Be A Millionaire Overnight

C314 Competitors

C314 Competitors

[Taiyuan Bank] From your account on the 15th of the 8th month, with the last number of 4311, the system transferred 1000000000.00 yuan to your account. The balance available was 374034999000.00 yuan.    


After hanging up, Wan Qian directly transferred 10 billion yuan to Mu Dan, so he had to think of another way.    


"Huan An, I'll give you 3 trillion. Bring the money and collect all the jewelry stores in the country. Put our tags on and sell them in these 500,000 shops."    


Wan Qian looked into Huan An's eyes and said.    


This was the easiest method he could think of. Although he would have to spend more money, it was still worth it. This would not only replenish their supply of goods in time, but would also have the effect of monopolizing the market.    


Huan An felt incredulous after hearing Wan Qian's suggestion. He never expected Wan Qian to do something so crazy, he actually wanted to buy all the jewelry in the country. Needless to say, it was worth the price of three or four trillion yuan.    


"Director Wan, you are …"    


Zuan thought about Wan Qian's motive for doing this, but he felt it was too ridiculous. No one had ever done it before.    


"I didn't do it. I wanted to monopolize the jewelry market. You should also know that it's fine if we don't use our Qiantong Group, but if we do, we will definitely do things accordingly. Any field in which we are involved is a monopoly. Jewelry is no exception. "    


Wan Qian said sincerely.    


It was the biggest change he had ever made in his economics class.    


Either do it or do it to the end. Also, monopolies yield benefits.    


For one thing, only by monopolizing the market would one be able to get all the profits from this market with less competition. Relatively speaking, the risk was the smallest. He just said that it would take a lot of effort for the early stages to progress.    


"I understand Director Wan. I will definitely follow your wishes and complete the mission well. "    


With that, Huan An stood up and bowed towards Wan Qian. Then he turned and walked out.    


This was a national market. Some of them ran away by themselves.    


After he left, he bought online, bought by others, took a taxi to a jewelry store in each city, and said, "I've got all your jewelry!"    


He then quickly instructed the waiter to send the package to the nearby Dry Jewelry Store.    


Wan Qian also handed 34 trillion to her with confidence. In Wan Qian's eyes, there was no doubt about it, he was a good person who didn't use this rule.    


After seeing that Huan An had left, Wan Qian brewed a pot of tea for himself. After taking two sips, he still felt like it was almost worth it. Thus, he went to Qiantong Traffic's office, found the refrigerator and took out two bottles of soda. He laid on the reclining chair that Sabei specially prepared for Wan Qian, and watched the employees of the company bustle about.    


This feeling was really good.    


"Director Wan, you came."    


Sabei saw Wan Qian's arrival through the camera and quickly came out from the General Manager's Office to greet him.    


"Yes." How have you been? "    


"Not bad, but there was a bit too much subsidies yesterday."    


Sabei detected it through the background data. Because there were some small places that wanted to make their own take-out markets recently, it had a small impact on the take-out market. Therefore, Sabei set up a free seven-day event, but the business still had to give out subsidies.    


Wan Qian looked at the money in his bank card. There was only 3 trillion yuan left, so he transferred all of it to Sabei.    


[Taiyuan Bank] The card with your closing number is 4311, dated 15 August, 11: 35, transferred to the system for 34034999000.00 yuan, leaving a balance of 0.00 yuan    


"Congratulations on completing the mission!" Please spend ten megabytes in eight years. The rules were the same as before. If it is not completed by then, all your property will be cleared. "    


[Taiyuan Bank] From your account number 4311, dated 15 August, the system transferred you to RMB 1000000000000000.00, and the balance available was RMB 10000000000000.00    


"Didn't you say two days ago that there was a company involved in the transaction? "How are things going?"    


Wan Qian remembered two days ago, Sabei said that a company with the surname Sun also got an online car-booking company. The price they offered was even higher than Qiantong Group. Thus, some of the drivers couldn't help but jump into the competition.    


Wan Qian didn't plan to investigate this further. Lose some and lose some. After all, Wan Qian wasn't able to fight him with his current strength.    


