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C1254 System Tasks

C1254 System Tasks

Ye Ling looked at the contract passed to him by Yamamoto Miche. He smiled as he picked up a pen and directly signed the contract.    


When Yamamoto Miche saw this, he was extremely happy and said excitedly:    


"Chairman Ye, it is my fortune to sign a contract with a straightforward person like you!"    


Hearing Yamamoto Miche's words, Ye Ling explained with a smile:    


"Mr. Yamamoto, you are joking. I am not as good as you say. Are we merchants?" It's all for the sake of profit, isn't that right? "    


Faced with a person like Ye Ling, Yamamoto Miche smiled and said,    


"No no no, Chairman Ye, we are now considered as strategic partners. It's not as simple as just friends!"    


Ye Ling immediately understood Yamamoto's meaning after hearing his words. He slowly asked.    


"Mr. Yamamoto, is there anything else you need?" If you have something to say, hurry up and say it, I don't want to waste your time either. "    


Hearing Ye Ling's words, Yamamoto Miche quickly shook his head and explained:    


"Chairman Ye, there is really nothing to do. If you are busy, then you must go and do something first!"    


Hearing Shanben's words, Ye Ling nodded, stood up and said:    


"Mr. Yamamoto, we do have some matters to take care of. We won't be accompanying you. See you next time!"    


At this time, Shan Ben Village also stood up, and he watched Ye Ling and Ma Li leave.    


The two of them immediately left the Four Ling Corporation. Seeing their cars getting in, Ma Li asked Ye Ling,    


"Chairman Ye, you said Yamamoto Miche had something that he didn't want to say!"    


Hearing this, Ye Ling shook his head helplessly and explained:    


"Ma Li, the people from Sun Country are a bit different this way. We really don't understand them!"    


Ma Li chuckled at this moment and softly asked:    


"Chairman Ye, where should we go next?"    


At this moment, he only heard Ye Ling say one word.    


"Go home!"    


Ma Li drove the car and prepared to leave. They headed straight for the villa and finally got home after three hours.    


At this moment, Ye Ling stopped the car and walked directly back to his room.    


When Ye Ling was in the room, he took out the calendar and calculated the time. It had already been more than a month since he arrived in the Sun Country. The result was only the shares of the Four Ling Group.    


Ye Ling started to get a bit anxious. He knew that he couldn't continue at this speed, so he had to make proper plans.    


At this moment, Ye Ling opened the system. He looked around but didn't find anything valuable. Just when he was about to close, Ye Ling suddenly saw something mysterious.    


When Ye Ling saw the robot plan here, he was very curious. What exactly was this thing in his heart?    


"System, I would like to ask what the Robot Project is."    


"Beep, I need to pay 100 points for my consultation fee!"    


Hearing the System's words, Ye Ling thought to himself: This system is really a scam, he had no choice but to pay the sum of points.    


"Beep, congratulations host for getting the introduction of the robot's plan, the robot plan just like the name implies, if a robot is created according to the plan, it can be used for all kinds of complicated tasks, such as cooking, cleaning up the house, and doing all kinds of threatening tasks!"    


After hearing the introduction from the system, Ye Ling finally understood how strong the robot's plan was. When he saw the price, his heart instantly cooled down.    


"System, does a simple blueprint require 200,000 points?" Isn't this a bit too much of a scam? "    


Hearing Ye Ling's words, the System replied:    


"Beep, warning the host that the robot belongs to the future, the system will begin to dismount in ten seconds. Countdown begins: 10." 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. "2."    


Just as the System was about to say "1", Ye Ling hurriedly shouted,    


"System, I want to buy it!"    


Hearing Ye Ling's words, the System replied:    


"Beep, congratulations on successfully obtaining the robot plan."    


"Beep, as a result of obtaining the robot's plan and triggering the hidden quest, the sun country will earn you 1 trillion time in three months, and the successful host will earn twice the amount of money!" The penalty for failing the mission is: Loss of the robot blueprint. "    


After hearing what the System said, Ye Ling wanted to curse out, but looking at the blueprint in his hands, the anger in his heart slowly faded away.    


Ye Ling muttered to himself while holding the blueprint.    


"Isn't this too simple? If I have this blueprint, as long as I can successfully make it, I won't be afraid of not being able to make a trillion."    


Ye Ling actually fell asleep with the blueprint in his arms. In this dream, he quickly earned 1 trillion yuan. Just as he was about to receive the reward happily, he was suddenly woken up by the sound of horsepower.    


"Chairman Ye, we're going to eat!"    


Ye Ling opened his eyes. At this time, he finally knew that it was a dream. He yawned and slowly sat up.    


"Ma Li, I'll be there in a while."    


After hearing Ye Ling's words, Ma Li left and returned to the restaurant.    


After Ye Ling had organized everything, he slowly pushed open the door of the room and went straight into the dining room. When he had entered, he found that everyone was waiting for him. Seeing this, Ye Ling felt embarrassed and said:    


"Hurry up and eat, don't wait for me!"    


