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C1206 Discover Clues

C1206 Discover Clues

Ye Ling quietly leaned on the table and eavesdropped on their conversation. He thought in his heart: "Eins, I'm not bad to you, you actually treat me like this, you have really disappointed me."    


Eins said to their villagers.    


"You better work well with me. I have already discussed this with the merchants of the country of rice. As long as we hand these mammoths to them, we can leave this place. At that time, we will be able to enjoy endless wealth."    


Hearing the words of Eins, the villagers were extremely excited. The grand blueprint that Eins had given them was too big, it made them all yearn for it.    


The corner of Innes's mouth curved into a smile. He snorted softly.    


"I'm just using you guys to deal with mammoth. After that, you can go to hell!"    


No one had heard of Ainphent's words. This group of people were foolish enough to think that they could go live in the country of Mi in the future!    


At this moment, Eins came to Ye Ling's side and shook his head.    


"Hurry up and lock him up, if you want to treat him well, treat him well, and count it as repaying him for arresting the Arctic Wolf."    


Hearing Eins' words, four villagers stood out. They directly arrested Ye Ling and Thunder God and sent them to a cell in the village.    


On the way, Ye Ling always opened his eyes secretly and memorized this route.    


They left Ye Ling and Thunder God behind and walked out. There was no one left to defend them.    


Seeing that they had already left, Ye Ling was in no hurry to lie down and rest for a while.    


This group of people returned to the hall. Seeing Eins, they directly came to his side.    


"Village Head Eins, we have already locked up Ye Ling and Thunder God."    


Hearing this, Eins nodded his head, but he suddenly realized that the four of them had all returned, so he questioned them furiously.    


"Are you all stupid? Why didn't you send people to guard them? "    


Hearing Eins' words, they nervously explained.    


"Village Chief Eins, they've already fainted. Furthermore, they won't be able to wake up at all. There's no need to look after them!"    


Upon hearing this, Eins went up and gave the man a big slap.    


"All of you are really trash, hurry up and get back."    


The four of them were so scared that they pissed their pants and ran back. After a few minutes, they finally reached the cell.    


The four of them walked into the cell while panting heavily. They quickly checked if Ye Ling and Thunder God were there. After confirming that they were, they let out a long breath.    


"It is fortunate that they are here. Otherwise, we would have met with calamity."    


At this time, a tall and thin person said.    


"Don't be afraid, they won't be able to escape. I haven't even seen anyone wake up with our medicine in a day."    


Hearing this, they thought that this was indeed the case, so they didn't pay too much attention to it. The few of them stood by the table and began to eat and drink to their heart's content.    


Ye Ling harrumphed inside as he listened to their conversation. He thought to himself, "You smelly fish and rotten shrimp want to tease me? You're really too naive."    


After Ainphent had driven the four of them away, he had come to the snow-house alone. He had already sent his brother to contact the buyer. He started to worry slowly.    


At this moment, he heard his brother's voice. Eins hurriedly came to the snowy house, and at this moment, he saw Jayce.    


"Love Jayce! Come in quickly!"    


He hurried into the room, sat down at the table, and drank.    


Ainphent waited anxiously at this moment. After a while, he finally stopped gasping for air. Only then did he speak slowly.    


"Brother, I've already contacted the buyers. They said that as long as it's a high-quality mammoth, they're willing to double the original price."    


After hearing Jayce's words, Eins opened his eyes very wide and firmly held his hand as he asked.    


"Are you sure? Did they really say to double the purchase price? "    


Hearing Innes's words, Jayce nodded his head resolutely.    


Seeing this, Eins laughed loudly.    


"Love Jayce, this is a great achievement. When the mammoth is sold, I will definitely reward you!"    


Hearing the words of Eins, his face was full of happiness. He thought about how he should spend the money.    


Innes saw the silly look on Jayce's face and went up to give him a pat.    


"Kid, what are you thinking about? "All you know is good news every day. Quickly go and watch the mammoth."    


Jayce looked at Eins and smiled dumbly.    


"Big brother, don't worry. I'll stay there and watch over you day and night."    


Eins nodded at Jayce's words.    


Right now, his entire mind was completely focused on escaping from this place. Right now, he couldn't wait to sell this mammoth immediately. He really couldn't wait any longer in his heart.    


After a whole day and night, Thunder God finally woke up. He quickly came to Ye Ling's side and patted him.    


"Young Master Ye, Young Master Ye, wake up."    


Ye Ling was sleeping soundly when he was suddenly woken up by Thunder God. He opened his eyes and looked at him.    


"Thor, why did you call me?"    


As he spoke, Ye Ling yawned.    


Thunder God saw this and could no longer control his emotions. He hurriedly asked.    


"Young Master Ye, we seem to have been locked up by Eins. I remember that we were drinking, what's going on today?"    