"To return to Director Wan, Suun Family's current internet car company is basically on the same level as Qiantong Group's company. I secretly gave out a lot of benefits, which is about the same as the conditions set by Suun Family Network, to stabilize the loss of people. "    


Sabei explained his plan to Wan Qian, which made Wan Qian nod his head repeatedly.    


If he did not want to confront the Suun Family head on, this kind of covert maneuver was very effective. Even he himself would do it this way. It seemed like choosing Sabei as his spokesperson was not wrong.    


"Very good, let's go along with him. But not less than half. And not more than half. I'll take care of him when I have time in the future. In addition, I will transfer some of the reserve money to you as a high subsidy for this period of time. "    


Fighting with someone like Suun Family, no matter what, was just bullsh * t. Only the gold and silver that were spent would be useful.    


If they didn't want to compete, then it all depended on who had more money and power.    


Wan Qian directly transferred 50 billion to Sabei. Expenditures for this period. It should be enough for them to be in a stalemate with the Suun Family arranged car for a period of time.    


Sabei looked at the money that Wan Qian transferred to him and thought that it was only a few trillion, he never would have thought that it was 50 billion. This number truly frightened him.    


Mo Capital's Richest Man's estimate was only a omen.    


5 trillion was half of a trillion.    


And what Wan Qian said just now was just a reserve for this period of time. Then how much wealth did Wan Qian have?    


In addition, he had invested so much in the industry, spent so much money, and displayed his strength.    


Thinking about this, Sabei shuddered at the young man lying on the rocking chair. At this level, he could easily compete with the rich in the country.    


"Go and busy yourself first, I'll stay here for a while."    


Wan Qian waved at Sabei and said. Sabei turned around and walked towards his office.    


Ever since he had become the spokesperson for Qiantong Group, he had become even busier.    


The Qiantong Traffic and the dried takeout were all being carried out in an orderly manner. He himself, on the other hand, was facing more information from the outside world, so he could deal with many internal problems within his Qiantong Group.    


For example, if a worker had injuries and needed to be certified as a reimbursement, the company would be given some festive benefits. Whichever listed company's share price fell, they would all need to be taken care of by themselves.    


As for Wan Qian, he acted like he didn't care about the company at all. Unless he remembered to do those things, he just came over and said a few words. Usually, he wouldn't be involved in managing the company.    


For example, recently, Qian Tong Investment Company in the city was a very profitable company. However, Wan Qian went to the university to invest in university students for projects worth hundreds of thousands of yuan.    


It was simply a waste of resources from Qiantong Group.    


However, this person was the chairman, what could he say? I can only leave it to him.    


"If I can't get anything to sell …"    


"Hey, Rising Sun, what's wrong?"    


"Brother Qian, I've communicated with the research teams before. After they reported the machines and equipment, as well as the industrial park's hardware plan, I need 50 billion to build this research park. It will take a week. "    


It was about the scientific research park. They had done it yesterday, and only now did they confirm it. It seems that there would be a lot of Scientific Research Institution in place this time.    


"No problem, I'll transfer it to you." "Let it happen as soon as possible."    


With that, Wan Qian transferred 50 billion to the rising sun. This money was definitely worth it.    


In the future, when the research teams began to produce their own achievements, it would be the time for them to reconstruct society.    


"Prof. Niu, how is the research result?" Is there a breakthrough? "    


Wan Qian sent a message to Niu Xin. After all, the date of the wager with Yu Loong was getting closer and closer. Wan Qian also wanted to get the result as soon as possible, only then would he have a better idea.    


"Director Wan, the current research results have entered the white-hot stage. We only need to carry out more experiments to stabilize the engine's performance."    


Wan Qian naturally knew what Niu Xin meant by 'experiment'.    


[Taiyuan Bank] From your account on the 16th of the eighth month, with the closing number of 4311, the system transferred 5000000000000.00 yuan, the available balance 8950000000000000000.00 yuan    


"Prof. Niu, I transferred 500 billion to you. It should be enough for us to experiment properly." As always, don't be stingy with my money, I don't lack it. Just show me the best result. In addition, if he could produce a finished product with this money, he could do so as much as possible. This is good for introductions. "    


Wan Qian said after turning over the money.    


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