Revenging Son-in-law

C346 There Was Really No Other Way

C346 There Was Really No Other Way

After hearing Chu Zijing's words, Qin Yuan was still quite angry.    


Because now, Chu Minghui, Tao Yanyan and the others were just some small figures to him. A clown, although such a person would not make him feel that it was troublesome, he was just like a fly, always causing trouble in front of him. It was also disgusting.    


Qin Yuan had a lot of big things to do now, so he didn't have time to waste on these small fries. Therefore, he felt that this time, he had to solve the problem in one go.    


"What do you think we should do about this? Chu Minghui has learned his lesson this time. He won't have a direct conflict with us. Instead, he changed it to the Internet. You know that there are no clear policies in our country regarding cyberviolence. However, we have to admit that cyberviolence is like a knife that kills without blood. Sometimes, it's really impossible."    


"For example, Chu Minghui and the others are smearing my name on the internet and spreading rumors about our company. They found some spammers to lead the trend, so even if others don't believe them, this will have a serious impact on our company and the sales of our cosmetics. More importantly, it will also have a serious impact on my reputation. I want to find a chance to talk to Chu Minghui and Tao Yanyan. "    


"Talk my ass." Qin Yuan said directly, "What's there to talk about with them? They are all scumbags. Can you talk to scumbags? Zi Jing, you don't need to worry about this matter. Leave it to me. "    


"But what can you do? You can't go and fight with Chu Minghui every day, right?"    


At this moment, Qin Yuan's phone rang.    


It was Wei Ziqing.    


After Qin Yuan answered the phone, Wei Ziqing's voice came from the other side.    


"Qin Yuan, there is something I want to discuss with you. I am going to Dragon Bay today. The development of the property there is not bad. The building was built in such a short period of time, and it made people feel refreshed the moment they entered. It was like a spring breeze brushing against my face. It just so happens that during this period of time, I have been preparing for the development of a property. I have already found the location. It is the current Chu Logistics Company. The piece of land that this Logistics Company owns happens to be the land of Wei Family. I signed the contract ten years ago and signed it for twenty years. But now, I want to take back that piece of land. I want to develop the land together with the surrounding land into real estate. But... I asked around and found out that the Chu Family logistics seems to be from your father-in-law's relatives. So... "    


When Qin Yuan heard this, he was a little amused.    


"Ziqing, you want to take back the land of the logistics company? Isn't the contract not expired yet?"    


"That's alright. I'll find a random reason. For example, I can drive away the Chu Logistics if I increase the rent or something else. But if I drive them away, they will suffer heavy losses. Because when they rented that piece of land, they paid 20 years of rent at once. They pawned several of their villas. So I think I should discuss this matter with you. After all, they're your father-in-law's relatives. "    


"There's no need to discuss this with me. Just do as you see fit." Qin Yuan felt a little happy in his heart. He was just worried that he couldn't find a reason to mess with Chu Minghui and the others when Wei Ziqing sent him such good news.    


"You really don't need to worry about your relatives?"    


"No need, absolutely not." Qin Yuan said it very decisively. In the end, the two of them chatted for a while and then hung up.    


After hanging up the phone, Chu Zijing's phone rang.    


After she answered the phone, she found that it was the old lady of Chu Family, which was her grandmother. She still wanted to invite their family to eat at the old lady's house and discuss some things.    


Chu Zijing originally wanted to refuse, but Qin Yuan gave her a look and signaled her to agree.    


"Alright then, grandma, we'll be there at noon tomorrow." Chu Zijing agreed.    


The next afternoon, Chu Zijing and her family took a car and went straight to the old lady's villa.    


In the living room of the villa, Chu Minghui, Tao Yanyan, and the others had already arrived. This was already within Qin Yuan's expectations, because this was definitely a Hongmen Banquet.    


However, after Qin Yuan and the rest entered the living room this time, Chu Shennong, Chu Gengcui, Chu Minghui and Tao Yanyan did not mock them like before.    


Tao Yanyan even stood up and said to Chu Zijing with a friendly expression. " Oh, cousin, you are here."    


Chu Minghui's parents also stood up and intimately pulled Han Ying and the others to sit down.    


