An Ultimate Martial Art

C1100 An evil disciple who had infiltrated the Snow Island Jade Palace!

C1100 An evil disciple who had infiltrated the Snow Island Jade Palace!

In the era of Heaven's Mandate, the dynasty was in charge.    


The dynasty controlled everything. However, the dynasty didn't have complete control over everything. The dynasty was a large net formed from lines and lines, and the commoners were the supporting points of this huge net. Whether the commoners could become the supporting points of this large net was solely based on their fate.    


Only by linking the fate of the citizens could the fate of the citizens be intertwined with the fate of the entire dynasty. The dynasty could increase the strength of the nation, and it could also completely control the citizens.    


However, the fate of living creatures was indistinct and intangible. They were not something that could be grasped with absolute certainty, like flesh and blood. Facing ordinary people, the dynasty had to display a plentiful amount of national might, allowing ordinary people to truly feel the strength of the dynasty and bring sufficient benefits to the citizens, in order to make ordinary people sincerely submit, and invisibly entrust their lives to the empire's huge net.    


However, against those who had awakened a special destiny, or those who had cultivated to a certain level, it was not so simple. Ordinary methods would not be enough to make these people willingly submit. Even people who had awakened special fates could have a certain degree of control over their own fate. If they were not willing to interweave their fate into the dynasty's net, killing them would be useless.    


Because of this, even though Yu Shi's The First Dynasty seemed to have taken control of the three prefectures, there were actually still many people floating outside the imperial net. For example, some Immortal cultivators, big aristocratic families, etc.    


The aristocratic families in particular hid themselves well. They were already used to rapping on their own little schemes to obtain their own benefits, it was simply impossible for them to completely entrust their fate to the The First Dynasty's big net. The royal family didn't even know how many Heaven's Mandate individuals these aristocratic families were secretly hiding.    


From a certain point of view, these people who were wandering around the imperial net were not much different from Su Ye. The only difference was that Su Ye was even more disdainful towards the dynasty's attitude towards Destiny.    


Although they were not willing to interweave their own destinies with the dynasty, they still acknowledged the dynasty's strength. On the surface, they had left enough respect for the The First Dynasty, recognizing the dynasty's rule and authority, and not publicly opposing the dynasty.    


Yu Shi had always been playing games with the big families and cultivation cultivators, strictly prohibiting the existence of cultivation sects in the empire was one move, his final goal was to slowly weave these people who were floating outside the imperial family's net.    


It's just that before Su Ye appeared, his methods were relatively more gentle. There were two reasons. One was that the aristocratic families and the cultivators were indeed powerful, and if the tactics were too harsh, forcing the clans and the cultivators to join hands, the The First Dynasty, which had not been established for too long, would be difficult to deal with even with a stronger heaven's destiny.    


He did not feel any strong enough threat from the aristocratic families or the cultivators. He was very confident that he could take his time and cook the toads with water. Sooner or later, he would be able to completely integrate all of these forces into the The First Dynasty and form a huge net that could cover the entire capital.    


But now it was different.    


Yu Shi's appearance and his two direct confrontation had made him more and more miserable than before. His dignity as an emperor had suffered from extremely serious provocation and trampling, and Su Ye's strength that was comparable to the Heavenly Monarch had made him feel even more threatened.    


Furthermore, there was the Central State Great Ancient Dynasty who was much stronger than the The First Dynasty and was resting. It was unknown when the Lifeless Emperor would cause the Heaven and Earth to move and bring the Central Region to attack the The First Dynasty.    


There were wolves in the front and tigers in the back.    


The situation had already forced Yu Shi to an extremely difficult point.    


This also forced Yu Shi to not be able to use his previous calculations to slowly boil the toads and collect all the aristocratic families and cultivators that were floating outside the imperial net.    


"Send our order to Lei Mingtian and Ling Shiren to come see us immediately!"    


Yu Shi who had already made up his mind, had a thunderbolt as his killing intent soared.    


When Lei Mingtian and Ling Shiren arrived in front of Yu Shi, Yu Shi immediately tossed them each a piece of paper. It could be said that the aristocratic families and forces that those two pieces of paper represented were once the biggest culprits of the Great Western Kingdom.    


The Great Western Kingdom once faced the same dilemma as the The First Dynasty. If the Great Western Kingdom had completely grasped these powers before the national war, the result would have been the opposite.    


"Tell them, to be within my dynasty, you have to have the determination to be in the same life as my dynasty, and the conviction to be in the same life as me." We can give them time to consider, but it will only last for three days at most. If they still do not make a choice after three days, we will kill them all, not a single one shall be spared! "    


With this order, even Ling Shiren and Lei Mingtian, who were saints from the Nine Heavens Immortal World, felt chills run down their spines. Yu Shi's shady and gloomy face caused them to have no choice but to fear.    


Unfortunately, they had already fallen into the pit, falling into the huge pit known as the The First Dynasty. Their fates were already intertwined within the large net known as the The First Dynasty, making it impossible for them to escape.    


