An Ultimate Martial Art

C177 How could it be you?

C177 How could it be you?

How could it be you?    


As an assassin with his target in front, how could he stop?    


Bi Xuan raised his hand to wave the flame flower. Suddenly, he felt a wave of coldness in the air, as if time had retreated, warm spring turned into winter, and the flame flower in his hand had already extinguished before it could even be swung out.    




Such a strange situation caused Bi Xuan to break out in a cold sweat. He was an experienced assassin, so how could he not understand that someone was holding out their hand to stop him? And the person who was able to silently extinguish the flame flowers in his hands was definitely a powerful expert, a very powerful expert.    


Bi Xuan had full confidence and even pride in his own strength. Thirty years ago, he could have killed almost any Divine Secret Realm Ranker in Yuzhou. Now, thirty years later, although he could not assassinate any Profound Ranker who had lived here for a long time, it was not a problem to say that he could escape from them.    


He had an extraordinary spiritual sense, and his perception of danger could be said to be far more acute than countless cultivators. As long as there was an existence within a radius of five kilometers that was a threat to his life, he could perceive it. It was precisely this extraordinary spiritual sense that had prevented anyone from finding him in the past thirty years.    


But today, there was actually someone who could hide in the vicinity through his spiritual sense and extinguish the flame in his hand. That person was definitely an expert, an expert amongst experts.    


Could it be that the immortal powerhouse behind Su Ye had made her move?    


No, that's impossible.    


Bi Tu did not believe that it was that mysterious immortal powerhouse who made her move. In order to kill Su Ye, he had already secretly observed Su Ye for six days. His goal was to confirm the existence of the Habitat Ruler through the traces on Su Ye's body.    


Today, he decided to make a move because he had already confirmed several times that the Eternal Habitat Ranker did not immediately hide in secret to protect Su Ye.    


But now, this kind of situation was causing him to feel a little scared. He suspected that he hadn't discovered the existence of the long-range expert in six days. He suspected that the long-range expert was so powerful that his spiritual sense couldn't sense him.    


Fortunately, the other party seemed to have no intentions of taking his life. Otherwise, what had been extinguished just now wouldn't have been the flame flower in his hand, but his soul light.    


Bi Tu did his best to maintain a calm posture and release his spiritual sense to its maximum capacity. However, he found nothing and was even more shocked.    


At this time, Su Ye had already walked step by step away from Bi Wu's line of sight, and disappeared within the col. Bi Xuan's eyes revealed a trace of unwillingness. This was the first time he failed in thirty years, and his opponent was only at the Transcending Mortality Stage. However, he could no longer muster up the courage to attack.    


Bi Xuan took a deep breath and asked, "Who are you?"    


Bi Xuan's voice spread out faintly, and the chill in the air faded. The warm spring breeze blew against his face, causing his expression to turn cold. He suddenly felt that when a gaze fell on him, he was unable to sense where the owner of the gaze was. His spiritual sense, which he was so proud of, had already failed twice.    


Bi Xuan's heart trembled. This was the feeling of being stepped on by someone.    


"Leave the Qing-Yun Sect, there won't be a next time!"    


A faint ripple flashed through the air, but Bi Xuan felt as if his ears were being struck by thunder. His eardrums almost ruptured, and two streams of blood flowed down his cochlea.    


With just a single sentence, the sound, the ripples, and the gaze all receded like a receding tide. In the blink of an eye, everything vanished into nothingness. It was obviously a type of dao, a shocking dao that was so profound that even Bi Tu couldn't see through. This person's cultivation must have reached the point of immortality.    


"Damn it!"    


He felt that the other party simply did not put him in his eyes at all, and did not even have the interest to appear before him. Just by using a single sentence to shatter his eardrums, he was taught a small lesson, and told him to scram from the Qing-Yun Sect. What kind of humiliation was this?    


The pride in his heart made him feel a strong sense of ruthlessness, and wanted to make a ruckus in the Qing-Yun Sect. After forcing the other party out and telling him in front of him, even though you are a immortal powerhouse, you do not have the qualifications to look down on me.    


