Revenging Son-in-law

C499 The Chen Family

C499 The Chen Family

Just as Anna and Chen Qing were about to say something, one of Chen Qing's subordinates suddenly shouted from outside, "Third Master, Third Master, look!"    


Then, the subordinate ran into the living room of the villa in a panic as he shouted.    


Chen Qing slapped him and shouted, "Damn it, what are you shouting for?"    


The subordinate was instantly frightened. However, he still stammered as he opened a finger and pointed outside the window. He said, "Third Master, outside... I saw a huge dragon in the sky outside..."    


"F * ck you, you saw a huge dragon. I even saw Erlang Shen." Chen Qing instinctively thought that this subordinate was intentionally causing trouble, and thought that this person was too bold. Just as he was about to beat this person up or kill him directly, the subordinate kneeled down in front of him with a plop. As he lowered his head, he said with tears streaming down his face, "Third Master Ye, I didn't lie to you. I really saw a huge dragon."    


At this moment, another subordinate also ran in. He also looked flustered. As soon as he came in, he said, "Third Master Ye, it's not good. Something happened. Look outside..."    


This time, Chen Qing frowned and thought, Someone is causing trouble. It was impossible that this subordinate was causing trouble. Could it be that there was something unusual outside? Thinking of this, he stood up and quickly walked out of the living room.    


As for Anna and Chu Zitan, they looked at each other with doubt on their faces. In the end, the two of them also walked out.    


When Chen Qing walked outside, he immediately found that the sky was filled with a layer of fog. It was a huge black mass, as if the sky was dark and it was about to rain. However, when he looked up at the sky, he was immediately frightened. Because he saw a light grey thing rolling in the air.    


At first, he thought it was a cloud, but later on, he saw that it was not a dragon. However, this dragon was made up of light grey fog, but it was vivid and lifelike. The dragon head, dragon horn, and dragon eyes could be seen clearly, and even the dragon scale could be seen clearly.    


"Damn, what is this?" Chen Qing was shocked. Only now did he realize that his two subordinates were not lying.    


When Anna and Chu Zitan saw this scene, they were also stunned.    


Although the weather had been abnormal recently, there should not be such an abnormal scene, right?    


What shocked them even more was that at this time, as the light grey giant dragon was rolling forward, another person appeared behind it.    


This person took vigorous steps, holding a huge axe in his hand as he followed behind the huge dragon. It was as if he was chasing after the giant dragon, while the giant dragon flipped forward. From time to time, he would turn around to look at the person, as if he was afraid that the person would catch up to him.    


Chen Qing did not pay much attention to the man. His attention was still on the giant dragon, but the two women standing behind him shouted at the same time, "Qin Yuan..."    




These two shouts gave Chen Qing a scare.    


"Isn't that my brother-in-law?" Chu Zitan was so shocked that she could not speak. She widened her eyes. She looked at the scene in the sky in disbelief, especially at the person who was chasing the dragon with the giant ax. That was obviously her brother-in-law, Qin Yuan, but why would his brother-in-law appear in the sky?    


"Anna, did you see that? That's my brother-in-law. This can't be an illusion, right? Why is my brother-in-law in the sky?"    


Anna was dumbfounded. In fact, ever since Qin Yuan disappeared, she had thought of many possibilities, but she had never thought that Qin Yuan would one day appear in the sky.    


Anna herself also felt that this might be an illusion, but when she looked at Chu Zitan and Chen Qing, she found that they had also seen the exact same scene as her. It was impossible for everyone present to have hallucinations.    


After hearing Chu Zitan's shout, Chen Qing shifted his attention from the giant dragon to the man behind the giant dragon. After taking a closer look, he found that this person was indeed Qin Wuxu.    


Although he had never met Qin Yuan before, it was because this person was too famous in Huaxia. There were many videos of him online and his information. He could easily find a lot of videos from just a casual search, so he was very familiar with this person. The most important thing was that this person had formed a death grudge with his father, Chen Changsheng. He was the greatest enemy their family had encountered in so many years.    


That day in the villa estate, this Qin Yuan had even killed his father, Chen Changsheng, in front of everyone's eyes. Of course, his father would not die so easily. He had trapped this Qin fellow into the pocket dimension. In Chen Qing's opinion, this Qin fellow had definitely died inside a long time ago. However, he never expected to see him in the sky today.    


However, this scene did not last for long. In an instant, it disappeared. There was nothing in the sky except the black fog and clouds.    


"Heh, this is evil. Could it be that I really had an illusion just now?" Chen Qing himself also felt somewhat puzzled.    


