Revenging Son-in-law

C306 Mysterious and Unpredictable

C306 Mysterious and Unpredictable

Everyone knew that today's matter couldn't be settled, because the opponent was Second Master Feng. It was indeed not easy to deal with him.    


Qin Yuan was quite good at fighting, but sometimes fighting could not solve all the problems. Instead, it would make things worse.    


For example, Qin Yuan had basically subdued the entire Jiangbei. But that was only in Jiangbei. But this Second Master Feng in front of him... Not only in Jiangbei, but in the entire capital. Even the entire Hua Xia was a tough opponent.    


As for Huang Yiqiu, Zhang Gaang, and Qingqing, they were almost in despair. They had never thought that they would meet such a tough opponent on their way to Changbai Mountain before they could even settle their official business. They might even lose their lives here today.    


Second Master Feng looked at Qin Yuan with a smile that wasn't a smile.    


"Young man, you are quite good at fighting, but so what? Do you dare to fight me?"    


Qin Yuan looked at the man in front of him and smiled. He shook his head and said, "I don't want to fight with you."    


Second Master Feng laughed when he heard that.    


"I knew you wouldn't dare to fight with me. A wise man knows when to obey the circumstances. Young man, you should just surrender. It won't do you any good to go against me."    


But what no one expected was that Qin Yuan suddenly raised a finger. He hooked a finger at Second Master Feng and said, "Second Master Feng, right? I won't fight you. But come over here. I want to say something to you. "    


Second Master Feng was stunned. The smile on his face froze.    


The surrounding people were also stunned. This young man, Qin Yuan, was really bold. He wanted to talk to Second Master Feng, but he still beckoned him over with his finger.    


Qin Yuan ignored the gazes of the people around him and continued to speak to Second Master Feng. "You must want to hear what I'm going to say. You will be overjoyed after hearing it, but if you don't listen, you will regret it for the rest of your life."    


Everyone was stunned again, not knowing what Qin Yuan was trying to do.    


Second Master Feng was stunned for a moment, then suddenly smiled.    


"Eh? Is that so? Then I would like to hear what exactly you want to say to me? But I will say the ugly things first. If the words you want to say to me did not make me overjoyed... Then I'll make you suffer for the rest of your life. "    


After saying that, Second Master Feng waved his fan and strode towards Qin Yuan.    


In Second Master Feng's eyes, Qin Yuan was already a fish on the chopping board. He wasn't afraid that Qin Yuan would play any tricks on him.    


Second Master Feng quickly walked in front of Qin Yuan.    


"Young man, what do you want to tell me? Speak."    


Qin Yuan beckoned him with his finger again, indicating for him to come closer.    


"You are the only one who can listen to what I want to tell you, so you better get closer."    


The fat man beside him shouted, "What trick are you playing? Do you think my second brother will be fooled? Who do you think you are? "    


However, Second Master Feng waved his hand and stopped the fat man. He then took two steps forward to Qin Yuan. At this time, the distance between the two was very close. Second Master Feng gently leaned his body forward.    


Qin Yuan slowly moved his mouth to Second Master Feng's ear and said a few words.    


Everyone held their breaths. They did not know what would happen next. Maybe this young man called Qin Yuan would play some tricks, but he would not succeed. Because he was in front of Second Master Feng. Once he failed... He reckoned that Second Master Feng would definitely teach him a lesson in his fury.    


However, what shocked everyone was that after Qin Yuan finished saying those few words in Second Master Feng's ear, Second Master Feng's facial expression immediately changed.    


His eyes first revealed shock, then it slowly turned into surprise, and finally into ecstasy.    


After that, the insufferably arrogant Second Master Feng suddenly put away the fan in his hand, took two steps back, and kneeled down at Qin Yuan's feet.    


This frightened everyone.    


No, what was he doing? That was Second Master Feng, the man who was known as the Unfettered Overlord. The fearless Second Master Feng, no one dared to do anything to him. Putting aside how powerful he was, he was at least a very difficult person to deal with. Yet, such a figure actually knelt down in front of Qin Yuan.    


Everyone couldn't believe their eyes, especially the fat man. He rubbed his eyes hard to make sure that he wasn't mistaken.    


"No, Liu, you... What are you doing? Why did you kneel down for this kid?"    


However, Feng Second Master Feng turned around and shouted at the fat man, "Third Fatty, kneel down, you kneel down as well."    


The fat man was startled. The monk was confused, but when he saw the serious expression on Second Master Feng's face, he knew that this wasn't a joke.    


"Dammit! I told you to kneel down! If you want to live, then kneel down!" Second Master Feng shouted at the fat man once again.    


The fat man could disobey anyone, but he had to listen to Second Master Feng's words. Therefore, even though he had a hundred doubts and doubts in his heart, he still kneeled down in front of Qin Yuan.    


The other disciples were dumbfounded.    


After Second Master Feng knelt down, he cupped his hands and said to Qin Yuan. "Master, you are truly a master. I, Guang Feng, have eyes but failed to recognize Mount Tai. It is my fault that I didn't know that master had arrived."    


Everyone was shocked once again.    


Qin Yuan put his hands behind his back and said proudly, "Can we leave now? You are not going to make trouble for us, are you?"    


"I dare not, I dare not. Master, please don't blame me. It was me who was blind and offended you. "    


"Master, you can leave now. You can leave now."    


Qin Yuan said, "Alright, then my friends..."    


"Of course they can leave with the master. Since they are the friends of the master, I won't make things difficult for them. It was all a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding."    


Only then did Qin Yuan nod his head in satisfaction.    


"En, that's good."    


