An Ultimate Martial Art

C594 Huangfu Wuwei!

C594 Huangfu Wuwei!

Di Ye Peak, on a flat rock plateau.    


A middle-aged man clad in a blue robe stood there indifferently.    


Su Ye walked over slowly.    


"You are Su Ye?" The blue clothed middle aged man sized up Su Ye and from his gaze, one could not see any particular meaning.    


"I am Su Ye." Su Ye's expression was indifferent, neither too harsh nor indifferent.    


"Good, you are indeed handsome, it is rare for you to be so handsome, it is no wonder that you are able to gain such a reputation at such a young age." My name is Hua Song, and I am under the order of the Sect Master to invite you to the main hall of Qingyun Peak. "    


Hua Song praised Su Ye, and then explained his purpose for coming.    


Surprise flashed across Su Ye's face, but he was not nervous at all. However, the fatty, Ye Fan and the others who were not far away were different.    


The large-scale incident of the outer sect's defection had occurred too strangely this time, and the consequences were extremely serious. It had even directly caused Huangfu Changtian to be deprived of his identity as the outer sect master by the inner sect. As his successor, Huangfu Wuwei accepted orders in the face of danger. He must have had the three mission to find the escaped disciple, investigate the whole situation, and find the culprit.    


However, the matter of the defection was indeed rather strange. The twelve inner and outer sect elders led twelve thousand disciples to complete the defection within fifteen minutes, and they had all disappeared without a trace.    


It would be very difficult for Huangfu Wuwei to find his escaped disciples and find out what happened.    


Like this, if Huangfu Wuwei wanted to stabilize the position of the outer sect master, he would have to find the culprit. At the very least, he would have to find a suitable scapegoat.    




In this unprecedented betrayal, Su Ye could definitely be said to be the cause of it, or at least the cause. If he did not reveal the fact that Huangfu Changtian had cheated him of the Dao God Pill on purpose or on purpose, causing Huangfu Changtian to fall into a state of controversy, it would not have caused any of the consequences.    


Therefore, if Huangfu Wuwei wanted to find a scapegoat, he had to first find Su Ye.    


Furthermore, Huangfu Wuwei's identity was now basically clear. Not only was he from the same sect as Huangfu Changtian, he was also a part of the Huangfu Clan and was his cousin. Huangfu Changtian had been beaten into such a sorry state by Su Ye, and on behalf of the same sect, how could Huangfu Wuwei not take revenge for Huangfu Changtian and easily take care of Su Ye?    


Therefore, Huangfu Wuwei was not in a hurry to convene the Great Sect Assembly. First, he sent someone to look for Su Ye.    


Fatty and the others were worried, Huangfu Wuwei was just about to take action against Su Ye. In their hearts, they did not wish for Su Ye to meet Huangfu Wuwei just like that, even if they had to, they should at least pull Su Qingwu along.    


Hence, all of their eyes hinted at Su Ye.    


But Su Ye acted as if he did not realize it, he looked at Hua Song, and immediately agreed, and immediately followed Hua Song.    


Fatty and the others immediately became anxious, but they did not dare to forcefully stop him. Once Su Ye had left, they sent him straight away to report to Su Qingwu on his peak.    


However, what surprised Ye Fan was that he had indeed seen Su Qingwu, but Su Qingwu did not react to him being called out by Huangfu Wuwei. He only said that he knew about it and let him leave, causing Ye Fan to be at a loss.    


They had no choice but to return to the Di Ye Peak with a hint of worry.    


However, after Su Ye left the Di Ye Peak, he actually chatted and laughed with Hua Song, as if they were old acquaintances. They did not seem to have any disagreements, and just went to the Sect Master Hall of Qingyun Peak while laughing.    


Within the hall.    


Three people were already sitting inside.    


Besides the middle-aged man that sat at the head of the group and wore embroidered clothes with a handsome appearance, there were two other people that wore black and grey clothes respectively.    


The three of them were all immortal powerhouse s, and the aura they emitted was far stronger than the aura of the Heaven Punisher Spiritual Master.    


Especially the person who sat at the head of the group. His cultivation was at least sixth level and his actions were calm, making him seem a bit extravagant. He seemed like a prince in the dynasty. To be able to occupy a high position in the head's seat, naturally his identity would be revealed. He was the one who succeeded as the outer sect master, Huangfu Wuwei.    


Hua Song led Su Ye into the great hall.    


After reporting to Huangfu Wuwei, Huangfu Wuwei got up from his seat and personally introduced the two immortal powerhouse s in black and grey clothes to Su Ye, then enthusiastically invited him to sit next to him.    


Based on his demeanor, Fatty and the others suspected that Huangfu Wuwei was looking for Su Ye to take the blame for his actions.    


