Top Campus Beauty System

C66 Tathagata God's Palm Slapped You into the Concrete

C66 Tathagata God's Palm Slapped You into the Concrete

Bugatti directly broke through the van's line of defense, continuously drifting a few times to avoid shooting, arriving at the back door of the black Mercedes-Benz. When the Bugatti steadily stopped beside Lin Qingcheng, the two bodyguards beside her were shot and fell.    


When the two bodyguards fell, a trace of panic flashed across Lin Qingcheng's cold face. After all, no matter how strong a woman was, she would have a soft and helpless side. For a moment, she was stunned.    


"Hey! Stupid woman, quickly come up. You want to die!" Ye Ling could not help but curse when he saw Lin Qingcheng standing rooted to the ground.    


After cursing, she still did not move and almost angered Ye Ling to death.    


He quickly unbuckled his seatbelt and flashed from the car to Lin Qingcheng's side. He picked her up and immediately heard Lin Qingcheng's exclamation.    


"What are you doing?! Put me down." She stared at Ye Ling coldly.    


Stupid woman, look around. If you want to die, do as you wish. " Ye Ling snorted coldly and quickly carried her into the car. As soon as the door closed, a bullet flew past his forehead, scaring him into a cold sweat.    


At this time, Lin Qingcheng also came back to her senses. She knew what had happened and looked at Ye Ling apologetically.    


Unfortunately, Ye Ling did not have time to care about her. He stepped on the accelerator and the car sped out. His car hit a medium-sized car blocking the road and sped away. Behind him, the man in black grabbed the AK and shot at the Bugatti fiercely. However, he was too fast and could not hit it.    


After rushing out of the cave and seeing that no one was chasing after him in the rearview mirror, Ye Ling heaved a sigh of relief. He turned to Lin Qingcheng and asked curiously,    


"Beauty Lin, how did you get targeted by a group of gunmen?"    


When she heard Ye Ling call her Beauty Lin, she coldly glared at Ye Ling. She knew that the important thing was, so she sighed and said helplessly,    


"I failed to negotiate with a Japanese tycoon, so I was targeted."    


Ye Ling cursed angrily.    


"There is justice in the business! They actually want to kill people to vent their anger? This is too shameless!"    


"I thought only San Linghong would be like this. I didn't expect the other Japanese to be like this. If there was any conflict, they would want to kill. Oh my god! Could it be that Heavenly Dynasty was a place where they could behave atrociously?    


Lin Qingcheng heard Ye Ling's words and shook her head. She said coldly,    


"It's normal for them to want to kill me. Because I know their secret, they will not let me go."    


"What secret?" Ye Ling piloted the Bugatti and asked curiously. What kind of secret could only be concealed by killing people?    


Lin Qingcheng looked at Ye Ling and felt sorry for him. Then she gritted her teeth and said,    


"It doesn't matter if I tell you because you might have been targeted the moment you saved me. I'm sorry. As for the reason why they were targeted, it was because they violated international regulations and were researching biochemistry people. They came to me because they wanted our company to become their research base in Heavenly Dynasty."    


After saying that, Lin Qingcheng's shoulders trembled as if she had thought of something.    


"Bio-human?" Ye Ling was shocked. It was indeed their abnormal R people. They were actually researching something like this. No wonder they wanted to kill Lin Qingcheng to silence her.    


In the past, the US also did research and wanted to use it for war. However, because the experiment was inhumane, it was exposed and caused the people of various countries to denounce it.    


Thus, international regulations prohibited research.    


Just as Ye Ling was thinking about it, two cars suddenly caught up to him. The two cars fiercely hit the side of the Bugatti, and the Bugatti slid to the side of the road. Lin Qingcheng almost hit the car. Ye Ling did not feel good either.    


Before he could recover, the door was torn open. That's right, it was ripped open. A 1.9m tall man smashed the door of the Bugatti a dozen meters away.    


"Damn it! So cruel!" Ye Ling saw how ferocious the man was. Without another word, he picked Lin Qingcheng up and quickly jumped out of the car.    


As soon as he stepped on the ground, he heard the sound of wind.    


"Not good!" Ye Ling exclaimed. There was still someone else.    


It was not easy to hide with Lin Qingcheng in his arms. Ye Ling had no choice but to hold her in his arms.    


In the next second, a huge fist landed on Ye Ling's back. The huge force knocked the two of them more than ten meters away. They rolled all the way to the ground. Luckily, Ye Ling protected Lin Qingcheng in his arms, so she didn't suffer too much damage.    


However, she was hit by the huge impact and fainted.    


However, Ye Ling did not feel good. He felt that his bones were about to break. He hurriedly called out to the system.    


"System, quickly exchange for recovery medicine."    


"One bottle of recovery potion, 10 points." The system reminded Ye Ling in his mind.    


He drank the potion and instantly recovered from his injuries.    


Ye Ling carried Lin Qingcheng to the side and put her down. Then he looked at the five tall Bio-humans. He stretched his shoulders and said lightly.    


"It's been a long time since I got angry. It looks like I'm going to have a crazy fight tonight."    


Although his words were soft, his tone was very cold.    


Slap! Ye Ling flashed and appeared in an instant. Before he could react, the flying kick kicked him in the chest, but he did not get kicked away as he had expected. He was still standing in the same place.    


