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C1188 Cheap Attack?

C1188 Cheap Attack?

After twelve hours of flight, Ye Ling and his team finally landed at the international airport of Mi.    


Ye Ling looked at the people coming and going of the Mi people, his heart was full of indifference, in the hearts of the Mi people, they still look down on foreigners very much.    


As soon as they got off the plane, Thunder God and Yinzi started to follow Ye Ling. They were afraid that something would happen to Ye Ling.    


Ye Ling suddenly felt murderous. he said softly.    


"Everyone be careful, someone is following us!"    


Ye Ling's words shocked everyone, especially Thunder God. He had been vigilantly looking at his surroundings.    


Ye Ling was very surprised, I clearly felt someone following me, so Ye Ling slowly quickened his pace. When they walked out of the airport, they saw the car they were waiting for again.    


Just as he was about to greet them, Ye Ling stopped him.    


"Let's hurry up and get on the car, don't waste anymore time, it's not safe here."    


Hearing Ye Ling's words, they quickly got into the car.    


"Go to our place! "Be quick."    


After the driver heard Ye Ling's words, he nodded his head and stepped on the accelerator. There was no limit to the speed limit in the country of Mi. As long as you wanted to, no one would come and cause trouble for you.    


After half an hour of driving, the driver heard the sound of a villa in the suburbs.    


"Chairman Ye, we're here."    


Hearing the driver's words, Ye Ling got out of the car and entered the mansion. The rest of the people also followed Ye Ling into the mansion.    


At this time, Thunder God came to Ye Ling's side and asked in surprise.    


"Young Master Ye, why did you say someone was following us just now? I didn't notice at all. "    


Ye Ling slowly explained after hearing Thunder God's words.    


"Thunder God, my intuition just told me that someone was monitoring us. There's no way we made a mistake."    


Ye Ling's words caused everyone to become nervous. Seeing this, Ye Ling wanted everyone to feel better and explained.    


"I was just guessing. Everyone, don't worry. I will definitely guarantee everyone's safety!"    


Hearing Ye Ling's words, everyone gradually relaxed.    


"Thor, Yinzi, Horsepower, the three of you come with me."    


After Ye Ling said this, he went straight to the room downstairs and the three of them followed.    


Ye Ling sat on the sofa and looked at the three of them.    


"I was just trying to comfort them. I need something safe right now."    


Ma Li was a smart person, he immediately understood what Ye Ling meant.    


"Chairman Ye, don't worry. I've already arranged for this. I can bring it over this afternoon."    


Ye Ling nodded.    


"Ma Li, let's not call me Chairman Ye here anymore. Tell everyone to call me Young Master Ye."    


Hearing this, Ma Li nodded.    


"Thor and Yinzi, it'll be hard on you two from now on. We'll need you two to protect the safety of this place."    


Upon hearing these words, Thor and Yinzi immediately stood forward to express their stance.    


"Young Master Ye, don't worry. I will definitely not let you down. There will definitely be no mistakes in your safety."    


Ye Ling also felt relieved after hearing God of Thunder's declaration.    


Ye Ling was very sleepy because his body was resisting this before the country of Mi reversed.    


"Thor is up to you. You can set up some defenses when the horse is back in the afternoon. I'm too tired, so I need some rest."    


Thor nodded.    


"Young Master Ye, then go take a rest, we're going on patrol."    


The three of them slowly left the room. Ye Ling saw that they had already left and slowly closed his eyes.    


He couldn't sleep at all. This was all Ye Ling could remember from that mysterious person's note and phone call. Could it be that everything that the mysterious person said was true?    


At this moment, Ye Ling had to consider whether he should establish a security team to protect his safety. He didn't want to be unable to protect his own safety.    


Without realizing it, it was already noon. Ma Li had brought along a large amount of equipment. In the Mi Kingdom, as long as you had money, you could get anything you wanted.    


Ma Li came to Thor's side and said softly.    


"Thor, I've brought all the equipment you need. Take a look at what else you need and tell me immediately. I'll go and buy it for you right away."    


He picked up an AK-47 and fiddled with the safety of his gun. It was indeed the latest equipment, and he saw his favorite AWM sniper rifle. He picked it up as if it were a treasure, and his face was filled with love.    


This batch of equipment contained a lot of weapons and equipment. For the time being, it was enough to ensure the safety of this villa. Thor walked up to Ying Zi's side.    


"Let's go. Come with me to pick out some suitable equipment and arm ourselves!"    


Upon hearing Thor's words, Ying Zi followed him directly to this area. Seeing the many weapons she had once mastered, she finally smiled and said this as she stroked her weapon.    


"Darling, I thought we would never see each other again. I didn't expect we would meet again today."    


Ye Ling didn't fall asleep at all after thinking for the whole morning. He lifted his watch and looked at the time. It was already two o'clock in the afternoon. His stomach suddenly felt hungry, so he went into the living room.    


Ye Ling saw the equipment in Thor's hands at a glance and hurried into the lobby. He finally felt safe after looking at all kinds of weapons and equipment.    


"Ma Li, are these things really that hard to obtain?"    


Ma Li hurriedly explained after hearing Ye Ling's words.    


"Young Master Ye, as long as you give me money, I can get you anything you want."    


