded out in the air.    


That familiar voice made Huang Mu not angry, but happy instead.    


Immediately, he turned his gaze towards the source of the voice.    


However, when he looked back, he did not see Xu Fann himself.    


Instead, he saw a streak of eerie blue light shooting towards him at an extremely fast speed.    


However, it was extremely fast, and it constantly emanated a sharp, ghostly blue light.    


However, Huang Mu revealed a smile on his face. Despite the speed of the blue light, he could still see it clearly.    


The original body of the faint blue light was not a side effect. It was the treasured sword in Xu Fann's hand from before.    


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