After that, Qin Yuan turned his head to Wei Ziqing who was stunned there and said, "Ziqing, Silly Two, the matter has been settled. Let's go."    


Wei Ziqing took a long time to recover. She did not understand what was going on. Just now, Second Master Feng was looking for trouble with them. Why did he suddenly...    


"Ziqing, let's go." Seeing Wei Ziqing stunned there, Qin Yuan raised his voice and said.    


Wei Ziqing suddenly came back to her senses and grabbed the bun in Fool Man's hand and said, "Silly Er, stop eating. We should leave."    


Then Wei Ziqing and Fool Man stood up and walked to Qin Yuan's side.    


Qin Yuan turned his eyes to Huang Yiqiu, Zhang Gaang, and Qingqing.    


"You three should leave too."    


Huang Yiqiu and the other two had yet to regain their senses.    




"What is this?! Since you are the friend of the master, I will let you go. However, it is all because of the master. Why aren't you leaving? " Second Master Feng said.    


Only then did Huang Yiqiu and the other two come back to their senses. No matter what happened, they were already willing to let them go. Why didn't they leave now? What was the point of staying here? Waiting for death!    


Therefore, all three of them struggled to stand up. Huang Yiqiu was in the most embarrassing state. Previously, he was beaten up by that fatty, and now, he was covered in injuries. Although he couldn't die, it was still quite embarrassing.    


Qingqing wasn't beaten up, but her face had been scratched, and her heart was breaking down.    


Soon, Qingqing supported her master, Huang Yiqiu, and Zhang Gaang as they hurried to the door.    


But before Qin Yuan and the others left, Qin Yuan paused again, then turned to Second Master Feng and said, "Guang Feng, right? After I leave, I'll tear down this dark restaurant."    


Second Master Feng hurriedly nodded. "Yes, yes, tear it down immediately."    


"Yes, I hope that when I come back ten days later, I will not be able to see this dark restaurant anymore."    


Qin Yuan did not say anything else and turned around to leave.    


After Qin Yuan and the others left, Second Master Feng let out a long sigh of relief. Then, he stood up from the ground. The fat man also stood up. He looked at Second Master Feng with a puzzled face and asked, "Liu, what is going on? You could have crushed them with a single finger, but why did you let them go? And you even knelt down before them. "    


Who knew that before the fatty could finish his words, Second Master Feng raised his hand and slapped the back of his head, then scolded, "Do you want to f * cking live or not? I asked you if you want to live or not."    


" Yes, of course I do. "    


"If you want to, then shut up. Don't ask anything, remember?"    


"Er, remember, remember." Fatty said with a bitter face.    


After Qin Yuan and the others left the black restaurant, they drove straight to the highway and continued forward.    


After all, they had been bewitched. Apart from Qin Yuan and Fool Man, their situation was not very optimistic.    


In addition, after driving for so long, the sky was almost dark. Therefore, Qin Yuan got Wei Ziqing to get off the highway and find a hotel.    


They entered the hotel and first had a full meal, then went back to rest.    


This time Huang Yiqiu and the other two did not put on airs in front of Qin Yuan, because their postures could not be put on airs anymore.    


Why? Because previously in that black restaurant, Huang Yiqiu was actually beaten up and beaten up by that fatty. It was simply a complete disgrace.    


In the end, they were still surrounded by Qin Yuan. If not, they would have probably lost their lives there.    


They rested for the night. After breakfast the next day, they continued their journey.    


The effects of the incense could only last for a few hours. Now, it had been a night. Their bodies had returned to normal, and Huang Yiqiu was no longer in such a sorry state. On the other hand, his female disciple, Qingqing, had been cut in the face. She had left a scar that was neither too big nor too small.    


Wei Ziqing steadily drove the off-road vehicle.    


"Mr. Qin, I am really curious. Yesterday at the black restaurant, what did you say to that Second Master Feng? Why did he suddenly kneel down for you? And he let us go in an instant, and even prepared to tear down that black restaurant as you said."    


This was the biggest question in Wei Ziqing's heart.    


That Second Master Feng was so arrogant and despotic, and he had the title of Unfettered Overlord. No one dared to care about him. However, she didn't expect Qin Yuan to make him kneel obediently after saying a few words in his ear.    


Qin Yuan said, "It's nothing. I just caught one of his weak points."    


"Soft spot? What soft spot? A proud person like Feng Second Master actually has a weakness?"    


Wei Ziqing still did not understand.    


" By the way, before you left, you said that you would come back ten days later? "    


Qin Yuan said, "Yes, ten days later, I will go to that dark restaurant again, but that dark restaurant might have already been demolished by then."    


"Then tell me quickly, what did you say to that Second Master Feng?"    


Wei Ziqing could not wait to know, but Qin Yuan just smiled mysteriously and said, "Ziqing, in ten days you will naturally understand."    


"But how can you be sure that we must return here in ten days? We are now going to the Changbai Mountain to catch that Ginseng Spirit. The Changbai Mountain is filled with danger. Maybe... maybe we won't be able to come back after going up the mountain. Even if we can come back alive... It might not be ten days later. "    


"Hehe, Ziqing, if I say ten days, then it will be ten days. Let's wait and see."    


Wei Ziqing had no choice but to not ask any more questions, but she felt that Qin Yuan was even more mysterious and unfathomable, and had more respect for him.    


After a while, Wei Ziqing said again, "Anyway, no matter what, it was you who saved us in the dark restaurant. I guess Huang Yiqiu and the others will not dare to act high and mighty again, and they will not dare to oppose you in the future."    


However, Qin Yuan shook his head and said, "Haha, I don't think so. Ziqing, some people actually don't know how to be grateful. They even hold a grudge."    


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