Everything could only be done according to Yu Shi's orders.    


Southwest of the Great Kun Mountain.    


Su Ye's figure appeared in a flash. As he looked forward, the hidden space in Snow Island Jade Palace appeared before him like a thin piece of paper.    


Since he had come out, Su Ye did not plan to return so quickly. Other than the Southern Abyss Immortal Sect, he also had to bring some people back with him.    


Su Ye stepped into the space gap, and he was already in Snow Island Jade Palace.    


After more than ten years, he returned to his original place.    


The Snow Island Jade Palace didn't seem to have changed much, as there was still a sense of tranquility and serenity that came from the outside world. Only, Su Ye could still feel a kind of panic spreading within the Snow Island Jade Palace.    


The era had undergone a drastic change. The heavens' will had descended, and the imperial court was in the lead. In the past, as the world's leading cultivator, he had actually become a malignant tumor in the eyes of the imperial court. As the weaker party, even though the Snow Island Jade Palace had already been completely sealed off from the outside three levels, as if he was a prisoner, and didn't care about everything outside, they were still unable to control the fear in their hearts.    


"Who is it?"    


Four young and handsome women had already surrounded Su Ye with ice swords in their hands. It was clear that they were Snow Island Jade Palace's disciples.    


If one were to talk about the relationship between Su Ye and the Snow Island Jade Palace, more than ten years ago, Su Ye had even lectured about the Dao within the Snow Island Jade Palace twice. From the Snow Island Jade Palace to the palace master Lu Wushuang, to the ordinary female disciples of the Transcending Mortality Stage, there was not a single one that Su Ye did not recognize.    


Conversely, at that time, Su Ye was even a little bit green within the myriad of flowers in the Snow Island Jade Palace. It was unknown just how many young and beautiful female disciples were moved by Su Ye and there was basically no one who didn't recognize him.    


But after all, more than ten years had passed.    


Su Ye's appearance had undergone a huge change.    


The Snow Island Jade Palace itself had changed, these four sword wielding women left no impression on Su Ye, they did not recognize Su Ye either, and only saw that these four sword wielding women did not even have sufficient cultivation, so it could be seen that the four of them were most likely the new female disciples that the Snow Island Jade Palace had taken in over ten years ago after Su Ye had left.    


"Speak, who exactly are you? How did you infiltrate the Snow Island Jade Palace? What is your purpose for doing so?"    


The tone of the four sword-wielding women was very fierce, but in reality, they were all nervous. The slight trembling of their sword-wielding hands was enough to explain everything.    


Su Ye secretly thought that it was funny, but he could not help but have a playful look, wanting to tease the four girls. He put on a straight face and pretended to be evil.    


"Haha, the rumors of Snow Island Jade Palace being filled with beautiful women are indeed true. I had to use a lot of effort to break the restriction and get in. It was worth it. "Four beautiful ladies, from today onwards, you will belong to me. Quickly put away your swords, find a secluded place and let me have a good time. Once the fun is over, I will give you all great benefits."    




"Madman, shut up!"    


"This person must be a rapist. Sisters, let's capture him and hand him over to Elder Liu!"    


Although the four sword wielding girls were nervous, they were still in Snow Island Jade Palace's territory. Adding on the fact that Su Ye's evil tone had angered them, they momentarily forgot about their panic and attacked together. The cold sword qi transformed into snow-white sword beams in the air with a whoosh sound, interweaving into the net, they attacked Su Ye.    


Su Ye took a step forward, and the sword beam immediately missed. Thousands of sword images whistled by him, releasing the power of frost, but they were unable to even move Su Ye's sleeves.    


Su Ye strolled around as he continued to mutter to himself, "Tsk tsk, four beautiful girls, not bad. Seeing as you have not been in the sect for too long, your comprehension of the flying snow meridian can be considered as having reached a certain level, but it is still not good enough. Girl with big ears, your sword moves are too fast, they are actually too chaotic. "Big eyed girl, your footsteps are in chaos. Your third step should be in the southwest. You're missing a footprint, leaving your mental state in ruins!"    


In terms of flying snow meridian, Su Ye was definitely even more ancestral than the Snow Fairy. The four girls' martial skills were all from the flying snow meridian, so when Su Ye used it, it was naturally full of loopholes, and he used the chance to ridicule them to give some pointers.    


However, Su Ye's pointers to the four Swordsgirls made them more furious than ever, "You repulsive evil disciple, not only did you sneak into the Snow Island Jade Palace to try to do something bad, you actually peeked at our Snow Island Jade Palace's absolute art! "We're going to kill you!"    


Since ancient times, the absolute arts of the Immortal Sect were not passed down to outsiders, and the flying snow meridian was even used by the Snow Island Jade Palace, it was a precious treasure book that was worth more than one's life, to actually be spied on by an evil disciple, how could they tolerate that, they definitely could not tolerate it!    


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