Immortals Dump Waste In My Home

C204 Wang Pi Zi Again

C204 Wang Pi Zi Again

He temporarily suppressed the doubts in his heart and comforted Xu Qiuya a few times before following her to Aunt Wang's house.    


Qiu Su'e was present as well, and the atmosphere was tense.    


"Auntie, what happened?"    


Grandma Wang's eyes were a little dazed. She raised her head and looked at Xu Fann. It was as if a dead person had suddenly lit up hope. She directly pounced on Xu Fann and was about to kneel down.    


"Fan Zi, I beg of you, help me! I only have this one son! Help me save him! I'll do anything!"    


Xu Fann also realized the seriousness of the situation after hearing Grandma Wang's wailing. He looked at Qiu Su'e, who was on the side. The latter asked Xu Qiuya to first stabilize Grandma Wang, then brought Xu Fann to the room next door to tell Xu Fann the whole story.    


It turned out that Grandma Wang's wife died too early and had no relatives, leaving only this son to work with Wang Mazi to earn money in the county. Although he knew Wang Mazi wasn't a good person, he still came from the same village, and Aunt Wang's son often said that he took care of these villagers, so Aunt Wang wasn't too worried.    


But this time, during the construction process, a problem suddenly appeared and the building fell. Aunt Wang's son also fell down. Fortunately, he was lucky enough to survive on the spot, but the current situation was not looking good.    


"The doctor said it was intracranial hemorrhage. He said it was an operation. Those who don't have an operation will die. Even if they have an operation, they might not necessarily be people … "But we still have to be saved. There is a hope of being saved, which can be considered as a work injury, but Wang Mazi insisted that Aunt Wang's son shouldn't have come to work today, so he refused to pay the medical fees."    


Xu Fann frowned. Why was it Wang Mazi again? Why couldn't he calm down?    


Seeing Xu Fann's serious face, Qiu Su'e held Xu Fann's hand tightly and said: "Xu Fann, Aunt Wang usually treats me like her own daughter. For this matter, you have to think of a way to help Aunt Wang, not to ask for your money, can you go to Wang Mazi to ask for the medical fees? I'm begging you too. "    


Hearing that, Xu Fann was unhappy. He looked at Qiu Su'e and said with dissatisfaction, "Sis, what are you talking about? I'm definitely going to help. There's no need to thank me, you'll just have to turn around … "Heh heh."    


Xu Fann chuckled. His meaning was self-evident. When Qiu Su'e saw Xu Fann being so unorthodox, she was both embarrassed and annoyed. At the same time, she pinched Xu Fann's thigh, causing him to scream out in pain.    


"Which hospital are you in? Send the auntie over there first. There definitely can't be no one there to take care of her. Even if you find a nurse, the aunt won't be able to rest at home."    


Qiu Su'e nodded, and the two of them walked out of the room, looking at Aunt Wang who had calmed down under Xu Qiuya's consolation, and said, "Auntie, let's go, I'll take you to find my son. I'll cover the medical expenses for you first, and then we can go to Wang Mazi to reimburse him. Don't worry about it, I'm here, no problem."    


Xu Fann patted his chest in assurance, and Qiu Su'e went up to support Grandma Wang, comforting her a little bit as she followed behind Xu Fann.    


Xu Qiuya also wanted to follow, but was stopped by Xu Fann.    


"Stop causing trouble, you're still busy with matters in the village."    


Xu Qiuya was unhappy. She pouted and said, "At least you should go with me to the hospital and get some advice from Auntie Wang. You know a doctor …"    


But now that she thought about it, Xu Fann's medical skills seemed to be better than hers, so she bitterly closed her mouth. However, after thinking for a moment, she asked: "Xu Fann, your medical skills are so good, can you help treat Grandma Wang's son? This shouldn't be too difficult for you, right?"    


Xu Fann felt a headache hearing this.    


"Big brother, how do you want me to treat this? It's not like it's a physical problem. My head is bleeding, so I don't dare to randomly treat it. My medical skills as a three-legged cat can't be messed around. Life is in the sky, big sister."    


Xu Qiuya realized the problem as soon as she said that. That's right, although Xu Fann's medical skills were good enough, he had to open the skull for this kind of operation. Xu Fann didn't have any tools here, so he shouldn't open his head just like that, right? Xu Fann also thought about it and felt that it was not feasible.    


"Then I have to go with them even more. What if they cheat us at the hospital?"    


Xu Fann sighed helplessly. Since he couldn't refuse Xu Qiuya, he could only bring her along. There were only four people on the bus.    


He gave his parents a call and told them that he had something to do and would not be eating at home for lunch. Afterwards, he brought Grandma Wang and the others to the county hospital in a flurry.    


As a result, he was met by a doctor.    


"The patient's condition is not very optimistic. Before you came, we had a quick discussion about it. This kind of surgery is extremely risky in our hospital, so we recommend that you all quickly move to the provincial capital. If you are late, the patient will have a problem."    


If it was the transfer of the hospital, if it was due to Xu Fann's temper, she would also change it. But Xu Qiuya, no, you have to ask where it is, why do you have to transfer the hospital, and if the patient can complete the transfer within the best treatment time, and so on.    


There was a delay of half an hour, but in the end, the conclusion was that the transfer could take place.    


"The other side of the capital …"    


Xu Fann did not hesitate, however, it was Xu Qiuya who was a bit hesitant.    


"Xu Fann..." "How about …"    


Xu Fann was a bit confused when he saw her expression.    


"What's wrong? "If you have something to say, then say it quickly. You'll have to leave soon, there's no time to lose."    


Xu Qiuya's expression turned ugly.    


"How about I don't go? No, I still have to go... Forget it, forget it.    


Xu Fann then remembered that the young miss in front of him was the big miss of the provincial capital. Of course, this big miss was also a typical young girl with a secondary disease and ran away from home, so she had some concerns when she heard that they were returning to the provincial capital this time.    


Xu Fann smiled and said, "It's fine, relax. Didn't you come back last time when you were in the capital? It's the same this time. "    


Xu Qiuya nodded. She didn't know why, but when she saw Xu Fann like this, she felt strangely calmer. When she thought of going to the provincial capital, she stopped panicking.    


Xu Qiuya's face reddened for no reason and she spat at herself. She stopped feeling like a little deer was bumping around and secretly glanced at Xu Fann without saying anything.    


Without further ado, Xu Fann quickly helped Grandma Wang complete the registration process and followed behind the ambulance as they headed frantically towards the provincial capital.    


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