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C1164 Inspection

C1164 Inspection

Li Fei angrily put down the document in his hand and rushed to the Secretary of Public Information's office. Li Fei looked at him angrily.    


"President Li, what happened today?"    


The Public Information Department's Minister, Xu Fei, looked ignorant and at fault. He really did not know what he was doing to actually make Li Fei so angry.    


"Xu Fei, you and I have been together for a long time, and you're also considered an old man. Why would you make such a serious mistake?"    


Facing Li Fei's words, Xu Fei lowered his head in silence.    


"Don't you know that the owner of 'Central Lucky Flower International Hotel' is Ye Ling? Our cooperation with 'Sky City' is all because of Ye Ling. You actually reported the poisoning incident? What do you think?"    


When Xu Fei heard this, he was instantly disappointed.    


"President Li, I want you to have a whole new level of respect for me. I don't know about this at all."    


Hearing this reply, Li Fei was extremely angry in his heart. He really could not tolerate this Xu Fei any longer.    


"Go report to the HR Department."    


Saying this, Li Fei left the office.    


Xu Fei was very dissatisfied with the way Li Fei left.    


"President Li, I don't think I did anything wrong. Don't you know the truth?"    


Hearing this, Li Fei shook his head and walked straight into the office.    


Li Fei sat on his chair. He took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it up with a "pa" sound. Li Fei looked out of the window and pondered over this matter.    


He did not want this matter to affect his relationship with Ye Ling, so after some thought, Li Fei decided to personally explain this matter to "Lingtian Group".    


Li Fei extinguished his cigarette and rushed out of the building towards the parking lot. He drove to Lingtian Group's main entrance.    


He walked slowly to the front desk.    


"Hello, I want to go to Chairman Ye."    


"Hello, mister. Do you have an appointment?"    


Li Fei shook his head.    


"Tell Chairman Ye yourself, Li Fei from the" Great magazine "requests an audience!"    


"Yes sir, please wait a moment."    


The front desk quickly picked up the phone and called Ye Ling's secretary.    


"Li Fei of the" Great Magazine "requests an audience!"    


"Ok, I'll go and ask Chairman Ye now."    


The secretary hung up and went straight into the office.    


"Chairman Ye, Li Fei from the" Faraway Magazine "requests an audience. Would you like to meet him?"    


Ye Ling thought: I didn't expect Li Fei to come in person, it really surprised me!    


"Let him in, I know him."    


The secretary nodded and immediately called the front desk.    


"Mr. Li, our Chairman Ye wants to see you. Please follow me."    


Li Fei heard this and nodded. He followed me to the entrance of Ye Ling's office.    


"Mr. Li, this is Chairman Ye's office."    


Finishing this sentence, the front desk left. Li Fei knocked on the door and entered.    


Ye Ling raised his head and saw that Li Fei had already arrived in front of him.    


"President Li, your presence here today really brings light to our humble dwelling!"    


Hearing Ye Ling's words, Li Fei chuckled.    


"Chairman Ye, you must be joking. I just want to explain the situation to you."    


"Oh? "What happened to President Li?"    


"Chairman Ye, I have already clarified that matter. A few days ago, I was away on a business trip. It was an article by the Minister of Public Information. I really did not know about it!"    


Ye Ling did not say a word as he waited for Li Fei to express his stance.    


"Chairman Ye, don't be angry. Before I came, I had already dismissed that Secretary of Public Information. I promise that from now on, nothing like this will happen again."    


Hearing this, Ye Ling still remained silent. Seeing that Ye Ling was unmoved, Li Fei gritted his teeth.    


"Chairman Ye, this is our fault. We will definitely compensate you. From today onwards, the advertisement will be divided into six groups. Do you think so?"    


Ye Ling smiled when he heard that.    


"President Li, I'm so sorry for what you're doing!"    


Ye Ling did not even think of doing this. He just wanted to scare Li Fei a little. Who knew that Li Fei would be so scared.    


"Chairman Ye, I think this is good! "Don't decline."    


"Then I can only be a reluctant subordinate?"    


Li Fei nodded.    


"Chairman Ye, if there's nothing else, I'll be leaving first. Our newspaper still has a lot of things waiting for me."    


"Little Li, come in and help me see our guest out. President Li, take care. We welcome you to come back next time!"    


Li Fei nodded with a wry smile, then directly left the office.    


Ye Ling sent Li Fei off with his eyes.    


"I want to let you know how powerful I, Ye Ling am. Let's see if you dare to do it again."    


Ye Ling thought for a while. He believed that the issue of food safety was very important. They should establish a breeding base of their own, or else something like this would happen again.    


Thinking of this, he came to Ma Li's office.    


When Ma Li saw Ye Ling walk in, he quickly invited him to take a seat.    


"Chairman Ye, why do you have the time to come today?"    


"Can't I come if I'm fine?"    


Ma Li quickly denied what he had just said.    


"Ma Li, I came here today to discuss with you whether our company should set up a production base for vegetable and meat products. I'm afraid there might be another food safety issue."    


After hearing Ye Ling's words, Ma Li thought about it seriously. He analyzed the pros and cons.    


"Chairman Ye, I don't think this is feasible. It will take a long time to know a mature vegetable base and breeding ground. We don't have the talent to do this with money."    