Chu Zitan jumped up in joy. She clapped her hands and said very excitedly, "My brother-in-law is still alive. I saw my brother-in-law just now. He is not dead yet. I knew that my brother-in-law would not die."    


Anna also had a feeling in her heart. She felt that Qin Yuan was actually not dead.    


However, Chen Qing suddenly shouted, "Stop arguing. What I saw just now was just an illusion. A fleeting moment, do you understand? That Qin guy must have died a long time ago. He was tricked into the secret realm by my father. How could the super players in my Daddy's Market let him go? Just give up on that idea. "    


After saying that, Chen Qing flicked his sleeve and entered the living room. He was a little unhappy and a little uneasy.    


At that moment, his phone suddenly rang rapidly. He was shocked and cursed. Then, he took out his phone and saw that it was his big brother, Chen Bai, calling him.    


Why would his big brother call at this time? Could something have happened?    


Chen Qing did not dare to delay and quickly pressed the answer button. As expected, his big brother's anxious voice came from the other side.    


"Third Brother, where are you now?"    


"Big Brother, I'm in the villa in the suburbs. Did something happen?"    


"Mo, listen to me. I don't care what you are doing or where you are. Hurry to my house and meet us as soon as possible."    


Hearing this, Chen Qing's heart began to pound.    


"Big brother, did something happen? That Qin..."    


"Enough, don't ask so much. Hurry up and come. There's something important to discuss." After saying that, Chen Bai hung up the phone.    


Chen Qing originally wanted to tell his elder brother over the phone that he had just seen a huge dragon appear in the sky, as well as the scene of the Qin fellow appearing. However, before he could say anything, his elder brother hung up the phone.    


He did not dare to hesitate, so he quickly ordered his subordinate, "What the hell are you still standing there for? Hurry up and prepare a car for me to go to Big Brother's house."    


After saying that, he quickly walked out of the living room. One of his subordinates carefully asked, "Third Master, what should we do with these two women?"    


Chen Qing originally had his mind on these two women, but now he lacked interest. Thus, he impatiently waved his hand and said, "Lock them up for me first."    


Then, Chen Qing drove as fast as he could to his big brother Chen Bai's house. When he arrived, he found that the atmosphere in his big brother's house was very oppressive and depressing. Besides his elder brother, his second brother had also come. However, his fourth brother, Chen Shuo, was missing.    


"Big brother, what happened?" Chen Qing wanted to ask something, but his eldest brother, Chen Bai, waved his hand to stop him. Then he stood up and said: "This matter is of great importance, I'm afraid there will be ears on the other side of the wall, let's go. Let's talk in my secret room. "    


Chen Bai quickly brought his two brothers to the secret room.    


The secret room was specially built by him. Unless there was something particularly important or something particularly secretive, he would only come to the secret room to discuss it. He would not come easily.    


Thus, this caused a trace of doubt and seriousness to rise in their hearts.    


After entering the secret chamber, Chen Bai did not immediately open his mouth to speak, because he was waiting for a person, his four brothers, Chen Shuo. However, after waiting for a long time, Chen Shuo still did not come.    


"Fourth brother, what's the matter? Why isn't he here yet?" Chen Bai looked at his second brother, Chen Lan.    


"Second brother, didn't you call Fourth Brother?"    


However, Chen Lan lowered her head and didn't say anything.    


Chen Bai was sensitive to something.    


"What's going on? Did something happen to Fourth Brother?"    


"Brother, there's something that I haven't told you yet. Actually, fourth brother... he's already dead."    


Hearing this, Chen Bai felt as if he was struck by lightning. His eyes instantly widened.    


"What did you say? Fourth brother is dead. When did this happen?"    


"A week ago, didn't you ask him to go to Jiangbei to deal with Qin's men? The biggest family in Jiangbei was the Wei Family. They didn't make any mistakes when dealing with the Wei Family. It's just that the eldest daughter of the Wei Family is called Wei Ziqing. When Fourth Brother saw this woman... He wanted to do something bad to this woman. Who would have thought that this woman would have such a fierce temper? In her struggle, she actually took off the ring on Fourth Brother's finger. "    


When Chen Lan said this, Chen Bai and Chen Qing seemed to have understood something.    


"You mean that woman surnamed Wei took Fourth Brother's ring and then went to the secret realm space?"    


"Yes, you know, Fourth Brother's level is too low. In fact, he had never been to the secret space. These rings... Our father only left one ring for each of us in case of emergencies. Who knew that it would be taken by that woman? According to the rules of the pocket dimension, if the rings were taken away by someone else... So, Fourth Brother, he..."    


