Top Campus Beauty System

C108 A Deadly Bomb

C108 A Deadly Bomb

Right at this moment, the ice that had frozen Ah Da suddenly cracked open, and started expanding.    


Ye Ling couldn't help but curse in his heart when he saw the crack on the continuously expanding ice.    


If this bastard ran out, no one would be able to stop him. Moreover, Ye Ling's Ice Wheel Pill had long disappeared. There was nothing that could be used to deal with him. Ye Ling had no chance of winning.    


Immediately, Ye Ling placed the paper ball in his hand onto the ice without hesitation. After putting it away, Ye Ling quickly used the shave to leave this place.    


"Don't even think about leaving! Ah San, go and chase after him. " I'll go and see Ah Da. "    


second bro saw that Ye Ling was about to run away. He said angrily to Ye Ling. Unfortunately, Ye Ling didn't pay him any attention. Ye Ling was still running for his life. second bro knew that if he didn't stop Ye Ling quickly, Ye Ling would leave this place. That was why he turned to Ah San and instructed him.    


As soon as he finished giving his orders, Ah San dashed towards Ye Ling at an extremely fast speed, like a barbaric bull.    


Ye Ling was using the flashing scratch. He didn't expect a black shadow to attack him. Moreover, the speed of the black shadow was very fast. Before he could react, the black shadow arrived. Ah San used a black knife to block Ye Ling's path.    


"Get out of my way if you don't want to die!" Ye Ling looked at Ah San anxiously. He had to be anxious. The big bomb behind him was about to explode. If he did not leave, he would be finished.    


The black shadow shook his head and said, "I can't let you leave. Young Master said he wanted you to die. You must die."    


Hearing his words, Ye Ling was confused. He felt that these people were not simple. Ordinary people should not be able to command them. All of this seemed to indicate that the people behind them were not simple.    


If it was not someone he had offended recently, then who could it be?    


"Who is your Young Master? Do I have any enmity with him? Why does he have to kill me?" Ye Ling threw out three more questions. First, he had to figure out who was the mastermind. Otherwise, he would not be willing to die!    


"There is no enmity!" Ah San shook his head with a cold face.    


His answer made Ye Ling even more confused. What did this mean? He came to take his life without even a reason. The person behind him was very stupid. Ye Ling snorted coldly.    


"Since there is no enmity between us, why do you want to kill me?"    


"You are an eyesore!" Ah San said coldly to Ye Ling.    


An eyesore? This was the first time Ye Ling had heard someone say that he was an eyesore. Damn it! What did I do to them, Young Master, to make him kill me?    


"There must be a reason. Tell me." No wonder Ye Ling was angry, it showed that Young Master looked down on Ye Ling.    


"Because you held Miss Xu's hand at Xu Ruoxin's concert." Ah San thought for a while and said coldly again.    


"Is that the reason?"    


Ye Ling was stunned. Just because he touched Xu Ruoxin's hand, Young Master wanted to kill him. How could there be such a strange thing in the world? It could only be said that this man was sick. If Xu Ruoxin touched a pig, would Young Master kill that pig?    


More importantly, Young Master was actually involved with Xu Ruoxin. Ye Ling couldn't help but ask.    


"Who is your family's Young Master? What is his relationship with Xu Ruoxin?"    


"You know too much!" Ah San understood and stared at Ye Ling.    


Ye Ling was about to try to trick him again, but Ye Ling did not expect it. At this time, the system's red alert sounded.    


"Red alert. The exploding talisman will explode in a minute. Quickly get away from your host. The timer starts at 60, 59, 58, 57..." The system kept reminding Ye Ling in his mind.    


The bomb was going to explode! Ye Ling was shocked when he heard the system's warning. He cursed in his heart, Damn it! He almost forgot about smashing the bomb. He had wasted too much time chatting.    


"Get out of the way." Ye Ling shouted at Ah San.    


Ah San shook his head and looked at Ye Ling.    


"You must die here."    


"I won't die even if you die." Ye Ling used the flashing scratch and kicked more than ten times. Ye Ling upgraded the Shadowless Kick once again. Unfortunately, his speed was not as fast as Ah San's. Ah San easily dodged it.    


Due to Ah San's dodging, the path that blocked his path no longer existed. Ye Ling saw an opportunity and rushed to the road with a few flashing scratch, ready to get into the car and escape.    


Right at this moment, a pitch-black leg descended from the sky and smashed straight at Ye Ling's body.    


"weighted legs, collapse!"    


A sharp wind brushed past Ye Ling's forehead. Ye Ling avoided it. The kick did not land on Ye Ling's body, but on the cement ground of the road. In an instant, he smashed a hole in the cement ground, which was three meters around him. If Ye Ling was kicked by this kick, Ye Ling would very likely be kicked to death. It was truly terrifying.    


As the cement ground collapsed, countless dust and dirt splashed in the air. Slowly, Ye Ling saw who was coming through the gray dust.    


They stood on three sides and tightly surrounded Ye Ling, not giving him a chance to escape. The one standing in front of Ye Ling was the boss of the three, Ah Da.    


