Super Godly Evolution

C993 Lord of the Hundred Realms

C993 Lord of the Hundred Realms

Chu Lin suddenly opened his eyes and regained control of his body. Jin Zhen was about to pull Chu Lin out of the pool, but when he saw that Chu Lin was awake, he sat back down obediently.    


"Where... is this place?"    


Chu Lin was a little shocked. He looked around in a daze. He was at the bottom of the dark lake just now. Why did he come here?    


Surrounding him was a vast hall. There were steady figures sitting cross-legged in the center of the hall. These people had no flesh and blood, only pitch-black bones. Powerful energy waves were emitted from their bodies.    


These people were the old ancestors of the Yixing Clan who had sacrificed themselves!    


"So, this is the key to obtaining the Heavenly Level Bone Marrow?" Chu Lin asked doubtfully.    


Obviously, this place could only be touched by Mental Energy. Chu Lin's spiritual cultivation base was synchronized with his body's cultivation base, and with his terrifying endurance, he was able to keep his mind clear and walk to this place.    


Chu Lin lifted his foot and walked lightly in the hall. Bone after bone sat cross-legged for a long time. Although there was no life force, the terrifying energy spread out eternally.    


"These people are all the possessors of the high grade bone marrow."    


Chu Lin immediately recognized that the bone marrow aura in those bones was no different from his own body. It was obvious that they had reached the level of high grade bone marrow.    


As Chu Lin's pace increased, the color of the bones on those corpses became darker and darker. The aura in the bone marrow became heavier and heavier. This new discovery made Chu Lin's heart skip a beat. He looked towards the deepest part of the bones and quickly ran over. When he saw what was at the end of the bones, Chu Lin suddenly stopped, and his breathing became rapid.    


The front of the corpses was a metal platform, and there was a corpse sitting on each platform.    


The corpses of these people were not black, but dark gold.    


Dark gold flowed around the eight corpses, and a shocking aura spread out from them and covered the entire hall.    


"Those are..." Chu Lin stared at the eight dark golden corpses. These corpses were far beyond the level of high grade bone marrow.    


It was obvious that... This was the Heavenly Level Bone Marrow!    


On one side of these eight metal platforms were four identical platforms. However, there were only four corpses on the platform, and the energy within them was far weaker than that of the eight corpses. It was very puzzling as to why they could also sit there...    


"The bone marrow energy within those four corpses should have been taken away by someone." Jin Zhen immediately spoke.    


Chu Lin was stunned for a moment, then he thought carefully, "That is to say, in order to obtain the Heavenly Level Bone Marrow, one must absorb the energy in these corpses' bone marrow in order to allow the bone marrow to evolve?"    


"That should be the case. Also, look at those four corpses, they aren't destroyed. They are transforming and extracting the energy in the hall. Perhaps after ten thousand years, they will be able to return to the Heavenly Level Bone Marrow. " Jin Zhen said.    


"That's right."    


Chu Lin nodded. In other words, as time passed, there would be a lot of Heavenly Level Bone Marrow piled up here.    


"There are a total of twelve corpses of Heavenly Level Bone Marrow here. The Yixing Clan has produced a lot of powerful figures in the past tens of thousands of years." Chu Lin said with a sigh.    


"The Yixing Clan is a race that has been passed down from the ancient era. It's not surprising that they have some powerful forces..." Jin Zhen chuckled. He had lived with Iron Devil Sovereign for a long time and knew the strength of many ancient races.    


Chu Lin's eyes fell upon the dark golden corpses. He squinted his eyes and said, "There are still some Mental Energy left in these corpses. I'm afraid it will be very difficult to absorb them..."    


Chu Lin shook his head as he spoke. He had already reached this point. No matter how difficult it was, he had to endure it.    


Chu Lin smiled lightly and walked towards the metal platform. He stood in front of the nearest dark golden corpse and carefully examined it. His eyes were burning as he sized up the corpse. The corpse sat quietly with brilliant lights flowing around it. Its body was slightly bent and its head was slightly lowered. It looked like...    


A feeling suddenly flashed across Chu Lin's mind. What was it worshipping?    


Chu Lin narrowed his eyes and looked behind him. All the dark black corpses in the hall were like this. Their heads were slightly lowered and the direction pointed to was also the eight corpses on the metal platform.    


If the corpses below were really worshipping the eight dark golden corpses, then what were they doing?    


Chu Lin carefully examined them and suddenly discovered that there was a thick stone pillar facing the eight corpses. The stone pillar was engraved with strange patterns that were dense and mysterious.    


Such a stone pillar was everywhere in the hall. It wasn't rare, but this one was the only one that gave Chu Lin a sense of fear.    


"Chu Lin, look at the top of the pillar!" Jin Zhen suddenly said.    




Chu Lin looked over in a hurry. His eyes were fixed on the top of the giant pillar. He could see a person's shadow on the top of the pillar.    


"Could it be..."    


Chu Lin's eyes changed. He hurriedly accelerated. His figure rushed out and flew to the top of the pillar in a few seconds.    


When Chu Lin reached the stone pillar, he suddenly felt his body pressing down. Even his knees felt heavier. If he hadn't stabilized his body, he would have fallen to the ground on the spot.    


Even so, Chu Lin's heart was still trembling. It was the aura of the Yixing Clan that he wasn't unfamiliar with. However, this kind of pressure was greater than that of anyone he had met before. It even included Senior Iron Devil Sovereign.    


Chu Lin was shocked. He raised his head and saw a square metal platform in front of him. There was a corpse sitting quietly on the platform.    


This corpse was very thin. It didn't have the eight unusually strong dark gold colors on its body. Instead, it was a pure white jade. It was crystal clear and beautiful. Chu Lin could even see the fine lines on the jade bones.    


Such a jade bone gave people the feeling that it was perfect. When Chu Lin looked at it, he couldn't help but feel dazzled. Soon, he regained his senses and asked, "Whose corpse is this? Why does it have such terrifying power?"    


A storm was stirred in Chu Lin's heart. According to what Heng Yuan said, the most powerful bone marrow in Yixing Clan should be the Heavenly Level Bone Marrow. However, the bone marrow of this jade bone should be far more powerful than the eight Heavenly Level Bone Marrow below.    


Chu Lin was surprised in his heart. His eyes swept across the place. Immediately, he saw that the finger of this jade corpse was actually a transparent glass color. It was completely different from the jade-like color on its body.    


"This is the master of a hundred realms!" Jin Jin suddenly cried out.    


"Lord of a Hundred Realms?" Chu Lin knew that the so-called Master of a hundred worlds referred to at least a top expert who commanded nearly a hundred worlds or more. Such a figure was extremely rare in the entire galaxy.    


Even the Blood Whale Clan, who possessed the Rule Wonder, barely managed to rule a world. To be able to rule a hundred worlds, how terrifying and magnificent would that be?    


"His name is Glazed Jade Finger Emperor. He has been mentioned in a lot of information." Jin Zhen added.    


Chu Lin looked at the corpse in front of him and sighed in shock. Glazed Jade Finger Emperor, a mighty figure from the ancient universe, was sitting in front of him!    


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