"What the hell! What a freak." Ye Ling couldn't help but exclaim. His kick landed on his body, but nothing happened.    


As soon as Ye Ling finished cursing, two huge palms locked onto his legs and sent him flying like a sandbag.    


Luckily, Ye Ling reacted in time and continuously used his martial arts to alleviate the impact.    


Unresigned, Ye Ling attacked again. He even used the soft fist technique, but it was still useless. These guys were not human at all. They were not afraid of pain at all. One of the bio-humans had already lost his intestines after being beaten by Ye Ling, but he still couldn't die. He was still attacking.    


Damn it...    


After fighting for so long, Ye Ling's patience had been worn out.    


"System, do you have any skills that can kill them all at once?" Ye Ling asked the system.    


"I recommend the simplified version of Tathagata Divine Palm. After using it five times, it will lose its effectiveness. 50 points. " This palm is very powerful. Use it carefully. " The System prompted.    


"I'll buy it!" Ye Ling didn't even look at it. He trusted the System.    


Soon, Ye Ling felt a strong force in his palm. He really wanted to release it. There were five times in total. That was enough.    


Ye Ling revealed a dangerous smile. He used the shave again and appeared next to a Bio-transformation man. When the Bio-transformation man saw Ye Ling coming over again, he looked at Ye Ling with disdain.    


"How dare you look down on me? You are a monster that is not afraid of pain! I will give you a palm strike! "    


Ye Ling was furious that he was looked down upon by a half-human and half-corpse. Immediately, his right palm emitted a golden light and fiercely struck the Bio-transformation man's chest.    


The Bio-transformation Man disdained Ye Ling's palm and did not block it at all. It meant that it could not hurt him. Unfortunately, he was wrong this time.    


In the next second, the shadow of the palm that was emitting golden light suddenly enlarged. In an instant, the void palm became two meters tall and smashed towards the Bio-human.    


With a bang!    


The Biochemical Man was blasted a hundred meters away. Due to its speed being too fast, sparks flew in the air. Like a falling meteor, it ruthlessly smashed into the mountain at the entrance of the cave, creating a large hole. Smoke was still coming out of the hole.    


Hiss ~    


Ye Ling was completely shocked when he saw the power of the palm strike. This was a simplified version. If it was a complete version, could it blow up a building?    


When the other four bio-humans saw Ye Ling's astonishing palm strike, they were scared and wanted to retreat.    


"Damn you, I want to leave after I finish hitting you. No way." Ye Ling saw the other four bio-men trying to run away and scolded them on the spot.    


After a few flashes of shave, he soon arrived in front of the four bio-men, especially the one at the front. He dared to sneak up on them from behind. Ye Ling flashed in front of him with a smile, waved his palm and shouted:    


Tathagata Divine Palm, enter the concrete!"    


Bang ~    


Immediately, the palm imprint slammed the Biochemical Man into the cement ground of the road, forming a human figure that was three meters deep.    


Seeing this, the other three ran away.    


"Run? Can you run successfully?" Ye Ling snorted coldly and used his shave martial art to catch up to one of them.    


"I'll put you in the car."    


With a bang, a biochemical human smashed into a car.    




"Shoot you on the billboard!"    


With a bang, another bio-human suffered. This time, it was a huge billboard beside the highway.    




"You'd better eat dirt!"    


With a bang, another Bio-human entered the soil, reaching a depth of five meters.    


"Remember, don't provoke me. The way I get angry is very scary." After Ye Ling finished off the five of them, he clapped his hands and said with a cold snort.    




"Quest released! Quest level: Difficult. Solve Lin Qingcheng's worries and protect her safety. Time. " One month. Reward: Advanced skill and advanced skill. One free draw. Failure: Death. " The System prompted.    


Difficult-level mission? Ye Ling could not believe it. Lin Qingcheng's matter was actually related to the Difficult-level mission. That meant that the force behind it was very big and the matter was very troublesome.    


"System, if I do this mission now, how high is the success rate?" Ye Ling asked the system.    


"20% death rate!" the System said coldly.    


Ye Ling almost vomited blood when he heard the System.    


"Ah! Bastard, why did you accept such a mission for me? You want to play me to death!"    


"The quest is random, it has nothing to do with this system." The System replied and dragged the matter over.    


Knowing that the compulsory mission could not be changed, Ye Ling could only look for the system to guide him. Ye Ling smiled.    


"System, what should we do?" Ye Ling asked.    


"Most of the host's skills are low level skills. The invisible daoist magic is high level, but it will damage the body and cannot be used casually. Therefore, in general, host does not have any high level skills that can be used. It is still a low level warrior." The system analyzed Ye Ling's problem.    


Hearing the system's analysis, Ye Ling suddenly realized that he really didn't even have a powerful skill. If he encountered a strong warrior, wouldn't he be tortured?    


Thinking of the pitiful points, Ye Ling said helplessly,    


"You said it lightly. You have to buy a high-level skill at least 1000 points or more. Give it to me! Up until now, I still don't know what it feels like to have 1000 points. " If I didn't get the invisible daoist magic, I'm afraid I wouldn't even have a high level skill. "    


However, the system didn't listen to his complaints. Instead, it poured a bucket of cold water on him.    


"Remind host that you'd better earn 1000 points within a month. Use it to purchase high-level skills or high-level cultivation techniques. Otherwise, you'll only die."    


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