Revenging Son-in-law

C497 Giant Dragon

C497 Giant Dragon

On a mountain, a villager who lived in a village at the foot of the mountain was chopping firewood on the mountain.    


Although the rumors outside said that the end of the world was coming, it did not have much of an impact on his life. Because he was just an ordinary villager. Even if the end of the world really came, it couldn't be helped, after all, he wasn't the only one who was taken away by the end of the world. What could an ordinary villager like him do, so he might as well do it as usual. He would do whatever he needed to do.    


However, today seemed to be a little different. After he went up the mountain and chopped a large bundle of firewood, he was so tired that he was out of breath. He had no choice but to sit down on a rock. But just as he sat down, he felt that the weather seemed to have changed. The entire sky was gloomy. It seemed like it was going to rain.    


He knew that the weather had changed a lot recently. A second ago, it was still scorching hot, but a second later, there would be colorful snow, so he did not care.    


However, just as he sat down on the stone, the clouds in the sky seemed to have lowered, as if they were going to press down on his head.    


The villager hurriedly stood up, raised his hand to wipe the sweat on his head, and muttered, "The clouds in the sky are not going to fall from the sky, are they? It's too weird."    


"If the clouds really fall from the sky, will they crush me to death?"    


But then he thought that it was impossible. After all, the clouds were not real. They were formed by the gas in the sky. Even if they were smashed to the head, they would not crush someone to death, right? But no matter what, when he thought that the clouds would fall from the sky, he felt a wave of panic. He felt that it was better to go home as soon as possible, so he carried the firewood and prepared to go down the mountain. However, just as he stood up, there was a sudden rumble.    


He thought that it was thunder, because there would be thunder from time to time in the sky recently. However, when he looked up, he found that it was not thunder, but a faint gray dragon. It rolled across the sky in front of him.    


It was a dragon. It had a head and a horn. He could clearly see the dragon horn on the dragon's head. However, this dragon was light gray, unlike the golden dragon he usually saw in television dramas.    


But no matter what, this dragon was enough to shock him. He was so scared that he fell to the ground.    


"Dragon, dragon, my God, that's a true dragon." The villager seemed to be stunned. He raised his head and stared at the tumbling dragon. However, after the dragon rolled over, it quickly disappeared. After sitting for a long time, he rubbed his eyes and said to himself, "Did I really see the dragon just now? Could it be that I was seeing things? How is this possible? "    


Dragons only appear in legends, but no one has ever seen them for real.    


But for some reason, he had a premonition that what he saw just now was a True Dragon, and not a fake.    


He suddenly deeply felt that this world was about to change, just like what people said in legends, perhaps it really was going to change the heavens and change the earth.    


When he thought of this, he sucked in a cold breath of air, and in a panic, he carried the firewood on his back, rolling and crawling down the mountain.    


At this time, in the capital, in a farm yard.    


Such a farm was rarely seen in this bustling city. It only existed in the suburbs and was usually relatively deserted here.    


It was just that today, this farm looked very lively because there were many people sitting in the yard.    


If one looked closely, one would realize that these people were not ordinary people, but rather some important figures in the country. Basically, they were all martial artists, and there were also people in the world of cultivation.    


Whether it was Martial Saints, Grandmasters, or experts in the world of martial arts, all of them had come, including those from Karakorum.    


The leaders of the various martial arts sects were also gathered here. Their expressions were solemn, as if they were discussing something important.    


Therefore, they were gathered in this farm because it was rather remote and quiet here. They would not be disturbed because the matter they were discussing was of great importance.    


The leader of these people was about 50 years old and wore a long navy blue robe. Although his beard was already white, his mental state was like a young man.    


This person was the organizer and host of the Martial Arts Conference that was held every three years. His name was Li Tiangang.    


To be able to organize the Martial Arts Competition, his connections must be extraordinary. His personal strength must also be very strong. Therefore, Li Tiangang was considered a person with a very high ranking in the Martial Arts World and even in the world of cultivation.    


In addition to Li Tiangang, there was also a host of the annual martial arts pageant, Zhu Guihua. These two people were currently sitting at the head position, and they represented the martial arts world and the world of cultivation.    


Li Tiangang was the first to speak.    


"I invited everyone here today because I have something important to discuss with you. I'm sure everyone has already heard about it. It seems like the world is going to change soon. Recently, the weather has been very unusual. For the ordinary citizens, they seem to believe what the higher-ups have said. They say that they have been affected by some sort of airflow, but to the people of our martial arts and cultivation world... This is complete nonsense. "    


"We all know that this is going to change the heavens and change the earth." Li Tiangang sighed helplessly.    