At this time, he had already escaped from the ice. Of course, he hated Ye Ling very much. Therefore, when he attacked just now, he didn't leave any room for negotiation. He swore to trample Ye Ling into meat paste. Unfortunately, Ye Ling's reaction was quick and he narrowly avoided the attack.    


Ah Da stared at Ye Ling and threatened.    


Hand over your white knife and I will let you die without pain. If not, I will trample you until you are nothing. "    


As Ah Da spoke, he took a step forward. Instantly, the cement kilometers cracked and spread out like a spider web.    


Ah Da was indeed powerful, but that was only for tonight. After tonight, he was afraid that he would not have a chance. The reason was, of course, that Ye Ling would be able to kill him after Ye Ling bought the skill.    


"You are too stupid! If I had that knife, I would immediately take it out and kill you. If I could kill you once, I would naturally be able to kill you thousands of times." Ye Ling said with a cold smile.    


Ah Da, stop talking nonsense. Kill him now. " second bro shouted from afar.    


In order to avoid more accidents, second bro told Ah Da to kill Ye Ling.    


Ah Da heard second bro's words and nodded. He walked towards Ye Ling step by step.    


With his current strength, he definitely could not take advantage of Ah Da. In other words, he might be at a disadvantage. Therefore, he could only retreat while keeping watch. What made Ye Ling hate even more was who wanted to kill him.    


I want to beat him to death.    


Ye Ling turned his head and glared at second bro in the distance.    


In the next second, Ye Ling's eyes widened because he saw second bro holding a paper ball filled with second bros in his arms. Don't drag me with you even if you want to die!    


"I'm sorry, I'm leaving now. I'll play next time." Without another word, Ye Ling activated the flashing scratch and tried to escape.    


These idiots didn't have much time left before the bomb exploded. If they stayed here, they wouldn't even be left with dregs. He didn't know if he would be in any danger after running a thousand meters. He didn't want to die here with the three idiots.    


Ah Da snorted disdainfully when he saw Ye Ling trying to run away. He dashed towards Ye Ling with ghostly steps.    


"You want to run?"    


Soon, he caught up to Ye Ling and forced him back into the encirclement.    


"If you want to die, don't let me die with you!" Ye Ling was once again forced back to his original position and said angrily.    


Seeing that the paper bomb was less than five meters away from him, Ye Ling felt a headache. If he had known earlier, he would have bought this big bomb. It was good to buy a grenade, but the grenade was not powerful. Moreover, he could escape with the grenade. At least he was not worried that he would be blown to death a thousand meters away.    


But this paper bomb was not necessarily powerful. Even the system could not guarantee its power.    


"Warning host, there are still 20 seconds left before the explosion. 20, 19, 18..." The system's red alarm came.    


The last 20 seconds of the system's countdown was like a bolt out of the blue, echoing in Ye Ling's mind. Now, every second the system had, they were one step closer to death.    


It was probably too late to run now, wasn't it? He could only seek help from system.    


Ye Ling shouted anxiously at the system.    


"system, do I need to remove the bomb?"    


"You don't have enough points, you can't remove it!" system replied coldly.    


Puff ~    


Could it be that he was the one who hurt me? Ye Ling said bitterly.    


"You're afraid of death, aren't you? "Don't worry. I will kill you very quickly. I promise I will kill you without feeling anything for a second." second bro slowly hugged the paper ball and walked in front of Ye Ling with a cold smile.    


I want to tell you that the paper ball in your arms is a bomb." Ye Ling said helplessly.    


second bro narrowed his eyes and said maliciously.    


"Your joke is not funny at all."    


"Whatever. It's too late for you to run now. Let me see the time. Oh! There are still 10 seconds left. 9, 8..." Ye Ling read the message in the system's mind. It seemed like he was really going to face his final death.    


After Ah Da heard Ye Ling's words, he stared at the paper ball. In the next second, Ah Da quickly ran away. He didn't even care about second bro and Ah San, so he quickly ran away.    


Unfortunately, before he could take a step forward, Ye Ling looked at him and shouted with a smile on his face.    




"spatial wormhole!    


As soon as the word "zero" was written, Ye Ling disappeared right under Ah Da and the others' eyes. They were shocked, but before they could finish sighing, the paper ball suddenly turned red.    


In the next moment, with the entire west coast of Hong Kong as the center, a powerful shockwave swept across the entire Hong Kong and the surrounding ocean.    




The loud sound and the fiery light woke everyone in Hong Kong. From afar, it looked like a mushroom cloud was slowly erupting. Due to its great power, half of the Dongshan that had yet to be developed in the Hong Kong was blown away. Luckily, Dongshan was blocking the Hong Kong, otherwise, the fiery light would have swept across the city and left.    


That night was going to be a sleepless night in Hong Kong. Countless helicopters and police cars were deployed. Even the army had sent out tanks. The entire city was bustling with noise and discussion, wondering if it was a terrorist attack.    


The instigator of this incident was far away in Japan.    


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