After saying that, Ye Ling sat down on the table. He looked at the dishes on the table and started eating slowly. He kept thinking about the blueprints.    


Ye Ling quickly finished his meal and said to Ma Li:    


"Ma Li, come to my room after dinner."    


Hearing Ye Ling's words, Ma Li nodded and continued eating. Ye Ling walked upstairs to his room.    


After seeing Ye Ling go upstairs, Ma Li quickly put down the food in his hands and ran upstairs. When he arrived at the door of Ye Ling's room, he knocked and entered.    


Ma Li walked in front of Ye Ling and asked in a low voice,    


"Chairman Ye, what happened?"    


When Ye Ling saw Ma Li, he put the blueprint of the robot's plan in front of him and asked:    


"Ma Li, look at this thing!"    


Hearing Ye Ling's words, Ma Li picked up the blueprint and read it seriously. The more he read, the more excited he became. Finally, he shockingly asked:    


"Chairman Ye, where did you get this blueprint? This is too amazing! "    


Seeing Ma Li's actions, Ye Ling asked in surprise,    


"Ma Li, why are you so excited? As far as I know, you didn't learn this at all? How can you understand this blueprint? "    


After hearing Ye Ling's words, Ma Li explained with a smile:    


"Chairman Ye, you don't know about this. I was very obsessed with robots before and built many small robots myself, but this is the first time I've seen something so sophisticated. This really surprises me!"    


Hearing Ma Li's words, Ye Ling happily asked,    


"Ma Li, the heavens are on my side. Can you build a robot factory immediately? I want to start running this thing in a few days! "    


When Ye Ling said those words, Ma Li started to look embarrassed. When Ye Ling saw this scene, he asked:    


"Ma Li, what's wrong? "Is this really that difficult?"    


After hearing Ye Ling's words, Ma Li hesitated for a moment and then softly asked:    


"Chairman Ye, this matter is not as easy as you think. It would be too difficult to carry it out on the surface."    


Only after hearing what Ma Li said did Ye Ling realize that he was thinking too simply. He said to Ma Li,    


"Ma Li, how long will it take you to settle this? I will build this factory at all costs! "    


After hearing Ye Ling's words, Ma Li thought for a moment and said:    


"Chairman Ye, this matter is difficult, but it is also not difficult. The key issue is whether I can find a suitable engineer!"    


At this time, Ye Ling started to make things difficult. After hesitating for a while, Ye Ling suddenly said:    


"Ma Li, have you forgotten what the 4 Ling Group is for!?" They are the experts in this field! "    


Hearing Ye Ling's words, Ma Li slapped his thigh and said:    


"Chairman Ye, how did you forget about the Si Ling Corporation? We really went looking for a donkey just now!"    


After saying this, the two of them laughed.    


"Ma Li, let's hurry and find Yamamoto Miche. I'm afraid that brat will do something bad to us!"    


Ma Li softly said:    


"Chairman Ye, you should never worry about this. Have you forgotten about the shares of the Four Ling Corporation?"    


After hearing what Ma Li said, Ye Ling shook his head and said,    


"Horse-power, I really forgot about this matter. As long as I have the shares, I am not afraid of that kid from Yamamoto Miche, but I am also afraid of getting into trouble. Let's hurry up and go over there!"    


Ma Li nodded and expressed his agreement. The two of them immediately left the villa and drove to the Four Ling Group again!    


After three hours of driving, the two of them finally arrived at the lower floor of the Four Ling Group. Ye Ling and Ma Li directly entered the car.    


Ye Ling knocked on the door and entered the office.    


When Shanben saw Ye Ling, he asked in surprise,    


"Chairman Ye, don't you have something to say? Why are you here again? "    


Hearing Yamamoto, Ye Ling smiled and said:    


"I listened to Mr. Yamamoto. It seems like you don't welcome me!"    


As soon as Ye Ling said that, Yamamoto Miche quickly shook his head.    


"Chairman Ye, what are you talking about? How could I not welcome you? "    


Hearing Yamamoto Miche's words, Ye Ling directly sat on the sofa.    


Ye Ling did not want to get to the point. Otherwise, he would lose the initiative.    


"Mr. Yamamoto, I would like to learn more about the factory of the Si-Ling Group!"    


Shan Ben Village didn't think much of what Ye Ling said and directly took out the document. He walked in front of Ye Ling and handed it to him:    


"Chairman Ye, this is the whole story. Please take a look!"    


Hearing Yamamoto Miche's words, Ye Ling immediately picked up the documents and began to look through them. After careful observation, he found a small factory, which he called "Future Technology". When Ye Ling saw the comments, he realized that this was the factory that built the robots. It was just that they had never paid much attention to it.    


Ye Ling patted Ma Li's shoulder and pointed at it with his finger. Ma Li took it and looked at it tacitly.    


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