An Ultimate Martial Art

C842 A beautiful world!

C842 A beautiful world!

The road ahead was long, and there seemed to be no limit.    


Su Ye was not discouraged or depressed in the slightest.    


He was always full of fighting spirit.    


In the blink of an eye, three months passed.    


Their arrival was almost like carrying a butcher knife along the path of the Bravehearts. They killed countless beasts along the way, but no one knew how many of them died under their attacks.    


Especially the most recent massacre, Su Ye had personally made a move.    


That was the true battle that had greatly expanded the horizons of Mu Shang and the others.    


Three months ago, after the eight elders of Wood Palace who had just set foot on the path of the brave fought with the eight beasts, it was basically Mu Shang who acted. Mu Shang protected the eight elders and took the opportunity to temper them.    


Along the way, he had gained a lot.    


Mu Shang's psychic power did not have much growth, and was still at the thirty layers of cultivation. However, the use of his spirit energy was far from being comparable to the past, and had at least increased by ten times. Among them, besides Mu Shang's own perception being stronger, and using the help of various battles to gain a deeper comprehension of the Great Way of the Heavens and Earth, he also had Su Ye's guidance.    


The eight Wood Palace Elders had made progress in their cultivation and comprehension of the Great Way of the Buddha at the same time. Every single one of them had undergone a metamorphosis;    


His longevity had also increased, and he now had ten thousand years of longevity. This made them especially excited.    


The thing that made them most excited was that one of the eight elders, a person named Mu Jiang, had actually comprehended the mysteries of spiritual cultivation in a split-second between life and death, and revealed his spiritual world. Furthermore, under the guidance of Su Ye and Mu Shang, he succeeded in condensing the first grain of mind sand, and from then on, under the crazy nourishment of the mysterious rain, he swallowed four thousand drops in one breath, and cultivated to the ten rocky realms in one breath.    


However, in the recent battle, they had encountered a demonic beast that was comparable to a Heavenly Immortal Realm. That was a Three-eyed Toad, not only did it have a hundred meters of body, its battle strength was extremely powerful, and it could even spit out a poison that could turn mountains into poison.    


Now, Mu Shang and the others were in a miserable state. With the strength of the nine of them, even though their battle strength had increased recently, they were still no match for the three-eyed toad.    


The Three-eyed Toad only jumped, and the huge pressure brought about by it directly sent the eight elders of the Wood Palace flying. All of them were supported up by Mu Shang's psychic power, but when Mu Shang faced the Three-eyed Toad, whose strength was comparable to that of a Sky Immortal, he was only able to hold on for less than fifteen minutes before he completely collapsed.    


When they saw a truly powerful existence like Su Ye fighting against the Three-eyed Toad head on, they finally understood the meaning of shock and what it meant to widen their horizons.    


Su Ye spread out his mind, enveloping a circumference of fifty kilometers, and instantly formed nine large mountains that were at least three hundred meters tall. Using mountains as his tool, he simply and violently smashed the Three-eyed Toad until it had no temper at all.    


What poison was that? The third eye could emit a strange red light, but when encountering Su Ye this simple and crude way of fighting, all of it lost its effect.    


Mu Shang and the rest were all dizzy from watching this, their mouths agape and mouths agape.    


But just at this moment, Su Ye still felt that it was not enough, his mouth twitched, as though he still despised the Three-eyed Toad for not being able to make him use his unparalleled blade technique — — Heaven's Net, its continuous whooping was too weak, causing Mu Shang and the others to be even more speechless.    


Fortunately, they knew that Su Ye was extremely strong, and couldn't be seen by common sense. Otherwise, they would really think that Su Ye had gotten ahead of himself.    


The continuous battles ended with the arrival of the Three-eyed Toad. From then on, they didn't encounter any demon beasts, and almost all of them were able to smoothly advance for two days. Finally, they saw a stone door that made them feel great mysteriousness.    


It was an extremely desolate area. It was vast, but not a single blade of grass grew. The ground was charred black and no signs of life could be felt. The aura of desolation and silence made people feel as if it was a ruin abandoned by the world.    


In this wasteland, there was a stone door that was thousands of feet high. It stood tall and was yellow in color, and its surface was full of mottled marks. No one could tell when this stone door had existed except that it must have been very, very ancient.    


There were no words or symbols.    


Even Su Ye was unable to differentiate the meaning of the stone door being erected here.    


However, as the saying goes, once you're here, you can take care of it.    


Since they had arrived at this place and saw this ancient stone door, there was no reason for them to ignore it.    


Su Ye and his party of ten, were all walking on the trail of the Bravehearts. They had long since trained a tough heart and had great courage.    


