An Ultimate Martial Art

C656 Ten Thousand Waves Tide!

C656 Ten Thousand Waves Tide!

The moment the Heaven Gate barrier was broken, Su Ye felt a layer of the shackles that he was born with being shattered, his entire body felt at ease, as though it was never seen before. Inside his dark, nether-like mental world, a beam of light shone through the Heaven Gate above his head, illuminating the entire mental realm completely, causing his soul to uncontrollably follow the burst of light and escape out, directly reaching the top of his head.    


This was actually not the first time Su Ye's soul had escaped his body. Before this, he could already easily expel his soul out of his body.    


Now that the Heaven Gate Barrier above his head had been opened, and the thirty six Heaven Seals had completely penetrated through it, the feeling Su Ye's soul getting out of his body through the Heaven Gate above his head was completely different.    


It was a feeling of release after the shackles on his body had been broken. It was the feeling of opening up and stepping into a wider world, the feeling of shock when a fish in a shallow pool finally jumped into a vast ocean.    


As his soul floated above his head, Su Ye finally felt the vividness and vastness of the entire world. It was as if the world had originally withered, but now, it seemed like it had come alive, and his body beneath his soul seemed to have grown a vein that connected with the outside world.    


This made him feel very strange. Although he was in the library of the Fire God Shrine, he was also outside.    


The few walls of the Compendium Pavilion had locked down a part of the world, but they could no longer seal off the connection between him and the world.    


One with the world, that is, everywhere.    


This feeling was incomparably wonderful, wonderful to the point that it made Su Ye feel infatuated, excited, and excited.    


At this moment, a loud rumble resounded in his ears.    


The heavenly thunder exploded.    


It was as though a thunderclap from ancient times had sounded out in the vast horizon. One clap, two clicks, three clicks, a total of 49 claps.    


The continuous series of thunderclaps formed a chain. It was like a string of firecrackers formed from thunderclaps, surrounding and igniting the boundless world. It gave off an illusion that the entire world would be overturned by this string of thunderclaps.    


What was bizarre was that the entire world was calm and tranquil. Outside of the Compendium Pavilion, everyone on top of the Fire God Continent was still busy with their own cultivation and trifling matters, and not a single person could feel the thunderous outburst of forty-nine consecutive sounds.    


"Void Magic!"    


Su Ye's eyes flashed a look of understanding.    


According to the rumors, when an immortal cultivator charged through the gates of heaven, he would be struck by the Void Magic Thunder. This meant that the first stage of his transformation had already ended. The cultivators had already broken away from the mortal world and connected themselves with the outside world. At this moment, this also meant that the exciting moment for Foundation Establishment was about to come.    


According to the legends, the Void Magic Thunder was the Illusionary Thunder, and only those who broke through the Heaven Gate's barrier could hear it. Others could not, because to others, the Void Lightning was illusory.    


Normally speaking, when a person broke through the gates of heaven, the Void Magic Thunder would only sound once.    


A clap of thunder from the Void also meant that there would be only one wave of the tide coming at this time. Cultivators only had this wave of Ten Thousand Arts Tide to comprehend the great Dao of nature through the passage of time. They would also absorb the essence of the Tide of Ten Thousand Arts to temper their foundation and give birth to mana.    


A tide of ten thousand is a quarter of an hour.    


Only a small number of geniuses or elites would be able to produce more than two void-type magic thunder, allowing them more time to comprehend the great Dao of heaven and earth and absorb the essence of the tide.    


In the records of the Immortal Cultivation World of the two prefectures, there was a record thirty-six claps of Void Magic Bombs that rang out when he broke through the gates of heaven.    


Thirty-six was the number of Heavenly Dipper Sovereigns, so it was known as the Heavenly Dipper Thunder Technique.    


And the person who set such a record, and made it so that the later generations would never forget it, was none other than the King Yu from a hundred thousand years ago.    


In the Immortal Cultivation World of the two provinces, only this unrivaled great elder who dared to fight a great battle in the Nine Heavens Immortal World would have such unparalleled charm.    


But now …    


In a situation where no one was aware of the two prefectures' Immortal Cultivation World, the barrier around Su Ye's Heaven Gate had been broken just like that. Yet he had actually heard forty-nine hollow thunder claps, a total of thirteen times more than the King Yu.    


If this matter spread out through the Fire God Continent, not only would the Immortal Cultivation World of the two provinces be completely shaken, even the Central Region, Divine Great Land, and even the Nine Heavens Immortal World, as well as the ten thousand worlds of the heavens and earth, would be completely shaken.    


's aptitude was much stronger than King Yu's, which also meant that if Su Ye was also an ambitious person, for a period of time, he would definitely become a madman who would stir up all sorts of troubles for himself after King Yu.    


For those who did not want to see this kind of madman, they would have to find out in advance, find out who had sounded the forty-nine booms of the Void Mana Thunder, and kill him in the bud.    


But at this moment, Su Ye was not the least bit excited about such a monstrous performance.    


The reason was simple.    


He felt that his path was different from that of ordinary cultivators. He did not condense another type of foundation in his body, nor did he rely on the foundation he had after condensing his foundation to break through the Heaven Gate barrier.    


Instead, he unexpectedly managed to cultivate fire and water elemental energy, causing his life force to undergo a powerful ascension. The innate energy of his kidney and his heart began resonating with a strong force of life force, directly tearing the thirty-six gates of heaven to shreds.    


This was the result of Su Ye's surging life force automatically shattering when the thirty six heaven sealing technique could no longer seal up his body.    


Moreover, he did not cultivate his foundation, but only his life force. He was already in the postcelestial stage of Divine Secret Realm, and this foundation that was extremely important to cultivators seemed to have lost its meaning to him.    