Ye Ling was very happy when he heard this. He picked up a small pistol and started to play with it.    


"This pistol is really exquisite, I wonder how powerful it is."    


Thunder God stood up to explain.    


"Young Master Ye, you're holding onto the Desert Eagle. This pistol is very powerful, but I'm afraid that it might be a bit inappropriate if you don't have any training to use."    


Ye Ling looked at the gun in his hand and understood what Thunder God meant.    


"Ma Li, don't we have a basement here? Send someone to install a soundproofing board there, I want to improve my spear skills there."    


Ma Li nodded.    


"Young Master Ye, I can install it for you tonight. Don't worry."    


After hearing what Ma Li said, Ye Ling looked at Thunder God and said.    


"Thor, take a look at what we're missing."    


Thor held the piece of equipment in its hand and thought about it.    


"Young Master Ye, we need an infrared surveillance system. We also need a thermal imaging system and night vision goggles to improve our night sniping ability."    


Ye Ling thought for a while after hearing what Thunder God said.    


"Ma Li, how long will it take for you to get these things?"    


Ma Li was silent for a while before he explained.    


"Young Master Ye, none of these things are cheap, especially night vision goggles. The latest model costs 100,000 yuan."    


Hearing Ma Li's words, Ye Ling thought about it for a while and decided that it would be one million yuan at the Mi Nation's exchange rate. It really wasn't a small amount.    


"Ma Li, money isn't a problem. Just go and get it for me. Also, buy some night vision glasses, I want to form a team."    


Hearing Ye Ling's words, Ma Li nodded and walked out of the room.    


Only God of Thunder, Yingzi and Ye Ling were left in the hall. Ye Ling looked at the two and asked.    


"I want to form a team. What do you two think?"    


Thor analyzed the pros and cons before explaining.    


"Young Master Ye, it's not difficult to form a team, but it's rare for them to be loyal to a team. If that doesn't happen, then what would we do?"    


When Ye Ling heard the Thunder God's words, he also thought about it. If a team doesn't have loyalty, then there's no meaning.    


"Thunder God, then if we were to bring in people from our country to train, would that be alright?"    


God of Thunder listened to Ye Ling's words and seriously analyzed it for a while before nodding.    


"Young Master Ye, it's true that we can avoid this problem if we don't recruit people from the Mi Nation. However, this is the Mi Nation after all. Since we're all from the same country, it's not convenient for us to act."    


Ye Ling started to feel troubled. He didn't have a good idea all of a sudden.    


"Thor, we'll train a group of men to ensure our safety. Then we'll find someone from the Mi Nation to train with. That way, we'll be able to solve the problem."    


Ye Ling's words directly solved this problem, and Thunder God agreed.    


"God of Thunder, I'll be troubling you two from today onwards. I'm going to call the people in the country and have them send a batch of people over to me."    


Thor and Yinzi spoke in unison.    


"Young Master Ye, this is something we should do. It's no trouble at all."    


Ye Ling nodded and went into his room. He picked up the phone on the table and was about to call Zhang Jinjiang, but he suddenly saw that it was still midnight, so he put down his phone.    


Ye Ling was about to go eat something. He came alone to the kitchen and saw Zhou Wei cooking, so he came to his side.    


"Zhou Wei, I did not expect the two of us to think of the same thing. Are you hungry too?"    


Zhou Wei was concentrating on cooking and did not notice Ye Ling's footsteps at all. Ye Ling's words suddenly scared Zhou Wei and he turned around to look.    


"Young Master Ye, why did you come over? Please wait for a moment, the meal will be ready soon."    


Hearing Zhou Wei's words, Ye Ling walked into the restaurant and waited for the dishes. Not long later, he brought out a large table full of dishes.    


"Young Master Ye, hurry up and have a taste."    


Ye Ling had already started cooing as he smelled the fragrance. At this moment, he was no longer being polite and started picking up his chopsticks.    


As he ate, he said, "Zhou Wei, the food you cook is really delicious."    


Hearing this, Zhou Wei felt very proud of himself.    


"Young Master Ye, if you want to eat more, then eat more. It's all yours."    


Ye Ling nodded as he ate.    


"Hurry up and sit down and eat together. I can't finish all of it myself!"    


Zhou Wei was already very hungry. After hearing Ye Ling's words, he did not hold back anymore and sat down to enjoy the delicacies together.    


The air was filled with the fragrance of food. Everyone in the villa had been attracted over, and they all joined in on the meal.    


Luckily, Zhou Wei had prepared enough food, otherwise, there would not be enough for him to eat, Ye Ling said.    


"Thor, call Yinzi over for me. Tell him to hurry over and eat as well."    


Thunder God replied as he ate.    


"Young Master Ye, don't worry, I'll be done eating very soon. I'll go exchange with him then. We have to have one of us to ensure the safety of the mansion."    


Hearing Thor's words, Ye Ling thought to himself: We have to hurry up and form a team. If this continues, Thor and Yinzi won't be able to handle it.    


"Thunder God, it's been hard on you guys."    


Thunder God put down his chopsticks and said.    


"Young Master Ye, you're too polite. This is what we should be doing. I'm going to change it."    


With that, Thunder God left the area.    


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