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C1268 Preparations Before Departure

C1268 Preparations Before Departure

Everyone was waiting for Tang Jiayi downstairs, but they couldn't see her at all. Ye Ling couldn't wait any longer and directly went upstairs to her room.    


"Jiayi, are you done yet? We can't wait any longer! "    


Hearing Ye Ling's words, Tang Jiayi shouted,    


"Ye-dage, I'm going out soon."    


Hearing Tang Jiayi's words, Ye Ling sighed helplessly and then continued to wait for a long time.    


At this moment, the door to the room was suddenly opened. Tang Jiayi walked out from the room.    


"Jiayi, you look so beautiful today!"    


Hearing Ye Ling's praise, Tang Jiayi shyly smiled and said:    


"Ye-dage, where is it!"    


Seeing Tang Jiayi's bashful expression, Ye Ling said with a smile,    


"Jiayi, let's hurry up and leave. They're waiting for us downstairs!"    


Hearing Ye Ling's words, Tang Jiayi quickly followed Ye Ling downstairs.    


Seeing everyone, Ye Ling said:    


"Let's go! Drive a few more cars. "    


Hearing Ye Ling's words, they drove a total of five cars. They sped along the road and finally arrived at a restaurant.    


Ye Ling led the crowd in. When they saw Ye Ling and the others, the waiter quickly came over and asked.    


"Hello sir, how big of a room would you like?"    


After hearing the waiter's words, Ye Ling thought for a while and said:    


"Prepare a large room first! After all, we have a lot of people! "    


"Yes sir, please come with me!"    


After saying that, Ye Ling and the rest followed the waiter to a private room. As soon as they entered, they felt a sense of warmth.    


When everyone saw this scene, they did not take a seat for a long time. They had been waiting for Ye Ling to take his seat.    


Seeing everyone's reaction, Ye Ling said slowly:    


"You guys don't have to be so polite, hurry up and sit down. We're just brothers today, I'm not as good as Chairman Ye, okay?"    


Hearing Ye Ling's words, everyone nodded and sat down!    


Following that, the waiter took out a menu, placed it in front of Ye Ling and said slowly:    


"Hello sir, please order!"    


When he saw the menu, he directly said:    


"Bring your specialties up, and I heard that the seafood of your Sun Country is very delicious. Today, I want to taste the specialties of this seafood!"    


Hearing Ye Ling's words, the waiter respectfully said,    


"Sir, please wait a moment. I'll go and place an order for you right now!"    


After the waiter finished his sentence, he directly left. As he saw the waiter leave, Ye Ling said to the crowd.    


"Today, let us celebrate to our heart's content. I'll pay for all the expenses!"    


Hearing Ye Ling's words, the crowd started to have fun.    


Seeing this scene, Ye Ling felt a sense of happiness and warmth.    


The waiter quickly arrived at the room and started serving the dishes one at a time.    


When everyone saw the table full of expensive dishes, they all raised their wine cups and said to Ye Ling:    


"Chairman Ye, thank you for your hospitality today!"    


Just as the crowd finished their words, Ye Ling raised his wine cup with a smile and said,    


"You people are really something! What relationship do we have, you don't need to act like this! "    


Everyone slowly began to act without restraint as they enjoyed the delicacies to their heart's content.    


After a while, when they were full, Ye Ling stood up and said:    


"Did everyone eat well today?"    


Hearing Ye Ling's words, they all put down the chopsticks in their hands and said softly,    


"Chairman Ye, we've finished eating. Let's go back!"    


Ye Ling took his clothes and left. He went straight to the front desk of the restaurant and took out his bank card.    


"Hello, can you help me settle the bill?"    


Hearing Ye Ling's words, the waiter respectfully picked up the bank card and began to calculate the bill. She directly handed the bill to Ye Ling and softly said:    


"Hello, sir. Here is your bill, please take a look!"    


Hearing the attendant's words, Ye Ling directly brought the bill over and then said,    


"I've seen it. There aren't any problems. You can settle the bill now!"    


After hearing this, the waiter nodded his head and quickly received the account. Then, he handed the bank card to Ye Ling and said softly,    


"Sir, here is your bank card. Please keep it!"    


Ye Ling picked up his bank card and took everyone back to his home.    


On the morning of the first day, Ye Ling had just woken up when he suddenly heard the system's voice.    


"Ding! Congratulations to host for successfully completing the mission. The reward is 2 trillion yuan!"    


Hearing the system's words, Ye Ling sat up in excitement. He took out his phone and checked his bank account. Sure enough, there was 2 trillion yuan in his bank account.    


Looking at the balance on his bank card, Ye Ling muttered to himself:    


"Haha, with these 2 trillion gold coins, I'm one step closer to completing the mission!"    


At this time, Ye Ling couldn't sleep anymore. He sat up and went into the living room to have a simple meal. Then, he left the mansion and headed for the company.    


When Ye Ling arrived at the company and parked his car, he didn't go to the office. Instead, he came to the door of Shangguan Yimu's office, knocked on the door and entered.    


Ye Ling knocked on the door and directly went in.    


When Shangguan Yifan saw someone enter, he raised his head and saw that it was Ye Ling. He quickly stood up and greeted,    


"Chairman Ye, why are you here in person?"    


