Revenging Son-in-law

C492 Let's Talk

C492 Let's Talk

A strong smell of blood filled the old man's nose and bangs.    


"Old man, why do I feel that something is not right?" Liu Haifeng's voice was trembling.    


"When I came in earlier I did not smell such a strong smell of blood, could it be..."    


The old man stops in the darkness before saying to Liu Haifeng, "They might be hiding in the darkness. You stand here and don't move, I will go and take a look."    


Liu Haifeng's heart trembled. He naturally understood what the old man meant. Since those people are able to make a move on the old man, they might have already killed the old man's bodyguards and butler. Then there is a possibility that they will make a move on the old man himself.    


Thinking that they might be lying in ambush in the darkness with machetes or pistols aimed at them, Liu Haifeng could not help but tremble.    


After saying that, the old man walked forward.    


"Old man, you... be careful." Liu Haifeng really wants to follow him because he is afraid that the old man will encounter danger by himself. But at this moment he is unable to support his strength as he is seriously injured. Being able to hold on till now is already very good.    


The old man slowly walks towards the darkness. Liu Haifeng anxiously waits for a long time but he did not see any movement from the old man's side. But when he raises his head, he is unable to see the old man.    


"Old man, how are you?" Liu Haifeng shouted in the darkness but did not hear any response. His heart instantly raises, could it be that old man was already killed? Why is there no sound at all?    


He finally could not wait any longer. He nervously walked forward and fumbled his way forward. However, just as he took a few steps forward, he suddenly ran into something under his feet.    


Liu Haifeng instantly stops in his steps thinking about what he had touched just now.    


He lowers his head to look at his feet but unfortunately it is pitch black and he is unable to see anything.    


He suddenly thought of his phone. Yes, his phone seemed to have a little bit of electricity. So he quickly took out his phone and turned on the flashlight function. He took a look at his feet, but it didn't matter. He was so scared that he almost cried out because of a round head. At that moment, not far away from his feet, the thing he touched just now was a head.    


It was the head of a young man. It was bloody, but his eyes were wide open as if he could not die in peace.    


He recognized it. This human head was the head of a bodyguard in the old man's villa. Every time he came to look for the old man, he would see this bodyguard. He seemed to be called Azhe.    


It seemed that the old man's guess was right. The bodyguards and housekeeper that he had arranged in the villa had been killed.    


"Liu Haifeng..."    


Just as Liu Haifeng was stunned in the darkness, he suddenly heard the old man call his name.    


He quickly came back to his senses and saw a ray of light shining towards him. Borrowing the light, he saw the old man.    


The old man had a flashlight in his hand.    


"Old man, are, are you alright?" Liu Haifeng trembles as he walks to the old man's side.    


"Just now after you left, I did not see you anymore. I thought that you were... Oh right, just now I kicked a human head. It was Ah Zhe's."    


The old man nodded and said, "I guessed right. All my bodyguards are dead. Their heads are in the living room. Liu Haifeng, look..."    


The old man raised his flashlight and shone it into the living room. Following the light from the flashlight, Liu Haifeng saw human heads scattered all over the living room. There were also pools of blood. It was a shocking sight.    


"They... They killed people and cut their heads off. They threw them into the living room, but the corpses were gone. The power grid in the villa was destroyed by them. That's why it was pitch black. The purpose of their actions was to create panic. They wanted to make my heart collapse." The old man said very calmly. He was indeed very calm at this moment.    


"Let's go." The old man took back his flashlight and shone it at the door.    


The two of them walked out of the villa cautiously. The old man's car was parked outside the villa. They got into the car and drove away.    


"Old man, where... where are we going?" Although he had already gotten into the car and left the villa that made him feel scared, Liu Haifeng's heart was still in his throat.    


"I have to go and see my granddaughter." The old man said as he drove.    


Liu Haifeng wanted to say something, but in the end, he didn't say anything. He knew that the only thing they could do now was to escape because they were no match for that group of people. But the old man definitely wouldn't abandon his granddaughter to escape alone. Liu Haifeng was very clear about this. Thus he did not say anything.    