Hearing what Ma Li said, Ye Ling felt that what he said was right.    


"Then what do you think we should do?"    


"Chairman Ye, I think we should find the partners and work together with them. At the same time, we can build our own production base."    


"This is a good idea, we'll do as you say. We'll hurry up and go look for the other party."    


"Ok, Chairman Ye. Let's go now!"    


Ye Ling took Ma Li directly to the car park downstairs. The two of them drove straight out of the city and ran towards the vegetable production base in the countryside.    


After three hours of running, they finally reached the countryside, but there was no sign of any vegetable bases.    


"Ma Li, did we go wrong? Why can't we see any signs of a vegetable base?"    


Ma Li looked at the address in his hand.    


"Chairman Ye, logically speaking, the place we came from isn't wrong. Is it still at the front door?"    


"Wait for me to get off the car and ask. Please wait for Chairman Ye."    


Ma Li directly opened the car door and came to the roadside to see the big brother farmer farming.    


"Big brother, I have something to ask you!"    


As Ma Li spoke, he took out a cigarette and handed it to him.    


Upon seeing the brand name cigarettes passed over by Ma Li, the big brother, the farmer, said with a smile.    


"Big brother, you are too polite, just say it directly if you have anything to say!" "Why are you offering me cigarettes?"    


"Big brother, I should be doing these. Do you know that there is a vegetable base here? Why can't we find it now?"    


"Big brother, you don't know it, but the vegetable base has already moved to a place 10 kilometers away. Where did they build a bigger base? This place is now abandoned."    


When Ma Li heard this, he immediately understood.    


"Big brother, thank you so much. This is for you."    


Ma Li directly passed him a box of cigarettes. The farmer brother hurriedly pushed it away and put it on the ground. Then, he directly returned to the car.    


"Chairman Ye, I've found the reason. The vegetable base is 10 kilometers ahead."    


Ye Ling replied with an "Oh".    


"Then let's hurry up and set off. Let's go take a look."    


"Ok, Chairman Ye."    


After saying that, Ma Li drove the car forward for more than 10 minutes and they saw a huge vegetable base in front of them. He parked the car in front of the gate.    


Ye Ling and Ma Li got off the car and looked at the sign that read "Haoran Organic Vegetable Production Base" in front of them.    


"Chairman Ye, I think this vegetable base is very big. We really came to the right place."    


Ye Ling agreed with Ma Li's words.    


"Then let's go in and take a look. We'll find their chairman and ask him if he has any intentions of cooperating with us."    


Ma Li nodded and arrived at the entrance. When the security guards saw them, they immediately stopped them.    


"Sorry, no one is allowed to enter the production area."    


Ye Ling and Ma Li were stunned when they saw this scene. This was the first time they had ever had such a close door.    


"Hello, go and ask your chairman, just tell him Ye Ling from Lingtian Group and he'll be here to discuss the cooperation with you."    


The security guards didn't even recognize any "Lingtian Group" and thought that they were scammers?    


"If the two of you still don't leave, then don't blame me for being impolite!"    


Hearing this, Ma Li immediately became furious. He was about to say something, but Ye Ling stopped him.    


"Don't be so impulsive. After all, we didn't pass the appointment and came to someone else's company. We were indeed inconsiderate."    


After hearing Ye Ling's words, Ma Li calmed down for a while.    


"Big Brother Security, we really aren't liars. Can I trouble you to ask the Chairman?"    


Ma Li's attitude was very sincere, but the security guard remained unmoved.    


Ye Ling felt that it was very funny.    


"Ma Li, drive the car over here! You don't have to ask, just do as I say. "    


"Ok, Chairman Ye." Ma Li returned to the car and drove it directly to the entrance of the vegetable base.    


"Chairman Ye, the car is here." Ye Ling looked at the car and nodded.    


He went straight to the security guard and pointed at the car.    


"Please take a look at our car, do you think I'm lying?"    


The security guard took a casual glance and was shocked when he saw the car. He didn't expect it to be a Rolls-Royce. He was shocked to the point that he couldn't speak.    


"Is, is this car really yours?"    


"Yes, it's a fake one!"    


"Which corporation are you from? I'll go and report to them!"    


"I am Ye Ling of the 'Lingtian Group'."    


Hearing that, the security guard immediately ran towards the base and went straight to the door of You Haoran's office. Just as he was about to enter, he was stopped by a secretary.    


"What are you doing? Chairman You is inside handling important documents. You can't go in and disturb him."    


"Don't stop me, there's an urgent report!"    


The security guard knocked on the door and entered the office without permission.    


When You Haoran saw the security guards rushing over, he didn't know what was going on.    


"What happened to you? Did something big happen?"    


"Chairman You, I'm very sorry to disturb you. I have something very urgent to tell you!"    


You Haoran said softly: "Then tell me."    


"Someone at the door asked for an audience. He said that he was" Lingtian Group "of Ye Ling. At first, I didn't believe him, but after that he brought the Rolls Royce over. I thought he was real."    


When You Haoran heard about this, he was puzzled. Phantom images needed a lot of strength to be bought, but it couldn't just be this car that proved that he was Ye Ling, right?    


"Let me show you Ye Ling's photo and see if it's right."    


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