" Come, come, come, come. Big brother and sister-in-law don't care. No matter what, we are a family. Even if the conflict is over, it will soon pass. Quickly sit down and talk. "    


Even the old lady's face was amiable.    


This made Chu Zijing, Han Ying and Chu Gengnian somewhat confused. They also did not know what these people were up to. Previously, they had mocked and ridiculed them. Why did they change their faces now?    


Qin Yuan did not care much and directly pulled the whole family to sit down.    


"Come, come, come, come. What Lian Nong said is right. No matter what you say. We are family. We have broken our bones, and we still have tendons attached to our bones. I asked you to come today because I want to be a peacemaker. Let's not talk about what happened before. In the future, we just need to work together and lead a good life."    


Chu Gengnian and Han Ying looked at each other, although they felt that something was not right. They saw their own mother, big brother, sister-in-law, and little sister. They were all so amiable. Chu Geng Nian and his wife really thought that they were going to be friendly.    


Qin Yuan did not expose them, because he wanted to see what kind of mischief this family would cause next.    


As expected, the harmonious atmosphere lasted for about twenty minutes before the old lady started to get to the point.    


"Zi Jing, it was your father who made me angry. I chased your family out in a fit of anger, but it turns out that you are a business genius. You are a woman, and you are able to set up a company in such a short period of time, and you have even changed into a cosmetics company. You did so well. Even Grandma admires you."    


"Grandma, you flatter me." Chu Zijing replied plainly because she knew very well in her heart that the matter was definitely not as simple as it seemed on the surface.    


"Hehe, Zijing, you know that our Chu Family does logistics business. But business is not easy now. Look, you are running a company by yourself. Now that the cosmetics are selling so well, it must be very hard for you. Why don't you let Yanyan help you? Although she is younger than you, she is a bit impatient, but she is still family. She will definitely be able to help you share a lot of the burden. "    


Tao Yanyan smiled and said," That's right, cousin. I will go to your company tomorrow. You can leave some of your company's business to me. I will help you take care of it. "    


"I really don't need it." Chu Zijing said.    


"It is always good to have someone to share your burden. Oh right. Your parents have been idle at home for so many years. How about this? Let them come to our Chu Logistics. I'll arrange a position for them. Let them join our Chu Group when they're free. "    


Tao Yanyan impatiently took out a contract from her bag.    


"Cousin, if you agree, sign this contract."    


Chu Zijing looked at the contract. It was actually a transfer contract. It roughly meant that she would transfer half of the shares of her cosmetics company to Chu Family and let her cousin Tao Yanyan enter the company. Half of the right to speak was to run the company with her.    


Chu Zijing was speechless. She had been thinking about her company for a long time.    


"Grandma, do you mean to give half of my company to Chu Family and let Yanyan manage it? That is a company that I built with great effort. Why should I give it to you?"    


Chu Gengcui's face darkened and she said, "Zijing, because we are a family. Your company is also ours. Of course, what belongs to us is yours. We are doing this out of good intentions. We are afraid that you will be too tired by yourself, so we asked Yanyan to help you... "    


"I don't need it." Chu Zijing interrupted her aunt and said.    


"In the past, our family worked hard in the logistics department of the Chu Family and did the hardest work. But they took the least salary and didn't even give us any shares. Later, Grandma chased us all out without saying anything. Why didn't you say we were a family at that time? "    


" Now, your logistics company can't continue operating anymore, right? You're trying to take advantage of my company. I saw that my company's cosmetics are selling better and making a lot of money. So you want to split it in half? Grandma, Aunt, Second Uncle, you guys are really good at your wishful thinking."    


" Redbud, how can you talk to us like that? We are all your elders. "    


"Elders? Do you all look like elders at all? It has been so many years, how did you treat our family? Grandma, it's fine if you're biased, but you don't know what's right and what's wrong. Under the encouragement of Second Uncle and his aunt, you drove our family out. You even forced us into a dead end, the year my father became a vegetable. Which of you came to see him? When my company was almost destroyed by Zhou Mingliang... Which of you came to help me? You only know how to add insult to injury. That's all. "    


Chu Zijing was actually a person with a good temper, but at this moment, she could not hold it in anymore. The resentment that had been accumulated for many years erupted.    