Then why was he talking about excitement?    


Regardless of whether he was excited or not, after the forty-nine booms of Void magic thunder ended, he felt a wave of energy fluctuations rolling over from all directions like a surging tide. Not long after, it was accompanied by a surging rhythm of the world, drowning him.    


This was the power of all the powers in the world.    


Surging, endless.    


In that instant, Su Ye felt as if he had turned into a reef within a tide, as the power of a thousand lifetimes surged through his body and even seeped into his body. As a result, his entire soul sank into a surging myriad of methods in the world, and he felt as if the great Dao of the world was within his reach.    


The Primordial Water Essence Immortal Scripture and the Xuanhuo Meridian moved brazenly, actually spontaneously absorbing the overwhelming power that engulfed his body. That rate of absorption was exceptionally fierce. It was at least ten times more powerful than when he absorbed the surrounding water and fire energy.    


In this entire process, Su Ye clearly felt the kidney and heart of an innate expert rising from the inside out, causing his vitality to rise to a whole new level.    


Su Ye was overjoyed. He never thought that the tide that surged at the moment of the Myriad Arts Foundation Establishment was actually a power that was much purer than the Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth by a lot, with a much higher quality. This meant that the moment of the Myriad Arts Foundation Establishment was also a great opportunity for him.    


After a quarter of an hour had passed, the first wave of the Ten Thousand Arts Tide came to an end. The Primordial Water Essence Immortal Scripture and the Xuanhuo Meridian stopped on its own. Surprisingly, a feeling of not having enough came from both sides of his heart.    


"Xiantian second stage!"    


Su Ye was pleasantly surprised to find that after just a quarter of an hour, his water and fire elemental energy had already reached the second level of the Innate realm. This was a level that he previously could not even reach by swallowing a lot of the Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth.    


It was too unexpected.    


Amidst his pleasant surprise, a thought suddenly flashed through Su Ye's mind. The Tide of Ten Thousand Arts did not only have the power of water and fire, there were also many types of energy that he could not normally come into contact with. It was just like a diluted version of the Heavenly Energy.    


But right now, he could only absorb the power of water and fire. It was equivalent to wasting other spiritual energy that was difficult to come across together. How wasteful would it be for a man who had originally wanted to swallow all the spiritual energy in the Ten Thousand Arts Tide in one go?    


Su Ye already had the urge to thump his chest and stomp his feet.    


At this time, the second wave of the Ten Thousand Arts Tide already surged towards Su Ye once again, regardless of whether he stopped moving.    


Su Ye panicked, he had not thought of a way to avoid this wasted energy, and now the Ten Thousand Arts Tide was here again, how could he avoid it?    


Subconsciously, he flung the Proterozoic Heaven Gate away and opened it up, fixing a time-space in a certain direction. He thought to first freeze time, to prevent the tides from passing, and to see if he could think of a way to fix it.    


However, he did not expect that after the Proterozoic Heaven Gate opened its mouth, it actually did not freeze time as usual. Instead, the Proterozoic Heaven Gate herself produced a suction force that actually swallowed the Ten Thousand Arts Tide.    


On the contrary, he was pleasantly surprised. After all, the Proterozoic Heaven Gate was connected to a piece of space-time, which could only be reached by himself, and was definitely the most secretive space in the world. To be able to attract the tides of thousands of times into that space-time, that was equivalent to hoarding, which he couldn't use right now, but he could use it in the future, wouldn't that prevent the tide of millions of times from wasting away?    


Su Ye heaved a sigh of relief.    


After carefully circulating the Primordial Water Essence Immortal Scripture and the Xuanhuo Meridian, the yin and yang energy in his body began to rapidly revolve. He continued to absorb the fire and water energy from the tide of all sorts of arts, constantly increasing the essence of his life and the cultivation of his water and fire elemental energy.    


Just like this, the Ten Thousand Arts Tide surged wave after wave. Su Ye cultivated while supporting his Proterozoic Heaven Gate with absorption, his cultivation level steadily increased.    


Time flew, unknowingly, the 49 waves of Ten Thousand Arts Tide had completely ended. Su Ye quietly waited for a while, and after confirming that the time for the Foundation Establishment was over, and that there was no longer a Ten Thousand Arts Tide that came, he kept his Proterozoic Heaven Gate, consolidated his cultivation, and checked his condition.    


Seventh level of the Congenital Realm!    


This realm was equivalent to the seventh stage of the Divine Arts, but in actual terms of combat, even if Su Ye did not use any of his hidden cards, he could still rely on his Water-Fire Divine Powers to destroy the seventh stage. Most importantly, during the process of the forty-nine waves of the Myriad Arts Tide, he had made an extremely close contact with the Great Way of the Heavens and Earth.    


However, Su Ye still had one more thing to hope for, and that was the Proterozoic Heaven Gate. Other than the first wave that was wasted, the next forty-eight waves, apart from him absorbing a portion of the water and fire energy that was used for cultivation, all of the remaining energy had been devoured by the Proterozoic Heaven Gate.    


From ancient times until now, the first Myriad Technique Foundation Establishment had let out forty-nine claps of Void Lightning. The first to obtain forty-nine waves of Myriad Technique Tide was probably also the first to absorb at least ninety-eight percent of the Myriad Technique's power.    


Just thinking about it made Su Ye excited.    


When Su Ye fully consolidated his current cultivation at Innate Level 7, he impatiently opened up the Proterozoic Heaven Gate, preparing to draw out a portion of the fire and water from it to continue cultivating.    


However, when the Proterozoic Heaven Gate opened and his consciousness probed into the Proterozoic Heaven Gate, Su Ye instantly jumped up, and flew into a rage, "F * * k!"    




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