Immortals Dump Waste In My Home

C1904 Internal

C1904 Internal

Just like this, Xu Fann continued forward and discovered many different types of elixirs and heavenly and earthly treasures.    


Xu Fann didn't specifically head in a certain direction. He walked casually and collected the elixirs or spiritual materials whenever he came across one.    


When the harvest time was almost done, they would follow the Spiritual Energy's senses and move towards the stronger Spiritual Energy.    


In less than a day, Xu Fann had already gathered more than a hundred different kinds of elixirs.    


Xu Fann also discovered that even though the elixirs here were quite complete, they were mostly for the fire attribute. Could it be that this secret realm is also one that has a fire attribute?    


With so many spiritual medicines, if he sold them, he would probably be able to sell them for a few hundred medium-grade spirit stones. However, Xu Fann obviously wouldn't sell them.    


Xu Fann was very satisfied with his harvest. The reason why he came to explore the secret realm was for these things.    


Even though he had obtained ten thousand mid-grade spirit stones and other things from Princess Da Fan, it was possible that most cultivators could already use them to cultivate their Great Spiritual Immortal.    


However, to Xu Fann, this amount of wealth was not enough.    


What he wanted to learn was An Xuan Academy, to become an alchemist, alchemist was a very respected profession, and also a very rare profession.    


If one wanted to reach a high level of this occupation, one had to possess extraordinary talent as well as obtain various alchemy ingredients.    


Spirit medicine was only one of them. In addition, he also needed a pill furnace, attribute spirit stones, medicinal formulas, and other various things.    


It could be said that a high-level apothecary was formed from countless treasures and herbs.    


Although Xu Fann could be considered to have quite a bit of wealth at the moment, it was not enough to raise his pill refining level. And most of the time, things like elixirs couldn't be bought with money.    


In this way, alchemists would have to think of ways to gather various types of spiritual herbs. And to be able to enter a secret realm to explore was an extremely attractive thing for alchemists.    


Even though there was a huge threat from that side, regardless of anything else, if he was trapped in a formation for hundreds of years without being able to get out, he would be finished.    


Xu Fann was not afraid of the array, as he was in another secret realm. At this moment, he could be said to have gained a great deal from nature. Although the harvest was not small, Xu Fann was looking forward to more harvest.    


It would be great if he could gather some higher grade spiritual medicines.    


The next day, he caught a few small spirit beasts in the secret realm and roasted them before continuing on his way to the secret realm.    


After collecting dozens of herbs, Xu Fann suddenly found that the Spiritual Qi in front of him had suddenly become denser. When he was walking forward, he found a tall mountain wall blocking his path.    


The mountain was surrounded by clouds and mist, making it look very mysterious. However, if he couldn't get past it, Xu Fann's exploration would have to stop here.    


Xu Fann looked at the mountain wall with a thoughtful expression.    


Even though the spiritual energy in front of him was so dense and active, there was a mountain wall in front of him blocking his way. This was very abnormal.    


Xu Fann immediately guessed one possibility. Perhaps this was the boundary between the secret inner region and the outer region. As long as they passed through this mountain wall, they would be able to reach the secret realm.    


There should be a formation on the mountain face.    


It was a pity that he couldn't cultivate the Spirit Eye, otherwise he would have been able to see through this formation.    


At that time, he only needed to enter through a gap in the array formation. But now, he had no choice but to break through the array formation.    


Xu Fann waved his hand and eight formation flags were exchanged out from the Cosmic Bag. As Xu Fann pointed a few times in the air, the formation flags landed in different directions.    


Once the array flags were in place, another formation began to activate within the formation, and the surrounding spiritual energy began to dissipate.    


As Xu Fann sent strands of spiritual energy into the array flags, the two array flags in the middle suddenly flew up from the ground and pointed towards a spot on the mountain wall.    


Following the change in the formation flag, a stream of cyan spiritual energy shot towards the mountain wall and quickly pierced into it.    


A rumbling sound followed.    


The shape of the mountain wall changed. Soon, it formed a door. Xu Fann smiled and walked inside.    


After about a hundred steps, he reached the mountain and felt the spiritual energy around him getting denser and denser.    


And in front of Xu Fann, a place full of vegetation and spirit beasts appeared.    


The spiritual energy here was at least a few hundred times stronger than the spiritual energy outside. Even without cultivation, the speed here was at least ten times faster than outside.    


However, Xu Fann didn't have the time to train at the moment. Since he had finally entered the Secret Domain, naturally he had to first collect the elixirs.    


In this place, normal plants would grow very spiritually, and spiritual medicines would be much more spirited.    


Xu Fann found two stalks of Elixir after entering the secret realm for just a short while. These two stalks of Elixir were called Heart Locking Grass and Black Love Flower.    


They were all at least three hundred years old, and were the main ingredients to concoct the Heartlock Pill and the Aura Restraining Pill.    


These two pill had the effect of calming the Qi and preventing Qi deviation, which was useful for cultivators from the Aurous Core stage to the Congealed Elemental Realm.    


Xu Fann quickly collected them, but by this time, the jade box he brought with him was already filled with all sorts of spiritual medicines. These two were quite precious, but there was no place to put them.    


Xu Fann could only put some of the shorter forbidden medicines into a jade box to make room for the two stalks of spiritual medicine.    


"Alas, we should still prepare some tribes!" Xu Fann sighed with happiness. Suddenly, he jumped up and looked towards a certain direction.    


Not far away, there was a patch of fiery red on the ground. This fiery red was neither a spirit medicine nor a spirit beast, nor was it a rock. It was a red fireball the size of a fist.    


Even from this far, Xu Fann could feel the scorching energy emitted by the fireball.    


But what was strange was that the plants around the fireball, whether it was spiritual medicines or ordinary plants, were not burnt by its high temperature and instead seemed lush and verdant.    


So spiritual? A trace of doubt flashed through Xu Fann's heart. He also had a guess. This thing, could it be a high-level flame?    


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