Top Campus Beauty System

C374 Chapter 374

C374 Chapter 374

After Long San, Long Si and the others saw the man, they hurriedly gathered. They all went underneath the young man and respectfully shouted,    


"Young Master!"    


Young Master? Ning Ba's eyes changed and he turned to look at the young man with an unfriendly face. He seemed to have understood this man's identity. After Ning Ba finished, a loud sound suddenly exploded from the back of the mansion.    


Boom! *    


When Ning Ba saw the speed, he was shocked. It was so fast that even his eyes could not see it, too terrifying. Just when he thought it was someone else, Long Er's face was imprinted in his eyes. The only difference was that Long Er was missing a shirt, revealing his strong muscles.    


"Young Master!" Long Er bowed respectfully.    


At this point, the identity of a young man surfaced. There was only one person in this world whom Long Er and the others called Young Master, and that was Ye Ling.    


"Swallow this medicine." Ye Ling threw a pill to Long San, then looked at the other Gold Dragon Team members, and said indifferently:    


"I saw the results of your cultivation through this time. To be honest, there was a great improvement, but your mission was not completed within the time limit that I set. Therefore, I declare that you have failed your mission. Go back and reflect on it."    


Ye Ling had given them new martial arts, and their strength had also increased by a lot, but it was not as efficient as the previous missions that they had completed. It had to be said that this was very sarcastic, and seeing the shameful expressions on the faces of the Gold Dragon Team members, Ye Ling knew that the effect had already been achieved.    


The reason why Ye Ling said that was naturally to suppress their arrogance. Ever since he bestowed them with their corresponding martial arts skills, he could clearly feel that his Gold Dragon Team was a little impetuous, and thought that he was almighty, so Ye Ling wanted to ruthlessly beat them up to let them know that there was a better person than anyone else in the world.    


Thus, he planned to destroy their Ning Family and train them in the process.    


The only thing that Ye Ling miscalculated was that the Ning Family was not as strong as he had imagined. It was suppressed, but it was too light, and it did not achieve the perfect effect that Ye Ling had imagined. However, looking at the Gold Dragon Team now, it felt pretty good.    


In order to achieve the best results, he even transferred Long Yi away from here. Because Long Yi was here, the battle would be won without any suspense, so when Long Yi and Long Er were dealing with Ning Tu's group on the top floor, Ye Ling called Long Yi and transferred him away.    


What surprised Ye Ling the most was that Long Er wanted to use that move. Was this kid crazy? Of course, its power was very terrifying, and it was most suitable for group fights. However, Ye Ling wasn't willing for Long Er to waste this move here, since it had already achieved its effect, so he came forward to stop it.    


Ye Ling glanced at Long Er, glanced at him, and said lightly: "Next time is not the case, use less of this technique."    


Hearing Ye Ling's words, Long Er nodded: "Yes, young master."    


Not far from Ye Ling and the others, Ning Feng ran over to Ning Ba's side. He hastily pointed at Ye Ling and said to Ning Ba,    


"Great Grandpa, he is Ye Ling."    


"I can see it even without you telling me." Ning Ba nodded his head in agreement. Then, he looked at Ye Ling as if he wanted to find something, but after looking at him for a long time, Ning Ba was still unable to see through Ye Ling.    


"Ning Feng!" Ye Ling set his gaze on Ning Feng, who was not far away. The old man beside him, Ye Ling, directly ignored him. The moment he saw Ning Feng, Ye Ling's mouth curved into a cruel smile.    


Ning Feng had always paid attention to Ye Ling, so when Ye Ling saw him, he also saw Ye Ling. When Ning Feng saw Ye Ling's eyes, his heart couldn't help but go cold; it was as if his gaze could pierce through the heart through a mountain.    


"Great Grandfather killed him." When Ning Feng saw that Ning Ba was right beside him, his heart suddenly calmed down a little. He expressed his disdain towards Ye Ling and said to Ning Ba.    


He didn't believe that someone who hadn't been on the Earth Board would win third place, so Ning Feng believed that Ye Ling would definitely lose. As for the fight with Ning Feng, that was because the old man hadn't shown his true strength yet, and if he used his full strength, that group of guys wouldn't be enough for the old man to kill.    


Even without Ning Feng saying it, Ning Ba understood that whether it was Ye Ling's Lingtian Group or himself, Ye Ling would definitely die here tonight. This was because Ning Ba had a feeling that if he didn't kill Ye Ling tonight, he wouldn't have a chance in the future.    


"You are Ye Ling?" Ning Ba slowly walked over and said while staring at Ye Ling.    


"Good eye, could it be that you are the highest level scoundrel in Ning Family?" Ye Ling praised Ning Ba first and then asked.    


When he first heard Ye Ling's praise for his good eyesight, Ning Ba almost rushed forward to kill Ye Ling on the spot. He glared at Ye Ling and said,    


"Kid, you really do despise your life for too long."    


"Isn't it? This was how it was played on TV dramas. As the saying went, one can't be sure of the results. Old man! "It seems like you have the most responsibility." Ye Ling could not help but scold. Ye Ling did not care about Ning Ba's threat at all. In his eyes, destroying Ning Family was just a matter of time.    


