Immortals Dump Waste In My Home

C295 The Clouds in All Directions

C295 The Clouds in All Directions

"Who are you?" Just as Xu Fann and Yang Ping went downstairs to prepare to head towards Xiao Family, they received an unfamiliar call from her. Xu Fann asked impatiently.    


A hoarse voice came from the other end of the phone, it should have been processed by a voice modulator. "Go to Tian De Manor in the Heavenly De Mountain Range, I'll be waiting for you there! I'll give you twenty-four hours, bring the prescription along with you, or else you'll have to collect Xiao Qiang's corpse! "    


"Crack!" The other party hung up.    


Xu Fann was stunned for a few seconds. Xiao Qiang just called him, but who was it now?    


"Seems like the other party is here for you." Yang Ping squinted his eyes.    


Xu Fann nodded and tried to call Xiao Qiang again.    


The call connected. "Hello?" Xu Fann tried to say.    


"I think the authorities have informed you!" This time it was a man's voice.    


"Just who are you?" This time, it wasn't Xiao Qiang who answered the phone. Xu Fann had basically confirmed that something had happened to Xiao Qiang, but who the hell was the enemy? It was directed at him.    


However, the other party did not answer Xu Fann's call again. When Xu Fann called again, the number had already been deleted.    


"It can't be Xiao Buqi, right?" But as soon as this thought arose, Xu Fann denied it again. Xiao Buqi was Xiao Qiang's brother after all, how could he threaten him with Xiao Qiang? Who else would covet his prescription?    


Xu Fann thought about it and immediately called Wu Tian: "Commander Wu, I need you to help me get a plane. I'm going to Tian De Manor." Xu Fann knew about that Heaven's Desolate Mountain Range, it was a famous tourist destination in China. It was only 24 hours, Xu Fann really didn't know how to get there other than by plane.    


"What happened? Why are you in such a hurry?" Wu Tian's surprised voice came from the other side.    


"Just now, a Chinese person called me to threaten me. He captured a friend of mine and told me to immediately go back and retrieve his corpse. He is here for my prescription."    


"Ah!" Commander Wu was also shocked, if they were here for Xu Fann's prescription, then this really had something to do with Wu Tian. After all, Wu Tian can't just watch Xu Fann's abnormal medicine fall into other people's hands.    


"He even threatened me, if I can't bring the prescription, then he'll kill my parents, including everyone else who has contact with me." Xu Fann naturally added extra fuel to the fire. After all, borrowing a plane wasn't a big deal.    


"What?" As expected, Wu Tian got angry after hearing that.    


"I'll go to the military first. Prepare the plane for me!" Xu Fann said to the phone.    


With that, Xu Fann hung up.    


Seeing Xu Fann's serious expression, Yang Ping asked, "Xu Fann, what's wrong?"    


"Let's go to the military."    


However, the unfortunate thing happened again.    


"Mr Xu, please wait a moment!" Just as Xu Fann was about to get into the car, a seemingly gentleman called out to him.    


This very gentleman, and behind him.    


"What's the matter?" Xu Fann frowned and asked. He was in a hurry right now, so he didn't have such a good tone.    


"Mr Xu Fann, can you come with me to a quiet place to talk?"    


Xu Fann was surprised for a moment, then waved his hand and said, "I'm on a plane now, I'm busy. Just say it!"    


The man said, "Alright, then I'll cut to the chase. I need you to follow me around for a while. I know you know medicine. As long as you can cure it, just name a price."    


When Xu Fann heard this, he frowned.    


Xu Fann finally understood the seriousness of the situation. He didn't know who had announced his unique skill, pushing him into the limelight of this power reshuffle. It seemed that after the disappearance of the hermit clan, the various factions had started to give him benefits.    


Xu Fann sneered in his heart and said: "Sorry, I don't understand what you're saying!"    


That gentleman was stunned for a moment, but he maintained a gentle smile and said: "Mr Xu, you should understand the principle of suspending pot saving the world right? My ancestor is currently suffering from an illness, whether you help him or not is only beneficial."    


When Xu Fann heard that, he narrowed his eyes and explained seriously, "Sorry, I'm really in a hurry right now. My friend is waiting for me."    


"Xu Fann, as long as you can afford it, we can afford it!"    


Xu Fann heard his own explanation and was quite unhappy. His tone also turned cold as he frowned, "I've already said that my friend is in danger, I don't have the time to talk nonsense with you."    


When the gentleman saw Xu Fann directly reject him, he said with some anger: "Does that mean you really want to see a patient suffering and not want to save him?"    


When Xu Fann heard this, the anger in his heart flared up even more. To think that there was such an unreasonable and unreasonable person. He was in a rush of time right now and was pestering this person to no end.    


"Your ancestor's life is fate, but is my friend's life not?" Saying that, Xu Fann turned around and left. He had nothing to say to such a person.    


"Wait!" The gentleman chased after Xu Fann and stopped him.    


This time, Xu Fann was really angry and said in a deep voice: "Move aside."    


However, that gentleman still said the same words: "I've already said it. Our Ancestor is currently suffering from illness and suffering. You have to come with me."    


Xu Fann finally could not hold it in and angrily said, "Then where is my friend?"    


If Xu Fann wasn't in a hurry to leave and didn't want to get into trouble, he would have already started a fight with this person.    