Chen Bai closed his eyes in pain. After a moment, he recovered his emotions. He sighed and said," Fourth Brother, Fourth Brother, in the end, he died because of a woman. Sigh, this is all fate."    


The atmosphere was even more depressing. After half an hour, chen Bai raised his head again. This time, he did not beat around the bush. He said directly, "Let's put the fourth brother's matter aside for now. I will tell you a piece of news. Don't be shocked after you hear it. That Qin might not be dead. "    


Hearing this, Chen Lan and Chen Qing were still shocked.    


"Big Brother, you said that Qin didn't die. How is that possible? He clearly died in the secret realm space."    


Boss Chen Bai said unhappily, "Do you think I am joking with you guys? It's said that Qin died in the secret realm. Even we thought so. But did you see his corpse with your own eyes? "    


"This..." The brothers were speechless. Thinking about it carefully, they indeed did not see Qin's corpse with their own eyes. Why were they so sure that he was already dead?    


Chen Lan said, "Brother, although we did not see that guy's corpse with our own eyes, but you know, that guy was trapped by our father into the secret realm space. Father's soul is inside, and is now a high-level player. If you want to kill him there, it will be easy. That Qin guy will not be able to survive in the secret realm. So why did big brother suddenly say that Qin guy is still alive today? Did big brother see Qin guy? "    


" I didn't see him. Many people saw him. " After saying this, Chen Bai seemed somewhat irritated and unconsciously slammed the table.    


"Just now, okay. To be more precise, this afternoon, someone saw a huge dragon tumbling in the sky. Behind the huge dragon was a person. That person was holding a huge axe..."    


Before Chen Bai could finish, Chen Qing suddenly shouted, "So you saw it too, big brother. I saw it with my own eyes. What do you mean, brother? You're saying that we weren't the only ones who saw it. Did many people see it?"    


Chen Bai nodded and said, "This scene would appear in the air from time to time. It would last for about one to two minutes before disappearing. Many people saw it."    


"The person chasing the giant dragon with the axe in his hand is that Qin guy."    


"That's right. I also saw it with my own eyes. The person chasing the giant dragon is indeed surnamed Qin. At that time, I thought I was hallucinating."    


"Bullshit hallucinating." Chen Bai couldn't help but curse. He slammed the table and said, "That was clearly real. It's impossible that everyone was hallucinating, right? So let's stop lying to ourselves. "    


"Just because we saw that Qin guy chasing the dragon with an axe in the air, big brother, are you sure that Qin guy isn't dead?"    


Chen Bai nodded again and said, "Of course, this is mostly my guess, but I have a strong premonition. That Qin guy probably won't die so easily, but what I don't understand is... Even if he didn't die, he should still be trapped in the secret realm. Why would he appear in midair? Also, what's the matter with the giant dragon that appeared in midair? "    


" Yeah, we also feel that it's strange. What exactly is going on? "    


The brothers looked at each other, their faces full of doubt.    


After a while, Chen Bai said again, "Actually, it's not hard to figure out what exactly is going on. We just need to go to the secret realm to take a look."    


That was true. The man with the surname Qin was trapped in the secret realm by his father. What was the situation inside the space? Wouldn't it be fine if he went inside to take a look? However, this sentence shocked the brothers.    


"Big Brother, don't scare us. That mystic realm space isn't something that can be entered just like that. After entering, we won't be able to come out. Although my father left a ring for each of us at that time, he said it was the key to the secret realm, but he repeatedly told us not to enter the secret realm easily. Once we enter, we will become rookies in the secret realm, and we will have to accept missions. If we can't complete the mission, we'll die inside. Even he can't protect us. "    


"That's right. Father did leave us a ring, but he told us not to enter easily. But isn't the situation special now? Father's soul is currently in the secret space, we can't contact him. We can only go inside and take a look."    


Chen Bai raised his head to look at Second Brother Chen Lan. "Second Brother, where's your ring?"    


Chen Lan immediately panicked.    


"Big brother, what do you mean? You don't want me to go to that mystic realm space, right?"    


"What? You don't want to?"    


"No, I... I don't dare, because once I go in, I might not be able to come back. I don't want to die. “    


"Coward, what a coward." Chen Bai cursed and looked at his useless brother. Then he helplessly said, "Alright, since you don't dare to go, then let me go. Who asked me to be the big brother? If I don't come back for a long time after I go... That means I died inside."    


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