After Su Ye sat down, the two started talking. Other than the two immortal powerhouse s, who were relatively silent, Su Ye and Huangfu Wuwei actually started to talk to each other. It was as if they hated to see each other too late, and with Hua Song coordinating with them from the side, the atmosphere of the entire hall was unusually good, to the point that no one dared to believe it.    


Heh heh, Su Ye, I heard that you used a mysterious soul transformed archery technique on Changxian Island to make Wu Sihai's face ashen, he was even almost killed by you. With your age, to have such an ability, it can be said that you have never seen someone like him before in history.    


Huangfu Wuwei's face was full of praise.    


"Haha, Sect Leader, don't pawn your tail on me. I was just sneak attacking him. If he really wanted me to fight with Wu Sihai, he would have killed me in an instant."    


Su Ye wasn't some newbie who had just started out on his own. He had long expected that Huangfu Wuwei had some sort of motive for flattering him like this. How could he fall for it so easily? As a result, although the atmosphere in the hall was extremely good, Su Ye still maintained a clear head, and did not fall into Huangfu Wuwei's trap.    


However, Huangfu Wuwei was also not an ordinary person. He was very experienced, and when facing Su Ye, he was uncharacteristically modest, and completely ignored him.    


"Instant kill? Impossible, you are being modest. I still have a good idea of how many moves Wu Sihai has. With your ability, Wu Sihai doesn't have the qualifications to talk about instant kills in front of you. In the entire inner and outer sects of the Qing-Yun Realm, you are definitely one of the best among those who are under thirty years old. "So, you have to help me!"    


After continuously flattering him, Huangfu Wuwei miraculously made a turn for the better. Even though it was impossible for people to know what was necessary for him to do such a thing, he was still able to come up with a miraculous turn, and it was to be straightforward.    


Su Ye frowned, Huangfu Wuwei could see that continuing to flatter was not going to have any effect on him, so why did he have to go straight to the point?    


This was equivalent to clearly digging a hole in front of Su Ye and forcing him to jump in it. However, Su Ye seemed to not have any reason to reject it.    


As a disciple of the Qing-Yun Sect, the sect master had flattered you for a long time, and had taken the initiative to ask for his help, what reason did he have to reject?    


"Damn it, this Huangfu Wuwei seems to be even more cunning and sinister than Huangfu Changtian!" Su Ye was secretly alarmed and thought to himself unhappily, "Sect Master is joking, why would I dare to ask Sect Master for help?"    


Su Ye obviously did not like what he saw.    


Hua Song did not continue to smile, but the expressions of the two immortal powerhouse s, Gray and Black Cloud, were quite unsightly.    


Huangfu Wuwei then let out a long sigh, and directly started to pour out the bitter water on Su Ye.    


"Su Ye, you don't know the situation. "On the surface, it looks like it's a great thing that I've been arranged by the seniors of the inner sect to take over the position of outer sect master, but in reality, I've been put on fire by someone …"    


"This time around, an unprecedented event of betrayal has occurred in the outer sect. If I, the successor as the sect master, cannot find the disciple who escaped, let alone the position of sect master who couldn't sit still, I might even be captured by the inner sect to interrogate him."    


"Think about it. I was finally chosen to hold such a position. If I'm not happy for a few days and I get caught and punished, how shameful would that be? Am I right?"    


You want me to clean up this mess of the outer sect, and you're not even giving me hands? You don't even know that you only sent a small portion of your cultivation resources, but Hua Song and the other two are people that I have to fight for by force to help out. Tell me, how could those bastards let me come here to be the outer sect master?    


Su Ye's skin twitched, and thought, this Huangfu Wuwei, how could he be a movie emperor? In order to make him fall into the pit, he even threw away all his face, not even speaking of it in front of him, but actually started scolding people of the inner sect, so much that his vulgarities burst out.    


"So, Su Ye, you really are going to help me. Regarding the outer sect's matter, I'm really blind. As the true successor of the outer sect's most famous genius, if you don't help me, I'll really lose my face as an adult. I'll bow to you here."    


As Huangfu Wuwei said that, he actually stood up, and before Su Ye could react, he bowed deeply towards Su Ye.    


Seeing such a sincere Huangfu Wuwei, he couldn't help but suspect that his judgement was wrong. This Huangfu Wuwei wasn't putting on an act with him, but had actually been framed by someone else to become the outer sect master.    


"Sect Master, don't be like this. You've really embarrassed me by doing this …"    


"Don't, please don't, Su Ye must definitely not have this thought. I sincerely and sincerely want to ask you to help through this difficult situation. I won't say more, as long as you help me get through this mess, I can save some of my face and return back to the inner sect to slap those bastards in the face, I can guarantee that you will become the outer sect's vice sect master. In the future, I will find a chance to recommend you and let you enter the inner sect to establish a clan like the outer sect … "    




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