Top Campus Beauty System

C236 Celestial Stump

C236 Celestial Stump

The Super Species stopped twenty meters away from Ye Ling and snorted. Flames spewed out of its nostrils, burning the sand on the ground. It raised its proud head and stared at Ye Ling, and said coldly:    


"The people I hate the most are humans, their meat is all smelly."    


Hearing the Super Species speak, Ye Ling could not help but be shocked, it seems that the Super Species has a certain level of intelligence, just that he does not know to what extent it has reached.    


"Then, I'll have to thank you for not eating!" Ye Ling said in a bad mood. Since it was here, there was nothing to be afraid of. No matter what, he had to kill the Super Species.    


"You talkative brat, although I don't eat you humans, I still like to tear humans apart." The Super Species revealed its sharp teeth. Its terrifying teeth made people feel like as long as anything was under its teeth, it would be torn to shreds.    


Then, the Super Species moved, its blood-red wings moved slightly, and it disappeared. In the next second, it appeared behind Ye Ling and bit at Ye Ling's head with its terrifying mouth. Ye Ling did not move at all, and he did not even look at the Super Species behind him as he said coldly:    


"Your speed is good, but you're still a bit lacking when it comes to fighting me."    


Thus, when the Super Species teeth were just three centimeters away from Ye Ling, Ye Ling also disappeared from the spot, leaving the Super Species empty.    


Very soon, Ye Ling appeared not far away from the Super Species. He crossed his chest and looked at it with a playful expression:    


"Your speed is not good enough!"    


When the Super Species heard Ye Ling's words, it was infuriated. It opened its mouth and aimed at Ye Ling, only to see a ball of fire appearing in the Super Species's throat. In the next moment, under Ye Ling's shocked gaze, a huge fireball continuously enlarged from the Super Species's mouth, and then smashed towards Ye Ling at an extremely fast speed.    


Looking at the fireball that was as big as an adult's head, Ye Ling was surprised, he never thought that the Super Species would spit fire. Luckily, he knew it now, if he had used a fireball when fighting it head-on, he wouldn't even have a place to cry.    


The tip of his foot touched the ground and he quickly dodged. Where Ye Ling was just now, with a boom, he was blown into a deep pit by the fireball. The surrounding area of the pit was completely scorched, even sand could be burnt.    


Seeing that the fireballs could not hit Ye Ling, the Super Species roared and aimed at Ye Ling. A dozen fireballs were shot out in a short three seconds, surrounding him within the fireballs.    


The fireballs that covered the sky like cannonballs did not make Ye Ling panic at all. Before coming in, he was already prepared to face a big enemy, and this kind of attack was a bit worse than his Zhonghai.    


The movement speed of the [Superman's underwear] was not covered, it was much faster than a flash razor, easily dodging the fireballs that filled the sky, and rushed towards Super Species instead, vowing to step on its head.    


The fireballs that filled the sky bombarded the place where Ye Ling was originally standing. However, Ye Ling had already jumped out of the encirclement and arrived in front of the Super Species. Sneering, he spun 180 degrees in the air above the Whip Leg.    


From afar, it looked like a dazzling meteor falling from the sky.    


Before the Whip Leg had arrived, it already felt cold. It immediately flapped its wings and in the next second, the Super Species disappeared again. Its speed could be described as teleporting.    




The place where the Super Species was originally standing at was blown up by the Whip Leg that was dropping down from the sky by Ye Ling, causing the entire ground to explode. He was at least five meters deep, and seeing how heavy Ye Ling's attack was, he did not hold back at all, if it wasn't for you dying on the first try, Ye Ling did not want to waste time, since the Super Species would definitely die in the end, so there was no need to hold back.    


"So fast!" Ye Ling who was in the deep pit was surprised. His speed was already very fast, but he did not expect the Super Species to easily dodge it. Could it be that it was a speed type of monster?    


Just when Ye Ling was thinking about something, the Super Species moved. It seemed like it wanted to give Ye Ling some color. It leaped towards Ye Ling and stopped three meters away from him.    


You want to fight me in close combat? Ye Ling immediately saw through the Super Species's intention. He chuckled and quickly armed his arm. With a jump, he smashed towards the Super Species's head.    


The Super Species snorted in disdain as it raised its front paw to fight with Ye Ling.    




A crisp sound echoed out as a gust of wind opened up and swept out, causing sand to swirl and fill the sky.    


Unexpectedly, the difference in strength between the two sides was not too big. Ye Ling and the Super Species frowned at the same time and quickly separated into two. They were ten meters apart from each other and looked at each other.    


The difference in strength wasn't too much, but he didn't have any feelings for Ye Ling, because he had expected that the Super Species would be very strong, but he didn't think that the Super Species's strength would be similar to him, and in fact, let Ye Ling be disappointed. He thought that the Super Species would be very strong, and looking at it now, the Super Species seemed to be even weaker than the Tyrannosaurus.    