They didn't hesitate at all, and under Su Ye's lead, they passed through the stone door with a trace of curiosity.    


The moment they passed through the stone door, they felt like they had opened the curtains to another world. After one step, they no longer saw a barren wasteland; instead, they saw a verdant and vast prairie. The sky above was vast and misty. The golden sunlight penetrated through the clouds, creating a golden glow. The entire world seemed to be in harmony, making people feel at peace. It was as if this place was the last resting place in their lives, giving them a sense of security.    


In this world, there was only one word that could describe it.    


That was good.    


Mu Shang, along with the eight Wood Palace Elders, looked around at every direction of the vast grassland and they could not help but smile serenely.    


He couldn't help but sigh. This place was so good!    


From the moment they stepped out of Guyang Continent to the road of the Bravehearts, even though they had been mentally prepared for all kinds of hardships, and had gained different things while walking, the experiences of the Bravehearts still made them a little tired.    


This is unavoidable.    


Humans were, after all, made of flesh and blood. They all had a limit, and it was impossible for them to forever tighten their nerves and experience endless hardships.    


After going through so many trials and tribulations, one would be able to arrive at a peaceful and safe place. The fatigue in his heart would uncontrollably dissipate and be replaced by a happy state of mind that was hard to buy with money.    


Su Ye's feelings were about the same as Mu Shang and the others, he also felt that this world was extremely beautiful, and upon arriving in this world, he felt a sense of tranquility that he had never felt before.    


It was like giving up a mountain of gold and refusing to part with this world.    


But for some reason, when Su Ye's tensed mind gradually relaxed, a sense of warning ineffably rose in his heart. who had experienced countless hardships, immediately became vigilant, because he knew that this kind of warning was actually a kind of prediction of danger.    


But strangely, Su Ye looked around the vast prairie, the place was completely quiet and peaceful. Even the group of ants not far from his feet seemed to be crawling around lazily, as if even they were enjoying the tranquility of this world, and did not notice any danger.    


At least, with just his eyes, Su Ye was unable to see anything that could threaten his life. It could even be said that everything he saw gave him a strong sense of good will, as if it was telling him how kind the world was in front of him, as if it was welcoming him.    


Weird, such a quiet and peaceful world. Even shouting out loud would cause one to feel guilty, feeling that he had disturbed the peace here. How could there be danger, how could there be a warning sign?    


Was he being paranoid?    


Suspicion of heart disease?    


Or was there a desire to be persecuted?    


Suddenly, Su Ye had a feeling that he was used to using his most malicious methods to guess at his surroundings, which was why he started to feel uneasy.    


It was just that he had gotten used to it, but he had still released his spirit world. The alluring and round world of his heart was instantly expanded by a hundred li of the vast grassland, and when Su Ye was about to completely disperse his spirit world in one go, the warning sign in his heart suddenly became stronger, as if it was exploding.    


Su Ye was startled, and immediately retracted his spiritual world.    


At this moment, he was completely certain that he wasn't being paranoid, that he wasn't being delusional, or that he was planning to use his greatest evil intentions to guess at such a peaceful and beautiful world.    


It was that this seemingly peaceful and peaceful world truly hid an exceptionally terrifying danger. That warning sign was a powerful instinct he had developed after experiencing many trials and tribulations. It was a warning for him to no longer disperse his spiritual world, as it would inevitably be dangerous.    


But what kind of danger was it that made his instincts be so vigilant? He couldn't even fully open his mind to the world.    


For a moment, Su Ye simply couldn't wrap his head around it.    


With this vigilance towards unknown dangers, when Su Ye once again carefully looked at everything he could see, he felt that there seemed to be an invisible membrane in this world, which was difficult for him to see through, like seeing flowers in the mist.    


"Mu Shang, be careful Mu Jiang, I have a bad feeling about this place. This place seems to be a little demonic and has some hidden dangers."    


Seeing the comfortable and even somewhat lazy smiles on Mu Shang and the others' faces, Su Ye reminded them. He did not want to see Mu Shang and the others unwittingly say this without being on guard.    


"How could that be? Su Ye, you are overthinking things. This place is so quiet and peaceful, I have never seen such a peaceful place in my life, there is no danger here. We have already experienced so many crises on the path of the Bravehearts. Now that we have reached this place, let's properly relax and treat it as a rest. "    


Mu Shang's face showed that he did not take it seriously, as he obviously did not take Su Ye's warning seriously.    


Seeing that, Su Ye's heart sank.    


He suddenly realized what the hidden dangers of this world were …    


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