As soon as he finished speaking, someone below asked loudly, "Elder Li, is it really because of that secret realm space that the world is going to change?"    


Li Tiangang nodded and immediately explained what he had said.    


"These things are hard to believe. There is an inheritance behind this. However, their identities are unknown. They only know that it is a powerful system. They created a secret realm space, already starting preparations a thousand years ago. Now, after waiting for a thousand years, they had waited for the final chess piece. This game of chess is about to end. This means that our world is about to change. If the world is going to change, everyone can understand it as the end of the world."    


"For the ordinary citizens, there is nothing they can do. We can't do anything, we can only wait for death, but we can't just wait for death to come... We are not ordinary people. We are martial artists. We are cultivators. So we have to do something."    


When Li Tiangang said this, the people below nodded their heads.    


Zhu Guihua continued, "Elder Li is right. Although we are not that noble and want to save the world, at least we can protect ourselves."    


Another person asked loudly, "Of course we have to protect ourselves. None of us want to die, but how can we protect ourselves? The system behind us is so powerful, able to change the heavens and change the earth. How can we survive? "    


Then, the others echoed, "That's right, Elder Li, Elder Zhu, how can we protect ourselves? If that system really attacked, the whole world would be destroyed. How can we survive?"    


" Don't worry, there will be a way. That inheritance is quite formidable, but everyone carefully thought about it. Last time, when this world was destroyed, it created the Noah's Ark, didn't there still be people who survived? "    


"And this time, they actually built the Doomsday Ark. I can tell everyone in a simple way. The Doomsday Ark can not only resist the flood, but also the tsunamis. It can even block the extremely powerful spells of the system. It's not an exaggeration to say that... As long as one hid inside the Doomsday Ark, even if the heavens and the earth were to collapse... We can still live."    


"And I won't beat around the bush. Actually, the Ark of Doomsday has already been built. It was created by some of the top figures in our martial arts world and some experts in the cultivation world. Of course, Zhu Guihua, Elder Zhu, and I are the leaders. "    


" So the ones who built the Doomsday Ark were Elder Li and Elder Zhu. I heard that the tickets for the Doomsday Ark have already been sold. However, the price of the tickets was extremely high. Even if it was a billionaire... We can only afford a ticket if we go bankrupt."    


Li Tiangang smiled and said, "Elder Zhu and I raised the price of the ticket so high because we don't want those people to buy the ticket. Think about it. The space of the Doomsday Ark is limited. To be conservative, it can only accommodate hundreds of people. There are so many rich people in China. We can't let all of them enter the Doomsday Ark. "    


" And although those people are rich, it doesn't have much to do with us. In the end, the people from Friday to Friday and the world of magic are our family. We saved the tickets for everyone to enter the Ark of Doomsday for our own people. This is also the reason why I, Zhu Guihua, and Elder Zhu have gathered here today. "    


Upon hearing this, many people were very touched.    


"Elder Li and Elder Zhu are really loyal. If the tickets to the Doomsday Ark can really be prepared for everyone, then we will all be very grateful."    


"Ahem, we are all family. There is no need to say such things. But speaking of which, we have also wasted a lot of energy and physical strength building the Doomsday Ark. We have also spent a lot of money. So, even though we're family, if everyone wants to get tickets to the Doomsday Ark... You have to buy it with money."    


"We're willing to use money to buy it, even if it means bankruptcy. After all, the tickets are limited. Even if those rich people have money, they won't be able to buy it."    


Hearing this, Li Tiangang and Zhu Guihua revealed an undetectable complacency and satisfaction on their faces.    


However, on the surface, these two people still pretended to be in a difficult position and said, "The materials to build the Doomsday Ark were bought by the two of us when we went bankrupt, so there is no other way. We can only ask everyone to pay for the tickets, but then again... Money is an external object, and the Doomsday is coming. What's the use of keeping those assets? Why don't we exchange it for the tickets and save our lives?"    


It was obvious that Li Tiangang and Zhu Guihua were taking advantage of this opportunity to amass wealth.    


Birds die for food. People die for money. This principle would never change. People's greed for money would never change, even in the face of the end of the world.    


It was obvious that Li Tiangang and Zhu Guihua had achieved their goal of amassing wealth. This was because everyone present was an expert in the martial arts world and the cultivation world. Not to mention their net worth was over a hundred million, but at least, it was not a problem for everyone to take out millions or tens of millions. If they were to calculate it this way, how much money would the two of them get? It's simply impossible to count.    


"Elder Li, Elder Zhu, we're willing to buy all the tickets for the Ark of Doomsday. When did it start selling? We want to buy it now."    