The Super Species seemed to be enraged by Ye Ling's punch, and actually fought to a standstill with the human and did not tear the tiny human apart. Luckily, the Super Species did not know that Ye Ling despised it, otherwise, it would have burnt even more fiercely.    




Since the difference in strength was not too great, he could kill it quickly. Ye Ling charged over with a gust of wind, without saying much, he leaped into the air, staring at the Super Species and said coldly:    


"Celestial Cruel Foot!"    


Ye Ling suddenly stepped down from his right foot that was 20 meters high in the air. In an instant, the illusion of his right foot became bigger, and a 20 meter tall giant foot made of powerful energy stomped down with a loud bang, covering the Super Species with its foot that was 10 meters wide and 3 meters thick.    


Boom boom boom!    


When the Super Species reacted, its feet had already stepped on the ground and landed on its body. It was like a giant foot that had reached the sky and descended from the sky and stomped on the ground, causing the ground within a hundred meter radius to sink for half a meter due to the great power of the Celestial Cruel Foot. The ground in the middle of the footprints became seven to eight meters deep, where the Super Species was buried.    


After the Celestial Cruel Foot unleashed its full strength, it disappeared. Ye Ling also descended from the sky, indifferently looking at the pitch-black hole. Before entering the second floor, Ye Ling had already made preparations, using the remaining 2,000 points to his advantage.    


Of course he could not use all of them, he only used a portion of the points that he earned painstakingly. If he spent all of them in order to hit the Super Species, it would be painful to death, unless it was really dangerous.    


As for the Celestial Cruel Foot, it was one of the methods he bought with points to deal with the Super Species.    


Looking at the situation, the effect was quite good.    


Just when Ye Ling wanted to descend into the pit and investigate, a ray of light suddenly flashed out from the pitch-black hole. He noticed that the hole was getting bigger and bigger and soon, the hole was covered in red flames. The more Ye Ling thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong.    


In the next second, a ten meter thick pillar of fire shot up into the sky, illuminating the entire second level of space. The pillar of fire pierced through the sky, and Ye Ling, who was watching this scene, was glad that he dodged quickly just now, otherwise, he might really be hit by the pillar of fire and get more than a hundred meters away from the pillar of fire. Ye Ling could still feel the scorching heat, which showed how scary the temperature of the pillar of fire was.    


Since the Super Species did not die, it meant that it was hiding its strength. Or maybe the Super Species was like the Super Saiyan, it could transform once, every time it changed, it would become stronger once, no matter what kind, the one Ye Ling was about to face was not a simple Super Species.    


Boom! *    


The Super Species's entire body was covered in scarlet flames, its pupils had already turned golden gold, the originally red flames had become even deeper, and the temperature of its body had even burned the air, causing the sand on the ground to become charred black.    


Previously, Ye Ling was still able to touch the Super Species with his hands, but now, it would probably be very difficult.    


"Human, you have successfully angered me!"    


The Super Species roared, its golden eyes staring hatefully at Ye Ling. The wounds on its body were actually slowly healing as it roared, the sudden attack of the Celestial Cruel Foot did not have any good effects, this guy was really an undefeatable cockroach.    


At this time, the Super Species began to move. With the flapping of its wings, at a distance of a hundred meters, it moved incredibly fast. It was too fast, it could not avoid it.    


Ye Ling frowned and thought, it seemed that this guy was truly angry, he could only fight head on, both of his hands instantly became armed, hoping that he could defend against the Super Species's flames.    


After the arming was completed, the Super Species also arrived. It's front claws swiped towards Ye Ling, and Ye Ling immediately put his armed black hand in front of his body.    




Ye Ling blocked the flaming front claws with his hands, but a huge force smashed his legs into the ground one meter long. The burning sensation on his hands told him that he was almost unable to hold on for much longer.    


Just at this moment, the Super Species's mouth suddenly erupted with a strong pillar of flame, charging towards Ye Ling's chest. The meter thick pillar of fire landed on Ye Ling's body, and with a bang, he was sent flying like a cannonball.    


The beam of fire brought Ye Ling far away. Wherever it went, dust would suffuse the air and boulders would split open. Who knew how many boulders it smashed and how many mouthfuls of blood it vomited.    


This was the result of Ye Ling covering his chest with armor beforehand. If he did not use armor, it was very possible that his chest would have been penetrated, which showed how strong the Super Species's attack was, and not only that, it had increased it by more than a level. Previously, Ye Ling thought he was evenly matched, but now that he thought about it, it seemed like he had yet to use his true strength.    


So powerful! Ye Ling lied on the ground and thought as he gulped down the Healing Medicinal Substance that he had prepared earlier with difficulty.    


In less than five seconds, he was full of energy again, worthy of being a high level therapeutic agent. Ye Ling praised, but when he thought about the points he got from buying the high level therapeutic agent, his heart ached, and he fiercely comforted himself for it. When he beat the Super Species, he would have everything, and his points would come back as well.    


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