Although he knew that his granddaughter might have been killed, no matter what, he had to go and take a look.    


The old man drove very fast. Fortunately, there weren't many pedestrians on the road at night, so it didn't take long for the car to stop in front of a villa in the city.    


His granddaughter Wei Ziqing usually lived here, but when she reached the door, she found that the door of the villa was open. The security guards at the door were nowhere to be seen. The old man knew that something was wrong. It seemed that something really happened.    


Actually, he had already dialed his granddaughter's phone, but he could not get through.    


The old man did not hesitate. He stepped on the accelerator and the car rushed into the villa.    


The villa was silent, dead silent, and no one could be seen.    


The door to the living room of the villa was open. Even the window glass was broken. However, because it was too dark, they could not see what was happening inside.    


However, the old man knew that those people must have been here before. Otherwise, this place would not be in such a mess.    


"It seems that they have already come. Old man, do you think Miss will come?" Liu Haifeng raises his head and looks at the old man.    


The old man's face is terrifyingly gloomy as he clenches the steering wheel tightly and says word by word, "If they kill my granddaughter then even if I die together with them, I will still kill them."    


But then the old man says, "But I have a feeling that my granddaughter might not have died and only fell into their hands."    


In the end, the old man decisively put out the fire on the car, opened the car door, and jumped down.    


"Liu Yi, wait here. I'll go in and take a look."    


"No, I'll go with you." Although he was somewhat afraid, Liu Haifeng definitely wouldn't stay here alone. He wouldn't be a coward.    


That villa might be hiding danger, but how can he let the old man go in alone? This wasn't his style of doing things, so he endured the pain and got out of the car. Following behind the old man, the two of them walked towards the living room of the villa.    


This villa was similar to the old man's villa. Apart from the darkness, when they entered the living room of the villa, they also smelled a strong scent of blood.    


Liu Haifeng was wondering if the bodyguards in the villa were also killed by them and their heads were also placed in the living room.    


Soon he knew the answer, because the old man lit up his flashlight and shone it into the living room.    


But he didn't see any heads. The living room was clean and there wasn't even a trace of a fight.    


Liu Haixin's heart relaxed a little. He did not see any human heads. Could it be that those treasures are not dead yet? Then where is the young miss now?    


But the old man's heart was still in his throat. Up until now, he did not see his granddaughter, nor did he see the bodyguards in the villa. Where did they go?    


Just because they did not see the head did not mean that they were still alive.    


The old man walked around the living room but did not find anything. Then, he raised the flashlight and walked towards the second floor.    


At this moment, a phone suddenly rang, startling Liu Haifeng. When he came back to his senses, he realized that it was the old man's phone in his pocket that was ringing. The old man himself was stunned.    


But in the next second, he immediately took out his phone and looked at the number. It was his granddaughter. His heart started beating rapidly.    


Ziqing, was it Ziqing?    


He did not hesitate and pressed the answer button. He desperately wanted to hear his granddaughter's voice because that would mean that her granddaughter was still alive, but he was disappointed.    


Because it was not his granddaughter's voice that came from the other side, but a man's voice.    


"Old Master Wei, you finally came."    


The voice was slightly hoarse, but the old man could tell that there was a hint of pride in it.    


"Who are you? Where's my granddaughter?" The old man tried his best to calm himself down.    


"Don't worry. Since you're already here, we'll meet soon. You'll also see your granddaughter soon."    


"What did you do to my granddaughter? If there's anything, just come at me."    


"Hehe, I won't do anything to her, such a devastatingly beautiful woman. Wouldn't it be a pity if I really killed her? Hahahaha. " The person on the phone chuckled a few times, then said," Alright, enough with the nonsense. Since you're already here... Come up, let's talk. Come to the second floor."    


After saying that, he hung up.    


The old man immediately ran to the second floor. That person was on the second floor, so his granddaughter must be there too.    


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