"Don't worry, it's not the end yet. It is said that there are still more than ten days until September 14th. Everyone can go back and sell their property properly and make a proper arrangement. I'll keep the tickets for everyone here, not a single one will be missing." Li Tiangang spoke in a dignified manner. Anyone who was clear-headed would be able to hear him. He was trying to amass wealth, but these people in front of him had been deceived by him. They thought that he was trying to save everyone's lives out of good intentions.    


However, not everyone would be fooled. One of the sober people said loudly, "Elder Li, what is the Doomsday Ark like? Can we take a look? "    


Li Tiangang's expression changed, but he quickly returned to normal. He stroked his beard and said with a smile, "To tell you the truth, the ark is still under construction. Because it can resist the apocalypse, it is very difficult to build it. And it will take some time, but don't worry. I guarantee that before the apocalypse comes, this treasure ship will definitely be built well."    


"Don't tell me everyone is worried about me and Elder Lee? Does everyone think that Elder Lee and I are trying to deceive everyone? " Zhu Guihua said. He pretended to be dissatisfied and snorted. "I think Elder Lee and I should make it clear that we spent a lot of time and energy building this Doomsday Ark to save our own lives. There are also the lives of our families, but they feel that we are all family. That was why we built the ark a little bigger. It could hold more than a hundred people. By the way, it saved everyone's lives. If you don't believe me and Elder Lee... We won't force you."    


Zhu Guihua's move worked. After he said it, the people below immediately fell silent.    


Then someone said flatteringly, "Believe it, how can we not believe Elder Li and Elder Zhu!"    


"That's good." Zhu Guihua nodded in satisfaction and pretended to say, "At this time, the most important thing between us is trust."    


As soon as he said that, there was a sudden rumble in the sky. It shook the heaven and earth and shocked everyone present.    


They thought it was thunder again because of the abnormal weather. The originally clear sky was suddenly filled with thunder, and they were already used to it. But when the rumbling sound rang out this time, they couldn't help but feel a wave of fear. Then, they looked up and saw a giant gray dragon rolling in the sky.    


"Look at that thing!" Someone raised a finger and shouted at the huge dragon rolling in the sky.    


In fact, there was no need for him to say anything. Everyone stared at the giant dragon in the sky with their eyes wide open.    


In the beginning, they thought it was an illusion because dragons only existed in legends and had never appeared in reality. Moreover, this dragon was light gray, different from the golden dragon in the legends.    


"Isn't that just a dragon?" Someone shouted.    


"Indeed, a dragon has seen a dragon horn. It's lifelike, but... isn't a dragon golden in color? How could it be this color? "    


Li Tiangang and Zhu Guihua were stunned as well. They raised their heads and stared at the huge dragon that had appeared in the sky. Every time the huge dragon rolled, a rumbling sound would be heard.    


"Could this be that international giant again?" Li Tiangang was the first to speak. This was because many international giants had been moving toward the secret realm recently.    


For example, the King of Crewe on the snowy mountain, the God King of the Five-Colored Temple. These were all god-like existences. When they passed by here, it would slide down a meteor, making people think that it was a meteor in the sky. In fact, it was just a mark left behind by those international giants.    


Some of these international giants had been sleeping for over a thousand years before waking up, such as the Zombie King. It was said that the Zombie King had been sleeping underground for over a thousand years, and only now did it wake up and run out of the coffin.    


Then, could the ash-gray dragon that appeared in the sky be the doing of some international giant?    


However, just as everyone was shocked, a person suddenly appeared behind the rolling dragon.    


That person held a huge axe in his hand, and his feet stepped on two clouds as he chased after the rolling dragon.    


This scene appeared in the sky, so everyone looked up at the strange scene in the sky. Soon, someone recognized it and shouted, "Look, why does that person with the huge axe look so familiar? Isn't that... Isn't that Qin Wuxu?"    


When they heard Qin Wuxu's name, everyone was shocked because it seemed inappropriate to suddenly mention this name at this moment.    


"What nonsense are you talking about? How could it be Qin Wuxu? That guy had already died in the secret realm."    


" That's right, it can't be him. I think this person with the giant axe chasing after the dragon should be some powerful international giant. "    


They widened their eyes once again and looked towards the sky. However, the more they looked, the more shocked they felt. Everyone could see that the person who chased after the dragon with the giant axe was a Huaxia person. And it was Qin Wuxu.    


It did not mean that they were familiar with Qin Wuxu. No matter what, it did not mean that they were familiar with him. This boy surnamed Qin had destroyed the Murong Family, and had also offended Chen Changsheng. Moreover, he was the number one person in Jiangbei, even the number one person in China. He was also extremely famous in all of China, and there were also many videos that had been uploaded onto the Internet. Everyone still remembered this person clearly.    


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