Hearing Thunder God's words, Ye Ling slowly stretched his back and lazily explained.    


"You don't have to worry, I know all of this. Don't worry!"    


Seeing that Ye Ling didn't seem to care at all, God of Thunder was very worried. After all, this was related to their safety.    


"Young Master Ye, should we think of a way to get out? We cannot allow ourselves to be slaughtered by others! "    


Ye Ling explained while patting Thunder God's shoulder.    


"Don't worry, I'll take care of these matters!"    


Thunder God slowly quieted down. He understood that no matter how anxious he was right now, it was useless to be anxious. He decided to just quietly wait.    


The sky gradually darkened, Ye Ling said as he patted on Thunder God's shoulder.    


"Let's hurry up and sleep!"    


Hearing Ye Ling's words, Thunder God looked at him with question marks all over his face.    


"Young Master Ye, do we still need to sleep at this time?"    


Ye Ling said impatiently.    


"I already told you. You sleep now, so I have a plan!"    


Seeing that Ye Ling was already angry, Thunder God quickly shut his mouth, laid down and closed his eyes.    


The guards saw that Ye Ling and Thunder God had already fallen asleep and looked down on them.    


"Look at those two. They truly don't have any backbone. Aren't they just sitting there eating and waiting for death?"    


The people beside him quickly replied.    


"Who's not? That look of theirs is really laughable. They're already in jail, yet they're still in the mood to sleep."    


After laughing for a while, they slowly got tired. They found blankets and started to rest.    


At this moment, Ye Ling saw that they had already gone to sleep, so he slowly started snoring. Then, Ye Ling slowly sat up.    


Seeing that Ye Ling sat up, Thunder God also sat up. Ye Ling quickly made a hand gesture to tell him to keep his voice down, so Thunder God quickly covered his mouth.    


Ye Ling slowly walked towards the prison gate. He took a rope and threw it at the key. Then, he lightly pulled it over and easily took the key.    


Ye Ling opened the prison door softly and said to Thunder God.    


"Thunder God, you should rest here. I'll go investigate."    


God of Thunder quickly shook his head at Ye Ling's words.    


"Young Master Ye, it's too dangerous for you to go over by yourself, I want to go over with you."    


Hearing that, Ye Ling said with a frown.    


"Thor, this is your command."    


When Thunder God saw Ye Ling's expression, he didn't dare to retort anymore and agreed.    


When Ye Ling saw this, he explained with a smile.    


"Don't worry, I won't be in any danger when I come back."    


Thunder God knew that he couldn't stop Ye Ling, so he said.    


"Young Master Ye, you have to be careful. I'll be waiting for you here."    


Ye Ling nodded, then closed the prison door and put the key on the wall. When he saw the guards, Ye Ling suddenly took out a pill and put it in their mouths.    


"Didn't you drug me? I will also drug you to have a taste of this. "    


After he drugged them, Ye Ling came to the door of Innes's snow-house and secretly listened to the conversation inside.    


Eins was talking to the villagers, discussing how to sell mammoths.    


Hearing this, Ye Ling was very angry. He originally wanted to go up and teach them a lesson when he saw this scene. At this time, Ye Ling had a bold idea.    


Ye Ling found out the truth, so he went back to the prison and sneaked into the cell.    


Thunder God saw that Ye Ling had returned, he quickly came to Ye Ling's side and asked in a soft voice.    


"Young Master Ye, you're back?" What did you discover? "    


Ye Ling slowly explained in response to Thunder God's words.    


"God of Thunder, I know what happened. So Eins wants to sell mammoths. Plus, they have already agreed on the buyer and these buyers will be here tomorrow."    


After hearing Ye Ling's words, Thunder God immediately understood.    


"Young Master Ye, do you want to wait until tomorrow to catch all of them in one fell swoop?"    


Ye Ling heard this and said with a smile.    


"Brat, you really are a worm in my stomach. You know what I'm thinking!"    


Thunder God laughed.    


"I'm going to let this group of illegal merchants learn their lesson. They even want to sell their mammoth teeth. Do they even have a conscience!?"    


When Thunder God heard this, he had his own thoughts.    


"Young Master Ye, you did the right thing. If it wasn't for the existence of this group of people, elephants wouldn't be that tragic. Many elephants have already been exterminated in this world, and this is all because of them."    


Ye Ling thought back to when he was the chairman, he would never earn any money. Ye Ling hated this kind of people the most, everyone should be more just.    


"Thunder God, let's have a good rest. We still have a tough battle to fight tomorrow!"    


God of Thunder nodded firmly after hearing Ye Ling's words.    


"Young Master Ye, I will definitely show them tomorrow. Just you wait!"    


Ye Ling nodded and then laid on the bed. The two slowly fell asleep.    


Ainphent did not know all of this. He was walking step by step towards death, and thought that the day he was waiting for was a beautiful one!    


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