After hearing that, Ye Ling sat down and explained:    


"Mr. Shangguan, you're so polite! I'm here to learn more about your work! You don't have to worry about me if you keep working. "    


Hearing Ye Ling's words, Shangguan Yifan scratched his head. He didn't have any clues for a while, so he could only silently open his own file and look through it.    


The entire office was surprisingly quiet. At this moment, Ye Ling suddenly asked,    


"Mr. Shangguan, I want to ask you a question."    


Hearing Ye Ling's words, Shangguan Yifan instantly stood up and said:    


"Chairman Ye, if you have anything, I will answer truthfully!"    


Looking at Shangguan Yifan's state, Ye Ling said with a smile in his heart:    


"Mr. Shangguan, don't be so nervous. I just want to ask you if you have any problems with the factory right now. If you have any difficulties, just say so!"    


Shangguan Yifan quickly shook his head.    


"Chairman Ye, there's nothing wrong with the factory right now. You can rest assured!"    


Seeing this scene, Ye Ling nodded slightly and then left.    


At this time, Ye Ling was still in the office, so he drove directly to the 4Ling Group.    


When Ye Ling stopped his car and entered the Si-Ling Group, he saw this scene …    


There were many people who seemed to be arguing about something!    


Ye Ling ignored them and left directly. He went straight to the door of Ma Li's office and entered without knocking.    


Ma Li suddenly stopped writing and became cautious. When he saw Ye Ling, he immediately calmed down and asked:    


"Chairman Ye, why do you have the time to come today?"    


Ye Ling smiled as he sat in front of Ma Li and said:    


"Ma Li, I want to ask you, do you want to come with me to the country of the big stick, or do you want to stay in the country of the sun?"    


After hearing Ye Ling's words, Ma Li began to hesitate. He wanted to go to the Han State, but he couldn't let go of the robot factory here.    


Seeing Ma Li's troubled expression, Ye Ling said with a smile,    


"Ma Li, look at how troubled you are. I won't make things difficult for you. You can continue managing the four Ling Group and future technology factories as well as Ling Tian Corporation. Do you have any confidence in completing this task?"    


After hearing Ye Ling's words, Ma Li confidently explained:    


"Chairman Ye, I guarantee that I will complete the mission and not disappoint you!"    


Seeing that scene, Ye Ling slightly nodded his head, then said,    


"Ma Li, I'll leave it to you if you do it properly. I'm preparing to open up the market of this country through my dream of the future. You have to manage the technology factories for me and prevent any problems from happening here. Do you understand?"    


When Ye Ling said this, Ma Li instantly understood the seriousness of the situation.    


"Chairman Ye, I can do it!"    


Hearing this, Ye Ling stood up and walked to the door. Just as he was about to reach the door, he suddenly stopped and said:    


"Ma Li, I'll leave this place to you. I'll bring Zhang Jinjiang to Dazhi tomorrow!"    


Hearing Ye Ling's words, Ma Li wanted to say something, but he didn't have the chance. Ye Ling had already disappeared.    


Ye Ling drove the car straight to the villa. As soon as he entered, he saw Zhang Jinjiang sitting on the sofa and said,    


"Jinjiang, come to my room!"    


Hearing Ye Ling's words, Zhang Jinjiang quickly stood up and followed Ye Ling into the room!    


When Ye Ling saw Zhang Jinjiang, he asked slowly,    


"Jinjiang!" I was in the wrong during this period of time! "    


Hearing Ye Ling's words, Zhang Jinjiang asked in surprise,    


"Chairman Ye, what happened? Why do you say that? "    


Hearing Zhang Jinjiang's words, Ye Ling shook his head helplessly and explained:    


"Jinjiang, I didn't ask you to show off your ability when we came to the Sun Country. This is my biggest mistake!"    


After hearing this, Zhang Jinjiang smiled and said,    


"Chairman Ye, you must be joking. I really didn't mean it that way. I am satisfied as long as I can follow you!"    


After Ye Ling heard Zhang Jinjiang's words, he asked with a serious expression,    


"Jinjiang, are you willing to come with me to Dazhou Kingdom?"    


With Ye Ling's sudden reversal, Zhang Jinjiang was astonished and asked in surprise,    


"Chairman Ye, why are we going to the Iron Country?"    


Ye Ling looked at Zhang Jinjiang and said with a smile,    


"Jinjiang, I want the market of the Dazhou Kingdom. I hope that you can help me when the time comes!"    


Hearing Ye Ling's words, Zhang Jinjiang's face was full of surprise. Then, he suddenly said with a serious face,    


"Chairman Ye, I can do it!"    


What Zhang Jinjiang said was what Ye Ling wanted to hear the most.    


"Jinjiang, I think highly of you. You should go and prepare for it now. We'll go to Dazhou University tomorrow!"    


Hearing Ye Ling's words, Zhang Jinjiang nodded and left. When he returned to his room.    


He slowly realized that Chairman Ye still valued him a lot and didn't intend to abandon him. When he understood this principle, Zhang Jinjiang secretly made up his mind to show off his ability when he reached the "Big Rod Nation".    


Ye Ling laid on his bed and began to slowly deploy the specific things he needed to go to the country with a big stick. What would he do in the future?    


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