However, reason reminded him that he absolutely could not do this. Even though the other party had only said that one sentence, he had only given him a small lesson. But his words carried authority, there was no doubt that if he were to continue to stay in Qing-Yun Sect, he would be killed instantly by his opponent, and would not even have the chance to resist.    


Bi Xuan was able to stay in the assassination world and dominate Yu Zhou for thirty years. Naturally, he not only had high cultivation, but he also had extremely powerful spiritual senses and concealment techniques. He also had a strong sense of reason and was able to restrain the negative emotions that were detrimental to him.    


He wasn't as arrogant as others, at least not to the extent that he was almost deified. Under the urge of his senses, he still looked in the direction that Su Ye had left with hatred, before turning around and leaving, not even turning back.    


Only when Bi Wu escaped from the Qing-Yun Sect and came to a stop on top of a mountain peak that was three kilometers away from the Qing-Yun Sect Sect did he feel that the gaze that was chasing after his figure had completely disappeared.    


Bi Xuan's face was frosted over.    


"Damn it, the other party did not completely disappear, if I did not leave Qing-Yun Sect in time, I would have been killed by him. Just who is this person, and why is she protecting such a small Su Ye? "    


Bi Xuan was unreconciled, it was one thing to not kill Su Ye and lose his reputation, but this mission was also related to some secrets.    


What now?    


Should he take the risk and continue, or give up the opportunity for the time being?    


Bi Xuan's heart was in turmoil.    


This was a secret technique that required a special hand seal with either mana or true energy to activate the transmission talisman. It could transmit information from a distance of a thousand miles away, and it was not afraid of being intercepted. Once intercepted, the special restrictions within the transmission talisman would be triggered and immediately explode.    


The energy that exploded wasn't small. Not only would it shatter the transmission talisman to pieces, but it would also completely annihilate the information within. Those who intercepted the transmission talisman would be injured or even killed by the explosion.    


"The protection of longevity is hard to deal with, do you want to find another opportunity?"    


Bi Xuan quickly entered a message into the transmission talisman and used his true energy to trigger the transmission talisman. The transmission talisman immediately turned into a beam of light and shot into the sky, disappearing in the blink of an eye.    


Bi Xuan heaved a sigh of relief when the transmission talisman was sent out. After throwing out the final decision, he didn't need to think too much about it. All he needed to do was wait for a reply from the other side. That way, no matter what the result would be, it wouldn't be his fault.    


However, at this moment, a clear and cold voice suddenly sounded out. "I didn't expect that the famous Bi Hu, who had been famous for thirty years in Yuzhou, would actually just be a dog kept by someone else. I wonder if this news will stun anyone if it spreads?"    


"Who is it?"    


After hearing these words, Bi Xuan seemed to instinctively have a violent reaction. All of the hairs on his body stood on end as he shouted out in a flustered and exasperated manner.    


This was the second time.    


The sense of danger he was so proud of had once again lost its effectiveness.    


If it was the same person, then it was nothing, but he just had to know that these were two different people. The one who gave him a small lesson in Qing-Yun Sect was clearly a man, and this time it was a woman's voice, and it was even a young woman.    


The words that the woman said were far more impolite than the mysterious Changsheng in the Qing-Yun Sect. She actually called him a lackey, and this was even more of a trampling on his pride. He was an assassin, and although she listened to orders from people, he was still an assassin. She was not a lackey.    


Without waiting for Bi Xuan to turn around, the other party's voice rang out once again, carrying a faint hint of ridicule. "I think so!"    


It should be, right?    


Did this mean that all the cultivators in Yuzhou would mock him as a lackey?    


This infuriated Bi Xuan even more. He turned around abruptly and shot a flame flower at the same time. Five streams of light exploded in midair. It was the best of the five elements, pushing them to the limit. That was the truth of Yin-Yang Transformation.    


The five streaks of light were like the roaring of dragons. They were five different colored dragons, and they descended upon a beautiful figure standing in the wind while howling wildly with the power to destroy the heavens and destroy the earth.    


The light was illusory, and the sky seemed to twist and distort.    


Bi Xuan saw that beautiful face and his entire body shook. He involuntarily let out a cry of surprise, full of shock and incredulity. There was also a sense of disbelief and anger after the unexpected: "How could it be you!"    


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