"A billion," the man said, gesturing with his hand to make the sign of the cross.    


When Xu Fann heard this, the anger in his heart flared up, "Are you sick?" Saying that, he took out the Lightning Summoning Tailsman in his hand. If the man said one more word, Xu Fann would have the urge to attack.    


The gentleman frowned: "Lightning Summoning Tailsman!" Obviously, the moment the man saw the Lightning Summoning Tailsman, he also became a little fearful.    


Yang Ping also looked at the man vigilantly with a clenched fist when he saw that the atmosphere had started to get tense.    


"My name is Lin Tian. I'm from the four great clans of the capital, and I have Lin Family." The man looked into Xu Fann's eyes and slowly said this.    


"F * ck off." Xu Fann couldn't help but get angry. How could there be such a person with only his own business in his eyes? Could it be that his business isn't that kind of thing? With an angry roar, the Lightning Summoning Tailsman in Xu Fann's hand self-ignited without fire and was directly catapulted by Xu Fann, landing right on the man called Lin Tian.    


"Not good." The man's expression changed drastically, and at the same time, had a look of disbelief. Obviously, he didn't expect Xu Fann to attack him after he said that he was from Lin Family.    


Dark clouds suddenly surged in the sky, attracting the attention of the people on the streets.    


Lin Tian also looked at the dark clouds in the sky with eyes full of fear. He looked deeply at Xu Fann and said: "I'll remember you." Afterwards, without any hesitation, he turned around and flew forward at an extremely fast speed. However, the dark clouds in the sky seemed to have locked onto Lin Tian, but the speed of the dark clouds was unexpectedly equal to Lin Tian's speed of escape, causing the lightning to be unable to descend.    


"It would have been better if you hadn't been like this earlier." This scene made Yang Ping startled. He glanced at Xu Fann and said something before opening the car door and getting in.    


Xu Fann smacked his lips, how could he use the Lightning Summoning Tailsman as he wished? However, the speed of the man's escape surprised Xu Fann, he never thought that his mouth would be so tough, he just started running, but Xu Fann had to say that he made the right choice, otherwise, the Lightning Summoning Tailsman would smash him into pieces.    


Xu Fann also got on the car with Yang Ping and the two of them quickly went to the military sector of the East China Sea.    


At this moment, a person was running in front while a cloud was chasing after him on the way from the East China Sea to the capital.    


In the car, Xu Fann fell into deep thought. No matter if it was Xiao Qiang who was captured or the man he just met, they were all here for the medicinal formula. Now, Xu Fann had a faint feeling that something unimaginable had happened. The moment he appeared, he became one of the Four Great Families. At this moment, Xu Fann felt a deep sense of pressure.    


"Ai, I wonder how big brother Yang Jian is doing." However, Xu Fann was not actually too worried. The last batch of treasures that Yang Jian gave him, just those materials alone were enough to create over ten thousand Lightning Summoning Tailsman. Even if he was surrounded and attacked by over ten thousand experts of the same level, Xu Fann still had the confidence to deal with it.    


Xu Fann was worried about the person who threatened him in China. It was possible that the person who received the news was from Beijing.    


However, no matter who it was in Beijing, Xu Fann felt a headache coming on.    


Although Xu Fann was the strongest person in the world after the disappearance of the hermit family and the power reshuffling, it was hard to avoid such a strong family not having some background. After all, they had been around for a long time, so they would probably have Lightning Summoning Tailsman. It had to be known that even hermit families were afraid of Beijing, so Xu Fann was not that arrogant.    


After two hours of galloping, Xu Fann and Yang Ping arrived at the military sector.    


Wu Tian was waiting for Xu Fann at the entrance of the military sector, looking quite anxious.    


"Hurry up and get on the plane with me. We're going to Beijing now." Wu Tian said the moment he saw Xu Fann.    


"Why are we going to Beijing?" Xu Fann was stunned and couldn't help but look at Wu Tian in confusion.    


Wu Tian glanced at Xu Fann, "This matter is not something that you can solve yourself, it's a matter of the capital city's forces. I'll send you to Lin Family, they will help you."    


"You mean the people from Xiao Family were kidnapped by the capital?"    


However, Wu Tian ignored Xu Fann's words. Instead, he led the way and saw a helicopter parked in front of them.    


"Get on the plane." It was obvious that in Wu Tian's eyes, although Xu Fann was an expert, he did not have the strength to rival the capital.    


However, Xu Fann did not think this way. After seeing Wu Tian say that, he turned around and left. Xu Fann's expression was somewhat uncertain. However, since Wu Tian dared to send Xu Fann there, then Wu Tian shouldn't harm Xu Fann. Xu Fann was quite confident in his value to the military.    


"What should we do?" Yang Ping glanced at Xu Fann. Of course he didn't care about this, he would listen to Xu Fann.    


Xu Fann glanced at Yang Ping, "Let's go. It seems like Xiao Qiang was kidnapped by some power in the capital city, and it shouldn't be this Lin Family. We'll take a trip to the Lin Family and get to know the situation."    


Time was of the essence, Xu Fann and Yang Ping signalled to each other and the two of them boarded the plane.    


However, just after Xu Fann left, two groups of people came to Wu Tian's place at the same time. From Wu Tian's nervous attitude, these two groups of people were not ordinary people.    


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