Qin Yuan looked at the explosive look of this woman and felt very gratified in his heart. This woman was good in everything, except that she was a little cowardly and a little too kind. However, she would always be bullied by others, so it was good for her to change.    


"Chu Zijing, don't be shameless. Grandma only asked you to give us half of the company's shares. Logically speaking, you are a member of Chu Family, so all your companies should be given to us." Chu Minghui finally couldn't help but shed all pretenses of cordiality.    


However, just as he finished his sentence, he heard a loud bang, and his face received a heavy slap.    


Qin Yuan slowly retracted his hand. He originally wanted to let Chu Zijing handle this matter, but if Chu Minghui dared to disrespect Chu Zijing, he wouldn't mind slapping him away.    


"Wretched loser, how dare you attack me?" Chu Minghui was furious and stood up with a slap.    


"I'm going to hit you, what's wrong? Be careful with your words. If you dare to say something disrespectful to my wife again, why don't you try it?" Qin Yuan said.    


" You... I already said it. Chu Zijing is just giving face and being shameless. What can you do to me? "    


"Papapapapapa..." As soon as Chu Minghui finished speaking, his two faces were slapped several times consecutively, and his face immediately swelled up.    


"I think it's because you're shameless. It's fine if you're shameless, but I'll just smash your face until it's swollen until you lose all face." Qin Yuan said.    


"You... I will fucking kill you." Chu Minghui immediately went berserk, because he had already been beaten up by Qin Yuan several times. He felt that he had lost all his face.    


"Enough." The old lady slammed the table and stood up angrily. She knew very well that her grandson was definitely not a match for Qin Yuan. If this continued, her grandson would definitely be the one to suffer.    


"Grandma, he hit me." Chu Minghui shouted unhappily.    


The old lady looked at Chu Zijing, then at her eldest son, Chu Gengnian.    


"___, you are still my son now. I am still your mother. If you are, listen to me today. Your company. Your property belongs to the Chu Family. From today onwards... Your daughter's company belongs to the Chu Family. I will let Yanyan take over. As for your family, I will arrange a new position for you in the Chu logistics department. Jin Nian, do you agree or disagree with my arrangement? If you don't agree, then this will be the end of our relationship. "    


Chu Gengnian was in a dilemma because this old lady was his biological mother after all.    


"I don't agree." Qin Yuan stood up.    


"Who do you think you are? You have the right to speak here." The old lady said straightforwardly.    


"Who do you think you are? Why do you want to rob my wife's company? I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you. Don't think that you are old. Can't I do anything to you? Old lady, on the account that you're still Grandma Redbud... I'll give you a chance. I'll give your Chu Family a chance. Retrieve what you said before and pretend nothing happened. From now on, we won't interfere with each other's business. If not... "    


"What else can we do? Don't tell me you dare to hit me?" The old lady said angrily.    


"Of course I won't hit you, but I will make your Chu Family cease to exist." Qin Yuan said.    


Hearing this, the old lady started laughing, followed by Chu Zhennong and Chu Gengcui.    


"Hahahaha, let our family no longer exist? Who do you think you are? You can say such big words, aren't you afraid that the wind will blow your tongue? "    


" You can choose to believe it, or choose not to believe it, but I will say it again, this is the last chance I will give you... "    


"Bullshit last chance, what do you think you are? You want to make our Chu Family cease to exist? Come, try and see if you can make our Chu Family cease to exist. " Chu Minghui and Tao Yanyan clamored at the same time.    


Qin Yuan shook his head helplessly. "Then don't blame me. Don't beg me when the time comes."    


Qin Yuan took out his phone and called Wei Ziqing.    


"How are things going with that piece of land?"    


Wei Ziqing said, "It's done. I will send someone to the Chu Family to inform them."    


Qin Yuan hung up the phone and looked at the old lady and the family with a smile.    


"Old lady, now apologize to my wife and father-in-law. Everything can still be salvaged."    


"You want my wife to apologize? Are you out of your mind?"    


Qin Yuan shook his head again and said with slight regret, "Then there is really no other way."    


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