Be A Millionaire Overnight

C566 Invitation by Parties

C566 Invitation by Parties

"Here you go, a tip."    


The Rising Sun grabbed a handful of rice coins, which was about seven or eight thousand yuan, and gave it to the person who carried the bag for him.    


"Thank you, boss!"    


The flight attendant at the airport was happy to serve the rising sun because he was very generous. A lot of money was spent.    


Arriving at the chartered area, Rising Sun boarded the plane after a simple inspection.    


There was only Rising Sun on the plane.    


From Hawaii to America, he spent a total of 50 million metres. Just to enjoy this VIP private service treatment.    


This is what money makes.    


There was no other way. Amongst those who followed Wan Qian, Rising Sun was the most profitable. His current worth was at least a few hundred billion.    


Come out and play for a bit. Spending several trillion yuan wasn't even worth it.    


Wan Qian was brought to the television station in the Law Enforcement Department's car. He received an audience from the person in charge, and at the press conference, Wan Qian accepted the certificate of honor for the security guards given by America. At the same time, he explained the purpose of his visit.    


Wan Qian didn't say anything on the spot. After it was over, he just threw the certificate to the side. It was completely useless.    


Over the next hour, Wan Qian received over a hundred calls. It was either the reporters and media wanting to come alone to interview him, or the leaders of the various districts wanting to meet him for some cooperation projects.    


One of them went forward and handed over an instrument inviting Wan Qian to participate in an Earth auction.    


Only Wan Qian was interested, so he agreed directly.    


He checked the time and found that it was time to eat lunch in an ancient castle.    


"If I can't get anything to sell …"    


"Brother Qian!" I'm at the America! "Where are you?!"    


"TV station, come directly over here!"    


"What the f * ck!" Awesome, Brother Qian! How come he entered the television station right after arriving at America! Fine! I will go over now! "    


Rising Sun hung up, adjusted the sunglasses on his nose, and stopped a taxi. He immediately spent a thousand dollars, "Television station!"    


"Yes sir!"    


The taxi driver was thrilled to see so many tips. He stepped on the throttle and dashed out.    


In the end, America was not like in the country, where all special facilities were convenient. It's a pity we don't even have an online car.    


"Sabei, think of a way to introduce Qiantong Traffic to the America, this place is too backward."    


Wan Qian gave Sabei microchannel.    


"They don't even have a payment software, so what's the use of bringing it in? Moreover, their labor costs are very high and their car ownership can't compare to ours.    


"You've followed me for so long, why aren't you enlightened yet? When did I ask for money? "Here, I will look for a place to bring in the Qiantong Traffic and the dried food here as soon as possible."    


Wan Qian then called Nan Hsing, "Is the software ready!?"    


"Director Wan, the payment software has been completed, it's just that …"    


"But what?"    


"This item can only be used by other people if it is popularized." What's the use of having you alone? "    


"I know that. "Send me the software extension code, and I'll take care of the rest."    


Wan Qian hung up and got the payment software promotion code from Nan Hsing.    


"Hello, Principal of Sheraton University. Did you call just now?"    


"That's right, my dear Director Wan. I've never seen your famous name before. I've just witnessed your grace on TV. You're such a good person!"    


"You're too kind. I wonder if the school is having any problems right now? "I will try my best to help whatever I can."    


"Director Wan is too polite. However, the school is currently in a somewhat difficult situation. If Director Wan is able to help, then I will definitely help him build a school! "    


The headmaster of the Chilton University promised.    


"Sure. "One moment, let me take a call."    


At this moment, a phone call came in. Wan Qian looked up and couldn't help but be surprised. Why did the bank called him?    


"Hello, I'm Wan Qian."    


"Welcome to America, Mr. Wan. I'm Warner Rommel, President of the Wahl Bank. We have long heard of Mr. Wan's famous name, and have always wanted to invite Mr. Wan to America as a guest. But knowing that you are Mo Capital's Richest Man, we definitely would not want to come to a remote place like mine. So I didn't dare to disturb you. "    


"Mr. Luo is being too serious. I wonder what business you have with me? "    


Wan Qian did not believe that the reason he specifically called was to be polite.    


"Mr. Wan is really straightforward. "I know that you have a large amount of coins in the Mo Capital, but since you have just arrived in the America, you will need to convert a large amount of money into rice coins to do business here, right?"    


"That's right."    


"We can notify all banks in the America and exchange them all for you."    


Roman's words meant that he was using the entire country's currency to exchange for Wan Qian. There will never again be a situation where a bank can only deal with 100 billion dollars.    


He did this not only to make friends with Wan Qian. We also want to uphold the dignity of the country.    


If a foreigner couldn't exchange his coins in a single go, then he would be utterly humiliated.    


"Thank you, Mr. Luo, for your kind intentions. But I have a bolder idea that I don't know if Mr. Luo will be able to help me achieve it. "    


"Do not hesitate to tell me. As long as it is within my capabilities, I will definitely satisfy your needs."    


To this kind of wealthy foreign nation, America's policy was to be magnanimous and welcoming.    


After all, letting their money flow into their own country to promote employment and economic development was a common goal. Why not?    


"I want to open a bank in America."    


Wan Qian said this in shock. Things that he didn't dare to do in the Mo Capital, he had to do in a foreign country.    


Roman did not expect Wan Qian to have such a big appetite and immediately made this request. In a way, the bank is run by a competitor.    


However, currently, all the banks in the America were still under his jurisdiction.    


"Mr. Wan is so generous. Having just arrived at America, he probably didn't understand the situation in his own country yet. I heard that you have an insurance industry in Mo Capital, so let me give you an example. To establish a bank, you need a lot more security than insurance. Do you understand? "    


"How much?"    


"In terms of spending money, Wan Qian has never been afraid of anyone." At least five hundred years. "    


Roman did not hide anything and reported an astronomical figure to Wan Qian.    


Wan Qian's understanding of money was once again refreshed.    


There were so many banks in the America. Each and every one of them had reached this number. That was the reason why they were able to establish their respective positions. Looking at his five hundred years' worth of money, it was truly pitifully little.    


"Only now did I realize that there is someone out of this world. This is already a heaven above the heavens." "I wonder if Mr. Wan still has any ideas about the establishment of the bank."    


Roman intentionally asked this because he wanted to kill Wan Qian. To think that they would open a bank right after arriving at America, how audacious. Do you think that a little rich person can go against the rules when he comes to America?    


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