"I'll send you on your way now. Young Master's jabbering is annoying." Ning Ba leaped up and rushed towards the concrete pillar that Ye Ling was standing on.    


"Young Master, I'll deal with him." Seeing Ning Ba suddenly charge towards Ye Ling, Long Er and the others all spoke to Ye Ling.    


Ye Ling looked at the flustered and exasperated Ning Ba and smiled. He waved his hand at them and chuckled,    


"Leave this old man to me, you guys go deal with the rest of the little kids!" Incidentally, I noticed Ning Feng. Don't let him get away. "    


Just as she said that, Ye Ling disappeared from the cement pillar. After losing his target, Ning Ba was stunned in midair.    


"Hey!" Looking for me? " Ye Ling, who was standing above Ning Ba, laughed.    


Ning Ba heard the sound above him and was shocked. He rushed up to Ye Ling without saying anything and prepared to give him a heavy blow.    


Unexpectedly, Ye Ling acted a lot faster than him. Ye Ling raised his right leg and smiled.    


"Be an old man to me, it's better to just lie on the ground obediently! Where are you supposed to go? "    


Ye Ling's Whip Leg smashed onto Ning Ba's shoulder without any obstruction, and at first, Ning Ba didn't feel anything, but after the Whip Leg landed on his shoulder, he finally knew what it meant by mountain pressure, weight, overweight, and abnormal weight. Ye Ling's Whip Leg smashed onto Ning Ba's shoulder without any obstruction.    




Like an object falling from the sky, it smashed into the ground and formed a ten meter deep crater.    


Ye Ling's attack obviously didn't deal much damage to him, but it had still severely humiliated him. This was even worse than getting hurt, being humiliated by a little brat. As one of the top ten experts of the Earth Board, how could he tolerate this?    


Ning Ba jumped up from the deep hole and rushed towards Ye Ling.    


"Evil Qi Fist, third move: Corrupt Killing."    


A strange dark red color surfaced on his fist as he swung it towards Ye Ling's face.    


What a strange aura. Ye Ling saw Ning Ba's fist and couldn't help but frown. He felt that this aura was very ominous. Ye Ling used the scissoring knife to the extreme to avoid Ning Ba's fist.    


The stone pillar on the side helped Ye Ling withstand this attack, and with a "Zi" sound, the concrete pillar did not directly explode as expected. Instead, the moment his fist landed on the concrete pillar, it started to corrode.    


"Holy sh * t!" This old man is way too corrosive! " Ye Ling saw that the cement pillar beside him was corroded within seconds. He couldn't help but sigh. Luckily, I dodged it quickly, otherwise, I would have been disfigured.    


"I don't think so, do I? I have obtained the remnant of one of the long-lost three great demonic arts, the Evil Qi Fist. Hahaha, who else could be my match under the Heavenly Rankings? " Ning Ba looked at Ye Ling and laughed crazily. Obviously, the Evil Qi fist was his trump card.    


"There's something wrong with my head!" Ye Ling twitched his mouth and said as he looked at Ning Ba's crazed laughter.    


He didn't expect Ye Ling to look down on Wu Lin's three great demonic arts so much. A mass of anger was accumulated in his heart; if you dare to look down on the three great demonic arts, then I will let you die from them.    


"Evil Qi Fist, second form: Berserk." Ning Ba appeared beside Ye Ling in a flash. His body was emitting a thick murderous aura. His fist was shrouded in black smoke, which made people feel very strange.    


Because the distance was too close, Ye Ling could not dodge, so he could only use his fist to block Ning Ba's fist. The two of them clashed, and with a bang, Ye Ling's strength was obviously a bit stronger, but when Ning Ba's fist came at him, the black smoke actually turned into a black ray of smoke and attacked Ye Ling's head. Luckily, Ye Ling's reaction speed was very fast, so he quickly dodged.    


The black smoke scattered on the tree trunk, and in the next second, the tree suddenly exploded, scaring Ye Ling. The black smoke scattered on the tree trunk, and in the next second, the tree suddenly exploded, and    


"Do you know the power of Evil Qi Fist!?" The might of the three great devil arts is not something that ordinary people like you can see, today you can be considered lucky. " Ning Ba said proudly when he saw the surprised look on her face.    


"A child's trick." Ye Ling shook his head. After he thought it through, he felt that it was meaningless. He raised his fist in front of him and stared at Ning Badao:    


"Let me show you what violence is."    


As he said that, Ye Ling's fist had already rushed over towards Ye Ling's face. Ye Ling was already very dissatisfied with Ye Ling for pretending to be tender. He's already dozens of years old and is about to be buried, what are you still pretending to be tender for?    


"Face-Destroying Fist!"    


Ning Ba was too proud, and only noticed it when Ye Ling's fist landed on him. Unfortunately, it was already too late, and he couldn't avoid it.    


The fist kept getting bigger in Ning Ba's eyes before finally landing heavily on his nose. With a kacha sound, the bridge of his nose was broken.    


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