Immortals Dump Waste In My Home

C430 Debt Collection

C430 Debt Collection

Although Xu Fann had already forced Liu Hua to leave, Wang Guoqiang would still suppress his Liu Family and make a move against Xu Fann.    


However, although Liu Family in a fit of rage would not do anything to Xu Fann on the surface due to Wang Guoqiang's face, behind the scenes, as long as they slightly expressed their attitudes to these big shots in the East Sea, they believed that these smart big shots would all rush forward and create all kinds of troubles for Xu Fann.    


That was why Xu Fann was targeting Liu Hua time and time again. Not only was he showing his forceful attitude towards Liu Family, he was also demonstrating his might to this group of important figures in the East China Sea!    


Now, it was the same situation. The only way to prevent himself from being directly arrested and sent to the police station was to bind all the powerful figures of the East China Sea together.    


Xu Fann did not have the time to play with these people, so he decided to take advantage of today's situation to explain this to these big shots of the East China Sea.    


Facing Xu Fann's cold expression, the big figures poured themselves another glass of wine and drank it all.    


Xu Fann was indeed powerful. In terms of background and strength, all of them were first-rate. However, they were all too young.    


If this situation was handled by any of the old foxes in the arena, they would probably be able to put down their status and fight with the powerful figures in the East China Sea.    


But Xu Fann, in order to act quickly, arrogantly ordered the group of huge characters and forced them to drink a cup of wine.    


Although the big figures did not intend to have a conflict with Xu Fann, on the surface, they were obedient. In their hearts, they looked down on Xu Fann.    


No matter how powerful you are, Xu Fann, you are in the East China Sea. If you don't befriend us and are alone, what kind of waves can you create?    


Xu Fann obviously didn't know what the big figures were thinking, and he was too lazy to know.    


As Earth Stage Expert, he was able to see through the heavens. Regardless of his experience or his identity, they were all completely different from these people. Naturally, Xu Fann could not be bothered to guess what these people were thinking.    


Summer bugs can't speak ice.    


Xu Fann had his own way of solving the problems and difficulties he faced.    


Couldn't he solve it? Big figures don't listen? A punch was enough to kill!    


After the big figures finished drinking their wine, the incomparably sincere and good-natured smiles on their faces had slightly faded, but it still hung on their faces as if on the verge of collapse.    


However, Xu Fann still did not let the group of people go, and coldly said, "Everyone, we will all be in the East China Sea, so let's greet everyone in advance. If I cause any trouble for everyone, please don't take offense. I, Xu Fann, will give everyone another toast! "    


Xu Fann's words similarly did not sound cold or kind, but the big figures had completely understood Xu Fann's intentions.    


This young man was causing trouble!    


Yes, you're powerful, we can't afford to offend you, but we have no enmity with you. Do you really dare to kill us in public?    


Our position has already been lowered to this extent. At least you have given us some face so that we can meet again in the future, right?    


This time, more than half of the big characters drank Xu Fann's orders. Their faces completely sank, and less than half of the big characters didn't even drink the wine in their hands.    


Initially, they were all happy to cooperate with each other.    


But Xu Fann relied on his might and he made things difficult for them time and time again. The three toasts completely trampled their dignity under their feet, and like a marionette, they were casually driven by Xu Fann. That feeling already caused the group of famous people to be furious.    


No matter how powerful you are, you still don't have a real identity and are only recognized by Old Head!    


Do you have the guts to lock us up with a single word?    


If you don't have the ability, what are you trying to show off to us here?    


At that instant, everyone hid their smiles. Some people threw their wine cups on the ground, some caressed their sleeves and turned their faces away, while some people pointed at Xu Fann and asked, "Mr Xu, may I ask why you refuse to drink?"    


This is the crux of the matter. To toast our wine and pick up our wine glasses is to give us face, and everyone is happy. But you don't take the wine glasses, you just keep letting us drink, that's an order!    


Once they accepted Xu Fann's order, not only would it be a problem with East Ocean, it would also cause this group of important figures to directly push themselves to the opposite of Liu Family. How could these important figures accept this?    


That was why the reaction of this group of important figures was so intense.    


However, facing the protest from the big shots, Xu Fann only sneered and asked, "If I said I would give you a toast, are you really treating yourself as a big shot?" Did he not have any points in his heart? In my opinion, you guys are nothing more than fart! "    


Those words finally tore the cloth away from each other's face. The big figures all looked at Xu Fann with sullen faces, but there was no real hatred in their eyes. There was only a very distinct attitude.    


At this moment, they stood together with incomparable unity, and were only expressing their attitude. We were not willing to be enemies with you, and similarly, we would not be at your mercy, acting as cannon fodder for you, and blocking the attacks of the Liu Family.    


In fact, their situation was already very delicate. With Xu Fann's background and the enormous Liu Family, as long as they came into contact with even the slightest bit of it, they would die without a burial!    


If Xu Fann didn't push them too hard, they wouldn't even dare to show that expression!    


Smiling, Xu Fann pointed at the big figures on the field and cursed, "I, Xu Fann, have always been a person who distinguishes between kindness and hatred. Those who owe me favors, I respect them tenfold, and those who hate me, I will repay them a hundredfold! As for you all, although I must admit that I am unable to muster up the desire to attack you all when facing you all, I still do not plan on letting you all go. "    


At this moment, Xu Fann's posture was like that of an ancient drunk scholar, pointing at everything in the world and reprimanding it.    


The faces of the people below all darkened, unable to utter a single word.    


They had indeed offended Xu Fann, when they chose to fawn over Liu Family and attack the people beside Xu Fann.    


They thought that Xu Fann would let them off the hook for the sake of the big picture and drink to their hearts' content.    


However, Xu Fann taunted them disdainfully with a superior attitude. Yet, they didn't even dare to cover their ears when they left the place.    


They had already offended Xu Fann, but it wasn't that serious. Furthermore, Xu Fann wouldn't unreasonably vent his anger on himself, but once he leaves, it would truly anger this crazy young man.    


The corner of his mouth curled into a sneer, and his voice seemed to have come from hell, "The little hoodlums are still not aware of the disaster that will befall their families, but you, the high and mighty people, in order to curry favor with the powerful and influential, do not have the slightest hesitation. This act of eating is really despicable!"    


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